View Full Version : This = Ridiculous! US elected official spews nutty hate speech

Mar 10, 2008, 9:39 PM
X-posted from Bialogue: http://bialogue.livejournal.com/19464.html

To quote directly from gay blogger angry_biscuit (http://angry-biscuit.livejournal.com/), because we couldn't say it any better:

What you're about to hear/see is a portion of a jaw-dropping speech delivered by Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern at a gathering in her district.

YouTube Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFxk7glmMbo

A few choice quotes from Representative Kern: Studies show, no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than, you know, a few decades . . . They are going after our young children, as young as two years of age, to try to teach them that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle . . . One of my colleagues said We don't have a gay problem in our community ... well you know what, that is so dumb. If you have cancer in your little toe, do you just say that I'm going to forget about it since the rest of you is fine? It spreads! This stuff is deadly and it is spreading. It will destroy our young people and it will destroy this nation.

This is what they say when they think we're not listening.

This isn't Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, or John Hagee. This isn't Rod Parsley, Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, or Fox News - this is an elected official. One whose influence is felt and held by a constituency, one who is active in the politics old hysteria and division.

Edit Note: And you all will be horrified to learn the person sits on the Education Committee in the Oklahoma legislature AND we are further dismayed to report this person used to be a teacher!!! Imagine having THAT person who was harboring those ignorant and hateful thoughts teaching your child (or YOU and your sisters and brothers for that matter). Ick, just ick.

Please visit http://www.victoryfund.org/listening and add your name to the growing list of people who are listening to this noxious
propaganda, but are not buying it. Currently there are only 166,681+ people numbered, and that number needs to go up - WAY up.

Also even if you are not in her district (or her state or even country) you may wish e-mail Representative Kern (sallykern@okhouse.gov) or phone her office at (405) 557-7348 and (in a polite and civilized fashion please) her know how you feel about
hate speech.

please X-post this widely!!!

Edit Note: There will be a transcript made by a GSA Member copied to the Blog posting shortly.

Mar 10, 2008, 10:03 PM
Emotion aside. I wonder just how true these statements are. I'm gonna do some reading.

Mar 10, 2008, 10:43 PM
Emotion aside. I wonder just how true these statements are. I'm gonna do some reading.

Not true at all. Anyone who has studied history knows that what was said is a load of crap.

Oh well, on a tangent I am just happy Huckabee is out of the running as president.

Mar 10, 2008, 10:47 PM
I wonder just how true these statements are


If you mean are her statements correct, then we would say "No".

If you mean is she a real person and/or did she make these statements as reported, please be aware that she is all over the mainstream media. She has agreed she made the speech and has not repudiated it.

Here is a local news link from her area: http://www.news9.com/Global/category.asp?C=128093&nav=menu681_2_3_6

Hope this answers your concerns

Mar 10, 2008, 10:48 PM
Not true at all. Anyone who has studied history knows that what was said is a load of crap.

Oh well, on a tangent I am just happy Huckabee is out of the running as president.

That's true. But hey... sometimes you just have to see it for yourself. :)


Mar 10, 2008, 11:09 PM

If you mean are her statements correct, then we would say "No".

If you mean is she a real person and/or did she make these statements as reported, please be aware that she is all over the mainstream media. She has agreed she made the speech and has not repudiated it.

Here is a local news link from her area: http://www.news9.com/Global/category.asp?C=128093&nav=menu681_2_3_6

Hope this answers your concerns

I'm glad you're saying "No", but that's not going to be enough to win in the court of public opinion (Which is clearly where you are aiming to make your case). I was hoping for something a little more tangible than "No".

Mar 10, 2008, 11:52 PM
bisexualinsocal, sorry but am completely unclear about what you are asking about.

Am assuming that you mean that you think that the video mught be a prank or highly edited so as to make Oklahoma State Rep. Kern look like some sort of venomous and dim-witted hate-monger.

The answer to that is that the incident has been completely covered in the national and international press and she is NOT saying that she didn't say that stuff OR that she didn't mean it. That's why we provided the links so you could see for yourself.

