View Full Version : Too Much Snow= Global Warming

Mar 12, 2008, 10:26 PM
Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.....


But then again, this is probably due to global warming, too. According to the Goracle's global warming fanatical followers, everything is caused by global warming! Extreme heat? Global warming. Extreme cold? Global warming. Polar ice caps melt? Global warming. Polar ice caps swell? Global warming. Too many hurricanes? Global warming. Not enough hurricanes? Global warming. An ant is killed by some kid with a magnifying glass? Global warming!


Global warming strikes again!
Posted by Cassy Fiano
Published: February 20, 2008 - 12:40 PM

Global warming has struck yet again! The Goracle has proved that he truly is able to predict what the weather will be like 10+ years from now, and if we simply bow down to him and put ourselves into the Economic Dark Ages, he will be able to save all of our lives.

Who needs the Obamamessiah when you've got the Goracle?

In case you're wondering what it is that has cemented the reality of global warming, here it is.

All that arctic ice that the Goracle's acolytes were hyperventilating over, that caused the crying over polar bears that were drowning and dying, and the whining that we would soon see 50 foot tidal waves putting the coasts of the United States underwater, the arctic ice that had supposedly melted and gone away for good?

Well, um, it's, uh, back. (http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/35266/Global-warming-It-s-the-coldest-winter-in-decades)<--- Link

Satellite data shows that concerns over the levels of sea ice may have been premature.

It was feared that the polar caps were vanishing because of the effects of global warming.

But figures from the respected US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that almost all the "lost" ice has come back.

Ice levels which had shrunk from 13million sq km in January 2007 to just four million in October, are almost back to their original levels.

Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.

The data flies in the face of many current thinkers and will be seized on by climate change sceptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming.


Vast swathes of the world have suffered chaos because of some of the heaviest snowfalls in decades.

Central and southern China, the USA and Canada were hit hard by snowstorms.

Even the Middle East saw snow, with Jerusalem, Damascus, Amman and northern Saudi Arabia reporting the heaviest falls in years and below-zero temperatures. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan snow and freezing weather killed 120 people.

In Britain the barmy February weather came to an abrupt halt at the weekend as temperatures plunged to -10C in central England.

Experts believe that this month could end up as one of the coldest Februaries in Britain in the past 10 years.

The freezing night-time conditions look set to stay around -8C until at least the middle of the week.

Maybe that consensus isn't as ironclad as the Goreacle has led us to believe (but who actually believed that it was?).

But then again, this is probably due to global warming, too. According to the Goracle's global warming fanatical followers, everything is caused by global warming! Extreme heat? Global warming. Extreme cold? Global warming. Polar ice caps melt? Global warming. Polar ice caps swell? Global warming. Too many hurricanes? Global warming. Not enough hurricanes? Global warming. An ant is killed by some kid with a magnifying glass? Global warming!

So fear not, ye followers of the Church of Climate Change. I'm sure the apocalypse caused by global warming will still come in ten or so years time if we continue to refuse to bow to the will of the Almighty Goracle.[/QUOTE]

Mar 13, 2008, 12:38 AM
The Goracle may be upset already, we have discovered that Daylight Savings Time is not energy efficient, the new "green" diesel fue causes more pollutants that the original stuff, and, by the way, if all the corn goes to making green diesel fuel, what will mankind make taco shells out of?? OK OK you win, just another import. No cause for alarm, when the time comes we will bestow great gifts upn the The Almighty Goracle, Nobel Prizes, Oscar's, the lecture tours etc. and, the Goracle will save us again!!!

Mar 13, 2008, 12:47 AM
Wow, I used to have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hear Republican Party talking points. How delightful that they've come to the bisexual.com forums.

Mar 13, 2008, 1:07 AM
Wow, I used to have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hear Republican Party talking points. How delightful that they've come to the bisexual.com forums.

Isn' that the truth Not---this place is making FOX News look like the Mother Jones Television Network--

Holy freakin' cow!!!

Mar 13, 2008, 1:15 AM
Wow, I used to have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hear Republican Party talking points. How delightful that they've come to the bisexual.com forums.

If you can't attack the facts, attack the source. Yours is a classic liberal tactic.

Why not just dispute my post rather than bury your head in the sand?

Mar 13, 2008, 1:17 AM
Let's restate-

Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.....

Mar 13, 2008, 7:51 AM
Wow, I used to have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hear Republican Party talking points. How delightful that they've come to the bisexual.com forums.

Isn' that the truth Not---this place is making FOX News look like the Mother Jones Television Network--

Holy freakin' cow!!!

If you can't attack the facts, attack the source. Yours is a classic liberal tactic.

Why not just dispute my post rather than bury your head in the sand?

Let's restate-

Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.....

Socal - I laughed my ass off - as I read the quote from Dassy Fiano, it was her words but Rush's voice I heard saying it. Touche` and a very good point indeed.
It is just as I have always said, Global Warming, Global Cooling, Global The Weather is Perfect - bullshit!! It is simply mother earth going through it's cycles of climate change, just as is has done for billions of years, and will continue to do for billions more - except!! - wait!! - a news flash just coming in <the sound of ticket tapes and news room sounds in the background>
"Our own sun is out to kill us!!:eek: "

We are all going to die anyway, so while we are here, we should all eat, drink, dress like Tom, Ted, Bob, Alice or Mary (or whoever else ya want).:tongue:

There is no global warming or anything else. It's just what earth is going to do regardless of what we say or do and the Goreical has no control what so ever (and neither does the Obamamessiah).

