View Full Version : Prerequisite for being bi?

Mar 3, 2008, 5:30 AM
My turn to rant... Like WTH? I cant go into the chat room without being hit on by half a dozen people "Are you horny"?

Im beginning to think there must be something wrong with me because I want to have actual normal conversations that dont have to do with sex. Or theres some hidden prereq that says to be bi you have to be horny...

I know theres many of you who do have normal convo's without sex in the chat room, but why the heck cant I be there when thats going on? Just tired of people assuming that because Ive gone into the chat room that Im looking to get off.

If I wanted to get off Id go have fun with the hubby not go to the chat room.

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 3, 2008, 5:45 AM
If those requests bother you, just ignore them or block those users. I don't use the chat room often, but if I do, there are usually some people willing to simply chat.

Mar 3, 2008, 6:19 AM
Yeah, I don't want offers for cyber or actual sex on here. I haven't seen too much of that when I chat (when it's early morning in the US, evening here).

I don't think bi people are really hornier than people of other sexualities (that excludes asexuality) but since it's a website that a lot of people use to express that side of their life, it might appear to be the case.

Mar 3, 2008, 9:08 AM
The one time I've been in chat, it wasn't sexual talk. Also, in searching for a regular bi chat forum to speak w/ platonic friends, it seemed almost impossible to find! All that I could find initially were porn sites & dating forums. ARG!!! However, when I googled "lesbian forum" or something, lots of cool-looking chat forums came up. This place is a real boost to my bi confidence!


Mar 3, 2008, 9:38 AM

I've seen that a lot as well.

There's just a variety of people on here. You would be suprised how many dont necessarily have to do a Yahoo ad of "28 f horny wis" or some crap just to get attention... Then again maybe the person has never been here before, and is suprised that people actually respond to "Hello all!" Either way, for examples sake, when someone messages me in chat asking if I'm horny, I reply "I'm not a toad".

Yes, it could give us the 'label' of allegedly being uber-horny or something... but no hornier than anybody else :rolleyes:

Come in a bit more often, there's plenty of intelligent people to go around.


Gruffy In KC
Mar 3, 2008, 9:57 AM
I would certainly agree with you...Chat is simply that...chat. Sure, a little hot talk can be fun at TIMES, but, I don't feel the need to be hit up for it by someone who just popped in the room and starts pm-ing everyone in the room.

Maybe there should be some written code or law prohibiting idiots from pulling that crap!

Mar 3, 2008, 10:45 AM
Yeah...that can be very annoying.
When I first noticed that I was attracted to both sexes, I felt horny all the time and thought everyone around me was horny as well.....I guess it's a self-discovery thing. Some people think that if you are bisexual then you are ready to jump into bed with anyone at anytime.
Personally I want to get to know my partner before sleeping with them.

Mar 3, 2008, 8:18 PM
Some people think that if you are bisexual then you are ready to jump into bed with anyone at anytime.

That pisses me off to no end! It's no wonder I've been halfway in the closet for years. I get SO F*CKING SICK of ppl who hear the word "bi" & think I'm ready to fall on my back for a threesome!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Mar 3, 2008, 9:53 PM
Yeah...that can be very annoying.........
Personally I want to get to know my partner before sleeping with them.

Ditto Kevs - I have posted on my profile "No Cyber" and "when I'm in chat don't PM me without asking first" - does that stop the illiterate?? Hell No!!
So, I simply ignore them although it does tic me off slightly when they PM me as I am trying to say hi and hug my family.

Sheeeesh!!!! Don't get me started!!! LOL


Mar 3, 2008, 11:08 PM
The biggest issue that we run into is the Ron Jeremy look a likes (yuck) that hit on the wife, thinking that since I am Bi, she (and sometimes both of us) wants sex from anything with a penis.

That's just stupid. Why should we want sex with people that don't respect us enough to read our profile? More importantly, why should we want sex with ugly guys? (okay, that sounds a bit shallow, but you know what we mean)

Mar 3, 2008, 11:17 PM
Ah well, the aversion to excessive debachery I see is beginning to catch on.

Contrarily to one comment not long ago "This is a sex oriented site" Uh no-I'd have to say (if anything I'd have to say matters); at least I presumed this was an online social site designed for those a specific sexual orientation. While I don't mind the occasional "adivisory" threads that pop up here and there, aside of the "hamming" (hit-on + spamming), what's even less appealing is that there doesn't seem to be much to explore on a purely social or intellectual level beyond the mindless piddling over sexual diversities.

Easy enough yes, to "block" the annoyances such as though mentioned relative to chatting, though I've been less motivated lately to even bother with the Nth variation on some sexual theme that winds up a thread with more than 900 responses-Considering that Rome is burning.

Mar 3, 2008, 11:46 PM
Thank you for this great thread. When I encounter one of these guys (AND IT'S ALWAYS SOME DESPERATE LOSER OF A GUY), I just put him on ignore and say to myself "What a desperate loser". I always picture some fat slob with the left hand on keyboard and the right hand working feverishly.

