View Full Version : "...forsaking all others....as long as ye both shall live".

Mar 1, 2008, 11:50 PM
Did anyone else leave that part out? We certainly did, knowing that we were both bi and not partial to monogamy.

Did you write your own vows in any way? or are ya gonna?

Mar 1, 2008, 11:56 PM
I don't recall that being a part of our wedding nuptuals, but not because we didn't plan to be faithful to one another. I think it was because we had a non-religious wedding. :flag4:

Mar 2, 2008, 5:26 AM
I've never been married, and probably never will....

But, I do know what I like. Although I do have religious undertones running in me, a wedding speech written by the individual, or even the whole thing written is more romantic any day of the year than the standard tradditional weddings.

If I'm ever to get married, everyone will be in new Nike tracksuits, on a nice beach, getting married at sunset. One can always dream but then I could insist that all the men wear pink and all the women wear blue.
