View Full Version : Just say "No" (to forum idiots)...

Feb 10, 2008, 8:27 AM
Just a quick aside on the schoolground baloney with a few lame-ass wannabe members who are obviously here to stir shit and not participate honestly with any of the 'real' members here on Bisexual.com.

Don't get drawn into the drama of responding to @ssholes like this or raging about them in chat. Just ignore them, and dont reply... the wannabes will get bored and go away soon enough, as long as they are not encouraged. Hit the ignore button in chat, save and forward the chat logs and email the site manager thru the Contact us button at the bottom of the page with your complaints.

It's not worth any arguing, replies or flaming: @ssholes never change their stripes..... :2cents:

Feb 10, 2008, 9:30 AM
LOL good advice...wish I read this before contributing to a recent post.


Feb 10, 2008, 9:51 AM
So right Sapphy--I had responded to one post before I realized that this one person was as I said in another post--"a drive by poster!!"

The site administrators do need to know about this person--who I think has fabricated everything in HIS profile--there is no way that is a woman---from Belgium/Netherlands!!!

Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 9:55 AM
When I logged on this morning, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I think its about time that Drew added an link next to each post to allow us to report inappropriate content. Anyway, I've mentioned leaving Bi.com before in the past, and now its seeming oh-so-tempting...

Feb 10, 2008, 10:00 AM
I would say to not leave Skater--it is idiots like "Fried Duck" who seem to want that to happen---this site may have its problems---but it is still a pretty good place to be as far as internet sites go---

I spend the majority of my online time here--more than I probably should--I do tend to go silent during the warmer months and spend more time on her during the winter--

I do hope to keep this place up and running as long as possible--we have had many idiots like "Duck" come and go in the more than two years I have been here now---

We can deal with this little gnat---he will be crushed and banned from our midst!!!!

Feb 10, 2008, 10:06 AM
When I logged on this morning, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I think its about time that Drew added an link next to each post to allow us to report inappropriate content. Anyway, I've mentioned leaving Bi.com before in the past, and now its seeming oh-so-tempting...

There is a link... a small triangle shaped Exclamation point thingy. I've used it, and simply not responded to the offending posts. I think what happens is that it gets fw'ded to the Site admin...depending on what version of forum Software is in place (I modded on a board that used VBulletin , which is what I think this board runs on) .

It gets fatiguing though.


Feb 10, 2008, 10:15 AM
Bumping the thread up.


Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 10:24 AM
There is a link... a small triangle shaped Exclamation point thingy. I've used it, and simply not responded to the offending posts. I think what happens is that it gets fw'ded to the Site admin...depending on what version of forum Software is in place (I modded on a board that used VBulletin , which is what I think this board runs on) .

It gets fatiguing though.


Thanks. I've just reported the main offenders. Lets Hope Drew (or whoever is currently running things) pays attention and deals with the issue...

Until then, people: don't be lured into a flamefest by responding to the spam.

Feb 10, 2008, 10:30 AM
I'm pretty sure that Oralguy and Friedduck are the same person.

Five distinct clues tell us that.

1. Oralguy stopped posting on the same day that Friedduck started with a 5 hour delay, and no overlap.

2. Friedduck claims to be a trans yet talks about himself in a very demeaning way, so is not who he says he is.

3. Oralguy hates Kate, Friedduck starts his ugly women tirade with CRSKate as the first name he mentions.

4. Oralguy hates me, calls me a communist hiding out in belgium, and suddenly the location of Friedduck (who's account was active since March last year) only YESTERDAY changed to Belgium/Netherlands (which is where I am).

5. Oralguy wants to destroy the forum so he tries to clutter it up with so much bullshit as he can so that Drew has no other option than to delete large parts of it. Also apparently Oralguy already had a warning and now thinks that he can use the Friedduck account to mess things up.

Just my thoughts.

Feb 10, 2008, 10:33 AM
I'm pretty sure that Oralguy and Friedduck are the same person.

Five distinct clues tell us that.

1. Oralguy stopped posting on the same day that Friedduck started with a 5 hour delay, and no overlap.

2. Friedduck claims to be a trans yet talks about himself in a very demeaning way, so is not who he says he is.

3. Oralguy hates Kate, Friedduck starts his ugly women tirade with CRSKate as the first name he mentions.

4. Oralguy hates me, calls me a communist hiding out in belgium, and suddenly the location of Friedduck (who's account was active since March last year) only YESTERDAY changed to Belgium/Netherlands (which is where I am).