And nothing against the older guys because I'm getting there myself, but I'm really not interested if you're 45 years old and married on the DL.

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 4, 2008, 2:05 PM
When I encounter one of these guys (AND IT'S ALWAYS SOME DESPERATE LOSER OF A GUY), I just put him on ignore and say to myself "What a desperate loser". I always picture some fat slob with the left hand on keyboard and the right hand working feverishly.

Quick questions: how do you determine if those people are losers? I mean, does asking for cybersex mean you are a loser? Or is it being "desperate"? Are "fat slobs" the only ones interested in online sex?

Mar 4, 2008, 2:27 PM
"Im not a Toad."

Waaaaaahahahhaah.. Sorry , nothing terrific nor inspiring to say, I just thought that was great. :tong: Now if I can only think to use that line should the opportunity present itself!

Easily amused,

Mar 4, 2008, 7:01 PM
I always picture some fat slob with the left hand on keyboard and the right hand working feverishly.

Well if you tried to picture me that way you'd have the hands backwards.:tong:

Mar 4, 2008, 8:38 PM
Quick questions: how do you determine if those people are losers? I mean, does asking for cybersex mean you are a loser? Or is it being "desperate"? Are "fat slobs" the only ones interested in online sex?

Thats too many questions.

Mar 4, 2008, 10:59 PM
I have long been bothered by the assumption that since I am bi, I must be in the chatroom for sexual gratification. Most of the best conversations I've ever had here had nothing to do with sex. I come here to have normal social interaction with people who share a common denominator....bisexuality. Nothing chaps my ass more than being inundated with "a/s/l ?" before I've even had an opportunity to greet friends. The good news for you newbies, is the longer you're here, the less it happens. It seems that once you get a rep as one who doesn't cyber, word seems to get around. Am I a prude ? HELL no ! I just prefer my sex in person. :bigrin:

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 5, 2008, 4:53 AM
Thats too many questions.

Thank you for your response.

Mar 5, 2008, 6:25 AM
Quick questions: how do you determine if those people are losers? I mean, does asking for cybersex mean you are a loser? Or is it being "desperate"? Are "fat slobs" the only ones interested in online sex?

I determine they are losers for the fact they don't have the least bit of class when they pm me asking me if I'm horny or telling me they are horny when they don't know even know me.

I don't think asking for cyber means you're a loser. If you know the person and have chatted with them before and think they may be into it then sure go for it, but if you don't know them and are pm'ing the first time, yeah it makes you a loser.

And "fat slobs" Is just the way that person pictures them. I personally picture them sitting there all skinny looking like a crack addict with long greasy hair sitting with no clothes on and a poster of Brittney Spears on their wall. But thats just how I picture them :)

And on the desperate question... if you weren't desperate would you be pm'ing everyone who went into the chat room begging them for cyber? I doubt it

But thats my opinion....

I'm glad to see Im not the only one who gets ticked about this. I read a thread earlier about someone not reading their profile and emailing them for a hookup. Its the same issue. Some desperate loser who in his search to get his rocks off as fast as he can skips the profile, looking only at where you're from to ask you for a hookup.

And in my opinion of the whole emailing thing. I think drew should make it where you cant send mails if you don't have it so you can receive them turned on so you can mail the person back and tell them where to step off at.

Ok I'm good now, thanks gang!

Mar 7, 2008, 6:22 AM
Its a never ending vicious cycle lol

Mar 7, 2008, 8:13 AM
My turn to rant... Like WTH? I cant go into the chat room without being hit on by half a dozen people "Are you horny"?

Im beginning to think there must be something wrong with me because I want to have actual normal conversations that dont have to do with sex. Or theres some hidden prereq that says to be bi you have to be horny...

I know theres many of you who do have normal convo's without sex in the chat room, but why the heck cant I be there when thats going on? Just tired of people assuming that because Ive gone into the chat room that Im looking to get off.

If I wanted to get off Id go have fun with the hubby not go to the chat room.

I am bi. I am horny. I don't understand the problem. Why aren't you horny?

Mar 7, 2008, 8:02 PM
I am bi. I am horny. I don't understand the problem. Why aren't you horny?

1 2 cyber? ('-'*)

=^..^= ,,,^..^,,, (=^_^=)(=^_^;=)(=;_;=)

Mar 8, 2008, 8:21 AM
I am bi. I am horny. I don't understand the problem. Why aren't you horny?

1.Just because Im bi doesn't mean I am horny.
2.Straight people get horny too.
3.Being bi or horny is not a problem.
4.Who said Im not horny? But when I am, I dont need to announce it.

5.The point I was making, is that strangers I dont know, don't need to be private msging me asking me if Im horny. Its rude, its unacceptable. If you're that horny, get a dvd, buy a magazine, get a playmate, go somewhere where cyber is wanted by everyone, talk to a friend, but don't private msg me expecting that just because Im bi or just because I'm in the chat room I must be there for your pleasure. Im not. Im there for my own reasons.