However if you are asking if it is true that "The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation." or "it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam", etc., etc. then I am - very respectfully- completely baffeled as to why you are a member of this site and discussion group. Bisexual.com starts with the premise that being an other that str8 person is a good and natural thing and then proceeds to provide a place for like-minded people to come together in fellowship to pursue and better our lives.

So could you clarify what you are asking? Thanks

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 11, 2008, 1:58 AM
Emotion aside. I wonder just how true these statements are. I'm gonna do some reading.

It is the prosecution who has to prove the accusation, not the defendant who has to prove his innocence.

So far, this guy has proven nothing.

Mar 11, 2008, 2:38 AM
The comments of this legislator just go to show the far on the edge, extremeist views of some on the right---fortunately most people, even most evangelicals do not believe the kind of crap this woman says---it's bad enough that some do though----

The thing is with this woman and people like her--it doesn't matter if you try to refute the woman with facts----she has such a narrow construct of the world that cannot be shaken---and there is no way you could even begin to change it-----

Thank God that Huckabee's bid for president died---he would have seemingly given people like this woman some sort of place in his administration---

Believe me---we have one hell of a lot more things that threaten the future viablitiy of this nation and of "western civilization" than homosexuality and to get caught up in the notion that homosexuality is something that can and has to somehow be eliminated simply takes us away from the real challenges we face such as global warming--(yes it is real) and a whole list of other things---

Actually--as far as homosexuality is concerned--you could write volumes on the contributions made throughout time by homosexuals in all areas of human endeavor in areas like the arts, science, music, technology, engineering, medicine etc--it is doubtful we would have the kind of lives we do have without them and even if we did---life would not be much worth living--it sure as hell would be boring and uninteresting as all get-out if there were not homosexual people making the contributions they have!!! These nearly burned out 25watt lightbulbs like the woman in the video have hardly contributed much to the good of society--if they had their way----things would be dull, boring and drab!!!

I don't want to live in a world where you have to go around "praisin' Jesus!!" all the time anymore than I would have to bring out my prayer rug, face east bow down and pray to Allah five times a day---no thanks to all of that----and either way---to have to do one or the other--life would sure as hell suck and I don't mean sucking in a good way!!!!

And Bisexualinsocal--you have said some pretty damn stupid shit lately on here---but that you would even think that this woman says could even have one iota of validity is simply beyond the pale. I have to ask you man--are your for fucking real???

If you are--doooooodddd-you have some serious self-loathing issues and you need to stop yapping on our bulletin boards and get your ass into some bigtime therapy!!!!

You certainly do piss me off with your stupid shit--but if you believe this woman--I actually feel damn sorry for ya!!!!!

Mar 11, 2008, 2:51 AM
bisexualinsocal, sorry but am completely unclear about what you are asking about.

Am assuming that you mean that you think that the video mught be a prank or highly edited so as to make Oklahoma State Rep. Kern look like some sort of venomous and dim-witted hate-monger.

The answer to that is that the incident has been completely covered in the national and international press and she is NOT saying that she didn't say that stuff OR that she didn't mean it. That's why we provided the links so you could see for yourself.

However if you are asking if it is true that "The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation." or "it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam", etc., etc. then I am - very respectfully- completely baffeled as to why you are a member of this site and discussion group. Bisexual.com starts with the premise that being an other that str8 person is a good and natural thing and then proceeds to provide a place for like-minded people to come together in fellowship to pursue and better our lives.

So could you clarify what you are asking? Thanks

I'm asking if it's true and if so, how much of it. This has nothing to do with me except for the fact that I'd rather take the name calling out of this thread and see Kern's nonsense addressed properly.

Mar 11, 2008, 3:06 AM
I'm asking if it's true and if so, how much of it

it is true that she made a speech and said those things, she has made several statements to the press in which she claimed "credit"

this is not a joke or a heavily edited construct

she is a christian religious zealot who seems to have temporarily misplaced her copy of the declaration of independence, the constitution, the bill of rights, etc.

also upon closer inspection, a great deal of time was spent complaining about how people who's opinions she doesn't share had the nerve to successfully raise funds and run for public office, so it could be that much of this was her worry that she would not prosper in her ambitions for continued or higher public office and also an appeal to her "base" for funds

Mar 11, 2008, 4:47 AM
What is wrong with addressing our detractors properly? A well-composed and thoughtful answer goes much further and provides a sharp, decisive and desirable contrast that first engages the brain (then the heart) of the on-the-fence thinker.

