View Full Version : Exposed: Digital camera blonde who became Facebook phenomenon is an X-rated model

Mar 2, 2008, 12:02 AM
Exposed: Digital camera blonde who became Facebook phenomenon is an X-rated model

Last updated at 15:56pm on
2nd September 2007


The digital camera blonde who attracted thousands of admirers on Facebook has been exposed - she is nothing more than a pretty advert for a porn site.

Images of the mystery blonde were posted on the internet - supposedly in a bid to trace the owner of a camera lost on holiday.

nd the revealing pictures prompted tens of thousands of offers of help in the quest to return the lost property - at a rate of one every five seconds.

The pictures included the mystery girl in a bikini and underwear - and some naked.

But the object of their fascination turns out to be Wendy, a model who poses for X-rated pictures online.

The porn site has admitted that it was all a "clever viral marketing campaign".

The Facebook plea read: "We are trying to track down the lovely lass in these photos so she can be reunited with her lost digital camera. She certainly knows how to use it!

The Rest of the Story (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=479058&in_page_id=1&in_page_id=1) (w/ Pic Goodness!!!!)


Trust me, you'll want to see these pictures... Because there is something familiar about them.

Very Familiar (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2083/2303152891_4e62bd608a.jpg).


Mar 2, 2008, 12:09 AM
LMAO, I guess Dimity will have to try on a new persona. :yikes2:

Mar 2, 2008, 1:15 AM
LMAO! That's hilarious they all got taken over by hormones and a bot/viral ad!

Mar 2, 2008, 7:03 AM
Was this really necessary ? I understand its wrong to impersonate someone , but hell man, this would have come out in the wash. Right or wrong, snitching is wrong.

Mar 2, 2008, 9:58 AM
it does not matter to me. still very hot and i do like to look. so post more hot pics as far as i am concerned. if we ever meet then i can decide.

besides, maybe dimity is that chick.

Skater Boy
Mar 2, 2008, 10:36 AM
LMAO, I guess Dimity will have to try on a new persona. :yikes2:

OMFG... I visited her profile ad here a few times and thought: "hmm... hello!". Thanks for sharing this, Heather... I don't care what GEL says, I think you did the right thing... :cool:

Mar 2, 2008, 11:17 AM
I agree...post more pics:)... more power to Dimity...I got a kick out of the Bible on the nightstand 1st time I saw Dimity's profile...nice dichotomy.

Mar 2, 2008, 11:26 AM
We have had our share of people who have used pirated photos and pawned them off as being photos of themselves---

I don't know why people have to do that----

Skater Boy
Mar 2, 2008, 11:35 AM
We have had our share of people who have used pirated photos and pawned them off as being photos of themselves---

I don't know why people have to do that----

In Dimity's case, I suspect "she" was either trying to lure punters into her porn website, or that she was just a chick pretending to be someone she's not in order to gain popularity.

Ofcourse, I *might* be wrong, and she really WAS the X-rated model and really WAS bisexual and decided to set up an account here to meet some interesting people. But...

Mar 2, 2008, 12:03 PM
OMFG... I visited her profile ad here a few times and thought: "hmm... hello!". Thanks for sharing this, Heather... I don't care what GEL says, I think you did the right thing... :cool:

Agreed. At the time I was feeling a bit optimistic, but thats me. My apologies to you Taylor.

Skater Boy
Mar 2, 2008, 12:07 PM
Agreed. At the time I was feeling a bit optimistic, but thats me. My apologies to you Taylor.

No offense was intended, Lynn Anne... I don't consider what Taylor did "snitching" as such... just showing us an article that was published in one of the biggest tabloid newspapers in my country, in case some of us hadn't read it. Its "Dimity" who is in the wrong, not Taylor, IMO.


Mar 2, 2008, 12:13 PM
Passing yourself off as something or someone that you are not, is just plain wrong. I never had much interaction with Dimity, but I suspect that some here did. I also imagine that some of those people might be feeling pretty embarrassed or hurt about now. Revealing this deception was the right thing to do.

Mar 2, 2008, 1:22 PM
No offense was intended, Lynn Anne... I don't consider what Taylor did "snitching" as such... just showing us an article that was published in one of the biggest tabloid newspapers in my country, in case some of us hadn't read it. Its "Dimity" who is in the wrong, not Taylor, IMO.


Your right, thank you.

