View Full Version : Married cocksucker wants to come out

Nov 25, 2005, 6:10 PM
I am a married good looking wm that loves sucking cocks..don't do anything else. Only my wife and grown daughter know..I want to come out. Need advice on this move.

Nov 25, 2005, 6:14 PM
You don't say why you want to come out ... Clearly there must be more to this than the simple need to suck cock.

Jan 10, 2006, 5:37 PM
:flag2: :male: I am out to my family and friends, but don't see a need to stop strangers on the street to tell them. Try being comfortable telling your close friends and see how their reactios are. Some church groups are very accepting while athers would be immediately rejecting.
I can understand a bit of a "Fucky you; I am who I am." attitude and will not tolerate homophobic attitudes, but depending on the arena, I'll either fight or flee.

Jan 10, 2006, 10:54 PM
Yes I agree with jordok...why come out?

Jan 10, 2006, 11:45 PM
We all have to make our own decisions on the whole "out" or "not out" issue, but I don't know why you need to. If those closest to you already know, then you're being honest with them. Why does it matter that others know? It's too bad human beings can't be seen as "sexual" (period) without attaching labels as to what anyone's primary attractions might be.

Good luck with this.

BiMale :2cents: :)

Jan 10, 2006, 11:55 PM
Just to add to the others' reservations, what exactly do you envision as coming out? If your wife and daughter know, that's already enough for me to consider you "out." Unless you're now exclusively gay and want to live in a gay culture, it probably isn't necessary to let a lot of people know you like to suck cock, since it's a side diversion and not going to determine much about how you live your life and whom you associate with.

For gay men, it's obviously different. For them coming out is a rite of passage inducting them into a new community, which will structure a lot of their social time, their friendships, their mating rituals, maybe even where they live and their hobbies. For some bisexual men, not most, it may be that encompassing. But for a straight guy who likes to chomp on the occasional schlong, you can probably limit the information to the people who need to know (your wife and adult children are good parameters), as well as the people you are thinking of sucking off, since you do have to meet them.

Start your journey by getting a free membership on gay.com. Find chatrooms in your area and see if you can make some friends that way. Lots of men on that website feel fine about married men, even preferring them. I usually have to fight them off with a stick. If you have a friend who can accompany you, rev yourself up and go to a gay bar to test the waters. You don't have to explain much about yourself; after all, gay bars are public places and there are lots of times that non-gay people are in them. Just go and strike up casual convo with people, be friendly. See where it leads you. Keep in mind that there is a lot of flim-flam and muckity-muck involved with these venues; you may have to fumble around and go through lots of false leads before finding what you want.

With the condition that you need to be VERY safe, you may decide to try a video store or a bathhouse, where you can suck someone off in semi-private spaces without having to go to either person's house. Be careful that the police aren't going to bust it up. Don't do poppers or other drugs that impair your judgment, and do not graduate to anal sex, even with condoms.

I would avoid parks or public restrooms, as well as libraries and abandoned parts of bus and train stations --- too dangerous!

Also, please read the other thread about the risks of disease from oral sex. You may want to be picky, avoid ejaculation at all costs, and consider even using a condom. Also, see if you like licking cock without taking the head into your mouth, in cases where you don't know the suckee too well.


Jan 17, 2006, 10:36 AM
I'm quite amazed your daughter knows,I think it's less and less a big deal nowadays.

Jan 18, 2006, 3:37 PM
I agree with Bonzai ... if your wife knows and your older daughter knows, that's the first thing, and secondly if you don't want to live as an active bi-sexual, what's to "come out"?

There isn't much there to tell everyone to be honest. So - you like to suck cocks but that doesn't mean you're bisexual or gay ... you clearly consider yourself as hetro, so why "come out".

Think carefully before you start to tell everyone. Some people are not as understanding or as accepting as you might expect.