View Full Version : There Will Be Blood

Jan 28, 2008, 1:08 PM
I saw the movie yesterday afternoon.

It is some kind of movie---one that I would suggest if you are a fan of film and not just looking for a bit of entertainment or diversion.

This film, like all films has its good and bad points, but the overall package is an incredible piece of work and as some film critics and reviewers have noted---this movie has immediately risen to the status of one of the iconic films like "Citizen Kane" "Giant" and others.

The movie starts out simply----once the very minimal title credits roll---basically a few simple pages of the studios/production companies that made the film and one title page with the film title done in an old, gothic typescript---

The first scenes are of a silent, lone man (Daniel Day-Lewis as the main character Daniel Plainview) digging in a mining hole----no music and not much sound save that of background noises like wind and the sound of his pick axe striking rock---

The film builds in intensity as it jumps a few years ahead to when the pit he was in became the first of a series of successful oil wells---

Here are some links to reviews that can tell the story better:


As to whether I would recommend the film---yes--if you like character studies and also appreciate things like the film maker being able to transport you to a particular time and place---it does that.

Daniel Day-Lewis gives an incredbible performance as Daniel Plainview--a man both compelling as he is evil, manipulative and repulsive at the end of the film.

This is not an easy film to watch, it is "unsettling" and does bring up more questions than it answers----but it is a great piece of work.

As one of the reviewers said----"you may not like this film, but you won't soon forget it."

The character of Eli Sunday, played by Paul Dano, is another compelling character as well....

I think this film does deserve each and every one of the OSCARS for which it has been nominated.

So--like I said--if you only like easily digestable, throwaway movies--you sure don't want to see this movie---but if you like your movies more complex, not necessarily easy to digest and love a great story, character development and also the technical aspects of films like cinematography---go see this one---it is a memorable film in my estimation.

It certainly a compelling piece of artistry......

And yes--there is blood---lots of it!!

Jan 28, 2008, 6:33 PM

will check it out


Jan 29, 2008, 9:17 AM
wow, Volty, I think you missed your calling as a movie critic!! LOL

Jan 29, 2008, 11:38 AM
Thanks Bree!!!! Writing movie reiviews/criticisms is one thing I did not do a on newspaper--that and obits---which believe it or not--most newspapers of any size have at least one person who specializes in that sort of writing---

Glad ya liked my "review" :bigrin::bigrin:

Feb 8, 2008, 12:42 PM
Nice moustache

I seethe with envy .... :bigrin:

Feb 8, 2008, 12:49 PM
I saw this movie over the weekend. Daniel Day Lewis is such a good actor. Daniel Plainview is a character I won't soon forget and would not want to cross.