5. Oralguy wants to destroy the forum so he tries to clutter it up with so much bullshit as he can so that Drew has no other option than to delete large parts of it. Also apparently Oralguy already had a warning and now thinks that he can use the Friedduck account to mess things up.

Just my thoughts.

Files it under "Valid Theories about Forum trolls". . .

What I wouldn't give for a peek at their IP addresses.


Feb 10, 2008, 11:27 AM
Thanks. I've just reported the main offenders. Lets Hope Drew (or whoever is currently running things) pays attention and deals with the issue...

Until then, people: don't be lured into a flamefest by responding to the spam.

He banned them this morning as well as deleted some of their threads. Hopefully they will stay away but unfortunately I know that's too much to hope for. They or someone like them will always want to stir things up here. I hope that you won't ever decide to leave because of them, Skater, as I enjoy reading your posts along with many of the others.

Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 11:32 AM
He banned them this morning as well as deleted some of their threads. Hopefully they will stay away but unfortunately I know that's too much to hope for. They or someone like them will always want to stir things up here. I hope that you won't ever decide to leave because of them, Skater, as I enjoy reading your posts along with many of the others.

Yes, many thanks to Drew for acting so promptly. I'll lurk around in the shadows a little longer. Hopefully the Holocaust-denying, Anti-Africa element will not burden our community any further...

Feb 10, 2008, 11:36 AM
You better not leave. I really enjoy your postings :)

Yes, many thanks to Drew for acting so promptly. I'll lurk around in the shadows a little longer. Hopefully the Holocaust-denying, Anti-Africa element will not burden our community any further...

Feb 10, 2008, 11:42 AM
I am new here, but i hope no one leaves because of this.

If you leave they win!!


Feb 10, 2008, 11:47 AM

What I wouldn't give for a peek at their IP addresses.


Not probable - however, Drew or his staff could (if they don't already have) install fairly inexpensive software that when suspected trolls or trouble-makers show up, their IP addresses could be tracked and logged in as little as 30-45 seconds. Then that particular IP addy can be blocked. Further more, the IP provider could also be notified of the devilment caused by their client and could be terminated due to TOS violations. Furthermore, if that offender is located in the United States, depending on the nature of the trouble caused, civil and or criminal charges could be levied at local, state any even federal levels.
(A lot of work just for a troll - but the example it would make for others as a warning)



Feb 10, 2008, 12:29 PM
<Applauds Sapphy's post on this issue>

Feb 10, 2008, 12:44 PM
I would say to not leave Skater--it is idiots like "Fried Duck" who seem to want that to happen---this site may have its problems---but it is still a pretty good place to be as far as internet sites go---

I spend the majority of my online time here--more than I probably should--I do tend to go silent during the warmer months and spend more time on her during the winter--

I do hope to keep this place up and running as long as possible--we have had many idiots like "Duck" come and go in the more than two years I have been here now---

We can deal with this little gnat---he will be crushed and banned from our midst!!!!

"OW MY EYE!!!!!":rolleyes:

Hugs to all....

Many many multitudes of hugs to all... and a liberal amount of eye ointment to sooth irritation ....

Much love,


Feb 10, 2008, 3:27 PM
I think these posters may be kids, either one kid with multiple profiles or several kids. Their writing often lapses into text messaging style which is a give-away for a young writer. Texting is creeping into a lot of kid's school writing and it's a common complaint among teachers these days. Second, their world view is very immature. I think they feel that the only way they can compete for the adult reader's attention is to be derogatory and condescending. I'm guessing they are middle school kids. They are probably giggling that they can get the 'adults' all stirred up. We should just ignore them and they will eventually get bored and return to their Playstations.

Feb 10, 2008, 4:10 PM
Yes, many thanks to Drew for acting so promptly. I'll lurk around in the shadows a little longer. Hopefully the Holocaust-denying, Anti-Africa element will not burden our community any further...

Skater, dont worry i reported both of them this morning uk time.

shameless agitator
Feb 10, 2008, 4:56 PM
I hope that you won't ever decide to leave because of them, Skater, as I enjoy reading your posts along with many of the others.Seconded

Feb 10, 2008, 5:08 PM
Sappy and Skater.........how right on you are. Thank YOU both.