Fuck it man, I'm just along for the ride, man.(Spoke with Tommy Chong's voice)


Mar 13, 2008, 9:22 AM
Bloody reactionary arsehole... neva take owt in isolation .. lil more snow ere an ther.. counter it wiv a lot more desert.. neitha proves much in isolation.... everythin must b taken inta acount bout this issue.... summat is up.. planet is gettin warmer..wy we not absolutely sure..can we do owt bout it? We not absolutely sure of that eitha.. but prob.. how much who can tell... mite jus allow us as a species 2 survive an this planet remain inhabitable if we try an undastand wot is goin on an c jus wot we can do.. so pull ya head outa ya arse an start usin that lumpa grey matta inside it...

Mar 13, 2008, 10:05 AM
It takes warm, moist air to make snow. Hmm... I wonder whether anything that's been in the news lately might help explain why there's more warm, moist air floating around the planet...

Mar 13, 2008, 11:17 AM
Wow, I used to have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hear Republican Party talking points. How delightful that they've come to the bisexual.com forums.

Democrats believe in man-made global warming (MMGW) because Al Gore tells them to believe. To be against MMGW is to be disloyal to the Party.

Republicans reject MMGW for the same reason, i.e., political dogma.

MMGW is therefore a political rather than a scientific issue, and that's unfortunate. However, when you have a polarizing figure like Gore, anything he says or does is going to be met with skepticism if you disagree with his politics in general.

Mar 13, 2008, 12:53 PM
This whole global warming/global cooling issue has been blown out of proportion by both sides.

The panic-stricken extremists on the mmgw issue claim that it is all humanity's fault while the status quo extremists (republicans, here in the US) say that it is all nature doing what nature does.

Both are right......to a degree.

Climatologists around the world have all said that the Earth goes through periods of global warming and global cooling, but they also say that the current period of global warming is being magnified by the excessive creation of greenhouse gasses by Man.

Global warming is not man-made. It is, however man-enhanced.

Mar 13, 2008, 2:04 PM
This whole global warming/global cooling issue has been blown out of proportion by both sides.

The panic-stricken extremists on the mmgw issue claim that it is all humanity's fault while the status quo extremists (republicans, here in the US) say that it is all nature doing what nature does.

Both are right......to a degree.

Climatologists around the world have all said that the Earth goes through periods of global warming and global cooling, but they also say that the current period of global warming is being magnified by the excessive creation of greenhouse gasses by Man.

Global warming is not man-made. It is, however man-enhanced.

Ahhhh, a breath of fresh air...

As I've said before - what would be wrong with trying to just be a little bit more caring of our planet? If that helps in alleviating any mmgw, or doesn't, we will have still done something good. And if America would like to maintain a respected position in the world and continue to have influence, we need to remove people like GWB and his ilk and begin to present a more mature and respectable attitude towards this issue (and many other issues as well). We have become the laughing stock of the world because of the fanatical right-wing nonsense that has become our voice to the world. How can we expect China and other developing industrial nations to curb pollution if we don't take it seriously ourselves? And anyone who doesn't see the need to curb pollution irregardless of mmgw is simply an uninformed fool.

Mar 13, 2008, 10:45 PM
I just want to add this. I'm all for recycling. Recycle your cans, recycle your newspaper, recycle your whatever. Fine, if it makes you feel better, great.

But don't try to force me into your belief system.

Mar 13, 2008, 11:23 PM
It takes warm, moist air to make snow. Hmm... I wonder whether anything that's been in the news lately might help explain why there's more warm, moist air floating around the planet...

This is precisely correct. Anyone who has lived around the Great Lakes, for instance, will be familiar with a strange thing called "lake effect" snow. When winters are warmer than usual, there tends to be much more snow. Similarly, the air outside often feels warmer right after a snowfall, especially if it hasn't snowed for a very long time during the deep winter months. Nutty, huh? When winters are very cold, the lake freezes over, and there is less snow, because the water is trapped below the ice. When it's warm, water vapors rise from the lake (hint -- all gas rises when heated), and eventually hit colder air above, which turns the moisture into snow, which then falls.

I know, this might clash with your common sense, guys -- but I lived in a place with lake-effect snow and I have first-hand experience. So "too much snow" could very well equal global warming.

Moving from the title of the thread to the issue of ice ... Regarding the big announcement that there is more than a third of extra ice in Antartica this year, I have to say, my curiosity is piqued.

Mar 13, 2008, 11:30 PM
Dogwood has it abosuletly correct, the globe does this from time to to time, life=death, not a problem. Yes, I, we do recycle but it is a measure of, "the right thing to do" Anyway, what is the problem, you're ll worrying about how many years from now, exercise your energies on today, not that it will make a differance, regardless*(ps alaskaouple, that is the word) so see you all in the , wherever. Mother Nature is taking back what is her's and we have done an extraordinary job of screwing it up, sorry, all of you bible pushers. So political bullsh*t has plenty of threads why not keep it there.

