View Full Version : I'm stumped for a new poll...

Nov 30, 2005, 6:57 AM
I have "webmaster's block" - for the life of me I can't think of an interesting new poll. Any suggestions?

- Drew :paw:

Nov 30, 2005, 7:31 AM

Perhaps I can suggest one...

Being that this is a bisexual website, visited (mostly) by bisexuals, it is entirely possible that that the first experience could be with the same sex, opposite sex (or if your very very lucky)...both.

So, which was it?

Nov 30, 2005, 7:37 AM
Ok...since I brought it up...I'll start. My first was with a male (same sex) at an early age. Mutual masturbation and some jerking each other off. I have been doing it with other guys ever since but I prefer women. The other guy was really a substitute for women..still is, but it is fun once in a while :bigrin: :bigrin:

Nov 30, 2005, 8:23 AM
That's not bad BH, but traditionally I avoid topics that discuss sex during the teen years (when most of us had our first-time experiences). I wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand and cross that line where descriptions of our teen sex history become entertainment for others rather than just education, introspection and enlightenment. So I'm going to stay away from the topic of first-time experiences for a poll. I'm probably being overly-cautious, but I sleep better that way. ;) Can you tell I've given this topic some thought before? :)

I'm open to other suggestions.

- Drew :paw:

Nov 30, 2005, 8:50 AM
why not one on about what age you had your first experience?... just a suggestion.

Bright :tong:

Nov 30, 2005, 8:58 AM
How about "have you had more bi or more hetro partners?" - was going to suggest "do we need nuclear power for our energy requirenments in the next 20 years?" - but couldn't get a "bi" angle on it!!!! rofl!!!!

With love and peace from London, UK


Nov 30, 2005, 9:02 AM
How about, how do you feel about being bisexual?

1) I am completely happy, my bisexuality has never caused me any problems and I wouldn't change if I could.

2) I am happy most of the time and would not change.

3) I am unhappy with my bisexual orientation and it has caused me some problems, but I still wouldn't change.

4) I am unhappy with my bisexual orientation and wish I were heterosexual.

5) I am unhappy with my bisexual orientation and wish I were homosexual.

Nov 30, 2005, 10:00 AM
Here's another one:

I am a bisexual who is:
1) Married (heterosexual)
2) In a committed heterosexual relationship
3) In a committed homosexual relationship
4) Was married, now unattached
5) Never married, currently unattached.

Nov 30, 2005, 12:25 PM
What about: Why do you come to Bisexual.com?

1. cyber sex
2. find companion
3. learn about bisexuals
4. chat
5. I thought bisexual meant sex every other year

Nov 30, 2005, 12:43 PM
Good suggestions one at all. (LOL @ Arana's suggestion) Keep 'em coming. I'll pick one and add a new poll by the end of today.


- Drew :paw:

Nov 30, 2005, 1:34 PM
Here's another one:

I am a bisexual who is:
1) Married (heterosexual)
2) In a committed heterosexual relationship
3) In a committed homosexual relationship
4) Was married, now unattached
5) Never married, currently unattached.

One more you should add is:
Married (homosexual), for those same-sex couples that have been married in a country that allowes same-sex marriage.

~Last Laugh~ :female:

Nov 30, 2005, 3:56 PM
What about: Why do you come to Bisexual.com?

1. cyber sex
2. find companion
3. learn about bisexuals
4. chat
5. I thought bisexual meant sex every other year

loved suggestion number 5.. had me giggling till ppl thought i was crazy!


Nov 30, 2005, 4:37 PM
Arana that was funny the last one. How about 6. Other , 7.All of the above.lol Tex.

curious married m
Nov 30, 2005, 5:52 PM
Drew, It is a little self serving, but if for the next 2-4 weeks, take a poll to survey for a future episode of which combination of characters in the DickMan strip that readers most like to see together in a 3some. That could give some extra time for you to get a long term serious poll and it would be like a fun contest for those who read the strip to give csrakate and I some ideas for some direction on what others want to see. Just list the characters and ask people to pick the 3 they want to see together. The top 3 get to play in an episode. LOL, like I said it is self serving and cheap tawdry way to promote the thread. Thanx CMM P.S. Kate does not know I am tooting a horn of appreciation for her hard work.
1) DickMan/Dick Justice
2) Boobette
3) Jacques/Jock
4) Lickity Split
5) Princess Nipps
6) Ballboy/Nutsy

Nov 30, 2005, 6:27 PM
Sorry lastlaf44--I forgot there were more civilized nations!

Nov 30, 2005, 7:31 PM
Drew, It is a little self serving, but if for the next 2-4 weeks, take a poll to survey for a future episode of which combination of characters in the DickMan strip that readers most like to see together in a 3some. That could give some extra time for you to get a long term serious poll and it would be like a fun contest for those who read the strip to give csrakate and I some ideas for some direction on what others want to see. Just list the characters and ask people to pick the 3 they want to see together. The top 3 get to play in an episode. LOL, like I said it is self serving and cheap tawdry way to promote the thread. Thanx CMM P.S. Kate does not know I am tooting a horn of appreciation for her hard work.
1) DickMan/Dick Justice
2) Boobette
3) Jacques/Jock
4) Lickity Split
5) Princess Nipps
6) Ballboy/Nutsy Okay CMM, I think I'll go with your suggestion, and I'll turn your post into a formal poll. And then after that one I think we'll do something very much like the one Arana suggested.

Thanks for the input and suggestions everyone! Feel free to post more suggestions for polls in this thread, because I suspect I will always be in need of suggestions. :cool:

- Drew :paw:

Nov 30, 2005, 11:12 PM
I like Bi-Biologist's poll with the correction of adding same sex marriages.