View Full Version : Love is...

Skater Boy
Feb 29, 2008, 9:18 AM
I have to admit, that I have never fallen in love yet. And consequently, I have NO IDEA what it is like. I'm not sure if its even POSSIBLE for me to comprehend the sentiments involved. BUT, after reading a recent thread that requested similar information on "friendship" (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5072&highlight=friendship), I was inspired to start a thread on love, in the hope that some of you might be able to provide some good (literal OR non-literal) definitions of what love entails. So:

Love is...

Feb 29, 2008, 9:56 AM
Holy Crap Dude,
Love is... when you see someone... you feel your heart beat once with one shot of adrenaline... you don't feel your heart beat again... the first beat - so overwhelming - and there is nothing you wouldn't do... nothing, for this person.
When you feel your heart open like a trap door and you have the distinct feeling of free falling.
When, if this person fell into the gates of hell itself, you would jump in after him/her, without a second thought.
When you'd quit your job and walk away from all wealth, family, etc. and you know there is 'no decision' in matters regarding this person. All effort is for their welfare.
When you would - without question or complaint - die - sacrafice your life to love this person.
If you were cast back into time and this person were handcuffed to Titanic... you would hold their hand and drown/freeze with him/her with no regard for lifeboats...
Mothers are said to commonly have this feeling for their children.
With no poetic exaggeration, I was there... for two years in love with a girl... love brings both heaven and hell... and the hell becomes okay... inconsequential even. The hell simply does not matter. The love of this girl/boy is all that matters.

Best wishes that you feel this way also.
Life is complete and you progress to the next level once this has happened to you.

Feb 29, 2008, 12:34 PM
Holy Crap Dude,
Love is... when you see someone... you feel your heart beat once with one shot of adrenaline... you don't feel your heart beat again... the first beat - so overwhelming - and there is nothing you wouldn't do... nothing, for this person.
When you feel your heart open like a trap door and you have the distinct feeling of free falling.
When, if this person fell into the gates of hell itself, you would jump in after him/her, without a second thought.
When you'd quit your job and walk away from all wealth, family, etc. and you know there is 'no decision' in matters regarding this person. All effort is for their welfare.
When you would - without question or complaint - die - sacrafice your life to love this person.
If you were cast back into time and this person were handcuffed to Titanic... you would hold their hand and drown/freeze with him/her with no regard for lifeboats...
Mothers are said to commonly have this feeling for their children.
With no poetic exaggeration, I was there... for two years in love with a girl... love brings both heaven and hell... and the hell becomes okay... inconsequential even. The hell simply does not matter. The love of this girl/boy is all that matters.

Best wishes that you feel this way also.
Life is complete and you progress to the next level once this has happened to you.

That about covers it! Being inlove is wanting to be with that person 24/7. Wanting to share all of your being with them. Needing their arms around you. But the big one is most deffinately....you would do anything for this person. Love hurts when you can't be with the one your inlove with.
You will know instantly when your inlove. :love1:

Feb 29, 2008, 2:06 PM
love is looking into someone's eyes, and knowing that you have just met your best friend, no matter what life has in store for the two of you. someone you can tell anything , and you know you will receive unconditional love, and support. or at least that's how it is for me. i have never doubted for a second that raist is in my corner for me always. love is also a two way street i will always be there for him, no matter where life's journey takes us.


Feb 29, 2008, 2:22 PM
Love is like...a mailbox full of tic-tacs

Feb 29, 2008, 2:38 PM
Love is like...a mailbox full of tic-tacs

Or having your heart gently ripped out and feeling alive!

I don't believe in the whole idea of love at first sight or the soulmate stuff either.

Gruffy In KC
Feb 29, 2008, 2:39 PM
Love...is a many splendored thing......

Seriously, can one truly define love? Doubt it. It is a different thing to different people. The one constant is this - you know it when it runs you over with a mack truck.

The Barefoot Contess
Feb 29, 2008, 2:49 PM
I have been in love once, and I have to say disagree with some of the comments I have read so far. Love for me is neither unconditional nor selfless. What I mean is there are things I would not do for love: I would not kill an innocent for love, I would not be in a destructive relationship for love, I would not lose my dignity / self-respect for love, I would not betray a friend for love. There are more things, but you get the idea.
I think we tend to overromanticize the idea of love: love is great, but it does not conquer all, as they say. That was probably the greatest realization while breaking up with the person I was in love with: sometimes love is not enough. I might be in love with an abuser, and still reject him because I will not tolerate that situation. Does that mean that I am not in love with that person? No, it means that even though I am in love, I choose not to destroy myself in the process. In other words, I would not do anything for that person.
But even in the case of a "normal" person: would you betray your best friend for love?

Feb 29, 2008, 3:18 PM
For me Love is...

Irrational, illogical and foolish emotions that we humans have, especially when we meet 'the one', or 'Mr right for now' Or 'Miss one for me'

I was foolish once and I was in love with my said boyfriend at the time.

Love gets you hurt, love makes you careless and do stupid things all because you have these feelings for this one person.

Love can be the most important thing a person strives for, and for some, nothing comes second.

Love can last a lifetime- or it can end in a heartbeat.

Love can travel between countries, times zones.

Love can make you colourblind.

Love can even be timeless, the soul continually finding the one- or ones- that know within a heartbeat the other person's pain, their hunger.

Love is looking into the eyes of your lover and knowing that your home.


Feb 29, 2008, 6:47 PM
Or having your heart gently ripped out and feeling alive!

That too!

Mar 1, 2008, 12:31 AM
That about covers it! Being in love is wanting to be with that person 24/7.

Hmm...that changes once you're married! LOL I absolutely adore my husband, but I can't be around him for more than a few hours at a time. He'll eventually drive me bonkers if I am! :tongue:

BUT, Mrs. F does have a point...when you're in love, you'll know it. Until then, it will probably remain a mystery to you.

Mar 1, 2008, 6:55 AM
... not sayin wen Naggy's roots need cein 2....:bigrin:

Mar 1, 2008, 7:31 AM
love is....skater boy


Mar 1, 2008, 8:04 AM
:).....Love is....... the perfect high!:bigrin:

"What do you see when you turn out the lights....I can't tell you but I know it's mine"