What is wrong with not calling our detractors names? Calling them names plays into their hands, giving their base the red meat they crave, opening their wallets and giving them the tactical advantage. Addressing them with the respect they don't always deserve is an act of mercy, further putting their emotional arguments to shame and taking the wind out of their sails.

SoCal has said silly things, but I do get where he's coming from in this thread. Let's talk about her claims. We may instinctively know that she is exaggerating and talking out her ass. . .but not everything runs on instinct.


Mar 11, 2008, 7:44 PM
So where is she from again? What part of OK? Does she go crazy in the video?

Mar 11, 2008, 10:19 PM
So where is she from again? What part of OK? Does she go crazy in the video?

The thing is--this woman does not go off and go balistic or anything--she simply goes and lists all of the things that are supposedly wrong, evil, anti-God, anti-American, etc. about homosexuals.

She makes all of her claims as "matter-of-fact" statements that cannot be challenged----sort of very much like what the Fred Phelps people say about gays and the dead soldiers who deserve their deaths since America is a "fag loving" country!!!!

Mar 11, 2008, 11:17 PM
The thing that most indicates the fact that she is full of crap is the fact that she fires off her propaganda in a scattered and quick manner. She jumps from one point to the other with such speed to indicate that she wants us to forget all of her details and just remember the hate-points, thus charging up the fires of sexuality war.

She may not be Pat Robertson, but the minute she invoke the Christian God, she put herself in with him and others of his vile kind.

Mar 11, 2008, 11:25 PM
You know, considering what a huge factor it was in the last major election, and given how that's turned out, I think the average conservative joe has figured out that whether the queer folk marry each other doesn't matter one iota. Now if only the nutjobs would get with the program, we'd be good.

And watch it, Dear Falcon, not all of us who follow the Christian God are neocon nutjobs. ;)

Mar 12, 2008, 12:06 AM
The thing is--this woman does not go off and go balistic or anything--she simply goes and lists all of the things that are supposedly wrong, evil, anti-God, anti-American, etc. about homosexuals.

She makes all of her claims as "matter-of-fact" statements that cannot be challenged----sort of very much like what the Fred Phelps people say about gays and the dead soldiers who deserve their deaths since America is a "fag loving" country!!!!

OK well there's no sense in arguing with people like that or giving them the attention that they're screaming for.

They're not going to believe our side of things no matter what we say and nothing will change that or their viewpoint.

I'm not saying that what she and others like her are saying is right but I do agree with Taylor that reacting to them in any way at all, is just giving them the attention that they want more than anything else, and that it's not going to make things change or have them change their viewpoint.

Falcon, who says that Pagans/Wiccans can't be just as blindly dogmatic, vile, and bigoted like some Christians can be? Look at Heinrich Himmler.

the mage
Mar 12, 2008, 2:04 PM
Ellen had fun exposing that asshole on her show today...

Mar 12, 2008, 10:42 PM
it is true that she made a speech and said those things, she has made several statements to the press in which she claimed "credit"

this is not a joke or a heavily edited construct

she is a christian religious zealot who seems to have temporarily misplaced her copy of the declaration of independence, the constitution, the bill of rights, etc.

also upon closer inspection, a great deal of time was spent complaining about how people who's opinions she doesn't share had the nerve to successfully raise funds and run for public office, so it could be that much of this was her worry that she would not prosper in her ambitions for continued or higher public office and also an appeal to her "base" for funds

This is the second time you've tried to rationalize your anti-religious vitriol with the vitriol of a religious extremist. If you truly do represent the alleged "Bisexual cause" (whatever the hell that is), it's pretty empty representation you are rendering.

Why not contribute some nice words about your constituents rather than perpetuate the hatred of Kern? Could it be that your entire cause is empty without hatred of hate?