Mar 2, 2008, 6:12 PM
Ofcourse, I *might* be wrong, and she really WAS the X-rated model and really WAS bisexual and decided to set up an account here to meet some interesting people. But...[/QUOTE]

maybe you weren't wrong Skater, possibly she was being herself. If it is really her, anyway??? Just a thought. Anyway she did not come here until Dec 07, some 90 days later, and if it is her, what's the issue?

Mar 2, 2008, 8:26 PM
In Dimity's case, I suspect "she" was either trying to lure punters into her porn website, or that she was just a chick pretending to be someone she's not in order to gain popularity.

Ofcourse, I *might* be wrong, and she really WAS the X-rated model and really WAS bisexual and decided to set up an account here to meet some interesting people. But...

I agree with you both sides.

A person should never ever lie about their pictures or who they are full stop. Imagine all the people on this site that mightve been fooled by her?

Mar 2, 2008, 9:21 PM
It isn't the first time and it sure as fuck ain't going to be the last time it happens. Gawd, how many times has someone thought a guy was posing as a woman at chat?

Mar 3, 2008, 12:38 AM
It isn't the first time and it sure as fuck ain't going to be the last time it happens. Gawd, how many times has someone thought a guy was posing as a woman at chat?

You have that one right Michael---we have had more than our share on that score!!!!

Mar 3, 2008, 6:17 AM
What does it mean exactly to 'not be oneself' or 'pose as someone else' on the internet anyway? We're all using artificial log-in names here. I appreciate that people who interacted with Dimity may feel cheated, but then this is the internet. We can't ever know with whom exactly we're communicating without meeting those people in the flesh... and even then who is anyone really? Photographs always lie in any case. If some of you wish to let Dimity know you disapprove of her actions, that's your prerogative. But I don't think 'right and wrong' have anything to do with it.
That's my 2 cents worth and those who wish to turn the criticism in my direction are more than welcome.

Mar 3, 2008, 7:15 AM
What does it mean exactly to 'not be oneself' or 'pose as someone else' on the internet anyway? We're all using artificial log-in names here. I appreciate that people who interacted with Dimity may feel cheated, but then this is the internet. We can't ever know with whom exactly we're communicating without meeting those people in the flesh... and even then who is anyone really? Photographs always lie in any case. If some of you wish to let Dimity know you disapprove of her actions, that's your prerogative. But I don't think 'right and wrong' have anything to do with it.
That's my 2 cents worth and those who wish to turn the criticism in my direction are more than welcome.

Not to be oneself , pose as someone else - well this could mean several things such as one gender posing as another never letting on that they are not the gender they claim to be ( can think of a couple of those ) Maybe they post a picture of a female who is super model hot and are actually a short frumpy lonely acne faced woman , same senario with a man , i can think of other ways. As far as using artificial names, I think alot of our names respresent who we are, or that we relate with the handle in some fashion, so I wouldnt use the term artificial. Its a nick name , a handle.

Quite a few people that chat here regularly have met eachother, myself ive met 2 people , someone else has met a few people , so on and so on. We we have a general idea of who is real and who is not real.

I confronted Dimity about this a day before the thread came out. I said hey , here is what is going around , can we talk about it. And we did. She claimed it was her, that she wasn't lying, she belonged to other forums and what not using different names. I said, well ok I believe ya. And to me unless I was proved otherwise for certain than Id give her the benefit of the doubt.

Dimity , whoever she is, made her way into our regular little group. Taylor was right for doing what she did, even though I didnt agree at first. Someone might have been falling in love with her, or whatever the case may be. Personally I just figured she was wayyy out of my league lol Hell maybe shes not after all lol Anyhow theres my :2cents:

Mar 3, 2008, 10:41 AM
Not to be oneself , pose as someone else - well this could mean several things such as one gender posing as another never letting on that they are not the gender they claim to be ( can think of a couple of those ) Maybe they post a picture of a female who is super model hot and are actually a short frumpy lonely acne faced woman , same senario with a man , i can think of other ways. As far as using artificial names, I think alot of our names respresent who we are, or that we relate with the handle in some fashion, so I wouldnt use the term artificial. Its a nick name , a handle.

Quite a few people that chat here regularly have met eachother, myself ive met 2 people , someone else has met a few people , so on and so on. We we have a general idea of who is real and who is not real.

