View Full Version : The perfect high...

Skater Boy
Feb 29, 2008, 9:28 AM
The issue of drug use was raised recently on another internet forum that I visit, and amongst the resulting posts, some members expressed opinions that THEIR "perfect high" was not related to drugs at all. Some suggestions put forward were: "waking up crystal clear headed on a bright summer's morning" and "to work hard to give somebody something which they truly need, and then, for the love it took to satisfy it, to be recognised and accepted".

I thought that these were pretty good suggestions. But I'm just curious as to what YOUR "perfect high" would be. Please feel free to be honest... you can state things related to sex and intoxicating substances if you so wish. Although, tbh, that isn't really the spirit I had in mind when starting this thread. BUT, each to their own, vive la différence, etc.

So: your "perfect high" is...

Feb 29, 2008, 2:46 PM
Hmm my perfect high- I dont think that I've experienced that.

I guess if I could- then I'd be free as a bird soring above the clouds on a spring day with the wind around me.

Looking downwards, seeing people almost the size of ants, as they scattle about their day to day lifes, whilst I still sore high above their heads.


Skater Boy
Feb 29, 2008, 4:00 PM
Hmm my perfect high- I dont think that I've experienced that.

I guess if I could- then I'd be free as a bird soring above the clouds on a spring day with the wind around me.

Looking downwards, seeing people almost the size of ants, as they scattle about their day to day lifes, whilst I still sore high above their heads.


In that case, its simple! You just need one of these:



Feb 29, 2008, 7:21 PM
When I multitask like a madman at work, it's stressful but kinda fun at the same time :) When a line cook passes a certain level of busy there's like a runner's high and it's like an insane catastrophe ballet, all the people going back and forth doing a kajillion things at once. I get the same thing as a prep cook but it's a tad calmer. Either way, I wouldn't be half the cook if I weren't bipolar. I take meds, but I still get hypomanic enough to get the job done.

Aside from that, nothing better than a true runner's high. I was in Brooker Creek Preserve on a ten mile run. By mile 6 I was on the third plateau or some shit :P

Feb 29, 2008, 8:44 PM
Getting immersed in a really challenging, really interesting program. Being lost in the code for hours at a time, deep in a trance where thought becomes so abstract that the ability to hold even a basic conversation fails. Coders don't talk about it a lot, but every once in a very long while, we'll talk to each other about that state. It's... beautiful. It's a world of pure thought. All of the knowledge of the world is at your fingertips... Tens (or hundreds) of thousands of lines of code all float through your mind, easily accessible, completely understood, all the relationships clear and simple... Things become so clear and simple that even the most complex tasks, things that normally require hours of careful, detailed planning, instead flow through your mind and fingers and in a few minutes you can dash off code of heartbreaking beauty... I don't think it can really be explained. Obviously, it's a lot of fun. :)

Alternatively... There's a very similar state that I've hit a couple times while writing. Each time while I was doing the 3-Day Novel Contest. Very interesting, if weird.

shameless agitator
Mar 1, 2008, 12:39 AM
In that case, its simple! You just need one of these:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-66AcTo9TUI want it!! I know where Tom's coming from & there's definitely something to the cook's high. The high when my son unexpectedly comes up & puts his head on my shoulder is pretty great too, but I think the most euphoric is when I get lost in a sculpture & I can feel the material telling me what to do.

Mar 1, 2008, 12:43 AM
My perfect high is being financially sound. Some months, we don't have enough to make it comfortably & others we do. If we could only reach that even threshold, I would feel very high. ;)

Mar 1, 2008, 7:02 AM
.. lookin at joy on Naggy's face 1ce she has had er roots dun..tee hee:bigrin:

Mar 1, 2008, 7:23 AM
Thai take away, watching Tootsie, and no work tomorrow...

Mar 1, 2008, 7:50 AM
The perfect high…

Standing in front of a thousand or so people with a six string and watching the movement of a crowd when your sound can do no wrong… or the feel of a standing ovation with the thunder of applause and cries for more ringing in your ears.

