View Full Version : Celebrity fantasy of each gender..

Mar 12, 2008, 11:53 PM
Which two?

for me:

Female - Elisha Cuthbert

Male- Chris Evans

Mar 12, 2008, 11:56 PM
Female: Catherine Zeta-Jones

Male: Mario Lopez

the sacred night
Mar 14, 2008, 7:13 PM
Female: Avril Lavigne

Male: Peter Steele

Eddie altamonte
Mar 15, 2008, 12:38 AM
Female:Jennifer Coolidge (Stiffler's Mom)
Male: David Cassidy

Mar 15, 2008, 1:33 AM
It used to be (back when I fantasised about celebrities)

Ethan Hawke/Richard Karn


Margaret Cho/Kirsten Dunst.

Mar 15, 2008, 1:37 AM
Female: Keira Knightley

Male: Tom Selleck

Mar 15, 2008, 1:44 AM




Mar 15, 2008, 2:00 AM
Oh Duh!

I completely forgot about how I have jacked off watching Tom Selleck movies before! Like ones where he is a cop or a cowboy! <eg>

Mar 15, 2008, 10:52 AM
Female....Eva Mendes
Male.......a "Dances With Wolves" era Kevin Costner

*Note* Choices subject to change at the slightest whim :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2008, 12:27 PM
Fantasy...hmmmm ok

Male: George Bush
Female: Hillary Clinton

....and in this fantasy...Hillary is wearin a strapon and has just run out of lube.


paid for by a person of the "Partier Erotic Personality Procurement of Evolved Partiers...aka pepper...cuz we like it hot :devil:

Mar 15, 2008, 2:04 PM
Janet Reno
Ernest Hemingway

Mar 15, 2008, 2:29 PM


Mar 15, 2008, 4:35 PM
....and in this fantasy...Hillary is wearin a strapon and has just run out of lube.

ha ha ha

Mar 15, 2008, 7:09 PM
Which two?

for me:

Female - Elisha Cuthbert

Male- Chris Evans

You stole my girl! And the guy would be Ryan Phillippe, he's so cute.

Mar 15, 2008, 8:29 PM
How could I forget Paul Walker!!!!!


Mar 15, 2008, 8:31 PM
You stole my girl! And the guy would be Ryan Phillippe, he's so cute.

He's not bad either.... nor is Paul Walker.

Let me add some pics for my own enjoyment:




Mar 15, 2008, 8:55 PM
Male: Jude Law
Female: Gwen Stefani (back in her earlier days)

Mar 15, 2008, 9:59 PM
Janet Reno
Ernest Hemingway

My god, that's almost the same thing. :p


Mar 15, 2008, 11:15 PM
This just in....I was just struck by a whim, and am now changing one of my answers. The female choice stays the same....I'll be on the Eva Mendes kick for awhile. But the male choice, after further review is George Clooney, in the "From DusK 'til Dawn" era. Stay tuned for further developments.

A close second is Ambi53mm's choice. Not sure which one would give me greater satisfaction, but I'd pay to see that.

Mar 16, 2008, 12:25 AM
Wife says man
Sam Elliot
Woman Melissa Etheridge

Me man Tom Cruise
Woman Ammanda Tapping (SG1)

Mar 16, 2008, 2:54 AM
I guess I like the adventure genre:

Harrison Ford (in his younger days)

Angelina Jolie

Mar 16, 2008, 10:21 AM
Matthew McConahay & Scarlett johansen

Mar 16, 2008, 11:47 AM
Male: Johnny Depp ( he is just so cute)

Female: Angelina Jollie (HOT, HOT, HOT)

Mar 16, 2008, 2:09 PM
My choice for a girl is a grown up Drew Barrymore, yum!!

a guy....hmmmm..... still thinking....... can't think of a particular one right now. Will update later.

