View Full Version : Nude Pics of your Lover in Your Home

Promising Galahad
Feb 15, 2008, 3:23 PM
So, I'm just curious if any of you here have nude photo's of your lover. No, not like that. I'm talking really,classy,fine art nude photo's of your lover.

I'm doing some major remodeling this summer in my house. Buying new furniture,knocking down some walls,and more or less going all out. I have some nice artwork and lots of antiques, but want something to stand out in either my bedroom or the family room. I was thinking of a very tasteful nude photo of my girlfriend. I'm not 100% sure what I want exactly, so I'm brainstorming and kicking idea's around. However, a very A+F inspired Bruce Weber-esque pic comes to mind or a Herb Ritts like pic on the beach.

Most are safe with ass shots and some girls are even okay with showing off their breasts, but most are very nervous showing anything below the belt,especially if its gonna be displayed in the house for all to see.

I'm not certain, but I think my girlfriend would go along with it,although it depnds on how graphic we go. I plan on asking her or throwing the idea out there. I'm also planning on asking her to move in with me as well. I bought a ring box and a Tiffany's keychain with a house key in it. So, this will be her house as well.I think she would go along with it and I know its something we have to discuss and talk about together. I just want to know of anyone's experience if they have had the same thing done.

I was curious if anyone have picture's of their lover's in their house and if they feel weird about it. My GF is close to her family and friends and I want them to feel at home at my/our place. Walking in and seeing a nude pic of their little girl may get me in some trouble, so if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.

Feb 15, 2008, 4:19 PM
I do have a 22 year old daughter, and it would not bother me if you had a very tasteful nude of her, as in no cunt shots thank you very much. But, my ex would kill you. I'm thinking there are more of him than me out there.

I did have an acquaintance who had a lovely picture of a cock on a breast in her bedroom. Another friend told me at a party once that it was a picture of the homeowner and her boyfriend. I was very young at the time, and it seemed odd.

If the g/f is very close to her family, and there are neices and nephews coming over, their parents might not appreciate it.

My sweetheart has a beautiful nude of Lillith w/ the snake in his living room. He brought it over to show me and my 2 girls thought it was lovely and never even commented on it being a "naked lady" as he expected them to do. But my oldest daughter would freak out. So there's no telling how folks in one family will react.

Feb 15, 2008, 4:53 PM
First of all, let me say that from your posts that you seem to be a most romantic and caring man and your love for your girlfriend is very obvious. You seem to take extra effort to convey this love and for that I applaud you! As for the nude picture of your girlfriend, I know you are asking for responses from people who may have done the same thing, BUT, as a parent, I am not sure I would like to visit my offspring and be greeted by a nude shot of them on full display. Perhaps you could have a picture that could be easily replaced when they come by to visit. But if your girlfriend is ok with it, it is for her to decide what the comfort level would be.

Kudos to you for asking first and taking all things into consideration.


Skater Boy
Feb 15, 2008, 6:51 PM
Ya, I think the word "tasteful" is paramount here. Nobody objects to Michaelangelo's statue of David, Rodin's "Kiss" sculpture, or a whole host of reclining nudes painted or photographed by various other artists. BUT, as soon as you start to to indroduce anything even vaguely "risque", you give the image an overtly sexual theme. And in doing so, you expose to those who see it, something which is actually quite a personal (and at times private) thing. If you're happy to show that to the whole world, then good for you... its probably nothing to be ashamed of. BUT, you do have to consider how the OTHER people who see the image might feel about it, AND whether it is even APPROPRIATE for them to see it.

So, in summary, if you're talking about tastefully done nudity (and your girlfriend is happy with this), then I wouldn't worry too much... particularly if its only gonna be seen by a select group of adults that are in your intimate social circle. But, if you're thinking about outright "amateur pornography", then I would think carefully before going ahead with it.

Obviously, I realize that what is "tasteful" is very subjective. But I think that, if in any doubt, you should err on the side of caution... meaning no provocative poses or close-ups of genitalia. I, personally, would place some emphasis on the "artistic" aspect of the images, rather than just being vulgar reminders of how neatly her bush is trimmed.


