View Full Version : transsexual people.

Feb 9, 2008, 5:29 AM
Transsexual people have some of the most fucked up viewpoints on gender ever.

Their attempts at passing as opposite gender are laughable and they have fucked up viewpoints on what it actually means to be that gender, and even if they say they are that gender they're really not, and its not like they actually know what it mean to be opposite gender physically or biologically and why are they even with gay/lesbian/bi people anyway?

We gays/lesbians/bisexuals dont care about them and they dont care about us and we dont have gender issues and fucked up stereotypical gender roles like they do.

Trans "women" dress like whores and act like total sluts and think that they actually pass as REAL woman and that nobody know they fake woman and Trans "men" try 2 act like men yet fail and they do laughable stereotypical things that no actual biological man do and they dont pass as actual man anyway since they not men at all.

Skater Boy
Feb 9, 2008, 5:43 AM
WTF is going on? Have everybody's accounts been hacked and used to post inflammatory spam?! :confused: :eek:

Feb 9, 2008, 5:58 AM
WTF is going on? Have everybody's accounts been hacked and used to post inflammatory spam?! :confused: :eek:
VBScript's posting habits look the same. Suddenly posting in thread after thread posting comments trying to cause trouble.

Same person? Working together?

Skater Boy
Feb 9, 2008, 6:06 AM
VBScript's posting habits look the same. Suddenly posting in thread after thread posting comments trying to cause trouble.

Same person? Working together?

Yeah, I noticed that too... it would seem that we have a troll or two in our midst...

Feb 9, 2008, 6:18 AM
If FriedDuck is real and serious then 'he'd' best do some research aforehand.

The body plan of males and females is the same and is modified by competing levels of hormones throughout life. The true situation is one of specral variation with male and female at the opposite ends linked by shades of inbetweenies. Trangender is a real phenomenon in nature not an anomaly. That's the science side taken care of.

Then there is the superimposition of desire and fun. Both have their places and should be welcome.

Is FriedDuck a spoonerism?

Feb 9, 2008, 6:44 AM
VBScript's posting habits look the same. Suddenly posting in thread after thread posting comments trying to cause trouble.

Same person? Working together?

Aye, it looks to be the same handwritting to me. Maybe Fupped Duck is the alter persona of VBScript and each is struggling to be free and wishes to be a different gender. LOL

Feb 9, 2008, 7:30 AM
WTF is right

Some of the most beautifulist? women i've ever seen have been trasnwomen.

Fried duck better just be a spammer because crap like that i tend to go mad.

Feb 9, 2008, 9:24 AM
I do not know any transgender people and judging any individual using a negative stereotype is just plain stupid.

However, on an individual basis, I find that people who have an arrogant know-it-all personality do tend to have fucked up points of view and do laughable stereotypical things such as creating threads like this one.


Feb 9, 2008, 9:46 AM
I'm proud to be a Transgendered Woman :tong:

The Barefoot Contess
Feb 9, 2008, 10:30 AM
Get the hell out of here, please. Your bigotry is most unwelcomed. This is not expressing an opinion, this is flat out insulting.

Feb 9, 2008, 11:36 AM
FriedDuck I think your view points are distorted.

The GLBTQ are a COMMUNITY of people whom TOGETHER have suffered sexual oppression, and no one is better than the other.

As per gender, there is a huge movement in which transgendered people consider themselves a third gender, somewhere in between M/F. I tend to agree with that. I consider myself, "pansexual", I am attracted to all genders, and there is more than 2!

It is OK to have your own opinions(educated ones), but to put someone down for the the way they choose to live their life is in-mature.


Feb 9, 2008, 1:23 PM
marcelloNYC- nice to meet a felow pansexual. I also am a woman with tomboyish attitude, male and female characteristic. Some call Butch.

Nice to meet other ppl who are also pansexual... :bigrin::bigrin:

Feb 9, 2008, 5:54 PM
I agree with Fried.

Trans people do have fucked up ideas of what it actually means to be the gender that they're pretending to be but actually aren't physically and biologically even with surgery, therapy, and hormones.