Mar 16, 2008, 2:27 PM
My choice for a girl is a grown up Drew Barrymore, yum!!

a guy....hmmmm..... still thinking....... can't think of a particular one right now. Will update later.

oh drew is one of my faves

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 2:40 PM
Let me add some pics for my own enjoyment:




Dayum, nice photos, I have to say. Particularly the guys. I was a bit worried when you said "Chris Evans" because there happens to be a... slightly less attractive media figure by the same name in these parts.

As for me, I'm undecided. I don't really fantasize about celebrities much, because I prefer the "realisticness" of using people that I've actually seen before in real life. I do kinda have a crush on Keira Knightley, but I rarely fantasize about her because I don't know much about her (as a person) and it just doesn't seem realistic to me.

Mar 16, 2008, 3:13 PM
Female - Fairuza Balk

Male - Robert Smith (The Cure)

Mar 16, 2008, 3:29 PM
Dayum, nice photos, I have to say. Particularly the guys. I was a bit worried when you said "Chris Evans" because there happens to be a... slightly less attractive media figure by the same name in these parts.

As for me, I'm undecided. I don't really fantasize about celebrities much, because I prefer the "realisticness" of using people that I've actually seen before in real life. I do kinda have a crush on Keira Knightley, but I rarely fantasize about her because I don't know much about her (as a person) and it just doesn't seem realistic to me.

who is the Chris Evans in those parts?

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 3:32 PM
who is the Chris Evans in those parts?

A well-known TV presenter, who's fallen on hard times of late.


At risk of sounding a bit bitchy, I think I much prefer the American version...

Mar 16, 2008, 3:37 PM
Ahhh but remember we all do find different people attractive. I'm sure that theres people who really like the English Chris Evans.

Ok. Well do I really have to choose one man ????? Why thats just not fair.

I have a list of men that I wanna *and do* have sexual fantasies about ranging from PG to 18 or Adult based themes...

I cant choose one man lol....

Hmm, if I had to choose one man- damn... George Clooney. The man IS sex appeal.

Woman- I will have to choose an english newsreporter Natasha Kleepinsky. She's pretty and when she smiles- its for me lol....


Mar 16, 2008, 3:43 PM
A well-known TV presenter, who's fallen on hard times of late.


At risk of sounding a bit bitchy, I think I much prefer the American version...

I definitely prefer the American Chris Evans and I haven't even seen the other guy. As a matter of fact I prefer the American Chris Evans to pretty much any guy I've seen on Earth... (maybe that's taking it too far) but yeahh....

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 4:22 PM
Ahhh but remember we all do find different people attractive. I'm sure that theres people who really like the English Chris Evans.

Oh yeah... thats true. Which is why I added the disclaimer about not wanting to sound bitchy. Tbh, ANY man is gonna have a hard time when compared to the guy in the other photo. BUT I totally understand that for some people, the ENGLISH Chris Evans might just float their boat.

Mar 16, 2008, 4:24 PM
OK ... ha ha I see him now. For some reason the first time I looked at your post, the picture didn't load. but I see it now... ha ha I am sure he would float some people's boats.... everybody's got their something, right?

Mar 16, 2008, 4:28 PM
Bless him really, but well not my boat...

I mean the American Actor is ok... Not my type either- but I can appreciate good taste...

Oh another man that I wouldn't kick out of my king or queen sized bed is...


Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 4:31 PM
Bless him really, but well not my boat...

I mean the American Actor is ok... Not my type either- but I can appreciate good taste...

Oh another man that I wouldn't kick out of my king or queen sized bed is...


LOL, Let me guess... another CSI guy? :bigrin:

Mar 16, 2008, 4:40 PM
Of course, but this one is in CSI NY- hey at least I stay to type lol.

Carmine Giovinazzo Is Hot to trot...

Eliza Dushku-damn she's hot too. Katherine Heigl- she's ok. I'd let her take my pulse if ever I was on the set of Greys Anatomy lol.

Mar 16, 2008, 4:44 PM
Eliza Dushku-damn she's hot too. Katherine Heigl- she's ok. I'd let her take my pulse if ever I was on the set of Greys Anatomy lol.

MMMMmmmmm 2 more of my favorites.... nice choices



Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 4:46 PM
Katherine Heigl- she's ok. I'd let her take my pulse if ever I was on the set of Greys Anatomy lol.