I confronted Dimity about this a day before the thread came out. I said hey , here is what is going around , can we talk about it. And we did. She claimed it was her, that she wasn't lying, she belonged to other forums and what not using different names. I said, well ok I believe ya. And to me unless I was proved otherwise for certain than Id give her the benefit of the doubt.

Dimity , whoever she is, made her way into our regular little group. Taylor was right for doing what she did, even though I didnt agree at first. Someone might have been falling in love with her, or whatever the case may be. Personally I just figured she was wayyy out of my league lol Hell maybe shes not after all lol Anyhow theres my :2cents:

I understand what you're saying GEL and I take your comments seriously. But I have to admit I find some of the responses to this issue surprising. I appreciate the concerns you and others have raised about people being misled and even potentially hurt... but there is always this chance in 'meeting' people over the net. I maintain that one who develops feelings for another person in a virtual forum such as this, without entertaining the possibility that the information they're given isn't strictly accurate, ultimately does so at their own risk. As to the issue of who is and isn't 'real', this is contentious and subjective. Someone providing consciously false information about themselves is an obvious instance of not being 'real', but people in all aspects of everyday life can represent themselves dubiously at various levels, without even literally 'lying' about anything.
I appreciate the distinction you're making between artificial names and nick-names and I probably agree there can be a difference. I meant that our usernames are artificial in so far as through them we contrive to conceal our 'identity' in the legal sense of the term. Most of the people at this site, including myself, are here essentially for a sense of contact with people who've experienced similar issues with regard to sexuality/sexual ambiguity and who know what it's like to feel alien in some way; as well as to find people we might be attracted to, whether sexually or non-sexually. But let's not be naive. This site is, after all, a virtual space; and when we engage with others therein, we are engaging with fragments and images. We rely on the other members to provide us with insights into their experiences/identities, etc. but underlying all activity on this site is the crucial theme of Fantasy. I know some members have actually hooked up in person away from this site, but the site itself, like any chatroom, meeting-site, etc. is grounded in illusion and virtuality. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, necessarily... but even if someone is being honest in the literal sense, we're still only receiving a filtered and controlled impression of that person.
These reflections aside, Dimity, in her profile, indicates that she is currently in a relationship and is not, as I see it, necessarily inviting anyone to fall in love with her. I also don't really understand how the recent information we've garnered about our friend actually impacts on the verity of her bisexuality anyway. I hope overall we can agree to disagree about the implications of this recent information regarding Dimity. Personally, I don't think her personal or professional life, beyond what she wishes to share with us online, is our business. But why did you say 'she's wayyyy out of your league'... Don't sell yourself short, GEL!

Mar 3, 2008, 10:42 AM
Oh and incidentally, has anyone actually checked out the porn site in question? It seems to me this thread has given it some additional publicity.

Mar 3, 2008, 11:19 AM
Oh and incidentally, has anyone actually checked out the porn site in question? It seems to me this thread has given it some additional publicity.


publicity is what it is. but funny tho.

Mar 3, 2008, 12:38 PM
In other news, Marilyn Monroe died, age 36.

This just in, General Francisco Franco is STILL DEAD.

Skater Boy
Mar 3, 2008, 2:09 PM
I understand what you're saying GEL and I take your comments seriously. But I have to admit I find some of the responses to this issue surprising. I appreciate the concerns you and others have raised about people being misled and even potentially hurt... but there is always this chance in 'meeting' people over the net. I maintain that one who develops feelings for another person in a virtual forum such as this, without entertaining the possibility that the information they're given isn't strictly accurate, ultimately does so at their own risk. As to the issue of who is and isn't 'real', this is contentious and subjective. Someone providing consciously false information about themselves is an obvious instance of not being 'real', but people in all aspects of everyday life can represent themselves dubiously at various levels, without even literally 'lying' about anything.
I appreciate the distinction you're making between artificial names and nick-names and I probably agree there can be a difference. I meant that our usernames are artificial in so far as through them we contrive to conceal our 'identity' in the legal sense of the term. Most of the people at this site, including myself, are here essentially for a sense of contact with people who've experienced similar issues with regard to sexuality/sexual ambiguity and who know what it's like to feel alien in some way; as well as to find people we might be attracted to, whether sexually or non-sexually. But let's not be naive. This site is, after all, a virtual space; and when we engage with others therein, we are engaging with fragments and images. We rely on the other members to provide us with insights into their experiences/identities, etc. but underlying all activity on this site is the crucial theme of Fantasy. I know some members have actually hooked up in person away from this site, but the site itself, like any chatroom, meeting-site, etc. is grounded in illusion and virtuality. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, necessarily... but even if someone is being honest in the literal sense, we're still only receiving a filtered and controlled impression of that person.
These reflections aside, Dimity, in her profile, indicates that she is currently in a relationship and is not, as I see it, necessarily inviting anyone to fall in love with her. I also don't really understand how the recent information we've garnered about our friend actually impacts on the verity of her bisexuality anyway. I hope overall we can agree to disagree about the implications of this recent information regarding Dimity. Personally, I don't think her personal or professional life, beyond what she wishes to share with us online, is our business. But why did you say 'she's wayyyy out of your league'... Don't sell yourself short, GEL!

