View Full Version : Ohio "Blizzard" 2008

Mar 8, 2008, 5:49 AM
I know that some people get pissed off when I post up some pics from time to time--but since we have folks on here who will pissed about most anything--I am going to post up some photos I have taken overnight of our snowfall thusfar outside my humble abode here in Ohio:






We do have a blizzard warning up and as I do this entry---it is really snowing and blowing hard now--much more so than when I was out taking these photos---it was snowing when I took these photos--but with the setting I had the camera set to ---you cannot see it since it was so light--but if I went out now--I don't think I'd pick up half as much detail since it is snowing so hard you can only see a fraction of the distance of what is in the longer shots.

Mar 8, 2008, 6:11 AM
Here are some other wintry scene photos I shot a few weeks back:





The historic Clifton Mill, located in the town of Clifton, Ohio and sits on top of the Clifton Gorge which is very near the headwaters of the Little Miami River---the mill itself dates back to 1802--one year before Ohio became a state--it is one of the largest working remaining mills still in the US. The mill still has the original external wheel but that has not bee used in years--the water is funneled into several turbine style water wheels that you can not see because they are housed in tunnels below the building. You can buy flour, corn meal, pancake mix and other products they grind in the mill still using water power and you can eat a great breakfast/lunch/brunch here six days a week. At Christmas time--they have something like over 3 million lights on the buildings on the grounds which also includes a covered bridge over the gorge and drapped on the walls of the gorge itself--video of that has been taken not only by networks like CNN, but the BBC from the UK and NHK from Japan along with networks elsewhere in the world.





The next two photos need a bit of 'splain'in--they were taken at a point further along the Clifton Gorge -- ---the first photo is of a large icicle along the cliff face and the other is where the entire river is forced down through a gap of less than ten feet wide:



Mar 8, 2008, 7:47 AM
Beeeeyootiful! Thanks for sharing. I live far enough south we hardly ever see snow. This is awesome to see. The river pics and the mill pics are very intersting. But, I love stuff like that with all the history.

Thanks volty for making my weekend get started with some lovely photos!


Mar 8, 2008, 8:34 AM
I like the pictures. A blizard can be a spectacular experience, if you do not have to travel through it. I have lived in Michigan all my life. Winter activities can be fun and as your pictures show, it can be very beautiful.

Mar 8, 2008, 8:43 AM
Icicles...it's been over 12 years since I've seen either snow or icicles. Absolutely awesome photos!!.....and a much needed reminder of why I've come to love Florida....cold wave here with a projected high of 68...and my long underware is packed away :( God I do miss those snow days tho. LOL


Mar 8, 2008, 9:17 AM
You are correct, a blizzard can be beautiful to watch but after several of them in one winter....they all look the same and become annoying as hell. Iowa has had a horrible winter this yr. We've seen 53 inches of snow so far in our area and everyone is getting moody here. Now it's melting and the rivers and lakes are flooding and people are having to evacuate their homes.
I also took many pictures this year of our winter. As we have not had one with this much snow since probably 1979.

Mar 8, 2008, 9:20 AM
Mu condolences for having to live in Ohio.... j/k :tongue:

One cool thing about cold is SNOW! One bad thing about cold is COLD! I live in the foothills of the San Bernardino mountains which means that if I want snow I head up the mountain trails and sometimes wait in traffic as the rest of Southern California invades my neighborhood to enjoy the snow. Well we had some snow but weeks of 70+ degree weather (relatively cold) has melted it all away.

Mar 8, 2008, 9:41 AM
....... We've seen 53 inches of snow so far in our area and everyone is getting moody here

hi Mrs. F : we here in Eastern Ontario have, to this moment, received over 11 feet of the white stuff, with another foot or two due overnight tonight... I'd like to stay and talk but I have to go shovel soon.


Mar 8, 2008, 11:34 AM
Winter can be pretty--but I think this maybe my last winter--maybe I will move down to Florida and say goodbye to it---I don't feel so bad with a foot of snow---I could not even begin to imagine having to deal with 11 feet of it! HOLY COW!!! We did have a big melt earlier this week--then in some places just north of here they had an ice storm and some folks still don't have their electric back on---later this week-when this snow melts--we will have flooding again since the rivers and streams are already running to capacity. We had a few patches where there tornados too--it will be good to say goodbye to winter 2007-08!!!