Mar 8, 2008, 3:04 PM
By and large I agree completely with all those here who take exception to the "instant soup" approach. Even those of us "old folks" who are "over 45" have enough time to get to know someone before hopping aboard!:tongue:
But I do take some exception to the idea that most here simply want to chat with like-minded individuals. With one exception (thank you Vittoria!) I've talked with several individuals here - non-sexually - yet find that subsequent mails or attempts to chat are summarily ignored! Let me stress again that our chats or letters were all non-sexual (other than to briefly discuss our partners acceptance/non-acceptance of our sexuality) yet subsequent attempts to either chat or write have been ignored.
If indeed you want to get to know like-minded people in a friendly atmosphere... If you want to feel free to discuss any and all topics might I suggest at least a polite response, whether positive or negative?
I'm also a chat neophyte, so if I'm somehow violating some unwritten rule, I'd be happy to hear from someone who let's me know. But responding to folks in the chat room, yet receiving no feedback at all can make one feel like a leper.
Thanks for reading!:)

Mar 8, 2008, 6:23 PM
I would be flattered if someone wanted to cybersex me.
if you're not into it just tell em. most people would accept that.
chill out.

Mar 8, 2008, 6:31 PM
I don't mind at all being asked those questions in chat, I just don't do cybersex or hook ups, never been my thing.
It is going to take me a long time to find a guy my age who is hwp, friendly and good looking who I am attracted to so for now I'll just live my life.

Mar 8, 2008, 6:34 PM
I don't mind at all being asked those questions in chat, I just don't do cybersex or hook ups, never been my thing.
It is going to take me a long time to find a guy my age who is hwp, friendly and good looking who I am attracted to so for now I'll just live my life.

I don't understand ur signature. makes no sense :)

Mar 8, 2008, 9:41 PM
I would be flattered if someone wanted to cybersex me.
if you're not into it just tell em. most people would accept that.
chill out.

The point isn't whether or not someone wants to cyber you or not. Or whether or not is flatters you.

I don't think I need to "chill out" but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

The point is, that people even at the epitome of sexual desire, being so horny you just cant take care of the issue yourself, that you must have someone to help you out, should be respectful enough of others and not just pop a msg up to someone they don't know to announce they are horny or ask if you're horny.

Its simple common sense and respect of other human beings is all.

Mar 9, 2008, 4:16 PM
This is one of my old time rants on the Chat room. it took a full fledged meltdown on my part here once last year to get people to stop being so cruel in there. It was either a/s/l or if I said hello to people I got rebuffed really hard like I had come at t hem slavering like a horny animal rather than giving greetings.

This entire community needs an attitude over-haul in oh so many ways. The fact is that many I used to know aren't here anymore because they didn't get the kind of support they needed/wanted and moved on. How sad is that when you cannot see eye to eye with others who share your sexuality?

I pop in from time to time now, but restrict myself to the Comic Strip Choices, since it seems we just hash the same old crap up every few months.

Same old problems still exist, no one really has anything new to say about them, and we still treat each other badly. Primarily that is why I won't even go to a Bi meeting type event.

Mar 11, 2008, 6:53 PM
This is one of my old time rants on the Chat room. it took a full fledged meltdown on my part here once last year to get people to stop being so cruel in there. It was either a/s/l or if I said hello to people I got rebuffed really hard like I had come at t hem slavering like a horny animal rather than giving greetings.

This entire community needs an attitude over-haul in oh so many ways. The fact is that many I used to know aren't here anymore because they didn't get the kind of support they needed/wanted and moved on. How sad is that when you cannot see eye to eye with others who share your sexuality?

I pop in from time to time now, but restrict myself to the Comic Strip Choices, since it seems we just hash the same old crap up every few months.

Same old problems still exist, no one really has anything new to say about them, and we still treat each other badly. Primarily that is why I won't even go to a Bi meeting type event.

I miss reading your rants that I sometimes agreed with that you posted on here. Please post some more.

What are other things that you don't like about being bisexual, this site/the chat, or the bad attitudes of people?

the sacred night
Mar 14, 2008, 7:31 PM
I don't think they are assuming you're horny because you're bi- people do this plenty in het chat rooms, too. Many people assume because you're in a chat room, you're horny, regardless of the sexual orientation.

Mar 14, 2008, 8:32 PM
I don't think they are assuming you're horny because you're bi- people do this plenty in het chat rooms, too. Many people assume because you're in a chat room, you're horny, regardless of the sexual orientation.

This might be splitting hairs but the question "Are you horny?" indicates no such assumption but in fact a HOPE that you are horny and willing to engage in some cyber.

I NEVER mind the question, since in the few times where I neither have the inclination or time for it I just say no.

So yes, the monks on here need to chill....