They're just their born gender TRYING to be the gender that they think that they are; but they're not really that gender.

A transwoman is really just a man who is cosmetically altered and he is not really a woman.

A transman is really just a woman who has been surgically altered and isn't really a man even if she takes all the testosterone in the world.

I have told this to trans people and even they agree with me.

I've met TONS of trans men and women living here in SF, and they're the way I described them.

They're just people of the opposite gender using really bad gender stereotypes of the gender that they're trying yet failing to actually be, appear like, or pass as.

Let's not forget about how tons of transwomen are whores and IV drug users and addicted to crack/meth or at least it's like that here in SF and most major west coast cities even LA.

Lots of transwomen just up and go on hormones and it's no wonder they're fucked up and many times they'll buy hormones off the black market and just be complete idiots and share needles and inject anything as long as they're told it's a hormone.

If you don't want to believe me that's fine but I certainly don't care if people agree with me or not.

Feb 9, 2008, 9:39 PM
I agree with Fried.

Trans people do have fucked up ideas of what it actually means to be the gender that they're pretending to be but actually aren't physically and biologically even with surgery, therapy, and hormones.

They're just their born gender TRYING to be the gender that they think that they are; but they're not really that gender.

A transwoman is really just a man who is cosmetically altered and he is not really a woman.

A transman is really just a woman who has been surgically altered and isn't really a man even if she takes all the testosterone in the world.

I have told this to trans people and even they agree with me.

I've met TONS of trans men and women living here in SF, and they're the way I described them.

They're just people of the opposite gender using really bad gender stereotypes of the gender that they're trying yet failing to actually be, appear like, or pass as.

Let's not forget about how tons of transwomen are whores and IV drug users and addicted to crack/meth or at least it's like that here in SF and most major west coast cities even LA.

Lots of transwomen just up and go on hormones and it's no wonder they're fucked up and many times they'll buy hormones off the black market and just be complete idiots and share needles and inject anything as long as they're told it's a hormone.

If you don't want to believe me that's fine but I certainly don't care if people agree with me or not.

Ok lets look at what you are saying.

Transgender people are all screwed up and have a distorted view of their targeted gender. True, but no more than the average person of any gender has a distorted veiw of gender. Its hard to have an objective veiwpoint of gender, its too closely tied to who we are.

Whatever you say , studies show that trans folks are , on the whole, pretty well ballanced individuals.

And lest we forget that without a transwoman it is likely that you would not be able to communicate your message of hate.(http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/LynnsStory.html)

And then there are all these fine transwomen: (http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsuccesses.html)
And these fine transmen: (http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TransMen.html)

Interestingly, yes, I agree that far too many transwomen resort to prostituition and or IV drug use. However I feel that has more to do with society than the women in question. Far too many are thrown out of their homes when their parents find out that they are trans. Far too many are fired when their employer finds out. Far too many are not hired because of their gender. Transwomen have been killed due to attitudes like yours. If you are Trans you are more likely to be discriminated against, and in most cases it is totally legal and there is no legal recourse.

Just a point of information for you. Not that it is likely to change your mind, but there are those out there who will find these facts interesting and or useful.

Go away trolls(http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/troglodyte.htm) bother us no more

Feb 9, 2008, 9:57 PM
Marie, why did you bother? At this point, many people have made up their minds- - It's like pearls before swine.


Feb 9, 2008, 11:15 PM
Proudly genderqueer, and frankly, don't give a flying shit what this dood thinks. I don't care if you think I'm ridiculous for wearing makeup or women's clothing or embracing my 'other side". I don't do it for you. I do it for ME.

not here to impress you or anyone,

Feb 9, 2008, 11:39 PM


BEANS AND FKKN WEINIES!I implore you people, please stop hitting the 'rock' before you come in here OMFG

Pretty FKKN please.

DAMMIT JIM!!!!:eek::(

Feb 10, 2008, 12:39 AM
I agree with Fried.

I have told this to trans people and even they agree with me.

I've met TONS of trans men and women living here in SF, and they're the way I described them.

