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Feb 4, 2008, 2:45 AM
i had a frnd and he was bi bak wen i first met him but thn a year ago he decided he was strait and strted tellin evry 1 that. well i stayed bi and he was cool bout it well by now id have alrdy fallin madly in love with him and he was very aware of it. well as time went one he got more and more anti-homo and now hates my living guts for being bi but yet for sum strange reson i still keep hoping one day he will come bak and tell me hes bi again. :( plz tell me how to get over him or anything els ud like to say plz and thank you...

Feb 4, 2008, 4:02 AM
Sounds like a jerk to me.
The best way to forget hm (which is what I would recommend is to go out with friends, have fun and experiences without him. That's when you will no longer think about him or want him in your daily life...

Simplistic, yes, but effectivea? Maybe

Feb 4, 2008, 9:02 AM
How do I get over him/her?
That's a very universal problem. I think that most people have fallen in love with someone who rejects them. To make matters worse, the very rejection can cause us to want them more!
There's only one true path I know of to 'get over' someone.
Make the decision to leave; stick to that decision.
If you walk into a store or restaurant that this person is in, turn around and walk away. If you see them on the street, turn around and walk away.
I've had feelings linger on for years. That's simply what happens sometimes. Unfortunately, until you're 'over' someone, you're bringing residual baggage to the table of any new relationship. A new relationship is -not- the answer.
One exception; if the basis of your love and desire for this person is mostly based on lonliness and/or horniness. Then, a new relationship will 'solve' the problem.
But if you are really in love... there are no shortcuts; you have to feel the pain and loss through to the other side. It takes as long as it takes.
Sorry I don't have a happy shortcut homily.

Feb 4, 2008, 9:44 AM
i had a frnd and he was bi bak wen i first met him but thn a year ago he decided he was strait and strted tellin evry 1 that. well i stayed bi and he was cool bout it well by now id have alrdy fallin madly in love with him and he was very aware of it. well as time went one he got more and more anti-homo and now hates my living guts for being bi but yet for sum strange reson i still keep hoping one day he will come bak and tell me hes bi again. :( plz tell me how to get over him or anything els ud like to say plz and thank you...

Theater---I am not going to provide any advice on your situation--but I do have a request for you----when you write something like this in a regular post---not an IM or chat---could you please use proper spelling, punctuation grammar rules and the like or at least close approximations thereof???

Your message style might be fine for texting---but when writing something more than that---don't take shortcuts---you can develolp bad writing habits that will invariably make their way into the more serious things that you will write---such as communications that you may be called on to draft at work.

Not being "nasty" critical---but I am offering criticism in the positive meanings of the term.

Besides---the only person on here who can write in an offbeat and funky style is Darkeyes!!!!!

Feb 4, 2008, 12:28 PM

We have probably all been in your situation. It's hard to know if what you are feeling is 'love' or just 'obsession'. But, the cure is the same - when someone you care for rejects your love or friendship you have only one recourse, and that is to push the thoughts of them away as much as you are able. It's a lot easier to do this if you put other people and activities into your life. And when you are in your bed at night all alone with your thoughts, do yourself a favor and don't dwell on him - it will only prolong the withdrawal.

And by the way, I concur 100% with the advice '12voltman' offered regarding your writing skills. You may in fact be very intelligent and well educated but my impression from reading your post is of a barely literate person. Language is an art, so also is the ability to take the time to formulate and express your thoughts. (in fact I usually will not even read a text type message). Best wishes to you - all things pass in time and so too will this hurt.

Feb 4, 2008, 12:30 PM
Theater---I am not going to provide any advice on your situation--but I do have a request for you----when you write something like this in a regular post---not an IM or chat---could you please use proper spelling, punctuation grammar rules and the like or at least close approximations thereof???

Your message style might be fine for texting---but when writing something more than that---don't take shortcuts---you can develolp bad writing habits that will invariably make their way into the more serious things that you will write---such as communications that you may be called on to draft at work.

Not being "nasty" critical---but I am offering criticism in the positive meanings of the term.

Besides---the only person on here who can write in an offbeat and funky style is Darkeyes!!!!!

C'mon now, that was a little inappropriate to criticize his grammar when he's just asking for a little help, I know it was not done to make him feel bad, but if you had done that to me, I'd be a bit hurt.

Feb 4, 2008, 11:59 PM
I am sure that almost all of us have been in love and experienced rejection. It is completely normal to feel pain when your love of another is rejected. However, it is important to focus on all that life has to offer. The smell of springtime flowers, the sting of a cold winter wind on you face, the love of your immediate family. The list goes on and on. But, the gift of life is not forever, so be sure to take joy in all that you experience. Ah!! There can be great joy of viewing another sunrise while contemplating how to overcome obstacles that challenge your spirit and endurance. Also, if you maintain a positive outlook, there are times life can be shear joy and fun, which is beyond words to describe the pleasure.
So, I suggest that you focus on the good in your life. Because, then you will find that as time passes, the pain of a broken heart fades away and is replaced only by the memory of shared good times.


Feb 5, 2008, 12:18 PM
C'mon now, that was a little inappropriate to criticize his grammar when he's just asking for a little help, I know it was not done to make him feel bad, but if you had done that to me, I'd be a bit hurt.

Nope, it was done kindly and with consideration, and it's a good point in living. There are a good number of us who won't reply to someone who sends them a pm or email that we can't understand. The inability to form a sentence makes you sound stupid, whether you are or not. I may miss being with a man as intelligent as my brother who is terribly dyslexic, but I miss a lot of losers too.

Except for FranSpeak, which I do ask for a translation.

Mar 24, 2008, 3:32 AM
Hey thanks for all the help guys a few mouths have passed and i have now found myself some one new who actually loves me for me and I love him more than I ever loved the other guy and he doesnt plane on leaving me any time soon. Now not to hurt those who said this but leaving him completly out of my life did not work the way you said it would it only made me want him more but instead I talked to him and we talked it out now hes more like a freind and neither of us would have it any other way. Now about the gramar, I usually don't just type up a message like that so quickly but more or less i was very angry at the time i typed it and it was typed very agresivly haha. well i will probly be writing more thank you all so much you were so much help.

Mar 24, 2008, 4:32 AM
Please don't take this the wrong way; but how old are you?

You can't control other people, just remember that.

Mar 24, 2008, 11:06 AM
Theater---I am not going to provide any advice on your situation--but I do have a request for you----when you write something like this in a regular post---not an IM or chat---could you please use proper spelling, punctuation grammar rules and the like or at least close approximations thereof???

Your message style might be fine for texting---but when writing something more than that---don't take shortcuts---you can develolp bad writing habits that will invariably make their way into the more serious things that you will write---such as communications that you may be called on to draft at work.

Not being "nasty" critical---but I am offering criticism in the positive meanings of the term.

Besides---the only person on here who can write in an offbeat and funky style is Darkeyes!!!!!
I agree 100%. The grammar was horrible and basicaly
impossible to read. The worst one I have ever seen.