Mar 8, 2008, 2:54 PM
Nice photos, thanks for sharing. (also, a nice "little dusting" of snow your having:tongue:)

Mar 8, 2008, 7:17 PM
I don't care much for winter myself . So why do I live in Maine ? Hell if I know . I like driving in the winter and snowblowing and plowing . The rest of it you can keep . I have friends who ice fishing . How stupid is that ? If I feel like some ice , I go to the fridge !

Mar 8, 2008, 10:10 PM
Winter in Alaska is a time when it is easier for people to venture out into the wilderness. The rivers, lakes and swamps turn into thoroughfares for snow-goes and dog teams. The bugs and bears are all asleep and the northern lights play across the face of the universe. There seems to be a hushed and quite beauty all around...

Mar 8, 2008, 10:22 PM
Volty, your pictures are just beautiful...please keep posting them! I personally do not miss winter at all...if I do, I can always go up to Mt. Charleston, Big Bear or up into Utah and see all the snow I want! Just today, I spoke with my mom on the phone and she asked once again (this is pretty much the same conversation we have every time we talk) when I am moving back "home" to Wisconsin...I've lived in Las Vegas for almost 11 years now, don't think I'm moving back soon, especially with the weather they've had this year with all the snow, snow, snow and even more snow today LOL!!!

(Oh, I told her it was 71 degrees today...she called me a bitch! Can you believe it?!? LMAO!):bigrin:

Mar 8, 2008, 11:46 PM
Well the storm here has passed on----the skies are now mostly clear and very cold.

We officially had 13.2 inches of snow--which probably doesn't sound like much at all to people in places like Ontario, Alaska, the Dakotas or Minnnesota---but that ranks as our second highest on record snowfall event in a 24-hour period---we had a snow back in 2004 that was almost 20 inches officially and in 1978 they had a true blizzard but with less snowfall--(there are specific criteria that a snow storm must meet--among those criteria are that you have a certain amount of snow falling and that the wind speed is a sustained 35 miles or above for a period of three hours or more)---we were foreccast to get that--but those conditions never developed--- I am not going to complain that we didn't actually have a blizzard this time.

I am not a big fan of winter weather, so the snow we have had this year---a series of three to four inchers every four or five days it seems and then this storm are about as much snow as I ever want to deal with---I love to be out on the water in warm weather and to me---a its a bad winter's day when its colder than say 50 degrees faren!!!

For these parts, a snowstorm that depending upon location--- unofficially dumped snowfall amounts that ranged from as little as four inches up to as much as 18" is all the snow I need to see!!!

Mar 8, 2008, 11:48 PM
Beautiful pics, volty. Since I never experiance this type of weather it's very cool for me to see them through other peoples eyes. The same for other areas, lifestyles, etc. It's fun to see how others live, play, and create. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 9, 2008, 5:51 AM
Hey 12Voltman59,

Those are top quality shots - do you mind saying what type of equipment (camera/lens/editing software/etc.) that you used to produce them? Also, at what resolution and size did you post them at? Just curious as I have just obtained my own digital SLR & Photoshop after years of film cameras and the quality of your uploads speaks to a bit of experience on your part.

Mar 9, 2008, 4:31 PM
Ontario Blizzard Update:

Ottawa recovers from near-record snowfall
Updated Sun. Mar. 9 2008 3:18 PM ET
CTV.ca News Staff

The Red Cross has set-up cots in the Ottawa airport for the hundreds of people stranded there today, after more than 50 centimetres of snow fell on the capital city during this weekend's massive storm.

Meteorologist Paul Delannoy happened to be stuck at the airport, waiting for his wife's flight to arrive. He spoke to CTV Newsnet Sunday afternoon.

"There's hardly anything moving at the Ottawa airport," he said. "There are people sleeping everywhere, piles of suitcases and lots of people waiting for in-coming passengers who aren't coming."

Ottawa now has had 410.7 centimetres (161 inches = 13.4 feet) of snow this winter, the second highest total on record. In 1970-1971, Ottawa had 444 centimetres (174.8 inches = 14.56 feet).