They're just people of the opposite gender using really bad gender stereotypes of the gender that they're trying yet failing to actually be, appear like, or pass as.

Let's not forget about how tons of transwomen are whores and IV drug users .

It is really hard to debate with someone of your very limited intelligence, and your in-ability to: write correctly, think intellectually, or even formulate a post about real people; "YOUR TRANS-FRIENDS" exist in your fucked up, make believe imagination.

I unfortunately do not live in SF, but I travel there often. So, if you like, we can cut the bullshit here, or if you prefer we can both can meet face-face and handle it at your level of maturity. I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL NOT WIN!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 10, 2008, 3:50 AM
It is really hard to debate with someone of your very limited intelligence, and your in-ability to: write correctly, think intellectually, or even formulate a post about real people; "YOUR TRANS-FRIENDS" exist in your fucked up, make believe imagination.

I unfortunately do not live in SF, but I travel there often. So, if you like, we can cut the bullshit here, or if you prefer we can both can meet face-face and handle it at your level of maturity. I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL NOT WIN!!!!!!!!!!

Bring it on! Name a bar and a date and I'll be there. How about Badlands, white horse tavern, or Stud?

Actually I do have real life trans friends. Yes they do know what I think about trans people and they even agree with me.

They tell me how even in both SF and LA where there are lots of trans people that it's VERY hard to find trans men and trans women who don't pander to pathetic gender stereotypes and who either aren't completely strung out on meth, who aren't whores, who don't have major issues with self esteem and their bodies, and who are capable of settling down and having a relationship.

Let's not forget at how on Craigslist and other hook up sites like this one too, how the trans people who post personal ads are prostitutes and are addicted to drugs.

What I've written so far is more than you can say with your pathetic blog and fake "pansexual" label when you're really a lot more into bio women who are dominant.

I don't care if people don't believe me and what I write since I know that it's true and there are others who also do that either aren't speaking up or who don't want to post for fear of enciting a PC lynch mob for posting something that OMG isn't PC, doesn't support the bullshit known as diversity, or something that might hurt someone else's feelings since it's not what they expected to hear!

Feb 10, 2008, 5:43 AM
It is really hard to debate with someone of your very limited intelligence, and your in-ability to: write correctly, think intellectually, or even formulate a post about real people; "YOUR TRANS-FRIENDS" exist in your fucked up, make believe imagination.

I unfortunately do not live in SF, but I travel there often. So, if you like, we can cut the bullshit here, or if you prefer we can both can meet face-face and handle it at your level of maturity. I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL NOT WIN!!!!!!!!!!

Bring it on! Name a bar and a date and I'll be there. How about Badlands, white horse tavern, or Stud?

Actually I do have real life trans friends. Yes they do know what I think about trans people and they even agree with me.

They tell me how even in both SF and LA where there are lots of trans people that it's VERY hard to find trans men and trans women who don't pander to pathetic gender stereotypes and who either aren't completely strung out on meth, who aren't whores, who don't have major issues with self esteem and their bodies, and who are capable of settling down and having a relationship.

Let's not forget at how on Craigslist and other hook up sites like this one too, how the trans people who post personal ads are prostitutes and are addicted to drugs.

What I've written so far is more than you can say with your pathetic blog and fake "pansexual" label when you're really a lot more into bio women who are dominant.

Trust me, best leave it be... You know what you like, you know who you like....

Besides soon enought the poster will be banned. VBScript and FriedDuck are the same flammer...

Its fine to have your own views, thats what life is about, but when your views start to annoy or insult others. Ugh. Saying that i wear make -up blah i dont!!!

Hate me for liking who i do and the types of ppl that i do... But dont insult me by saying I wear makeup... Blah...

So a person dont like me cause im; Fat, strong willed, independant in thoughts, opinonated, pansexual and genderfuck. Oh well.... Do i care lol... Nope.