Mar 13, 2008, 11:58 PM
It takes warm, moist air to make snow. Hmm... I wonder whether anything that's been in the news lately might help explain why there's more warm, moist air floating around the planet...

The only thing that causes unnecessary moisture in the air is all the steam coming out of the mouths of jaw-jacking science worshipping liberals.

Mar 14, 2008, 12:00 AM
So "too much snow" could very well equal global warming.

Once again your language is vague and ambiguous.

But I'll bite.

So far we have established that "too much snow" could mean either of 2 things

Global Warming

No Global Warming

We have also established that "Not enough snow" could mean either of 2 things

Global Warming

No Global Warming

Yep, that sounds about right.

Mar 14, 2008, 12:02 AM
Inasmuch as arguing with SoCal is about as rewarding as running thru broken glass, I will no longer do it. If I want to hear the opinions of Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, et al., I can turn on the radio and hear them directly from the source, not some self-delusional wannabe. I will no longer willingly engage in exercises of futility. Our time here is too short for this nonsense. Post away, SoCal. You will waste no more of my time.

Mar 14, 2008, 12:16 AM
Inasmuch as arguing with SoCal is about as rewarding as running thru broken glass, I will no longer do it. If I want to hear the opinions of Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, et al., I can turn on the radio and hear them directly from the source, not some self-delusional wannabe. I will no longer willingly engage in exercises of futility. Our time here is too short for this nonsense. Post away, SoCal. You will waste no more of my time.

Thanks for responding and thanks for your time. As you have now resorted to personal attacks, you have lost.

Mar 14, 2008, 1:28 AM
Inasmuch as arguing with SoCal is about as rewarding as running thru broken glass, I will no longer do it. If I want to hear the opinions of Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, et al., I can turn on the radio and hear them directly from the source, not some self-delusional wannabe. I will no longer willingly engage in exercises of futility. Our time here is too short for this nonsense. Post away, SoCal. You will waste no more of my time.

I am with you there Not2str8----it is impossible to reason with an unreasonable person and I dare say--of just about any person I have meet in my almost 50 years of life on God's Green Earth---bisexual--you are the most unreasonable person I have ever crossed paths with----jeez--I dealt with thousands of convicted felons who were doing hard time for things like rape and murder and you are have a more disgreeable dispositon than many of those guys did--now they might shank ya in a second if they had a chance---but at least they were nice about it!!! I am not saying you are a sort lilke that---but just that with your absolutist modus operandi---you are simply not worth dealing with.

It is going to be hard to hold my tongue--but there is really no sense in talking to you about much of anything.

And as far as resorting to personal attacks--you have no room to speak for in your many posts--when talking about Barak Obama, Ron Paul, John McCain and Frankin Delano Roosevelt--you called them names that show you are not a reasonable person and you have no credibilty--it is like when you posted the thread about the thermostat monitoring deal in California--that was a moot issue well before you had posted that thread and therefore--it was totally pointless.

You are new here and you are not making many friends here--I hope that you don't operate like this in real life---you would surely turn people off---but then again--you said in one of your posts that people don't need to come to some sort of consensus and such---well my friend--as the old saying goes---"no man is an island" and as human beings--we need to live together-so concensus is a very vital skill----

I am not going to waste any more time typing ----life is simply too short--so go and get on your :soapbox::soapbox: all you want--have fun--I am not playing anymore!!!

:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: only bangs up your head and talking with you is like doing that--time and time again!!!

the mage
Mar 14, 2008, 8:05 AM
Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.....


But then again, this is probably due to global warming, too. According to the Goracle's global warming fanatical followers, everything is caused by global warming! Extreme heat? Global warming. Extreme cold? Global warming. Polar ice caps melt? Global warming. Polar ice caps swell? Global warming. Too many hurricanes? Global warming. Not enough hurricanes? Global warming. An ant is killed by some kid with a magnifying glass? Global warming!


Maybe that consensus isn't as ironclad as the Goreacle has led us to believe (but who actually believed that it was?).

But then again, this is probably due to global warming, too. According to the Goracle's global warming fanatical followers, everything is caused by global warming! Extreme heat? Global warming. Extreme cold? Global warming. Polar ice caps melt? Global warming. Polar ice caps swell? Global warming. Too many hurricanes? Global warming. Not enough hurricanes? Global warming. An ant is killed by some kid with a magnifying glass? Global warming!

So fear not, ye followers of the Church of Climate Change. I'm sure the apocalypse caused by global warming will still come in ten or so years time if we continue to refuse to bow to the will of the Almighty Goracle.[/QUOTE]

you are truly an empty vessel..........unworthy of further comment

Mar 14, 2008, 2:33 PM
Let's restate-

Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year.....

This is bullshit. It's a complete and total fabrication. It doesn't say where the figures come from. It doesn't say who the experts are. It comes from a self claimed, right wing, politically biased publication, and it has absolutely no credibility. It's bullshit, just like bisexualinsocal. A big fat lie.

whizbangblog? Give me a fucking break!

Mar 14, 2008, 3:29 PM
He’s right! Such a statement is totally without merit. It probably has much more to do with the fact that monitoring services have recorded the single largest observed drop in global average temperature over the last year. (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS)

I’m sure that has much more to do with it than some global warming thingy. Unless, the latest cries that global warming is going to cause an ice age have now come true and we are on the way down. At any rate, the local weather channel guy keeps telling me he can’t make a reliable forecast past next week, so whoever is right, I’ll just have to find out when I check the weather tomorrow.

