View Full Version : I'm the only TG in the village?

Feb 17, 2008, 9:28 PM
Been here a huge expanse of time all of about 6 hours :O . i was recommend by a friend to come on here and noticed how spars the TG community is here >_> im now slapping said friend with an almighty duster of doom. soooo just wondering if there are any others out there in the uk and/or any people interested in one ^^

Feb 17, 2008, 10:43 PM
i don't know about your side of the pond, but i do know that here on this site are at least 12 TG folk who are very active members..

a total sum of only 6 hours and you are complaining ?? dear, get out and socialize here.. trust me there are plenty of people who will be willing to talk to you...

Feb 17, 2008, 11:00 PM
Hi, I looked at your profile and it looks like we have a lot in common. We both like videogames, snuggling and DVDs. I'm just three months younger, also have blue eyes, we're both bi and I'm also 5 foot 7. Differences seem minor, like that I'm not a goth, transgendered or into raving. The number of similarities between us are spooky. :)

We don't exactly live close together, though. :(

Feb 18, 2008, 12:19 AM
Patience my love - I really sorry hon, had I known that you we going to come to our wonderful site, I would have got the gang together to meet you.
But alas, we are not mind readers. As Richard said, give it a chance and take a little time to get to know some of the wonderful folks that hang here.
I don't think you will be disappointed.

If you weren't on the other side of the pond, I would come snuggle wiv ya and watch movies till dawn.

Doggie :doggie:

Feb 18, 2008, 8:07 AM
Hi there and welcome. Like others have said, you are NOT the only one here, but it's not like they're all out here waiting for you to come online so they can jump you all at once like "WE'RE HERE!". Im sure some will reply over the next few days. Not everyone is online all the time. You could also come hang out in the chatroom to get to know some people. What kind of games do you play, anyway?

Feb 18, 2008, 9:45 AM
thanks for replys ^^ and i wasnt trying to sound like i was complaining sorry if i came out a bit ummmm moany :D, i play pretty much most video games i mean i work in a video games store so its kinda my job to play games ^^ well thats my excuse anyway, my faves at are GH,devil may cry, skate and counterstrike (old skool) drop me a message if you wanna know anything or just ask here or anywhere :D

Feb 18, 2008, 12:56 PM
Can it be that I am the first TS to greet you here? The others are SO falling down on the job! LOL

Many thanks, though, to our friends and supporters who answered you on our behalf!

Welcome to the site! You are far from alone here! Hopefully, we'll get a chance to chat at some point. Or send a PM.

Looking forward to getting to know you,

Feb 18, 2008, 1:52 PM
thanks for replys ^^ and i wasnt trying to sound like i was complaining sorry if i came out a bit ummmm moany :D, i play pretty much most video games i mean i work in a video games store so its kinda my job to play games ^^ well thats my excuse anyway, my faves at are GH,devil may cry, skate and counterstrike (old skool) drop me a message if you wanna know anything or just ask here or anywhere :D
I'm more of a fan of Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, GTA, R&C and any other series I'm forgetting. I haven't played DMC, Skate or CS because they didn't seem like my kind of games but I own GH3. :)

Feb 18, 2008, 2:21 PM
I'm more of a fan of Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, GTA, R&C and any other series I'm forgetting. I haven't played DMC, Skate or CS because they didn't seem like my kind of games but I own GH3. :)

xD luv luv luv :D i have such a masssive crush on cloud :D

Skater Boy
Feb 18, 2008, 3:04 PM
Welcome, Ammigoth! Good to see some more English folk joining our little community. I hope to get to know you a bit better at some point! :)



ps: I think there is at least one other TG member here from the London area, but if you do a profile search, it should tell you who's where.

Feb 18, 2008, 3:21 PM
xD luv luv luv :D i have such a masssive crush on cloud :D
I think the only crush on a videogame character that I have is with Alyx from HL2. She's strong and beautiful. :love:

Feb 18, 2008, 8:37 PM
Been here a huge expanse of time all of about 6 hours :O . i was recommend by a friend to come on here and noticed how spars the TG community is here >_> im now slapping said friend with an almighty duster of doom. soooo just wondering if there are any others out there in the uk and/or any people interested in one ^^

Sorry honey , if I had know n you were coming I would have baked a cake!