Feb 10, 2008, 5:30 PM
I am NOT one who usually swears..not matter how often but I am prompted to..BUT...today I take exception. Who the FUCK are you to say the things about Transexuals (and I can only assume you also meant Transgendered people as well)..what world do you come from? EVERY one, be they male,female, pink, purple, white, black, short, tall,skinny,fat, or any other thing that you want to express....GO BACK to your world of intollerance and exclusion and kindly arrive to share the lives with the rest of us.


Feb 10, 2008, 5:34 PM
I am NOT one who usually swears..not matter how often but I am prompted to..BUT...today I take exception. Who the FUCK are you to say the things about Transexuals (and I can only assume you also meant Transgendered people as well)..what world do you come from? EVERY one, be they male,female, pink, purple, white, black, short, tall,skinny,fat, or any other thing that you want to express....GO BACK to your world of intollerance and exclusion and kindly arrive to share the lives with the rest of us.


Uh, Belle... she's already been banned.


Feb 10, 2008, 7:33 PM
For any one who reads this or any other thread containing comments by VBScript and / or FriedDuck (FuppedDuck) - the two or the one if the same, have been banned from the site.

We all know how wonderful our Trans friends are and how close they are to our hearts (ie; Marie Delta, Bree is me, Delilah, and others).

So - I ask, in my most humble request, for all to please allow this thread to die. It really hurts to see the ones you love and care about to be demeaned and verbally mutilated. So - please, please stop!


Feb 10, 2008, 9:31 PM
I think everyone needs to calm down--I am willing to bet that we have one person or several people somehow hacking into nonactive accounts--god knows we have thousands of them on this site and using those accounts to do nothing more than to stir up trouble---

This is one of the results of the fact that the owners/managers are seemingly taking a hands off policy with this site now---

We do need to just all chill though and not even respond to such idiotic postings----but they do need to be reported to the site administrator --for whatever good that does---

Peace and Love People----

Feb 10, 2008, 11:04 PM
All walks of life visit this web site. That in mind I think everyone should try respecting others. It appears some can't respect themselves enough to that.

You have good and bad in all walks of life, too. People can usually tell which is which, reasonably well. There's no need to be a billboard.

But, I wrestle inside with something. There are people like myself who are moderates. Personally, I can love transformer. But, as with any relationship it'd take time.

That isn't my struggle. Being moderate is a tough high wire. One slip and into the chasm, a flutter and you're off to nirvana most high.

Moderates instead of shunning extremes, love them. Light and Dark can enthrall us each alone equally, the blending of them all the more so. But is being moderate harmful to a person?

If moderate you may loose sense of "man this is really f***king dark and over the top", or inversely "wow that's so bright it has be f***king brill light!" Because as moderate you accept either way and have no real boundaries. Or does personal integrity and honor keep one safe?

Apologies for the questions. I'm not playing advocate for those banned. But, it seems to me there's difficulty in such a thing. Gratitude to Drew and the staff for doing the job. It'd be one I'd probably not want to do.

"You're too damn indecisive, Ben!"

"Well, I am bisexual and made the choice to not decide a long time ago. So yeah, I'm real indecisive. Tell me something I don't know, like do these pants make my non-existent ass look fat?":)

Feb 11, 2008, 1:46 AM
Marie and all other supportive people:
I'm sorry but responding to these two jerks will never get us anywhere. They are not open to discussion, and no matter what your information or examples, it will not dent their metal-like exterior. One wonders if people with this type of closed view of the world are really protecting themselves from the truth because it hits too close to home. Unfortuantely, a part of the world is this way, but fortunately not a large part. The only point I would make is that being bisexual and being transgendered are two totally independent things. You can be a bisexual trangendered woman or a heterosexual transgendered one. In my opinion, the best thing we can all do as a community is to stop reading and responding to this thread and it will fall off the charts. I know I will no longer read it or respond--no matter what...

(a well-adjusted, gainfully-employed (not in prostitution) and a real (not genetically speaking but hormonally and mentally) transwoman.