Hmm, I think I prefer Meredith from GA...


The brunette from "ER" is cute too, even though she's getting on a bit these days...

Mar 16, 2008, 4:47 PM
Damn- sometimesitbethatway the first picture didnt come out, but the second one. Damn, she's so god damn hot in that picture.

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 4:48 PM
Oh, and not to mention Eliot and Turk from Scrubs, whilst we're on the medical theme...

Mar 16, 2008, 4:50 PM
Hmm, I think I prefer Meredith from GA...


The brunette from "ER" is cute too, even though she's getting on a bit these days...

Ahh, Abby....


Yeah she's cute too.

Keep em coming boys.... Whats your hunky male stars...

Mar 16, 2008, 4:54 PM
Hmm, I think I prefer Meredith from GA...


The brunette from "ER" is cute too, even though she's getting on a bit these days...

speaking of ER... makes me think of Noah Wyle...


Damn- sometimesitbethatway the first picture didnt come out, but the second one. Damn, she's so god damn hot in that picture.

The first pic is a pic of Eliza Dushku. Hmm it showed up for me. I wonder what's up.

Mar 16, 2008, 4:56 PM
Hmmm now ure talking Noah.... Corr!!!! Wolf Whiste- If only I could....

Daaamnn that man is pure walking orgasm on legs.

Mar 16, 2008, 5:07 PM
I was just thinking about Katherin Heigl and this may seem funny but when I was watching Knocked Up, if you've seen it, you know how awkward the sex scene is (the first one) ... (well all of them really, ha ha) but anyways I was all turned on because of her. She's so damn hot. Damn can she take my pulse too???????

Mar 16, 2008, 7:10 PM
Female Brody Dalle (Frontwoman Distillers/Spinerrette)

Male John Barrowman (Dr Who/Torchwood)

Mar 16, 2008, 9:09 PM
Female: Definitely Rose Mcgowan...Christina Ricci is good too

Male: Mark Wahlberg...oh yes Marky Mark...I'm guilty. Second choice is Riley Smith

Mar 16, 2008, 9:48 PM
guy: Jason Statham....he is sooo rugged and sexy

gal: hmmmmmmmm, tough one, but how about Kate Beckinsale

I think I have something for accents... maybe, lol

Mar 17, 2008, 2:38 AM
Female: Definitely Rose Mcgowan...Christina Ricci is good too

Male: Mark Wahlberg...oh yes Marky Mark...I'm guilty. Second choice is Riley Smith

MMMMMMmmmm Rose Mcgowan and Christina Ricci

guy: Jason Statham....he is sooo rugged and sexy

gal: hmmmmmmmm, tough one, but how about Kate Beckinsale

I think I have something for accents... maybe, lol

and MMMMMmm Kate Beckinsale

Mar 17, 2008, 9:53 PM
Jake Gyllenhall,
Kate Winslet, Scarlet Johanson

Mar 17, 2008, 11:42 PM
Male: Prince
Female: Summer Glau

Mar 18, 2008, 8:28 AM
Well I am see smoke come out my ears for there is so many to think of:
My fantasy female would have to Vanessa Marcil, who plays Sam on the hit TV show Las Vegas, She is so hot!!!!
And my fantasy male would have to be George Clooney, he is the sexiest man around.

Mar 18, 2008, 11:12 AM
male: Dr. Dre.
female: Kate Moennig

Mar 18, 2008, 2:02 PM
how do you resize an image in BBCode?

Skater Boy
Mar 18, 2008, 2:12 PM
how do you resize an image in BBCode?

I may be wrong, but I don't think you can. You need to use some image manipulation software, such a basic Photoshop program or save the image to your computer, then use the Windows image software to re-size it.

Alternatively you could upload it to Photobucket.com and try it that way.

BUT, fuckit dude... just insert the image's original web address between an and an and Bob's your auntie... bigger is usually better... or so my ex-girlfriend told me before dumping me! ;)

Mar 18, 2008, 2:53 PM
I may be wrong, but I don't think you can. You need to use some image manipulation software, such a basic Photoshop program or save the image to your computer, then use the Windows image software to re-size it.

