View Full Version : I need help

Nov 29, 2005, 10:57 PM
Ok here's my problem. I know you all must get a million threads asking, "How do I know if I'm bi?" You see growing up I had begun to feel and imagine what it would be like to kiss my best friend (I'm female and so is she) and I saw how pretty she was and so on...I pushed it out of my mind and I went on as if it was nothing. I always knew I liked the boys in my class and else where but I became geniunely confused when I began to look at my best gal pal in the same way. I felt it was wrong or something. So would go on and pretend it didn't mean anything. Than when I was growing up I found my dad's playboy magazines, and well...I found myself looking at the women in the pictures and at the time I didn't know why I continued looking at them but I did and I realized that I felt "funny" in a way. I didn't realize at the time that I was actually experiencing arosal. It wasn't until recently that I began to fantasize about women and how it would feel to be sexually intimate with her as I masterbate. This is all really personal stuff but I need to figure this stuff out. I've also found myself looking at women much in the same way I look at guys. I have never imagined myself in a "relationship" with a woman, that has only involved men. I've also fanatasized about making out with a woman. I don't know what to make of it. Please...any advice?

Nov 30, 2005, 2:45 AM
It sounds as if u were describing my situation exactly. Although Ive had a tough time with guys I still find them really exciting.
I've always found myself in awe of the girls arround me. My best friend has a lot of really beautiful friends and I was always fascinated by them. We always used to do the age old criticised thing of making out "for the boys" and dancing really erotically with each other but I was always really aroused by it and tried to push it to the back of my mind like u say but it was hard in such great company, fantastic bodies and such great touches.
I've also been having masturbation fantasies involving women in the past few months. I've decided to embrace my thoughts. But unsure as to whether it will ever progress beyond that..... we'll see.
I say just embrace what your feeling and if the moment arises and u are comfortable with it, it can't hurt to try it out see if its for u

Nov 30, 2005, 9:03 AM
As a guy I may be way off base here but: have you thought of viewing a lesbian video - if it turns you on - well..... on the other hand if it revolts you - maybe give the idea a miss. Coming to terms with bisexuality, as opposed to homosexuality, brings with it all kinds of convoluted emmotions, thoughts and fears. I hope others here can be of more use than I - but still hope this may help a little.

With Love

Rupe :)

Nov 30, 2005, 1:37 PM
Thanks. I know for a fact I'm not gay. I am way too into men in my opinion, but I feel as though I may not be completely straight. I don't know, I'm still feeling rather confused, and any helpful advice would be great.

Nov 30, 2005, 3:23 PM
Dont push your feelings aside anymore. You and I have alot in common and I did just what you are doing. Until one day a girl made the move on me. Right now I am in love with a woman, I never thought it would be like this. Im glad that girl was able to express how she felt cause if she didnt I might still be hiding my real feelings. Act on how you are feeling, just take it slow. After you experience things you will be able to figure your feelings out more.

Thanks. I know for a fact I'm not gay. I am way too into men in my opinion, but I feel as though I may not be completely straight. I don't know, I'm still feeling rather confused, and any helpful advice would be great.

Nov 30, 2005, 6:08 PM
From a guy's perspective I am I think the opposite of you. I never experienced any kind of turn on or desire for a guy. I just kinda stumbled across it by accident. A friend of mine and I were sleeping out in a tent one night and we were both kinda horny.....ok we were very horny. We kept talking about how much we wanted to have sex and of course the more we talked the hornier we got (if that was even possible...hehheheh). It was dark and we both started masturbating thinking the other couldn't see but we could....the closer I got to cumming the more I wanted to more until finally I told my friend that I wanted to suck his cock. The rest as they say is history. Since that day I enjoy being with a guy.....albeit under certain conditions and don't regret my decision.

Having gone from straight to bi in a "moment of passion" as it were my advice to you is to go with what you feel. In life there are times that you follow your heart and then there are times that you follow your desires. If you are open to the possibility of the situation then I have no doubt that one day you will find yourself in the embrace of another woman.

The only thing in life that will cause the most regret is at the end when you say what it and I should have done.

Good luck with whatever you choose and remember that you must be happy.

:2cents: :santa:

Nov 30, 2005, 6:26 PM
Ok here's my problem. I know you all must get a million threads asking, "How do I know if I'm bi?" You see growing up I had begun to feel and imagine what it would be like to kiss my best friend (I'm female and so is she) and I saw how pretty she was and so on...I pushed it out of my mind and I went on as if it was nothing. I always knew I liked the boys in my class and else where but I became geniunely confused when I began to look at my best gal pal in the same way. I felt it was wrong or something. So would go on and pretend it didn't mean anything. Than when I was growing up I found my dad's playboy magazines, and well...I found myself looking at the women in the pictures and at the time I didn't know why I continued looking at them but I did and I realized that I felt "funny" in a way. I didn't realize at the time that I was actually experiencing arosal. It wasn't until recently that I began to fantasize about women and how it would feel to be sexually intimate with her as I masterbate. This is all really personal stuff but I need to figure this stuff out. I've also found myself looking at women much in the same way I look at guys. I have never imagined myself in a "relationship" with a woman, that has only involved men. I've also fanatasized about making out with a woman. I don't know what to make of it. Please...any advice?

Well.........your in the right site to put your feeling's foward. there are many ladies here to offer you good advice (as well as some of the man folk.LOL). Just try not to jump into anything that you may not feel too comfortable with. My only advise to you would be is; Keep asking questions and, when you feel it's right, (not impulsive) take it slow. And, thanks for being here!


Nov 30, 2005, 7:53 PM
Thanks for the advice guys, it's all been very helpful.