View Full Version : I wish I had a pussy

Feb 10, 2008, 12:14 AM
I so wish I were a female with a sweet pussy! Masterbation would be better, and I could have 2 holes filled instead of one! damn how I wish I had a pussy

Feb 10, 2008, 12:22 AM
"Then go get one."


Analog Kid
Feb 10, 2008, 12:40 AM
here ya go


Feb 10, 2008, 3:10 AM
wht happen when ur pussy start 2 bleed, U have PMS, and have yeast infections? would U luv it then?

Feb 22, 2008, 12:54 AM
there is an upside to having a vagina because it's feel good when things go in but try giving birth and let me know if it still feels good when things come out LOL:eek:

Feb 22, 2008, 1:10 AM
You have 2 holes lol lol :bigrin:

Feb 22, 2008, 6:13 AM
I so wish I were a female with a sweet pussy! Masterbation would be better, and I could have 2 holes filled instead of one! damn how I wish I had a pussy

What about the rest of the deal? Living as female 24/7, or is it only the sex that you are interested in?

There is a lot more to being a woman than just having a vagina. Yes, it is something that some of us feel the need to change.

Is that how you feel? I'm just curious.

You know that life isn't all about the sex, as much as some of us wish it were. When you lose your testes and the testosterone goes away and your sex drive slips down to nothing, will you still want a pussy?

Feb 22, 2008, 7:04 AM
What about the rest of the deal? Living as female 24/7, or is it only the sex that you are interested in?

There is a lot more to being a woman than just having a vagina. Yes, it is something that some of us feel the need to change.

Is that how you feel? I'm just curious.

You know that life isn't all about the sex, as much as some of us wish it were. When you lose your testes and the testosterone goes away and your sex drive slips down to nothing, will you still want a pussy?

Aww Marie my dear I couldnt've said it better...

Being a woman isnt all that cracked up. Women have periods, pain, pms, menaopause...

But saying all that, some people have a dying need an ach, to be the person they want but because of genetics they cant be female.

I agree with MD- there is more to being a woman than having an opening...

Life really isnt only about sex... Sex is messy, unpredictable and ugh lets not even go there on the amount of bugs, viruses, and bacteria that people can give each other from having sex.

-Back into my bubble!-

Feb 22, 2008, 8:26 AM
how about this... and you don;t even to have it in your house

Feb 22, 2008, 6:42 PM
hmmm... cant say this put me in the best of moods, but what ever floats your boat i spose...

Oct 4, 2012, 2:00 PM
To those saying that there's more to being a woman than having a vagina, you are absolutely correct. TITS!

Oct 5, 2012, 11:03 AM
If I had a pussy, I'd operate like McDonalds......quanity no quality!

Oct 5, 2012, 11:21 AM
If I had a pussy, I'd operate like McDonalds......quanity no quality!
When u have a puss u soon get fed up wiv sight of junk food... ver unsatisfying... fast food is neither appreciated or desired and for shame we would never serve it up.. which is why some of us operate more like the Savoy, use only the best ingredients and like our patrons to take time and enjoy their meal..;):)

Oct 5, 2012, 10:36 PM
When i was young and went out in drag I felt the same way at times. Now that I am older I am so glad that I kept my cock being Bi let me enjoy all sex with with both men and women. I can be a top or a bottom with both LIFE IS GOOD

The Young Pretender
Oct 5, 2012, 10:54 PM
Here's a medical reason in favour of keeping one's cock: Female Gynecological Cancers. I am sure many of you ladies know a woman who has suffered or died from such a cancer, which can manifest in the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. When us boys find an unusual lump (which isn't hard given how we often can't keep our hands off), we can find these cancers relatively quickly and easily. Women? Not so much.

Oct 6, 2012, 6:28 AM
Here's a medical reason in favour of keeping one's cock: Female Gynecological Cancers. I am sure many of you ladies know a woman who has suffered or died from such a cancer, which can manifest in the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. When us boys find an unusual lump (which isn't hard given how we often can't keep our hands off), we can find these cancers relatively quickly and easily. Women? Not so much.
Bits are the only places peeps get cancer? Too many peeps develop cancer... I did for a start (of the breast) and it may recur at some time... but men sweets, develop cancer in many places where it is not easily detectable.. not just bits... in the US over 1.6 million will develop some kind of cancer in this year alone.. 60000 more men will develop cancer than women... and for every 100000 men who live in the US, it will be the cause of death of 219 of them in 2012... for every 100000 women the figure is 151. so u don't want a puss cos of cancer of the bits? Fine... but there are other cancers other than cancer of the bits... and men are far more likely to pop their clogs because of them...


Neways.. this is meant to be a fun thread... so I wont unfun it ne more.. soz...:kiss:

Oct 6, 2012, 7:55 AM
LOL!!! I wish I had a brain...if I only had a brain...

Oct 6, 2012, 9:31 AM
When u have a puss u soon get fed up wiv sight of junk food... ver unsatisfying... fast food is neither appreciated or desired and for shame we would never serve it up.. which is why some of us operate more like the Savoy, use only the best ingredients and like our patrons to take time and enjoy their meal..;):)

I do believe that is the most tactful way I have ever heard that particular sentiment expressed.

The Young Pretender
Oct 6, 2012, 9:40 AM
Bits are the only places peeps get cancer? Too many peeps develop cancer... I did for a start (of the breast) and it may recur at some time... but men sweets, develop cancer in many places where it is not easily detectable.. not just bits... in the US over 1.6 million will develop some kind of cancer in this year alone.. 60000 more men will develop cancer than women... and for every 100000 men who live in the US, it will be the cause of death of 219 of them in 2012... for every 100000 women the figure is 151. so u don't want a puss cos of cancer of the bits? Fine... but there are other cancers other than cancer of the bits... and men are far more likely to pop their clogs because of them...