Alternatively you could upload it to Photobucket.com and try it that way.

BUT, fuckit dude... just insert the image's original web address between an and an and Bob's your auntie... bigger is usually better... or so my ex-girlfriend told me before dumping me! ;)

lol. funny thing, with guys i usually say bigger is better, but im only 5.5 inches, and want a gal whose happy with that.

aaaanyways, bbcode sucks. lol. but here goes


Skater Boy
Mar 18, 2008, 3:02 PM
Nice choices, Ziggy.

I'm generally not a fan of people who "throw up the digit" for no apparent reason other than to appear rebellious. Because, if anything, it just shows that... well, anyway... in Avril's case, she can do whatever the hell she likes. Tbh I'm kinda proud that if you Google "Skater Boy", a whole bunch of Avril-related pages are the first thing to come up. The girl is pretty darn kewl (for a Canadian).

Mar 18, 2008, 3:21 PM
Nice choices, Ziggy.

I'm generally not a fan of people who "throw up the digit" for no apparent reason other than to appear rebellious. Because, if anything, it just shows that... well, anyway... in Avril's case, she can do whatever the hell she likes. Tbh I'm kinda proud that if you Google "Skater Boy", a whole bunch of Avril-related pages are the first thing to come up. The girl is pretty darn kewl (for a Canadian).

well, if you mean the eagerness to flip the bird shows "low class", i'm not great on that myself. lol. I think people are too easily offended, nowadays.

I was booted from a "hetero-flexible" group on myspace for "vulgar language".....in an ADULT GROUP! lol. Not attacking anyone. I was just using "vulgar language" too much, apparently. Lame....seriously.......Anyway, that's another topic.

Yeah, Avril's hot. I especially like this series of pics where this was taken, cuz Avril's so cute and seems like such a "good girl"/pop star, that seeing her wasted, drinking and smoking just seems all the hotter. Plus, I think cigarettes are sexy as hell on women, anyway. Even more so on "good girls". Though, like a lot of pop stars, Avril's probably not really that much of a "good girl".

Skater Boy
Mar 18, 2008, 3:37 PM
well, if you mean the eagerness to flip the bird shows "low class", i'm not great on that myself. lol. I think people are too easily offended, nowadays.

LOL, No, not a "class" thing, per se. More of an "attitude" thing. Not every Prole is so quick to conform to that stereotype, and IMO thats probably a good thing. I just meant that a lot of celebs and "wannabe rebels" do it because they think it makes them look "cool" and "naughty", when, in fact, it does the opposite, IMO.

Kinda similar with smoking for me... y'know the ol' stereotype... a circle of teenage kids taking big pulls on a pack of marlboros that one of them has stolen from their mother's handbag, whilst not even inhaling it properly and trying to look cool all at the same time.

BUT obviously there's a time and place for everything... so I don't begrudge those who smoke for genuine reasons, or may happen to "flip the bird" at an insightfully opportune moment.

As for Avril, I see what you mean. And I suppose the whole look works well for her.

Mar 18, 2008, 3:45 PM
LOL, No, not a "class" thing, per se. More of an "attitude" thing. Not every Prole is so quick to conform to that stereotype, and IMO thats probably a good thing. I just meant that a lot of celebs and "wannabe rebels" do it because they think it makes them look "cool" and "naughty", when, in fact, it does the opposite, IMO.

Kinda similar with smoking for me... y'know the ol' stereotype... a circle of teenage kids taking big pulls on a pack of marlboros that one of them has stolen from their mother's handbag, whilst not even inhaling it properly and trying to look cool all at the same time.

BUT obviously there's a time and place for everything... so I don't begrudge those who smoke for genuine reasons, or may happen to "flip the bird" at an insightfully opportune moment.

As for Avril, I see what you mean. And I suppose the whole look works well for her.

yeah, i know what you mean. i'd type a lengthier reply, but i got work, now.

