View Full Version : Regarding the main page Feature Article

Sex in Words
Feb 1, 2008, 7:35 AM
Hi Everyone,
Jon Pressick here, Features Article Editor of Bisexual.com.
Just wanted to drop a line to apologize for there not beeing a new article the past couple months. You're right to expect good articles about bisexuality, and you are going to get those. All I can say is...life happens sometimes.
We'll be back on track very soon!
However, I do want to get something off my chest: If you are upset with something happening on this website (and please apply this to the rest of your lives!) change will not happen through insults and demeaning comments. Personally, I could care less if someone finds my author photo "ugly"...but that kind of comment devalues our loving suppotive community here. Unfortunately, I've noticed an increase in this kind of behaviour and I hope we can turn it around.
Also, if there are any established or aspiring writers out there, drop me an email at jpressick@xtra.ca and we can discuss getting your words on the site!
Thank you for listening,


Feb 1, 2008, 9:41 AM
Hi Everyone,
Jon Pressick here, Features Article Editor of Bisexual.com.
Just wanted to drop a line to apologize for there not beeing a new article the past couple months. You're right to expect good articles about bisexuality, and you are going to get those. All I can say is...life happens sometimes.
We'll be back on track very soon!
However, I do want to get something off my chest: If you are upset with something happening on this website (and please apply this to the rest of your lives!) change will not happen through insults and demeaning comments. Personally, I could care less if someone finds my author photo "ugly"...but that kind of comment devalues our loving suppotive community here. Unfortunately, I've noticed an increase in this kind of behaviour and I hope we can turn it around.
Also, if there are any established or aspiring writers out there, drop me an email at jpressick@xtra.ca and we can discuss getting your words on the site!
Thank you for listening,


Well, Jon... I am not in the habit of trying to cut anyone down. But it would be nice if you would take that last post down off the front page, and replace it with almost anything, a thaught for the day, week or month even... Anything would be better than looking at the same old thing all the time. Now I'm not trying to put you or the person who wrote that artical down at all. We're just tired of seeing it up there, and I truely believe that if you had addressed the first few people who posted about it being there so long, you would have seen a better, more posative outlook from all the other people who posted later and the post just got worse and worse. Usually things like this happen because the people who post are getting tired of seeing other people try to get something done and getting the feeling that they are all being ignored by people like you, who waited how long to reply about this?Understand, I am not condoning anyones words here, but you did bring it on your self by not atleast replying to any of the previous comments posted up there.
On another note, I do agree that there was no cause for the insult about the picture. Have a nice day.

Feb 1, 2008, 12:30 PM
Well, Jon... I am not in the habit of trying to cut anyone down. But it would be nice if you would take that last post down off the front page, and replace it with almost anything, a thaught for the day, week or month even... Anything would be better than looking at the same old thing all the time. Now I'm not trying to put you or the person who wrote that artical down at all. We're just tired of seeing it up there, and I truely believe that if you had addressed the first few people who posted about it being there so long, you would have seen a better, more posative outlook from all the other people who posted later and the post just got worse and worse. Usually things like this happen because the people who post are getting tired of seeing other people try to get something done and getting the feeling that they are all being ignored by people like you, who waited how long to reply about this?Understand, I am not condoning anyones words here, but you did bring it on your self by not atleast replying to any of the previous comments posted up there.
On another note, I do agree that there was no cause for the insult about the picture. Have a nice day.

What do you mean he brought it on himself??? Why should he have to address anything? This is a free site! We pay absolutely nothing for all that it offers and the articles are simply provided as a public service to enlighten and educate. If you tire of them, then ignore them. There is never an excuse to be rude!

Jon, please be assured that the majority of us appreciate what you and Drew do and we in no way condone the use of insults to get a point across.


Feb 1, 2008, 5:01 PM
What do you mean he brought it on himself??? Why should he have to address anything? This is a free site! We pay absolutely nothing for all that it offers and the articles are simply provided as a public service to enlighten and educate. If you tire of them, then ignore them. There is never an excuse to be rude!

Jon, please be assured that the majority of us appreciate what you and Drew do and we in no way condone the use of insults to get a point across.


LOL, well Kate, All I was saying was that many people made statments about wanting to know when and if the thing would ever change. But it took someone saying something very uncalled for to get a reply. If Don would have replied, oh I don't know, say a month ago when the first one or two ask, or made a statment about it then it probably wouldn't have escalated to this point. And I didn't say that I didn't appreciate what is done for me here at this sight eithor. Because I do!! But I also do believe that if someone (just like you) says anything about what I am doing or ask me something that it is only politness to try to answer/reply to it, as I am doing now. I am not trying to insult anyone. Have a good day.

Feb 1, 2008, 5:03 PM
Caaveman....I never intended to imply that YOU insulted anyone...I was referring to the rude posts of others. Sorry if you took it that way...was not my intention.

Kate :)

Feb 4, 2008, 12:38 PM
This is a free site, and further the content within is provided as a public service.

Do I have the points you presented, correct, Kate?

I am seeking confirmation merely for personal edification and record. There's no ulterior motive, just wanting to understand the site better for myself. Apologies for not being present, even in the forums the past few days, our phone line was damaged due to an ice storm.

I'm finding less and less time for the site. Life has been occupying what time is free. Speaking of which, need to go. I think we're going out for a bit.

Sex in Words
Feb 5, 2008, 6:14 AM
[QUOTE=Caaveman;93040]But it took someone saying something very uncalled for to get a reply. If Don would have replied, oh I don't know, say a month ago when the first one or two ask, or made a statment about it then it probably wouldn't have escalated to this point.

Ah but here's the thing...that was all just timing...I'm sorry I didn't make it clear but my access to the site has been very limited due to circumstances. So it just happened to be the same day that a negative comment about myself was posted that I was able to respond.
The point remains that at no time should any member treat another member so disrespectfully.

Feb 5, 2008, 10:33 AM
[QUOTE=Caaveman;93040]But it took someone saying something very uncalled for to get a reply. If Don would have replied, oh I don't know, say a month ago when the first one or two ask, or made a statment about it then it probably wouldn't have escalated to this point.

Ah but here's the thing...that was all just timing...I'm sorry I didn't make it clear but my access to the site has been very limited due to circumstances. So it just happened to be the same day that a negative comment about myself was posted that I was able to respond.
The point remains that at no time should any member treat another member so disrespectfully.

It is unfortunate that of late, we have had many cases of people who make personal attacks on others here on the board----

It has been a topic of discussion here on the site----it is too bad that such things take place on this site---but I guess all I can say on that--welcome everyone to the real virtual world!!!

At least this site has not gotten anywhere as bad as I remember the bulletin boards were on AOL---people said some really nasty stuff to others on there to those who posted messages with which they did not agree.

Feb 5, 2008, 12:49 PM
......Personally, I could care less if someone finds my author photo "ugly"...but that kind of comment devalues our loving suppotive community here....

YOU???? UGLY?? WTF??
OMG I think you are one bonified HUNK!! Saw the enlarge photo and nearly fell off my chair. You are a H O T T I E :love:

***someone needs to toss Delilah in a cold shower ASAP***