...Meanwhile, two-metre snow drifts have been reported in parts of eastern Ontario and the Ontario Provincial Police have taken to using snowmobiles to get around in some areas.

hehe as a Canuck I take a certain perverse pleasure out of living here, even if it did take me over an hour to shovel about 6 feet of sidewalk so I could get to the birdfeeders. *flexing my muscles* :tongue:


Mar 9, 2008, 6:14 PM
Well Peg---better you than me on having to deal with that much snow----it doesn't take too much of it to to make a mess of the roads and such---like I said--I thought we had a fair amount of snow----I could not even begin to imagine that much snow----good luck in dealing with it---sounds like instead of even a large two stage snow thrower---you need a front endloader or maybe even one of those big trucks with the big multistage augers on it like they use at airports to handle the snow!!! Take care of yourself trying to move that much snow--its not worth getting a heart attack!!!

Mar 9, 2008, 10:58 PM
Great pics 12 volt.
I live near Peg and we got snow...
The pic of your deck with the snow on railing had me laughing, the snow on my deck is higher than the railing.
What the hell its Canada EH.
I love Canada

Mar 11, 2008, 7:53 PM
Why don't you ever post pics of yourself? I like the pic of the icicles. :)

Mar 12, 2008, 10:59 AM
Here are some shots... The first one is my son's view of our front walkway. It's probably not too surprising to anyone that he's suddenly a little afraid of walking around out there... ;)


And this second one is a shot of me standing by the snowbanks. This is actually the shortest section of snowbank, but it was the only place my wife could stand far enough back from me to get a picture. For comparison, I'm six feet tall. :) The snowbanks at the front of the driveway are up around 7 feet at the moment.


I'm sure it will shock no-one to find out that I've been sore since the weekend after all that shoveling. ;)

Apr 16, 2008, 1:51 AM
Well--I will never ever complain about a measly little 12"-18" snowfall after seeing Canucks photos----I could never stand having to deal with such snow---I live too far north anyhow!!!!

Now--I am on another trip in the Southeastern US---here are a few pics from along the road and while I have lighted a few places including Savannah, Georgia and down here in Central Florida:

Finally leaving Ohio and entering West Virginia:


About four or so hours later--heading down and out of the Virginia mountains down into North Carolina


The next morning---heading into Savannah--at the peak of The Talmadge Bridge over the Savannah River looking towards the west and industrial Savannah--Hey CSRAKate---she lives a hundred or so miles up that river in Augusta!!!(at least for now!)


I was up there a bit ago-the same bridge from a River Street vantage point


Play dat sax man!!


Savannah River tour boat at pier


Boy---do I have a view!


Ready for another load of damn tourists!!-


Hot, but sweet and shy girl taking a smoke break with some great tatt work--she would only consent to me taking her photo if I did not show her face--too bad--she really was a very pretty young lady!!!


One of many gorgeous Savannah houses


Famous Savannah fountain


Detail of fountain


The World--a Savannah landmark---actually some sort of natural or propane gas storage tank I think--it was once painted like a traditional globe-maplike--now done more realistically--very cool now!


Welcome to the Sunshine State


Downtown Jacksonville (Jax) taken while going like 65 or so on I-95--not too far from my destination-just a few more hours!!


More to come later ya'all!

Apr 16, 2008, 2:39 AM
Well--one more set of photo posts before crashing this morning!!

Some random shots taken in the Central Florida area:

This first photo is a shot of the Athens Theater, circa 1921 in downtown Deland, Florida


The Volusia County Government Center in Deland--which is this county's county seat--for those not familiar with Florida--but who do know NASCAR--the Daytona Motor Speedway is about 20 miles due east of here--and Daytona Beach is in this county.



An "Irish Pub" just up this same street as the theater and government center-we had a good lunch there.


Some scenes from a little place called Cassadaga, Florida---a longtime "spiritualist camp" located near both Orlando and Daytona Beach.