Sorry Wuthering Heights, but I think you're needlessly over-complicating things here. Either it IS her in the photo, or it ISN'T. IF it is, then all is well. but if not, then...

Mar 3, 2008, 2:32 PM
Ah...but here's the problem with that. Regardless of whether it is or really isn't...everyone here has already formed the opinion that it isn't. So its a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

Skater Boy
Mar 3, 2008, 2:56 PM
Ah...but here's the problem with that. Regardless of whether it is or really isn't...everyone here has already formed the opinion that it isn't. So its a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

Good point. BUT, I don't think I need to tell you the story about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" do I? If you lend your name (or photo) to shady goings on, then how can you be surprised when people later look at you sceptically?

Obviously, if I am wrong then I'll be pleasantly surprised...

Mar 3, 2008, 3:17 PM
Well some good points here, but if your lying about a picture what else COULD a person be lying about.

Gel's right, what about if someone was in love with her, or at least liked her a lot. What about that persons feelings?

IF the picture is her then fair enough, if its not then that is as Skater said another matter alltogether.

I mean fair enough if a person doesnt want to put up a picture in a profile- that is a persons choice. To lie and put a completely different photo up- sorry in my book thats not ok.

Ok let me put a picture of Jorja Fox up shall I and pass off as her? (Sorry i'm only using her as a reference because im watcing CSI)

Mar 3, 2008, 6:37 PM
If these are really her pictures then more power to her...but for those of you who think the illussion is grand, no harm done...what about the real person these pictures are of? What if someone was on a site you were not in the same mindframe of and used your pictures saying that you were them? Basically this is identity theift. There have been a couple of people here that I know of who have posted pictures of themselves, (1 very well known at chat) who found out his pic had been copied from his own profile and posted to anothers profile. Is that ok as long as we don't spoil the "fantasy"?

Mar 3, 2008, 7:26 PM
I never interacted with Dimity; but I figured that her profile was fake since most people (especially women) do not feel comfortable at first uploading full frontal nudes of themselves for everyone to see on the internet unless they're into doing porn or they don't care if a full frontal nude with their face gets spread around a lot to random strangers.

Mar 4, 2008, 7:02 AM
.... and the parade of value judgements continues....

Mar 4, 2008, 7:33 AM
Im not sure about anyone else , but I've only seen Dimity once since this was posted, she came in then left a few moments later. So it seems she's bailed out of here. Either she's gone because her game was up, or she didn't find it necesary to prove herself to anyone. She spent alot of time here, if it were myself I'd be doing what I could to clear my name. But she hasn't. She's gone.

Mar 4, 2008, 5:24 PM
Shame Shame Shame on you Dimity! By the way.... that rilly and truely is my picture on my profile < crosses fingers behind my back>:bigrin:

Mar 4, 2008, 5:49 PM
.... and the parade of value judgements continues....

So you still think that Dimity's pictures really are her then? Even though they've been shown and proven to be fake?

What's wrong with calling out someone who is obviously a fake?

What if Dimity was really an underage chatter looking for hot lesbo cyber sex?

Mar 4, 2008, 5:54 PM
So you still think that Dimity's pictures really are her then? Even though they've been shown and proven to be fake?

What's wrong with calling out someone who is obviously a fake?

What if Dimity was really an underage chatter looking for hot lesbo cyber sex?

Yanno... I honestly hadn't even thought of that.:eek:


Mar 4, 2008, 6:02 PM
Yanno... I honestly hadn't even thought of that.:eek:


Heh I was going to also write, "What if Dimity was a really old guy looking for lesbian cyber sex?" but I did not want to think about it. :)