Skater Boy
Mar 18, 2008, 3:45 PM
Actually, now that I think about it, the cigarette thing reminds me Slash:


Who is notorious for having a cigarette dangling from his mouth. And I guess it works for him, so...

Mar 18, 2008, 4:37 PM

Tomas Thormodsæter "Samoth" Haugen
Vegard Sverre "Ihsahn" Tveitan

Emperor members. I never thought that Black Metal ppl are celebs, but ok, there's much more than good looking. It's their musical talent, unique approach to music and completely profesionalism on every level.

Mar 18, 2008, 5:50 PM
I didn't think there was any part of homosexuality in black metal and no one homosexual/bisexual who listens to it.... at least that's how my ex-roommate portrayed it. He HATES gay people but I think it's only because he has his own issues of denial....

Mar 18, 2008, 6:40 PM
Female, almost too many to pick from, but right now...

1. Eva Longoria

Male...im a bit pickier but id say...

1. James the Gravedigger from this year's Survivor

and I'm a sucker for any of those guys from those underwear ads you see in magazines!

Mar 18, 2008, 10:56 PM
Female - Jessica Biel

Male - Derek Jeter

Also usually like any woman that Derek Jeter is dating

Mar 19, 2008, 4:03 PM
I didn't think there was any part of homosexuality in black metal and no one homosexual/bisexual who listens to it.... at least that's how my ex-roommate portrayed it. He HATES gay people but I think it's only because he has his own issues of denial....

There is bisexuality in true Black Metal, cause it's totaly open genre of music and there is no any rules inside black metal like it is case with death/thrash/gothic or some other genres. But no one talks about that in public.

At least in Scandinavia inside Black Metal scene (i'm part of that scene) there is lots of bisexual people. Including me......and father of my child is also bisexual

Mar 19, 2008, 10:00 PM
There is bisexuality in true Black Metal, cause it's totaly open genre of music and there is no any rules inside black metal like it is case with death/thrash/gothic or some other genres. But no one talks about that in public.

At least in Scandinavia inside Black Metal scene (i'm part of that scene) there is lots of bisexual people. Including me......and father of my child is also bisexual

well that's cool then. I always think it's stupid to label anything like that. For as long as I knew my roommate it was always how "there's no part of GAY in black metal" and I got so tired of hearing about it I often wondered who he was trying to convince that to... himself? Like I said I think he has his own sexuality issues he needs to come to terms with...
I never got too much into Black Metal, I more like thrash and power metal but I really like the song Alchemy of the Black sun Cult by Goatwhore. Ever listen?

Mar 19, 2008, 10:17 PM
Man: J.D. Williams as Kenny "Bricks" Wangler (Oz)
Woman: Hayden Panettiere

I don't have fantasies about celebrities. Person-next-door types are who I'm attracted to, meaning I am sometimes attracted to characters people play.

Mar 19, 2008, 10:40 PM
Male: Ryan Gosling or in a pinch..Edward Norton -in American History X, but not very many other movies
Female:Charlize Theron.. keira knightly- I like Angelina Jolie, but I'm scared that even in my fantasies she'd kick my ass.

Abbey Road
Mar 21, 2008, 5:52 PM
Male - Orlando Bloom

Female - Alyson Hannigan.

I`m going for a cold shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abbey Road. :bibounce::wiggle2::paw:

Mar 21, 2008, 8:42 PM
Female would be Kate Beckinsale

Male would be Derek Morgan (from Criminal Minds)

Mar 22, 2008, 2:32 AM
i have to choose...? okay, now trying to choose!? oh, well, as of the moment...

one very fine man, daniel craig (for some time now!);

and a draw on for the woman, rachel weisz and angelina jolie :cool:

Mar 23, 2008, 11:05 AM
If both the living and the dead can be included:
Female - Louise Brooks
Male - Tony Curtis (he's arguably at his hottest in 'Spartacus')

... but there are so many of both sexes!