The lakefront of the town of Eustis, Fla--I don't know the name of this particular lake--but it is one of the Harris Chain of Lakes that stretches for a number of miles--all of which have canals or rivers connecting them and they are in turn connected to the St. John's River system-so you could take a boat from these lakes and get out to the Atlantic Ocean or Intracoastal Waterway from any point on the lakes--it was rough this day--the National Weather Service had high wind and small craft advisories posted for the lakes. Not too many people were out on the lakes--just close to shore.



shameless agitator
Apr 16, 2008, 2:52 AM
Wow, you've really got some amazing shots there volty. Just out of curiosity, what kind of camera are you using?

Apr 16, 2008, 2:58 AM
Yikes! But so beautiful.
Fantastic job Babe.

Apr 16, 2008, 8:41 AM
Hey Voltman!,

Lovely pics! I especially liked the one that had teh broken fencepost in teh foreground! Wow, tahnks!

Did anyone else feel liek they were going to shatter looking at pics??.. First frozen ground, ice, snowbanks... then steamy hot Savannah and Florida! LOL
W Virginia is just stunning.


Apr 16, 2008, 9:26 AM
Wow, you've really got some amazing shots there volty. Just out of curiosity, what kind of camera are you using?

Shameless--my camera is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8---it has been a great camera---


If you look online---you can find some online sellers offering some great deals on it--since it is already a one year old model--which that means the model is ancient by the standards of the day and in terms of advancing technology!

The Cheshire Cat
Apr 16, 2008, 9:29 AM
aHHHHH...I loved the cornstalks in the snow....

Apr 16, 2008, 8:01 PM
aHHHHH...I loved the cornstalks in the snow....

The snow is pretty--but I don't care to see any more of it till like at least late November or early December!! LOL

Apr 16, 2008, 10:53 PM
I am posting some photos from some sightseeing I did today in a little area town called Mt. Dora--another town on one of those lakes--this time Lake Dora and I took a boat trip on a tour boat---they took us out through this lake--into one of the connecting canals that leads to Lake Eustis--the lake I took photos of yesterday and posted above---

First-some photos of the boat trip-then some of this pretty little town:



Bald Eagle near its nest


Some gators













Apr 17, 2008, 9:46 AM
Some more random Savannah scenes:












Apr 17, 2008, 9:48 AM
And more








Apr 17, 2008, 10:52 AM
Great pics volty, always a pleasure to sightsee without leaving home and remind myself to do more travelling.
Is there an irish pub in every town on the planet? How do they do that, lol, we found a great one in Oslo recently with live music and great staff.
Keep up the great work.

Apr 17, 2008, 3:59 PM
like always great pics 12, im going to google that camera maybe pick one up on ebay, i need a better digital camera.
pls send your blizzard pics to al gore or any other global warming idiot and ask them to pls explain. I had to tell one of those bone-heads yesterday that indeed we are in a phase of global warming, its called spring and it will only get warmer until it cools down. huh
ohh, if anyone gets pissed about you posting photos pls forward their name to me. lol, i'll get aut and he and i will work them over in chat.
later dude

Apr 17, 2008, 9:13 PM
Thanks Chu---well I hope that everyone likes the pics---I love taking them and also posting them--I am going to definitely start to market them---of course I guess that since I have posted them without digital watermarks--anyone is free to take them and use them as they see fit---

some of this next set were some I took just having some fun---there was this great little gift shop in Mt. Dora, Florida that had all kinds of great subjects--so---once again--hope whoever comes and sees them---likes them--if not-tough!!!:bigrin:









Apr 20, 2008, 10:40 PM
I am back home now--man what a tough couple days out on the road---it does seem that from nearly my front door here in Ohio to my parents front door down in Florida--no matter what route I take---it is one sea of orange barrels--whoever makes those things is living wwwwwayyyy large!!!

Time for a few more posts of some more pics----as always--I hope that those who like photos likes this batch:








Apr 20, 2008, 10:43 PM
Some photos taken in the St. Augustine, Florida area:








The Castillo de San Marcos




Apr 20, 2008, 10:46 PM
Some more St. Augustine photos:











Apr 20, 2008, 10:49 PM
Finally--shots taken on the long road north and headed for home:








There were rain showers moving through the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee as I came through them which made a somewhat scary section of road just a bit more so----but it sure was beautiful--I had to leave some beautiful shots untaken I am afraid!!!