View Full Version : The Scent of Sex and how it Triggers Us

Promising Galahad
Feb 6, 2008, 6:03 PM
So, I went to my library last night to return some dvd's I had rented and a couple books. While I was there I decided to use the computers to check my email.Sitting next to me was a girl wearing flannel Pajama pants, a gray tank top and fluffy slippers. It looks like she wasn't planning on leaving and just threw a coat on and came down to the library. Anyway, she was I'd say about mid to late twenties, cute, and typing something on the computer.

What got my attention real fast was, how can I say this? She smelled. It was a, uh.....well a very natural femine smell if you know what I mean. No perfume or soap or anything chemical,just natural woman.It smelled very clean and pleasant. I found it very difficult to work I was arroused so much. Now, I have a girlfriend and I noticed her natural scent drives me wild, but this girl's was very nice. I could be wrong, but my guess was she was not wearing any underwear under the pajama pants. I was sitting right next to her (my arm was about 5 inches from hers) and the computer area is in a small room. It was just the 2 of us and I was very close to her.

Has anyone ever had this happen? I went home and told my girlfriend (she's really cool about stuff like this and we are 100% honest with each other) She kept asking me to describe the smell and asked if I would have fucked her. I said no, of course not. I didn't think she was ugly, but she was cute. It was not a physical attraction but a sexual attraction. Purely animal like instincts. I got so arroused I could not concentrate and I was begining to sweat. I got such a hard on. I kept sniffing without trying to make it obvious. I just couldn;t get enough of the smell of her.It was her smell that drove me wild. I tried to describe to my girlfriendhow it was different from hers and how neither hers or this girls was better than the others. I am amazed at how smells trigger various emotions and responses from us.

Feb 6, 2008, 6:09 PM
It's the thrill of the new girl. You may love your girl but nothing beats the newness of a new girl. And chicks always use some sort of body spray. Not perfume, but they use body sprays and special soaps to smell good.

It's probably one of the top rules of being a woman.

Always Smell good!

Promising Galahad
Feb 6, 2008, 6:23 PM
This was nothing chemical. When I have sex with my girl I always cover my fingers with her natural juices. It makes me want to fuck her brains out. I even put my fingers up to her nose while I'm on top and I find her smelling her own scent from my fingers drives her wild. Whenever we fuck and I don't shower,friends can tell when I walk in the room. They can literally smell the sex on me.

Feb 6, 2008, 6:51 PM
Pheromones, dood.

Feb 6, 2008, 7:14 PM
We may have this veneer of being above and beyond the rest of our fellow animals with our "civilization" and all--but even if some people don't want to admit it--we are in terms of biology--nothing more than glorified apes---

I am sure that being a young woman well into her prime--her body was releasing pheromones and the like---

It was a purely electrochemical response you were experiencing!!!

Enjoy it!!! Let the feeling rush all over ya!!!

:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::eek::eek::tongue::rotate: :rotate::bounce::bounce::male::female:

Feb 6, 2008, 9:12 PM
Yes, the sense of smell is quite the primordial (sp?) thing. When I was an occupational therapist, we used to use smells with comatose or very low functioning folks. The smell of bananas is very alerting and patients who wouldn't make eye contact or respond to you in any way would when you would leave the extract of banana vial open.

I've experienced this over and over again in my life. There are some folks who no matter how clean they are just don't smell good to me, and there are others no matter how dirty they are smell fantastic to me and will drive me over the edge with distraction. Being close to a man who's scent drives me wild will leave me with soaked panties in no time.

Feb 7, 2008, 1:02 AM
I can't remember experiencing something like that based on scent but after reading some of these posts, I definitely wish I could! :)

Promising Galahad
Feb 7, 2008, 9:19 AM
Check this out. I am SO buying this book today!


Promising Galahad
Feb 7, 2008, 9:26 AM
Here's an excerpt from the book:

When I made out with Matt behind the arts-and-crafts building the summer after eighth grade, his breath smelled like tennis balls. Then, a few years ago, I opened a can of tennis balls close to my face and caught a whiff of that rubbery glue. I immediately remembered Matt's sharp, speckled cheekbone lit by a fluorescent light. I liked making out with him then, I like the memory of it today, and I play tennis often.

This phenomenon is explained in The Scent of Desire, a new book by Rachel Herz, a psychologist widely recognized as the world's leading expert on the influences of smell. Using everything from cognitive-behavioral techniques to MRIs, Herz explains how our olfactory abilities help determine who we date, who we dump and what we buy, be it the directionless unemployed loser we can't stop thinking about, the gorgeous heart surgeon who repulses us, or the strawberry-scented car freshener that, for some reason, turns us on every time we slide into our hatchback.

Your book is the first scholarly study I've read that talks about the phenomenon of breaking up with someone because of their smell. I've actually ended relationships for that reason. It's a relief to have that validated.

Our body odor is the external manifestation of our immune system. The immune-system match is particularly important for women because they have a huge cost to bear in terms of the time and energy it takes to reproduce. If the goal is to go forth and multiply, you want to make sure that any child you have is going to survive and reproduce, and the most important thing in that respect is that they're healthy. But there's no Brad Pitt of body odor — it's about the fit between your immune system and somebody else's. His immune system can't be too close to yours because it might pair up something bad. Women's sensitivity to scent is highest during ovulation, when it's most important that you're making the correct choice. But this is all thrown out of whack if you're on the pill.



Feb 7, 2008, 12:35 PM
I can't remember experiencing something like that based on scent but after reading some of these posts, I definitely wish I could! :)

Biphobia---you may not think that you have been influenced by such things--but I had heard this very interesting radio documentary program on NPR awhile back--it was about what researchers have discovered about the ways scent affects us--and it is pretty powerful---and it is something encoded into our genetic makeup---and of course--we humans have added and enhanced that thanks to things like perfumes, colognes and deodorants--but--even those don't mask the chemcial responses that take place within us as a result of our being exposed to each other--a few hundred years of our superficial attempts at controlling such things does not trump millions of years of evolution, biology and genetics...

(yes Virginia---there is evolution and the earth and all of its life forms are not only 6,000 years old)

One example of these effects---when a group of unrelated women are in close proximity to each other-- over time--their menstrual cycles begin to match up in synch.

Researchers have also discovered that when it comes to selecting "a mate" -female humans do have certain preferences of the way their prospective mates smell---they say it is actually a very good indicator of whether there are inherent genetic incompatiblities tha would lead to negative consequences for their offspring--they found that based purely on scent for instance---a woman will find the scent of her brother to be unpleasant to such a degree-- she will not freely chose to mate with him---

Nothing magical about it--simply biochemistry--which is all pretty well fascinating in and of itself----and of which---scientists learn a bit more about nearly each and every day----along with lots of other things in many areas---

"She blinded me with--Science!!!!"