Mar 23, 2008, 12:04 PM
....and in the realm of popular music:
Female: Justine Frischmann
Male: Perry Farrell

Mar 23, 2008, 4:19 PM
Female: Jessica Alba or Kristin Kreuk or Chyler Leigh or Vida Guerra or Milla Jovovich or... wait, was I only supposed to pick one?

Male: Since I have to pick one... it would be Emile Hirsch... as he was in Lords of Dogtown. Before he got all vato'd out.

Mar 23, 2008, 8:26 PM
After reading the pages... ROFLMAO
Someone said "Chris Evans"
I mistakenly thought they meant "Chris Owens" of (New Orleans) Bourbon Street burlesque fame!
But you know, why not? Everyone has different tastes.

For me? Male? Carl Hardwick (no regular male movie stars have any effect with me).

Female? Claire Forlani (in Joe Black), Nicole Kidman (in Moulin Rouge), because each reminded me of a girlfriend I loved. Michelle Pfeiffer was hot as catwoman (Julie Newmar was before my time). But the deepest gut level impact ever caused by a female actress (this is weird, now):

Missi Pyle as Laliari in Galaxy Quest.

She was hot, hot, hot, beyond hot!
This could open a whole new door in sexuality! In addition to bi/polysexual, what would we call sexual attraction to aliens? I'm thinking:
Blue, you're weird.
Blue, you slut.
maybe it was just the tentacles...

Mar 23, 2008, 8:40 PM
This could open a whole new door in sexuality! In addition to bi/polysexual, what would we call sexual attraction to aliens? I'm thinking:
Blue, you're weird.
Blue, you slut.
maybe it was just the tentacles...
Well, the Captain Jack Harkness character from Doctor Who and Torchwood is of that sexuality. He is commonly called "omnisexual" (although people that use that label for themselves use it to mean the same thing as pansexual).

Mar 24, 2008, 4:44 AM
After reading the pages... ROFLMAO
Someone said "Chris Evans"
I mistakenly thought they meant "Chris Owens" of (New Orleans) Bourbon Street burlesque fame!
But you know, why not? Everyone has different tastes.

For me? Male? Carl Hardwick (no regular male movie stars have any effect with me).

Female? Claire Forlani (in Joe Black), Nicole Kidman (in Moulin Rouge), because each reminded me of a girlfriend I loved. Michelle Pfeiffer was hot as catwoman (Julie Newmar was before my time). But the deepest gut level impact ever caused by a female actress (this is weird, now):

Missi Pyle as Laliari in Galaxy Quest.

She was hot, hot, hot, beyond hot!
This could open a whole new door in sexuality! In addition to bi/polysexual, what would we call sexual attraction to aliens? I'm thinking:
Blue, you're weird.
Blue, you slut.
maybe it was just the tentacles...

I will have to look Chris Owens up but for now I need sleep. Goodnight allllll

Mar 24, 2008, 4:52 PM
MMMMMMmmmm Rose Mcgowan and Christina Ricci

awesome. not a lot of people understand it but those have been my girls for years!

kate beckinsale is beautiful but as my preferences for woman, i'm not sexually attracted to her (hough she is quite bohemian in real life and we would get along). But I do think she is the most gorgeous thing on the planet!

okay my other two girls lately are:

Joanna Garcia-she is just so sweet and cute.


and kind of...ashlee simpson. i don't know why. i think she is probably funky in person.

the sacred night
Mar 25, 2008, 12:02 AM
Thought of another female: Hilary Swank. Oh, and Demi Moore. (They really ought to have a droolig smiley for these sorts of occasions...)

Peter Steele is still the only male. BTW, if you actually know who he is, you should probably message me because it means you have great taste in music.

Mr chadw
Mar 25, 2008, 12:16 AM
for male it would be eather john barrowman, david krumholtz, or david tennant.
for Female it is defanitly angelina jolie

Mar 25, 2008, 12:19 AM
Thought of another female: Hilary Swank. Oh, and Demi Moore. (They really ought to have a droolig smiley for these sorts of occasions...)

There is one, but it looks scary...
:drool: (: drool: without the gap)