View Full Version : Who is running this thing?

Feb 7, 2008, 6:53 PM
I wrote a message to the website administrator a week ago but I haven't heard back until now.

Is anyone running this thing or it is on it's own?

Feb 7, 2008, 7:20 PM
I kind of have a feeling that this bird's on autopilot!!!

Feb 7, 2008, 7:33 PM
I kind of have a feeling that this bird's on autopilot!!!

As bad as I hate to say it, I agree with you volty.


Feb 7, 2008, 9:40 PM
Anybody know how to get this plane back on the ground????:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Feb 7, 2008, 10:25 PM
Sit back and enjoy the ride....

Feb 8, 2008, 4:02 AM
It's kind of like a roller coaster. It is on autopilot until you get back into the station, whether you are enjoying it or throwing up....

Sex in Words
Feb 8, 2008, 7:05 AM
What is the issue that you're having?

Feb 8, 2008, 8:37 AM
Not sure if it means anything, but I saw this online the other week:


Feb 8, 2008, 9:12 AM
Not sure if it means anything, but I saw this online the other week:


That domain name may not be this bisexual.com---there is another site with this name with an additional extension so that might not mean anything.
I guess we have to wait and see--but then again--the silence from Drew in recent months is not a particularly good sign---he used to be pretty well involved with the site and to not hear anything from him at all and to get no responses of any kind---???????????

Oh welll-if the site goes away---

I went to that list and started entering the names-----all of the other sites I was directed to were did not have actual sites---but the page that came up did say that "owner may be selling this domain name"

The thing is--that my browser is set to this bisexual.com---but if you have never come here before---typing in bisexual.com used to take you to a page that had our site and another bisexual.com----

So --I just don't know what is up---let's hope this site is not on the auction block----it may be a problem though is the domain is for sale and someone buys the other one and thinks they have exclusive rights to the name-----

Maybe we need to go find some website where we can set up our own chat forum in case the site goes "poooffff"

I hope that if that happens---whoever owns the site at that point and who will most likely transform it into a paymembership more meat/meet market type of site--gives us some sort of advance notice the site is going down as we have known it---

Anyone have a nice pile of money and computer knowledge to build a new site????

Feb 8, 2008, 9:14 AM
Galacticia & other concerned bisexual.com users:

These site Auctions happen continuously... they basically run a listing (much like telemarketing companies produce phone numbers) and anyone wishing to sell their site name or bid on an existing name can do so in Moniker's live auctions (as listed on valleywag.com).

The Bisexual.com site has a registered starting bid value of $500,000.00 USD, so there's little chance of anyone putting in any serious bids against it. (you can check out the info online at: http://marketplacepro.moniker.com (http://marketplacepro.moniker.com/search/keyword/c%3Abisexual/)). The high starting bid is listed with the company as a deterrent to that other prospective buyers don't harass you about buying your domain name.

In any case, the website owners would have to accept the offer and consent to legally relinquish the site before anyone could take it over. However if a big company found a name they really wanted, they could always send along bids to any website owner, in hopes of pursuading them of relinquishing it. That's why most people who have websites do so through a management company that automatically renews their site names for them prior to expiry, so that others can't snatch up developed site names. It used to be a bigger problem 10-15yrs ago when you had to remember to renew by credit card before your expiry date - scumbag companies would come along and pick up developed sites that had expired to blackmail people into buying their site names back.

Anyone can do a free whois search - http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp

Hell, if the owners were offered half a million, we'd be eatin their cyber-dust, and rightfully so!! However, I'm sure that a new domain name could be easily purchased for $25.00 and the site transferred there, and a few mass emails later we're all chatting with our pals again on the new site.

But don't worry: Bisexual.com seems to be in the safe hands of its owners until at least January 2011. :bibounce:

~ Sapphy ~

PS: Just because someone is quiet doesn't necessarily mean they are abandonning ship!! Sometimes life just gets in the way.... hopefully Drew remembers his lifejacket!!!

Feb 8, 2008, 9:31 AM
I did go back to the site in the link and start posting in those domain names--I did four or five of them and found that they were nothing more than domain names---I think that someone came up with a list of sex related names without necessarily checking to see if they were attached to any sites----so I am sure as Sapphy says--like when ya sell a house a title search is done---if someone wants to buy the domain--a search will show it does belong to the current owners---I did the search and it shows that the domain is owned by 3pillows of Calgary, AB Canada.

I am not concerned about this---but it still is disconcerting that we don't seem to get much attention paid to us by "the management" these days---somehow that does not instill much confidence!! Its not like we need too much---but to be not getting any kind of attention at all like we used to --Drew used to give us little updates about things going on from time to time--plans they had for us---things like that---but lately------

The Silence is Deafening!!!!!

Feb 8, 2008, 12:10 PM
hmmm, who cares lol . i would rather it be unedited and un monitored, so all thoughts and feelings can be expressed. when something is monitored then it's subject to rules and a supression or freedoms, dosent matter to me what someone posts, i will read it dont have to agree with it and can leave it if i so choose but i would rather read something distasteful or what ever then have it supressed. thats the problem in this country, everyone wants everything the way they think is right and wants someone to govern every aspect of their lives.

Feb 8, 2008, 1:27 PM
I am running this site and you are all figments of my imagination. I also make the sun rise and set, and I prevent water from running uphill. In my spare time I impersonate site owners. Why, did you need something?

Feb 8, 2008, 2:48 PM
Thank you for flying Bisexual.com Airline. Please incline your sitting in an upright position. I will be by to service you momentary. Smoking is permitted afterwards. You'll need it because the turbalance is going to knock you off the seat. ;)

Feb 8, 2008, 3:09 PM
What is the issue that you're having?

I am not being able to upload more than 1 pictures!
My marketing is being injured!!! LOL
But I noticed that a simple question opened a Pandora box... I guess that was a good thing than?!?!

Feb 8, 2008, 6:42 PM
I wrote a message to the website administrator a week ago but I haven't heard back until now.

Is anyone running this thing or it is on it's own?

Considering that we don't have to pay a membership fee nor are we drowning in ads it doesn't suprise me that the owner has a day job and little time to reply to messages.

Feb 8, 2008, 10:20 PM
Considering that we don't have to pay a membership fee nor are we drowning in ads it doesn't suprise me that the owner has a day job and little time to reply to messages.

They have a money generating site---3Pillows is our "mother ship"

Feb 9, 2008, 1:35 AM
Thank you for flying Bisexual.com Airline. Please incline your sitting in an upright position. I will be by to service you momentary. Smoking is permitted afterwards. You'll need it because the turbalance is going to knock you off the seat. ;)

Dear Madam (or Sir as the case may be):

Could you please illucidate upon the "I will be by to service you" part? It sounds very interesting.

As to the "Smoking Afterwards" part, I do not know if I smoke after sex, for I have actually never looked to see whether or not there was any smoke coming from somewhere.

And it might be more nearly the flatulance rather than the "turbalance" that is going to knock me off my seat.

Feb 9, 2008, 4:17 AM
They have a money generating site---3Pillows is our "mother ship"

So the owner of this site only really cares about his stupid porn site that's plastered in ads all over this free site?