View Full Version : Bisexual.com success story........

Mar 10, 2008, 7:01 PM
hello everyone, i just thought id share a story for everyone who's looking for someone special......

It all started one summer afternoon in 2006. I was in the chat room as was my normal during the day and enjoying the convo with friends i knew when i get a PM. Now, normally i dont answer people i don't know but, something about this person told me to say "hi, how are u today?" And so I did. As it turns out it was a man from Georgia just looking to chat. Well we both asked the normal questions trying to get to know each other and ended up chatting most of the afternoon into the evening. Come to find out he was married with 2 children, and I was also married with 2 children. Well, as days went on we started meeting online to chat on his day's off from work (just as friends) of course. Until one day he met me online and was very sad and depressed. So I asked if there was anything he would like to talk about, maybe it would make him feel better to get it off of his chest so to speak. So he tells me, " my wife came home from California today and told me that she doesn't love me anymore and wants a divorce!" Well immediately i was heart broken for him, because i knew how much he cared for her and his children. But I offered him a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to help him through that tough time he was going through. And of course after a while it did get a little easier to deal with, then strike 2 comes. As usual we met online and started talking and again he sounded down in the dumps.... come to find out he got fired from his job that he'd been working at for 5 years, because someone set him up for something he didn't do. Well again I offered an ear to listen. Well as the days and weeks went on we became very close friends. Then on my end, I was in a very bad marriage and I had a baby less than a year old and my son, I finally decided enough was enough and packed my kids and myself and moved out. I told my husband I wanted a divorce. Well I moved back in with my parents and got a better job so that I could support my 2 children and hope for a better life for all of us. Again, days and weeks pass by and after a year i was finally granted my divorce. Meanwhile, me and as I came to know him James still chatted online and even on the p hone everyday. He was divorced several months before me and was now on his own. Well we made plans for him to come up to WV so that we could meet face to face, and see what happened from there. It ended up that we got along famously and wanted to see more of each other; but there was 1 small problem, we lived 650 miles apart! So, we did the long distance relationship for about a year and
I flew down when I could to visit. Then before u know it I'm packing again to move to Georgia with him and start a new life together. Now here we are 2 years later, still together and still as happy as we were the day we met. James(hotlantaguy) has asked me to marry him and we are to be married March 15th, 2008!!

I just wanted to share this story with all of you. You can see I met my soul mate right here on this site, and today I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. Dreams do come true even in the most usual way's, times, and places.
Even when your not looking. To all of you who are looking, DON'T GIVE UP!
your soul mate might be right under your nose.....................
thanks for reading!!


Mar 10, 2008, 7:40 PM
Congratulations to you both!

Sex in Words
Mar 10, 2008, 7:43 PM
We're all so happy for you! Yay! Best of luck!

Mar 10, 2008, 8:37 PM
Congratulations to the both of you, come online Sunday so we can have a chat room party.:)

Mar 10, 2008, 10:31 PM
This is a wonderful story Hottie! You both are very sweet and special people and it's so wonderful you found each other. I hope the two of you will be very happy together.

Eddie altamonte
Mar 11, 2008, 12:17 AM
it is so right when wonderful things happen to wonderful people. May love and happiness be yours today and forever. Thankyou for the inspiration

Mar 11, 2008, 12:42 AM

Mar 11, 2008, 3:28 AM
that's so lovely, congratulations to you both wishing you all a long life and much happiness for you and your family :grouphug:

Mar 11, 2008, 8:30 AM
that's wonderful... congrats to you hotstuff and hotlanta *s*


Mar 11, 2008, 9:08 AM
Best wishes and congratulations!
and thank you for sharing a wonderful experience!


Mar 11, 2008, 3:54 PM
Thats Fantastic Babygirl! The best of luck to you both!
Big Hugs Hon!

Mar 11, 2008, 5:05 PM
Hey Hottie,Well as you well know i am sooo very happy for you 2!!!! And i hope you two are together forever!!! You know i love you 2 and the kids very much. Just wanted to give you my congrats,its not like i havent allready on the phone,LOL.. Take car of each other and have a wonderfull life together!!!

Mar 11, 2008, 6:51 PM
Best of luck to you, hotga and hotlanta....hope you find much happiness in your new life!!!


Mar 11, 2008, 7:23 PM
Are your children excited for both of you?

Mar 13, 2008, 8:34 PM
What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing!! Congratulations & good luck! :)

Mar 13, 2008, 8:35 PM
That's just awesome, you two!!! Congratulations!!!

Mar 13, 2008, 8:41 PM
I could not be more thrilled for the two of you. You are both lucky to have found each other. To me your relationship is build on a foundation of friendship and that is the strongest there is. I wish you the most wonderful of life together.


Mar 14, 2008, 1:31 AM
I too offer my congratulations to you both--I know you two had been seeing each other--glad it all worked out for you--good luck and all the best dear!!