Honestly, I never got the whole global warming turning into global cooling thing. All the climate models that they used to prove global warming make it clear that it will just keep getting hotter, they never showed any ice ages. I can’t tell who to believe!

Mar 14, 2008, 3:33 PM
the whining that we would soon see 50 foot tidal waves putting the coasts of the United States underwater, the arctic ice that had supposedly melted and gone away for good?

Nobody EVER said these things. You're an idiot if you believe this stuff. The only way these people can make an argument is to twist things all out of context and then add in a bunch of outright lies. I think you have mistaken some bad science fiction movies for reality. Let me get this straight. You want us to disbelieve science, but then you want us to believe this guy? You must think we are more stupid than you are.

Mar 14, 2008, 4:14 PM
Honestly, I never got the whole global warming turning into global cooling thing. All the climate models that they used to prove global warming make it clear that it will just keep getting hotter, they never showed any ice ages. I can’t tell who to believe!

Just remember that systems will experience wild fluctuations before they restabilize or crash. Have you ever experienced front wheel wobble on a motorcycle? All systems can behave this way- economies, climate systems, the stock market, airplane flight, marriages.

That's where bisexualinsocal shows incredible ignorance. Nobody really knows for sure where a tipping point may be or what might be the consequences.

To give an example, 12000 years ago when the world was starting to warm up, the melt water from the ice caps flooded the North Atlantic and shutdown thermohaline circulation. The result was the Younger Dryas Period. Look it up. In other words, the gulf stream was shut down and the world was plunged back into the ice age for 1000 years.

Mar 15, 2008, 12:46 AM
Nobody EVER said these things. You're an idiot if you believe this stuff.

There you go insulting people again. You seem like a bright one.

Mar 15, 2008, 12:47 AM
That's where bisexualinsocal shows incredible ignorance.

There you go insulting people again. You seem like a bright one.

Mar 15, 2008, 3:46 PM
Heck with all the squabbling, lets all have an orgy and cause our own global warming. That would be a lot more fun.

Mar 17, 2008, 2:27 PM
There you go insulting people again. You seem like a bright one.

You must also be a moron, because you keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I suppose your pea brain just can't think of anything else to say.

Mar 17, 2008, 10:14 PM
You must also be a moron, because you keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I suppose your pea brain just can't think of anything else to say.

And you keep replying to a moron? LMAO!

Jun 14, 2008, 8:02 AM
Socal, I find it amazing that an intelligent person like you can survive in the center of extremism, like So. Cal. I agree, we need to recycle and be considerate of the environment. But, we also need to be sensible. We don't need to be living in caves to be considerate of the environment.

For all the blowviating about global warming, neither Gore, nor Hanson as answered the question, if global warming is man-made, what is causing the global warming on Mars that NASA has reported?

Listen with your ears and minds, my friends. Not with your heart.

Jun 14, 2008, 4:42 PM
If there's no such thing as global warming why is there the Doomsday seed bank off the coast of Antarctica?


That's all that needs be said.

Jun 14, 2008, 4:50 PM
Socal, I find it amazing that an intelligent person like you can survive in the center of extremism, like So. Cal. I agree, we need to recycle and be considerate of the environment. But, we also need to be sensible. We don't need to be living in caves to be considerate of the environment.

For all the blowviating about global warming, neither Gore, nor Hanson as answered the question, if global warming is man-made, what is causing the global warming on Mars that NASA has reported?

Listen with your ears and minds, my friends. Not with your heart.

Chuck, don't you know?

Manbearpig must be stopped!

He's half-man, half-bear and half pig.


Jun 14, 2008, 4:58 PM
Chuck, don't you know?

Manbearpig must be stopped!

He's half-man, half-bear and half pig.


LMFAO, that's too many halves...! :cutelaugh

Jun 14, 2008, 7:17 PM

The change in the Earths temp comes from the sun. It always has. I recommend any of you to find the video The Great Global Warming Swindle.

It's not made by oil companies, it's put together by leading climatologists who are wondering why nobody is listening to them. Al Gore is campaigning on behalf of his own party for tax grabs.

I know many of you will think I'm nuts now, but lemme give you something to think about.

Was a good chunk of the Earth covered in ice at one point? Yes. Did big oil and SUVs melt it all several thousand years ago? No, the sun did.

The Earths temp rises and falls due to the solar activity. Sun spots are NOT points where the Sun is burning out, they are giant magnetic storms on the Sun. The particles that fly off of the Sun during these storms dictate how much heat is kept in the Earth. England once had vineyards because the climate could host them. That was in the 1500's.

The Earth cools when we are hit with less of the Suns debris because outer space and dark matter are cold.

And..if we didn't have green house gass's, we would freeze. Earth would be ice. All of it.

I'm not the end all and be all of pollution knowledge, and saving the Earth is very very important, but I will not for one second be privy to Al Gore and his lie. Recycle? Yes. Find fuel alternative? Sure. Allow a senate to talk behind closed doors with corporate scum to tell me how to live so they can line their pockets? No.