I've been without internet, so please forgive the tardiness of this welcome:)

We do have *some* trans members here and there. and yes we are sparse, but isn't that the way it is in the world? Not too many transgenders of any type out there as far as I can tell.

Anyways welcome to Bisex, please make yourself at home.



Feb 18, 2008, 9:07 PM
Sorry honey , if I had know n you were coming I would have baked a cake!

I've been without internet, so please forgive the tardiness of this welcome:)

We do have *some* trans members here and there. and yes we are sparse, but isn't that the way it is in the world? Not too many transgenders of any type out there as far as I can tell.

Anyways welcome to Bisex, please make yourself at home.



Even though I am not a TG person---thanks to some of the folks here who are--like Marie--I have learned a few things at least on this subject.

I can say that in the time I have been to this site--a bit over two years as you can see---there have been TG folks who have come in gone--just like others in the bi/bicurious camp who have come and gone----

Welcome to the site and I hope that it helps you in whatever it is you are looking for---and don't be put off by some of our posts--we are having some "lively" discussions at present about things political on the boards--I know I am one of the main offenders in that regard----but I just can't help myself from reframing yapping about such things....

As I like to say to others who come in here--take your time--read through the postings on the board and also come chat with us from time to time--hopefully you will find most people here to be agreeable.


Feb 18, 2008, 9:48 PM
Welcome to the site. If nothing else, I am sure you will find acceptance and compassion; but hopefully you'll find a friend or two also.


Feb 18, 2008, 10:14 PM
I think the only crush on a videogame character that I have is with Alyx from HL2. She's strong and beautiful. :love:

and has a magic tool that does every thing xD ^^

and thanks so much for people's welcomes ^^ and i expect that cake by tomorrow.

i will have a search :D and hunt down the other TG's on here and in regard to making friends :D i've found a few already ^^

Feb 19, 2008, 4:51 AM
im now slapping said friend with an almighty duster of doom.

dont hit me!

Feb 19, 2008, 5:34 AM
Hey TSister! Welcome aboard! I would bake you a cake but the firemarshall has a court order for me to stay away from anything that causes fire....lol
Hope to see you in the chat room! :bigrin:

Oh by the way, watch out for those people in the chat room. They are perverted. Oh yes... extreme perversion big time! When I first arrived, I was pure and innocent. Then they corrupted me. Now they keep tossing my halo around and sometimes using it as a ring in places you can't possibly imagine!!!

Anyways, keep guard.
Delilah gropes blackout

Feb 19, 2008, 5:56 AM

Hope you like the flavor, I was gonna make vanilla , but then I decided to spice it up a bit ;):tongue:

Feb 19, 2008, 8:23 AM
omg that cake is awesome XD i wants it... and im not talking about the cake ;)
and blood your going down :D in a good way ^^

Feb 19, 2008, 8:54 AM
Well as a friend to a few Transgendered, I welcome you to the site....had I know the date of your arrival, the brass band would have been scheduled. But alas, you have just everyday common folk here who welcome you to this site.


Feb 19, 2008, 9:38 AM
OOOH Marie! :eek:
Could I have a piece? :bigrin:

Feb 19, 2008, 10:45 AM
OOOH Marie! :eek:
Could I have a piece? :bigrin:

Anytime honey! :bigrin: You should know that my brothers and sisters are always welcome at my table :)

Feb 19, 2008, 2:19 PM
Marie, that is hilarious and delightful at the same time.

Feb 19, 2008, 5:45 PM
i play pretty much most video games i mean i work in a video games store so its kinda my job to play games ^^ well thats my excuse anyway

I'm a video game programmer, so that's my excuse as well.

"Why do you play videogames so much?"
"Field research."

Oh yeah, one more thing.

Feb 19, 2008, 7:42 PM
Hey TSister! Welcome aboard! I would bake you a cake but the firemarshall has a court order for me to stay away from anything that causes fire....lol
Hope to see you in the chat room! :bigrin:

Oh by the way, watch out for those people in the chat room. They are perverted. Oh yes... extreme perversion big time! When I first arrived, I was pure and innocent. Then they corrupted me. Now they keep tossing my halo around and sometimes using it as a ring in places you can't possibly imagine!!!