Falling from 10,000 ft and feeling the wind full force….and the incredible silence of descent as you drift back down to Mother Earth.

The rush of white water under a canoe on a class 5 river that derives it’s name from cheating people out of their lives as the snow falls….and living long enough to share the story lol

The birth of your children as you witness the miracle of life unfold before your eyes

Finding yourself in a state ecstasy….through meditation… infatuation… definitely through sex…and ultimately through the love.

Spending every single moment of my life loving the woman of my dreams …and knowing that this love I feel from deep within is received and returned back 10 fold.

Achieving the freedom of openness and honesty at a level most people will never know….and being loved for what and who I am while just being myself..

I’d take these highs and many more like them over any drug ever created….but sometimes I will confess…I need a break from me to put in all back in perspective because my acceptance of what I am is sometimes flawed….in other words I’m by no means perfect….but I’m getting closer as each day passes Yahoooooooooooooo!


Skater Boy
Mar 1, 2008, 8:10 AM
Thai take away, watching Tootsie, and no work tomorrow...

Wow, you're easily pleased Dave! Sounds like you must get the perfect high EVERY Friday/Saturday night!

I think my perfect high would probably be to know someone's soul as intimately as is humanly possible, and to love it, despite its flaws, with all my heart AND to know that the knowledge and those feelings are honestly reciprocated.

OR to find it within myself to respond to someone's hostility with love, understanding and compassion, and then, if lucky, witness their self-realization and eventual personal development as a result.

OR to conceive an original concept in my own mind, then work hard to make it a reality, and eventually witness it assimilated into society and bring pleasure to those who see or use it.

There are many, many more....

Skater Boy
Mar 1, 2008, 8:14 AM
The perfect high…

Standing in front of a thousand or so people with a six string and watching the movement of a crowd when your sound can do no wrong… or the feel of a standing ovation with the thunder of applause and cries for more ringing in your ears.

Falling from 10,000 ft and feeling the wind full force….and the incredible silence of descent as you drift back down to Mother Earth.

The rush of white water under a canoe on a class 5 river that derives it’s name from cheating people out of their lives as the snow falls….and living long enough to share the story lol

The birth of your children as you witness the miracle of life unfold before your eyes

Finding yourself in a state ecstasy….through meditation… infatuation… definitely through sex…and ultimately through the love.

Spending every single moment of my life loving the woman of my dreams …and knowing that this love I feel from deep within is received and returned back 10 fold.

Achieving the freedom of openness and honesty at a level most people will never know….and being loved for what and who I am while just being myself..

I’d take these highs and many more like them over any drug ever created….but sometimes I will confess…I need a break from me to put in all back in perspective because my acceptance of what I am is sometimes flawed….in other words I’m by no means perfect….but I’m getting closer as each day passes Yahoooooooooooooo!


Now, THATS the sort of post I was looking for. Not that I don't value ALL of your responses so far (thanks people!). But I think Ambi said it well...

Mar 1, 2008, 9:24 AM
Wow, you're easily pleased Dave! Sounds like you must get the perfect high EVERY Friday/Saturday night!

I think my perfect high would probably be to know someone's soul as intimately as is humanly possible, and to love it, despite its flaws, with all my heart AND to know that the knowledge and those feelings are honestly reciprocated.

OR to find it within myself to respond to someone's hostility with love, understanding and compassion, and then, if lucky, witness their self-realization and eventual personal development as a result.

OR to conceive an original concept in my own mind, then work hard to make it a reality, and eventually witness it assimilated into society and bring pleasure to those who see or use it.

There are many, many more....

and based on this...my perfect high...is you ;)


the mage
Mar 1, 2008, 10:58 AM
Many years ago I was alone in the forest near Banff, walking alone for miles late at night. I came across 40 pairs of glowing eyes in the dark.
Fearing the worst I took out my knife.
I found to my amazement utter peace in the midst of a herd of deer.
They watched calmly as I walked thru their midst.
It was the sound of their breathing in the quiet, and my footsteps.