View Full Version : Herbal/Whatever Helpers

Horny Male
Feb 18, 2008, 3:06 PM
Like many males my age I have tried various erection aids/helpers. Cialis & Levitra work well - recently tried Maxidus am quite elated - nice long lasting erection - big load.
Just wanted to see if anyone out there has any personal endorsements they'd care to share. Thanks to all who read & provide input.

Feb 19, 2008, 2:20 AM
I personally don't know anythng about what goes on in Dr. Frankenstein's lab of pharmeceutical sexual franchise.

I would only say that unless you have a clinically diagnosed erectile dysfunction you'd be best leave all of that crap alone and just make up your mind to know that you're not getting any younger and that if being able to enjoy a future of healthy geriatric hard-ons is important to you, there's certain things you just cannot do, need to start doing, or have to seriously modify.

Like the modification or elimination of caffeine, suger, tobacco and alcohol.

Like the more frequent intake of whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables

Like supplementation of specific botanicals HG root, ginko, gensing, ginger, damiana (be careful here), wild cherry, golden seal (for vascular health), vitamin A,B, C, D, and of course E; citrus (squeeze half a lime in a glass of water with dinner), and calcium.

Unless erectile dysfunction-if exists-is directly diagnosed as something physical, it is dangerous to force blood into erectile tissue (at least without knowing if everything vascular and hormonal is in proper working order)-Which is pretty much what the drugs you've named do. This especially if you are older than 40, even 30. Pay meticulous attention to your moods, and stay active. Drink plenty of water to keep your muscles pliable.

Your erection and ejaculation are not your libido. So don't worry that you are not constantly as horny as you were "then" or think you should be. You are not your sex drive, and that too has a clock that peters out at some point in life-otherwise how it functions changes psychically and you just need to adjust to different sorts of impetus derived from it.

Red meat is THE WORST thing you can put into your body. Not to say that a hamburger probably isn't good-But show me the cow that is the hamburger you're eating and I'll tell you if you're eating a "good" burger or not.

The point [besides the point above] is that you're not a tiger. The easier it is for you to evacuate the less fuel you'll need to get and maintain and erection.

That's my :2cents:. Peace.

Feb 21, 2008, 8:01 AM
Red meat is THE WORST thing you can put into your body. Not to say that a hamburger probably isn't good-But show me the cow that is the hamburger you're eating and I'll tell you if you're eating a "good" burger or not.