Anyways, keep guard.
Delilah gropes blackout

Was that meant for this window, Delilah? :tong:

Feb 19, 2008, 7:49 PM
Here's a Weighted Companion Cube Cake!

From here: http://kotaku.com/gaming/cake/the-weighted-companion-cube-cake-313286.php?mail2=true

Feb 19, 2008, 9:50 PM

Hope you like the flavor, I was gonna make vanilla , but then I decided to spice it up a bit ;):tongue:

HEHE, nice picture!:bibounce:

Feb 20, 2008, 2:16 AM
Been here a huge expanse of time all of about 6 hours :O . i was recommend by a friend to come on here and noticed how spars the TG community is here >_> im now slapping said friend with an almighty duster of doom. soooo just wondering if there are any others out there in the uk and/or any people interested in one ^^

Hello there, from London... It has taken a while to greet you, sorry.

Well there is a small TG community here, and some of them here are really nice ppl.

But its like life hun, as this is an internet site, people come and people go.

6 hours- lol, I think I might be here 600000000000000 years before I find good and true friends.

By the by- there are more Ts girls than Ts men. Why is that? Blah...

I might include myself in the TG community, and yet I might not. Blah...

Feb 20, 2008, 8:54 PM
i luf portal ^^ i got the end credits tune on my mp3 player :) and i sooo wanted the Weighted Companion Cube as a ring tone ^^

Feb 20, 2008, 10:01 PM

Hope you like the flavor, I was gonna make vanilla , but then I decided to spice it up a bit ;):tongue:

Ahhhh ........ errrrrrr........ Marie! I thought we weren't suppose to say anything about our .... oh shit! :eek:..... I just spilled the beans :banghead:

Oh yeah, one more thing.

Wall actually it is a lie ..... there were three pillows .... ;)

Feb 20, 2008, 10:04 PM
i luf portal ^^ i got the end credits tune on my mp3 player :)
Me too. I listen to it a lot. :bibounce:

I'm now in the mood for playing the game again today. :)

Feb 22, 2008, 1:47 AM
Still Alive, that song from Portal, will be downloadable to be played in Rock Band in the future. :)


Feb 22, 2008, 2:21 AM

Doggie what are you trying to say? Eh??

So Ammigoth- we are here... Just in hidding... Sorry lol...

There is even a smaller Uk Transmen and Women...

But dont fret. Life has a way of working out.

Feb 22, 2008, 6:37 PM
Me too. I listen to it a lot. :bibounce:

I'm now in the mood for playing the game again today. :)

Have you heard of a game called AudioSurf? My friends and I have been playing that a lot, and one of our favorite songs to play on it is "Still Alive". The game costs $10 and allows you to "surf" any song in almost any format. I've got a playlist of about 60 songs I keep on my jump drive so I can play them on any computer that has it. It'll be more as soon as my dad is done ripping music off my cd collection so I can get them back.:rolleyes:

If you haven't heard of it look it up at http://www.audio-surf.com/ It's a really nice way to find further enjoyment from your favorite songs. I think I try to convince my dad to buy it.

Feb 22, 2008, 6:45 PM
Have you heard of a game called AudioSurf? My friends and I have been playing that a lot, and one of our favorite songs to play on it is "Still Alive". The game costs $10 and allows you to "surf" any song in almost any format. I've got a playlist of about 60 songs I keep on my jump drive so I can play them on any computer that has it. It'll be more as soon as my dad is done ripping music off my cd collection so I can get them back.:rolleyes:

If you haven't heard of it look it up at http://www.audio-surf.com/ It's a really nice way to find further enjoyment from your favorite songs. I think I try to convince my dad to buy it.

nice plug xD have you no shame :P, heard of it but (gets ready to plug something herself) ever heard of frets on fire look it up :) if you a rock band or guitar hero fan its a must have.

i feel this is going a little offff subject BUT merh ^^ no to bothered really i enjoy reading this lot :D and i wants a bondage cake at my 21st :D hopefuly with me on in ;)