Feb 15, 2008, 6:55 PM
We don't have any like that, but it seems that something done tastefully, like in the style of the great master painters, would be nice as well as erotic in a very subtle and tasteful way.

shameless agitator
Feb 15, 2008, 7:50 PM
First, let me say I think the Tiffany keychain is a brilliant idea. You might want to re-think the ring box though unless you present it to her open. If she's expecting to see an engagement ring, she'll be very disappointed by what should be a lovely gift. As for your actual question, I would get some nude images of various poses to show her & ask if she would be comfortable with any of those. It's one thing to say you're thinking of something tasteful (as that's a pretty subjective term) and something else entirely to show pics she would consider tasteful and ask if she would be okay with it.

Feb 15, 2008, 9:29 PM
I think we Americans take nudity far too seriously. I mean it is natural and if tastefully done, even more so. I do think that if it were in the living room that could create some awkward moments,especially if her parents are not realk keen on it, or some of her friends. My suggestion would be to put it on display in your bedroom. It is not hidden, but anyone you feel comfortable with taking into your bedroom, even to just show them the picture, would be close enough to you to not be offended. Also it would not be there 100 percent of the time, so people would not always be looking at it. Not that there is anything wrong with it, bu those that are uncomfortabel with it will not be for long. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the human body and I am a nudist too, but I would find myself looking at it often..almost learing at it. Just my opinion.


Feb 15, 2008, 9:31 PM
Well I think that I may be one of the few to respond as one who has a major work of art of herself in her home.

Last year to celebrate our twentieth anniversary, I wanted to have a charcoal etching of me done for my husband. It took several trys to find the right artist, but in the end I found a rather talented young lady from a nude that I saw on the wall at my gynocologist. I met with her and showed her photos with hubby had taken (not knowing the real reason) when we were on a cruise a few months earlier) and it was determined that new ones must be done. So I cleared off the coffee table in the living room, added some pillows and threw a couple of mink coats on top then I lounged. She was a most artistic woman and we felt rather comfortable and that confidence and comfort really came through in the photographs.

Six weeks later she delivered two etchings, one a full side view of me, and the second was a forshortened version done from the perspective on in back of my head as I lay on my back with my legs crossed in the air. I really think that that was the best of the two, but given where I wanted to put the work ( above the headboard of a four poster bed) the elongated one was the one I had chose to frame. When people come into our home and ask to see the house (it is relatively new so people always want a tour) few ask if it is me....One thing about commissioning a work of art is that she was able to have creative license with shaving off a few pounds here or there or lifting parts of my body that nature has seen fit to head south.

In our Master Bathroom I have a oil of a woman sitting backwards with her hair dangling down her back....I was given that because I wanted my engagement gift to my husband to be a similar photo of me...but in the end the photo did not come out well.

In our formal living room we have a bronze which I bought at a junk store of a woman somewhat reclining and a man on his knees in front of her. As a gift for my husband to signify our relationship with our lover, I purchased an wooden African carving of three lovers entwined.

We have a naked bust of David in our bedroom who at Christmas donnes a wreath of boxwood. As I sit here writing this, I have two back view nudes of women above the nightstands in our bedroom.

I guess I have no issue with works of the human body. I would not mind having a bronze of me (for our twenty-fifth anniversary) placed in the more public areas of our home...well that is if the sculptor will augument my boobs and deduce my tummy.

I think you are caring and love this fine young lady and want to share that. I admire you. Gallahad, if you wish to see the above works I shall send you a photo so you might see the degree of exposure that we have.


Promising Galahad
Feb 16, 2008, 10:23 AM
So, I mentioned this to my GF and she is totally into it. I am a little surprised. She wants to look at pictures to get some ideas but she said she isn't shy and as long as its done very tastefully she has no limits. This may not sound like a big deal, but 6 months ago she would have never gone along with this. I wonder if my influence has anything to do with it. I must have asked her several times if she was doing this to make me happy or because she really wanted to. She assured me I was not pressuring her and even hinted we both be in the pic. I'm really not for that. I mean,I'd pose seperately but I am not so sure about doing a pic as a duo. Still, I'm very excited about this and am looking forward to her and I researching this. I think projects like this for lover's to do is really hot and romantic. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to all who responded and gave some helpful advice and to those who actually sent me the names of some Photographer's in my area. Thanks Guys!

Feb 16, 2008, 5:31 PM
This is good site to get some ideas for some very tasteful, loving and sexy pictures.