Feb 11, 2008, 3:16 PM
Since I won't dignify the statements made by whoever orignated this thread with a response...


ur ever luvin

Feb 11, 2008, 4:23 PM
And lest we forget that without a transwoman it is likely that you would not be able to communicate your message of hate.(http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/LynnsStory.html)

I work with computers every day and I didn't know that the person most responsible for computers being what they are today was a transsexual. Without her work my entire field wouldn't even exist. I'm definitely going to have to use that as an argument if I ever hear anyone say anything bad about trans.

Well, I guess the saying "you learn something new every day" is right.

Feb 11, 2008, 7:24 PM
Wow, I just finished reading that piece. What a wonderful story and an amazing person.

Thanks for sharing.


Feb 11, 2008, 7:29 PM
Since I won't dignify the statements made by whoever orignated this thread with a response...


ur ever luvin

Whoooo!!! Go Giants! :p

Perfectville Ad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=actHMZfYvKo)


Feb 11, 2008, 9:42 PM
That game was, in the immortal words of billy crystal.. MAAAAAHvelous!!

It was the first time since my disenchantment with the NFL (I just gave up after the Art Modell Browns/Ravens fiasco) that I seen a game that was worth it.

Bill Belichick was a sore loser... but hell at least their team made it TO the "Big Game"!

The Giants deserved every bit of that win!! (Just wish the Buffalo Sabres would follow suit! )


Feb 12, 2008, 7:26 AM
LOL - Vitt! <hugs>

I guess some people just can't help themselves but 'cause random acts of chaos..it's like any other fetish I suppose. I'm glad to see that in the few weeks I've been gone that the "community" has resurfaced a bit more - when I went away people were still whipping out their dicks to compare size - and not in a good way. I've been impressed by size, but never really satisfied by it..

When I was growing up I did have trans feelings for a time, a lot of it had to do with environment, society and culture - Raised by women, I wasn't very competitive, some of it had to do with the fact that I was jealous of how easily "real" women could get the attention of guys..and for a time I do remember feeling that I was in the wrong body. For a time I could pass as female, but as I grew up it was just easier to come to terms with my body, and myself rather than go through the expensive and painful surgery, social stigma, etc. I still THINK feminine at times, but I've learned to live with the factory installed equipment.

My heart still goes out to people who have a very STRONG identification with the other gender because I do REMEMBER how that felt, even if it was only for a few years.

The way I look at it, everything happens for a reason more or less. There are some very strong, competitive females and that's cool - but I don't think I would've been one of those. I would've been starved for affection and hence, pregnant by 14 - all other variables constant.. I also wouldn't have the independence and freedom to move without being questioned in the realm of patriarchy - while knowing full well somewhat of what it feels like to be a minority in more ways then one. I would hope that using my white male privilege I could influence other conservative assholes to understand what it is like - but some of them are rather .. stubborn.

Coincidently - I also happened to recently catch a local showing of this film, and highly recommend it:


If course I wish more STRAIGHT people would see it - playing it for you all would be like preachin' to the choir.




BEANS AND FKKN WEINIES!I implore you people, please stop hitting the 'rock' before you come in here OMFG

Pretty FKKN please.

DAMMIT JIM!!!!:eek::(

Feb 12, 2008, 1:33 PM
Hey, just one more request from one of the many sane non-sexworker transpeople on this site.

Can we please let this thread die, and create a new thread on which to discuss football or whatever else?

I promised myself I wouldn't perpetuate the thread myself by posting this kind of request, but it just goes on and on and on, and now seemingly well-meaning people seem to be perpetuating it with other topics just for fun. It's not fun, it's offensive.

My love to the wonderful people who rushed to the defense of transpersons when this all started!


Feb 12, 2008, 2:30 PM
Hey, just one more request from one of the many sane non-sexworker transpeople on this site.

Can we please let this thread die, and create a new thread on which to discuss football or whatever else?

I promised myself I wouldn't perpetuate the thread myself by posting this kind of request, but it just goes on and on and on, and now seemingly well-meaning people seem to be perpetuating it with other topics just for fun. It's not fun, it's offensive.

My love to the wonderful people who rushed to the defense of transpersons when this all started!


So - I ask, in my most humble request, for all to please allow this thread to die. ....................... So - please, please stop!