Neways.. this is meant to be a fun thread... so I wont unfun it ne more.. soz...:kiss:

Well, highlighting every part of the body which can become cancerous wouldn't be particularly useful for this discussion, which is decidedly limited to woman's reproductive organs. Hence why I limited my post to the bits.

I'll go off and be un-fun in a corner with myself.

Oct 6, 2012, 10:08 AM
Well, highlighting every part of the body which can become cancerous wouldn't be particularly useful for this discussion, which is decidedly limited to woman's reproductive organs. Hence why I limited my post to the bits.

I'll go off and be un-fun in a corner with myself.
Awwww dont take it like that... cant divorce bits from the rest of us.. bit of a mess if we do... but neways.. dont have 2 sit in corner unfunnin'... have often sat in corner mesel funnin'... ther r ways u kno... an' ver nice they r too;)

Oct 6, 2012, 10:32 PM
..the sheer mechanics of the thing amaze me, the way women feel so good and recover so quickly..and there have been times I have felt submissive enough to want to be dominated that way..however I do think I will be greatful and happy to leave female gender to females and male gender to males. Each of them have benefits and disadvantages + they are each special in their own way. Contribute a slightly different perspective.

I once took a course on gender and the one thing that everyone agreed on was that they didn't like being labeled and required to conform..

Oct 7, 2012, 1:50 AM
..the sheer mechanics of the thing amaze me, the way women feel so good and recover so quickly..and there have been times I have felt submissive enough to want to be dominated that way..however I do think I will be greatful and happy to leave female gender to females and male gender to males. Each of them have benefits and disadvantages + they are each special in their own way. Contribute a slightly different perspective.

I once took a course on gender and the one thing that everyone agreed on was that they didn't like being labeled and required to conform..

You've expressed my feelings on the topic pretty much also. There is no doubt that I am fascinated by the way in which women experience the sensual and sexual; when they are in the moment; their appreciation of it all and the way they express themselves is beautiful to me. All the subtle nuanaces during the entire experience leading to ecstasy is a delight. When we as men are open to that, it ignites our own experience...it is more than having a pussy....it is indeed that but it is all that culminates in the total woman...and when a woman is multi-orgasmic, oh my....it's something that men wish they could experience and I think this is where the desire to make such a statement comes from.

I can understand this desire to want to have a pussy as I have felt that way too...the words chosen by Lovesex86 are limiting and simple lacking in description for this greater experience women have. Surely we can name all the negatives that go along with it and though there's no denying it's more complicated. I trust there is a joy to being a woman and having a pussy....

I absolutely love being a male but I am also aware of the feminine energy inside me; it's a good balance with the masculine that is in me. I would go into detail as to why I love having a cock and being male along with the negatives too, but that would deviate from the topic here....perhaps it's a thread I should start.

Oct 7, 2012, 3:08 AM
I think its pretty normal for either gender to either appreciate or "dream" of what it would be like to be the opposite gender and it not be confused as GID. We all do it as children before we even know how our bodies function as adults. So why wouldn't it be normal as adults when we know what our and our sexual opposites can experience?. There is no shame there.

I, myself, have at times though "Oh how easy it would be to pee, but man I would hate to hold my balls up when I need to go number 2 when I'm old". Or "Geez, I love the way my husband experiences his orgasms, i wish for I moment I could experience that too".

BUT, I wouldn't change my normal genitalia for the world, even with the horrible cramps, bleeding, labor ect ect. Because its just purrrrfect for me.

Imma lil drunk so forgive me for not remembering names of posters....

In regards to the "cancer's down there". Yeah they are more detrimental to us women, but men also have their part in passing them to us, since they show no symptoms in men, So WE ALL must do our part for sexual health in regards to safe sex.

In regards to the poster of Quantity and not Quality. Most girls leave that phase within their first year of having intercourse and become "connoisseurs" and not just consumers. That is just an F,Y.I.

Breast cancers happen in both sexes and the survival stats are about the same when it comes to treatment, but men are less likely to have theirs caught earlier. Men need to touch their Moobs more. Men I Love ya, so examine your moobs!

Another reason why women's cancers in their sexual regions are more serious, is because our natural design of our vagina is to change, grow and shed. Like an symphony. It builds to a crescendo (ovulation, and you men know you love us when we ovulate) and then on to the final note just to start over again. So it is an area constantly fed hormones and an ample blood supply.

But all that allows me the great passion of sexual pleasure that I would never give away for eternity, but wouldn't mind borrowing a cock for a day or two at points in the rest of my life, just so I could feel complete and thorough sexually..

Make sense? God I hope so *snickers*

Bisexual Explorer
Oct 8, 2012, 7:19 AM
I often fantasize about having sex as a woman. Am I watching too much straight porn again? But, there's no way I'd want to actually have a pussy. Like Little Ray of Sunshine, I'm happy with what I've got.
Bisexaul Explorer

Oct 8, 2012, 7:38 PM
Great topic lots laughs my wife and I have both wondered at times but very happy with what we have lol.

Oct 8, 2012, 8:51 PM
I often fantasize about having sex as a woman.
Bisexaul Explorer

I too sometimes fantasize about having sex as a women but its more than simply having a pussy, its the whole feminine experience.

Having said that I too am perfectly happy with what I've got and would not want to change.

Oct 10, 2012, 2:19 AM
I've been called a cunt more times than I'd like to remember......does that count????? :oh:

Cheers Chook :yikes2:

Oct 10, 2012, 2:25 AM
I wish I had one

Oct 10, 2012, 9:28 PM
I wish I had one also. I am now a pre-op transwomen going through transition and hopefully soon I will have a physical one instead of imagionary one. It will also give me another area of pleasure.