Did you also know the entire population of Earth could fit into Jacksonville Florida's city limits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville,_Florida)? 885 Square Miles = 24672384000 Square Feet

Don't buy into "we are running out of room". Media, Political parties and "special interest" groups play on your lack of knowledge. Earth is big enough for all of us.....and we do need to preserve it....just not by a book of lies that keeps lower class and poverty nations under foot.

Well, then. Cheers! :)

Jun 14, 2008, 9:44 PM
bisexual in socal-Do you not believe in global warming at all or just believe that it exists but it's highly exaggerated and a natural thing that just happens?

I don't think the natural warming of the Earth that's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years is the issue it once was now that we are facing an even bigger threat.

As much as Manbearpig Deniers deny it, Manbearpig exists and TRILLIONS will die without UN intervention. America needs to pass a global test and lead the way to eliminate Manbearpig! God help us all if we don't!

Jun 21, 2008, 4:55 AM
In the next decade what do you think will happen when it comes to global warming and the theories about it that aren't proved?

Jun 22, 2008, 2:13 PM
In the next decade what do you think will happen when it comes to global warming and the theories about it that aren't proved?

Global warming is religious science. It's going the way of Scientology and ManBearPig. Those who have faith in it (and lets be honest. it's more about faith than it is about facts).

Al Gore was right about ManBearPig but wrong about Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change/It gets hot in the day and colder at night

Jun 22, 2008, 2:51 PM
This is bullshit. It's a complete and total fabrication. It doesn't say where the figures come from. It doesn't say who the experts are. It comes from a self claimed, right wing, politically biased publication, and it has absolutely no credibility. It's bullshit, just like bisexualinsocal. A big fat lie.

whizbangblog? Give me a fucking break!

You are absolutely right, Wolf.

ALL of the latest information, both from satellite imaging as well as from arctic and antarctic scientific expeditions, indicate that the polar caps are melting at a rapid rate.
Also, it was just last year that a large chunk of one of the ice shelves in Antarctica broke off. I think that it was about 2 - 3 times the size that we have come to recognized in the past as normal.

In addition to that, those of us that live in the tropics have noticed that hurricane season has been running longer and longer over the past few years, our normal rainy season has shifted pretty radically out of normal cycle and the summers have been some of the hottest on record down here. Matter of fact, we have recorded more record-breaking temperatures this year, than in any of the past ten years combined.

But then, according to the idiot neocons and their ignorant followers, global warming doesn't exist.

Jun 22, 2008, 2:53 PM
I had a cup of ice. An hour later I came back.... only water now.

Global warming I bet.

Jun 22, 2008, 3:11 PM
Heck with all the squabbling, lets all have an orgy and cause our own global warming. That would be a lot more fun.

Now, that's a great idea. I'll bring the Mazolla corn oil and we can have a Mazolla Rolla.


Jun 22, 2008, 3:40 PM

The change in the Earths temp comes from the sun. It always has. I recommend any of you to find the video The Great Global Warming Swindle.

It's not made by oil companies, it's put together by leading climatologists who are wondering why nobody is listening to them. Al Gore is campaigning on behalf of his own party for tax grabs.

I know many of you will think I'm nuts now, but lemme give you something to think about.

Was a good chunk of the Earth covered in ice at one point? Yes. Did big oil and SUVs melt it all several thousand years ago? No, the sun did.

The Earths temp rises and falls due to the solar activity. Sun spots are NOT points where the Sun is burning out, they are giant magnetic storms on the Sun. The particles that fly off of the Sun during these storms dictate how much heat is kept in the Earth. England once had vineyards because the climate could host them. That was in the 1500's.

The Earth cools when we are hit with less of the Suns debris because outer space and dark matter are cold.

And..if we didn't have green house gass's, we would freeze. Earth would be ice. All of it.

I'm not the end all and be all of pollution knowledge, and saving the Earth is very very important, but I will not for one second be privy to Al Gore and his lie. Recycle? Yes. Find fuel alternative? Sure. Allow a senate to talk behind closed doors with corporate scum to tell me how to live so they can line their pockets? No.

Did you also know the entire population of Earth could fit into Jacksonville Florida's city limits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville,_Florida)? 885 Square Miles = 24672384000 Square Feet

Don't buy into "we are running out of room". Media, Political parties and "special interest" groups play on your lack of knowledge. Earth is big enough for all of us.....and we do need to preserve it....just not by a book of lies that keeps lower class and poverty nations under foot.

Well, then. Cheers! :)

Not to offend you, but where are you getting your science from, Creationists?

All of what you claim is complete rubbish.

The solar flares are not responsible for the Earth's climate. The Earth sits in a "band" that is ideal for the existence of life, as we know it, because that area in space has just the right amount of heat level from the sun to sustain life. Too far in (37degrees, I think) and the Earth heats up too much and all life dies; too far out (63 degrees, i think it is) and the Earth cools too much and life dies and the planet becomes covered in snow and ice.

The Earth goes through periods of global cooling and global warming, but those periods are now being made worse by man made greenhouse gases. The periods of global cooling are called mini ice ages and they last decades rather than centuries, such as the last major ice age did.

Astrophysicists, astronomers and exobiologists all agree on these points. And they all also agree that there are many factors that create global cooling and global warming. If left to it's own, nature handles them, but when man adds to things, like the green house gases and the hole in the ozone layer, then it can make those periods of mini global cooling and warming far worse.

As far as greenhouse gases, your argument indicates that we need them, no matter the level. That shows a lack of knowledge about the planet that you live on. Yes, we need these greenhouse gases, but at a level that it is helpful, not harmful. We have greatly exceeded that level and reached the point where it has become harmful.
In nature, as has been repeatedly demonstrated by science, all things must be in balance for the Earth, it's animal species' and climate to continue and survive (that includes the deeply arrogant species that we call human).

As far as what wikipedia says about the whole of the earth's population could fit in the area of the city of Jacksonville, that may be true, but it would be, quite literally, standing room only and no moving around. If it were actually true.
Of course, the inept way that the article that you referred to is written could lead one to believe otherwise. Particularly if they were in denial of the realistic space requirements of a population the size of mankind.

Yes, the planet has plenty of land, but there is only so much that we can do about placing cities in places like the Mojave and Sahara deserts or other areas that are unlivable for large populations.

Are you willing to relocate to someplace like Antarctica or the Sahara to help make that room? Probably not.
I doubt that any of us would be. And rightly so. Those places are unlivable for humans.

And so the question begs to be asked; What do you do with the rest of the land that is livable? Do we clear cut all of the forests, thus eliminating the ONE major contributor to breathable air, just to put people there? That would be cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The reference that you referred in your post is from wikipedia.
That is unfortunate, because wikipedia is notorious for having innacurate, misleading and oftentimes completely wrong information.

But too many people do not recognize this fact of reality and use wikipedia anyway, no matter how often the information is taken to task.

Check on more reliable sources for your information. Like MIT, for example. They know more about the subject than wikipedia ever will.
If you don't like MIT, then how about UCLA, or Cambridge University in England.
There are, literally hundreds of sources that are more respected, recognized and knowledgeable that anything you will find on wikipedia.

Jun 22, 2008, 3:41 PM
This whole global warming/global cooling issue has been blown out of proportion by both sides.

The panic-stricken extremists on the mmgw issue claim that it is all humanity's fault while the status quo extremists (republicans, here in the US) say that it is all nature doing what nature does.

Both are right......to a degree.

Climatologists around the world have all said that the Earth goes through periods of global warming and global cooling, but they also say that the current period of global warming is being magnified by the excessive creation of greenhouse gasses by Man.

Global warming is not man-made. It is, however man-enhanced.

I can agree with that

Ahhhh, a breath of fresh air...

Where? Where? I want some!

Dogwood has it abosuletly correct, the globe does this from time to to time, life=death, not a problem.

Thank you, darling. muaahhh!!


The change in the Earths temp comes from the sun. It always has. I recommend any of you to find the video The Great Global Warming Swindle.

It's not made by oil companies, it's put together by leading climatologists who are wondering why nobody is listening to them. Al Gore is campaigning on behalf of his own party for tax grabs.

I know many of you will think I'm nuts now, but lemme give you something to think about.

Was a good chunk of the Earth covered in ice at one point? Yes. Did big oil and SUVs melt it all several thousand years ago? No, the sun did.

The Earths temp rises and falls due to the solar activity. Sun spots are NOT points where the Sun is burning out, they are giant magnetic storms on the Sun. The particles that fly off of the Sun during these storms dictate how much heat is kept in the Earth. England once had vineyards because the climate could host them. That was in the 1500's.

The Earth cools when we are hit with less of the Suns debris because outer space and dark matter are cold.

And..if we didn't have green house gass's, we would freeze. Earth would be ice. All of it.

I'm not the end all and be all of pollution knowledge, and saving the Earth is very very important, but I will not for one second be privy to Al Gore and his lie. Recycle? Yes. Find fuel alternative? Sure. Allow a senate to talk behind closed doors with corporate scum to tell me how to live so they can line their pockets? No.

Did you also know the entire population of Earth could fit into Jacksonville Florida's city limits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonville,_Florida)? 885 Square Miles = 24672384000 Square Feet

Don't buy into "we are running out of room". Media, Political parties and "special interest" groups play on your lack of knowledge. Earth is big enough for all of us.....and we do need to preserve it....just not by a book of lies that keeps lower class and poverty nations under foot.

Well, then. Cheers! :)

Finally - someone with some real facts and answers.
Which, although I did not research in depth as mindfinding did, leads back to my original post on this thread;


We, our earth, are/is totally influenced by the radicals of our sun.


Jun 22, 2008, 11:56 PM
I thought this post was about global warming!
To get to my point the antarctic is classed as a desert receiving less than 2 inches of precipitation per year so Im sure 1 more inch will not kill us.
As for us messing up the enviroment get a grip cuz we screwed mother nature good.
It is not global warming but global damnation.
We are on a one way trip that no one can go back from, Will you give up your car/TV,s,the pc,s were all using now and all the other things that we all know are polluting the planet? NO
I wish I knew who had the answer to our problem yes our problem ,New president yea right,big business Ha. Who has the answer?
Mother nature will recover she always does,but I wonder if the human race will! May our children find the answer.:2cents:

Jun 23, 2008, 1:20 AM
Not to offend you, but where are you getting your science from, Creationists?

Not to offend you either, but......

1. Creationists are not idiots. Nor is the science any less imaginative then yours. Attacking people based on where they think the Universe started is ridiculous as both big bang and creation require faith. So, yours is a moot point. Did you notice you threw the term science into Creationism as an insult? Creationists believe 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen make up the majority of the Earths real estate.

2. Green house gas's: If they were not here, Earth would be ice. Ever been into a green house without plants in the winter? Same idea. And no, Toyotas do not increase that.

3.. I "got" my "science" over years of research. Gravitational Time Dilation is my friend. That said.....

I'm not going to get into any sort of Creationist vs Evolution debate, and have no intention of making any sort of "science" claim with you.

We know on Earth that when the sun has more magnetic explosions, it gets warm here. We know that. I won't argue the point any further. Solar explosions = heat on Earth. They've known that for a loooooooooooooooong time. Darwin and Gore don't change that, no matter how many hippies join their cause.

And wikipedia is far from anything perfect, so no, I do not take it as fact. Wiki allows for to much personal commentary in profiles and reviews. Anything personal no longer reflects the identity of fact, but of the producers emotion. So, I will stick to listening to the research not merely pulled from wiki.

The only concession I will make is that we need to protect our environments and pollution needs to come down globally for the sake of future generations.

Schools mean little to me, if it's science from MIT or Harvard, financial stimulus does not make the science.


Jun 23, 2008, 3:35 AM
Obviously that article is just fanatical rantings based around zero facts, but still... I think its funny that when people don't agree with global weather pattern theories they blame Al Gore. Like he's the only public figure in history to back such a heinous lie, lol. I don't if maybe my whole 20 years of life makes me ancient, but I can remember back soooo far, before Al Gore became the eco-friendly spokesguy, when other people came out with the same facts. Al Gore just took other people's research and used his public visibility to bring attention to it.

Get over it. Sure, there may not be drastic, noticeable climate changes immediately, but future generations will have to think fast and fix it if we don't take some preventative measures now. Its science.

Jun 23, 2008, 4:27 AM
Not to offend you either, but......

1. Creationists are not idiots. Nor is the science any less imaginative then yours. Attacking people based on where they think the Universe started is ridiculous as both big bang and creation require faith. So, yours is a moot point. Did you notice you threw the term science into Creationism as an insult? Creationists believe 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen make up the majority of the Earths real estate.

Creationists believe that the Earth's polar caps came from an "ice meteor that broke up as it entered the atmosphere, whereby the Earth's magnetic field sent the pieces to the polar caps and nowhere else, after surviving a 14,000 degree (farenheit) atmospheric entry, to freeze the polar caps.

Creationists believe that a molecular compounds cannot be changed through fusion and other processes.

Creationists believe that there are no other sources of water in the universe other than on Earth. (then where did the "ice meteor" come from?)

Creationists also do not know the difference between a genome and a chromosome.

One creationist in particular, claims to have a PhD and also claims to have taught science in high school for 15 years, yet his "degree" is from a non-accredited diploma mill and he will not say what school he taught at.
It is that failure to be candid and honest about these things that also puts all creationist claims under suspicion as to the validity of their statements.

The list goes on and on.

Here's the first 3 of 24 videos where the "science" of creationism is put to the test and compared to the science that has proven to work.


That isn't making fun of their beliefs as much as it is their blatant disregard for empirical scientific study that creationists insist on using.

As far as the Big Bang, well every astrophysicist on the planet accepts it as fact, since it is the only theory that fits all of the evidence that they have, to date, compiled about the movements of the galaxies.
All of the galaxies that we can observe through telescopes, such as the Hubble, Mt Palomar and other deep space visual and electronic telescopes shows the galaxies all moving in directions that indicate a central location in space that they are all moving away from. Just like objects in an explosion.

And let's not forget about quasars, pulsars and black holes, which were all theoretical until science, the same science that you appear to be opposed to, has shown to actually exist.

That isn't faith like in a religion; it is faith in the fact that something can be proven with verifiable and repeatable empirical processes that are not subject to outside interpretation.
It is empirical evidence analyzed with a critical eye without prejudice or prior belief as to what is indicated from the data.

No one just came up with the Big Bang theory and just accepted it right off the bat. They came up with the theory, based on observations.
Then, as with all theories, they put it to the test. When the tests could be repeated with the same results, that puts proof to the theory.

When a scientist has a theory about something, he/she looks at the data produced by examining what is observed and checks it in a repeatable manner.
If the theory cannot survive that scrutiny, then it is nothing. However, people hang on to theories like the Big Bang and evolution because those theories can be verified with the same results time and time again.
They use evidence to make sure that the data they are collecting is true and accurate. They check and double check the facts before saying "this theory is proven as true" or the evidence to date indicates that this theory is the most likely".

Scientists do not "take it on faith" because someone just decided to say it was so based on their religion or political agenda.

But no matter what each of us believe, at least we both agree on one thing. That is that our fragile planet's climate needs protection from the damage that we, as a species can and have done.

Jun 23, 2008, 5:27 AM
Climate change always has and always will be with us as long as the planet has an atmosphere. That isnt the point. What is important is that something more than natural climate change is happening to our home and the degree that human beings is responsible is the point, and what we can do to keep that home habitable. This is the only home we have and if we are to survive we must nourish it not pollute it out of existence.

I am not a creationist, but it does not matter what our beliefs are when it comes to preserving the only place we know where we can survive.

Jun 23, 2008, 2:16 PM
Creationists believe that a molecular compounds cannot be changed through fusion and other processes.

Creationists believe that there are no other sources of water in the universe other than on Earth. (then where did the "ice meteor" come from?)

Creationists also do not know the difference between a genome and a chromosome.

Well, you're wrong on all 3 of those points, care to tell me anything else I believe that isn't true?

You've completly lost me altogether with your "points". To be honest, I was waiting for the "Creationists believe they can shoot lighting from their ear's."

But seriously,

You sound like someone who spent way to much time on one website and never moved. The school teacher you referred to is Kent Hovind. He is one guy in a science filled with thousands of other people who are far more credit then him. Big Bang people simply love to pick on Kent because he's an easy target, yet watching his debates I have never seen any secular prof's out work him.

On the note of Big Bang, would you care to tell me why the model of big bang is no longer being held as "valid" and cosmologists have moved into and are moving into different ideas? I'll help you; Quantum Mechanics do not support a big bang model.

Final note,
Pretending you know "all" makes you a fool. Science is never "I know everything" because we don't. We understand some incredibly simple ideas and thats about it. We cannot make our own matter, we cannot control a black hole, and we cannot pretend to understand it all. Science is saying " I will try to learn about this idea and function; to see and understand it's mechanics."

That said, you need to be able to keep your eyes open for knowledge, where ever the source. Creationists knew about the springs in the ocean (by 4000 years) before Jacques Cousteau "discovered" them.

Take care.

Jun 23, 2008, 6:34 PM
Creationists believe that the Earth's polar caps came from an "ice meteor that broke up as it entered the atmosphere, whereby the Earth's magnetic field sent the pieces to the polar caps and nowhere else, after surviving a 14,000 degree (farenheit) atmospheric entry, to freeze the polar caps.

Creationists believe that a molecular compounds cannot be changed through fusion and other processes.

Creationists believe that there are no other sources of water in the universe other than on Earth. (then where did the "ice meteor" come from?)

Creationists also do not know the difference between a genome and a chromosome.

I've never heard of such tripe before in my life... I know PLENTY of people who believe in 'creation' (ie "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth") but I've NEVER in my life heard of them not believing in science, data, research... let alone a magical ice meteor :bigrin: -- they would rather say "After the 'Great Flood' there was a change in the way the earth reflected heat... keeping in mind the people before the 'Flood of Noah's Day' never saw rain before--remember they DID laugh at him asking him what rain was... 'water from the sky... whatever!' The crevases and canyons began to be form because of the 'Flood Waters' receededing... Therefore creating an Ice Age in certain parts of the world."

Everyone believes something I guess...

I believe that sinuses are the most irritating part of the human body!

Jun 23, 2008, 6:51 PM
I believe that sinuses are the most irritating part of the human body!

I second that!!!

Jun 24, 2008, 4:04 PM
I've never heard of such tripe before in my life... I know PLENTY of people who believe in 'creation' (ie "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth") but I've NEVER in my life heard of them not believing in science, data, research... let alone a magical ice meteor :bigrin: -- they would rather say "After the 'Great Flood' there was a change in the way the earth reflected heat... keeping in mind the people before the 'Flood of Noah's Day' never saw rain before--remember they DID laugh at him asking him what rain was... 'water from the sky... whatever!' The crevases and canyons began to be form because of the 'Flood Waters' receededing... Therefore creating an Ice Age in certain parts of the world."

Everyone believes something I guess...

I believe that sinuses are the most irritating part of the human body!

Well, the ice meteor thing is in one of the creationist videos as well as one of the 24 videos entitled "why people laugh at creationists".

On the Great flood thing, there is some archeological and geological evidence for a "great flood". Not exactly as the bible describes it, with rain and all, but an actual flooding of a lage valley area that is now called the Black Sea. The event occured about the same time as the actual nation that later became known as "Atlantis" (which is actually part of the isle of Crete) was destroyed by a nearby volcanic explosion and associated tidal wave action (a night of fire and water). The ruins of that culture was discovered on Crete back in 1964.
It is believed that the explosion sent a tidal wave that broke through a natural dam in what is now the waterway leading into the sea of Marmara and flooded what is now the Sea of Marmara, Bosphorus strait and finally the Black Sea.
There were some recent expeditions into the Black Sea, which show, quite clearly, that there was some kind of catastrophic flood that pushed through and there are ruins of ancient villages and cities at the bottom of the Black sea. That is where the biblical account of the great flood originated.

Now we must all take into effect that the topography of the planet has changed in the last 10,000 years. Even the islands described by Homer, in the Illiad and the Oddyssey are not the same as they were at the time that the stories were first told and written. Seas have risen and fallen. Cities were claimed by fire, flood, war and desert.

And you are right about one thing....the sinuses are the most irritating part of the human body.:bigrin:

Jun 24, 2008, 4:16 PM
Well, the ice meteor thing is in one of the creationist videos as well as one of the 24 videos entitled "why people laugh at creationists".

Wow, hate titled evolution propaganda. What a shock.

You should really rely more on doing your own research then simply following someone else's. You've said many things now that are both not true and incredibly offensive.