Feb 10, 2008, 5:42 PM
greetings all

it's just this kind of thing that caused me to leave my chatroom where I held court ... for many many years. They are still trashing the forum in the old place. It disgusted me. Thankfully I found sanctuary here with a wonderful warm group, and for that I thank you.

At the first sign of strife I tend to iggy the troublemaker immediately. My personal experience has been that they won't last long without someone to argue with them. Ya can't push on a rope... no resistance :)

signed: No Mercy for ID10Ts


Feb 10, 2008, 6:13 PM

"Oy sey, we runup th' dohgs and lewd ah shohtgahns. We foind this thing, in we kill it-En let th'rest o thim knew we meent biznez about em cahmmin roun' ere ay!"

"Well ol' on theya naw we oh'l cont gewon jus taykin th' lew in ah'r ewn ands. B'sides it, we dewnt new wut th' bluh'ee things ah'r-o'evun why they'h eer ah mean b'sides new'unz been 'urt. Shu'r sumofusu'v gotten ah'r fethas roffled upa bit, but maybe we oh'l nee'id t'get off sum steam fo a chaynge."

"Y'new ee ah's gah' a-point. Things wur gettin soh't boh'rin roun'eer. Kyan't be oh'l roses oh'l th time."

"Nah ownlee thet mate. You won'id Drew. Naw y'goh'm."

"Gah'lly. Suh'm else. But wey'd yspose they cum from? Wu'in evvens d'y spose they kin be?"

"Ah' dunno. Bit Me'mum yooz'd t'tell me tayles; bout th' keep'uhs u'sleep-Loyk sumkin'a speer't-

"Woll shoo'r. Pleh'ee tales bout sumsuch so'uh thins. L'gnds foolo' stohreys uf
gnewms n fayreez n trolls n oh'l thet sor'uh rubbish..."

Well yeh!They cum roun steer'n up thin's- sumtimes meh'be jus'uh keep thins royt. I oh'weys thot moiy'be...we don no ah'sevs well ee'nuf. N p'haps, theh cum roun juz't r'moin'us o wut weer doin wi' ahseves."

"S'pose thet cud be..."

"Ew! But theh do froiten me terribly! Thayh such 'orrible an' ah'glee things. Why shud they rayz so much uv'a din? A'h joz wont them to stay eway!"

"S'pose weyah jos gon' hev 'd lern'na get uh'long widdem. Stoy oh't th' woy uvvem moch es we can. En appresh'ate theyah purpus."


Feb 10, 2008, 7:43 PM
Hi all,
We're new here too and have come over from another site. Not so much because of 'trolls', but because the conversation just became somewhat boring. Seems like first off we saw the nastiness of those you are speaking of, but we also saw a much larger group of sincere and intelligent people.

I guess we would just like to second the encouragement for all good bisexuals to stay the course here. This is a good site IMO. And the word of advice given above by others is a quick and easy way to terminate trolls - simply refuse to be drawn into an argument with them - without attention, they soon fade away. Sometimes it takes one or two postings for them to show their true colors, but once they do just turn your back on them. Their thoughts and comments do not deserve even a reading, much less an answer - in fact, we got to the point of just skipping the trash from these trolls, not even giving it a quick read.

The Barefoot Contess
Feb 10, 2008, 7:57 PM
I support those who say that if you leave they win. But I also understand that it gets tiring. Let's pick our battles, guys, and ignore those with no interest in dialog.

Feb 10, 2008, 10:12 PM
Bravo to Sapphy for her considered post.

And I agree... there's no point in responding to those whose only desire is to cause trouble.

I'm new here and think most people here are very warm, sincere people.

Kudos to bisexual.com for dealing with these trolls in such a timely manner.

Feb 11, 2008, 1:58 AM
sage advice, Sapphy, for the real world as well as the virtual one!!

Feb 11, 2008, 2:10 AM
Burns some sage...mmmmmm good karma :)

Feb 14, 2008, 11:52 PM
Thanks everyone for being so kind in replying to this thread; I didnt really expect it to pick up so much steam, but I'm glad that others think it's appropriate to not sink to the lowest common denominator when trolls like these come along.... :rolleyes: