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View Full Version : One more door opened, now for one more

Nov 29, 2005, 11:28 PM
I am a big fan of being one's own self as openly as possible.
I work for McDonald's and even though I'm management I live in a more accepting state so I have a lot of freedom to be myself and talk about my life. Thus far it hasn't been a problem, and in a lot of cases it's made me more approachable to a lot of the crew.

From seeing other's problems on here however I've come to see that my situation is far too rare and I am indeed lucky.

So it made me very hapy today when one of my fellow managers came out to me as being bisexual. I had asked Ashley (another manager and also a friend of his) if she knew if he was straight or bi because he has stereotypical gay characteristics (I suppose that's word for it )... she said he was straight. So I feel very honored and proud today that he was able to come out to me.

And I hope that this is just one more step for him to come out to others who care about him.


Yay for sharing.

Nov 30, 2005, 12:26 AM
kick ass!!! as a former member of the mc-management team ( i worked for mcopco from 1988-1995) I found that my ability to be myself during my micky-d's days to be some of the best of my life. And only now am returning to the comfort level I had back then, my applause to your friend, good to see that mcdonalds is still the open workplace I once thought it was. :) :flag2: