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Jan 25, 2008, 2:25 PM
Jerry O'Connell makes fun of Tom Cruise (http://www.wwtdd.com/post.phtml?pk=3418). . .

I hope he's got some saving money or something else . . .because this could get him in trouble. . .or make him even more famous.

I'm sorry, I gotta lick this mans big brass balls for that.


Jan 25, 2008, 3:20 PM

My hubby has had the biggest lust on for this guy since Sliders was on tv. Jerry O'Connell just went up in my estimation by loads! What a gutsy guy!

Thanks for posting this, Taylor!

Jan 25, 2008, 3:49 PM
Anytime. :)


Jan 25, 2008, 3:59 PM
OMG! That was brilliant.

I kinda heart Jerry a little more now.

mn freak
Jan 25, 2008, 4:21 PM
I have more respect for Jerry after that video. Someone needs to knock Mr Cruise off his high horse (and out of the closet).


Jan 25, 2008, 4:21 PM
I just read about this video this morning...so glad I got to see it....He is DEAD ON in his portrayal.....almost creepy....but soooo damn funny!!! And the reference to KFC.....what a hoot!


Jan 25, 2008, 11:00 PM
Good (Catholic, God bless ya) Lord,
this just demonstrates how old and out of touch ye get when yer over 40. It didn't make sense; I haven't a clue!

Wobbling in the cheesy mire of age...

Jan 26, 2008, 6:07 AM
RALMFAO........................ (rolling around laughing my frigging ass off!)

Kfc was sooo funny.

LOL damn Jerry makes Tom look like the buffoon that he allegerly is.

Good acting...

Tom Cruise for me lost the plot when he got with his wife, and said that she cant make a sound in childbirth or something to that affect.

Well Tom Cruise lost the plot when he reamined a closetted gay man.

Jan 26, 2008, 9:27 AM
OMG too Funny Taylor thanks :)

As for Jerry, he's got some balls for sure. But I think he'll be fine.

Jan 26, 2008, 10:55 AM
LOVED it, LOVED it. His mannerism were right on target and it conveys the arrogance and ignorance of Mr. Cruise.

Thank you Taylor


Jan 26, 2008, 12:29 PM
Brilliant, fantastic, a must see!!!! This is great. Prior to this we wanted to only seduce Jerry, now, we shall make him ours. :D Thanks for posting this. Now I wonder how long before jerry is 'disappeared' :cool:

Jan 26, 2008, 12:45 PM
Good (Catholic, God bless ya) Lord,
this just demonstrates how old and out of touch ye get when yer over 40. It didn't make sense; I haven't a clue!

Wobbling in the cheesy mire of age...

Guess you missed Taylor's thread regarding the Tom Cruise video...here ya go:

Jan 26, 2008, 4:40 PM
Has anyone here actually ever seen the movie Eyes wide Shut or is it a really bad movie?

Jan 26, 2008, 5:13 PM
Has anyone here actually ever seen the movie Eyes wide Shut or is it a really bad movie?

I've seen it and it is among my favourite films. It is full of thematically important details and bits easily missed that make multiple viewings most interesting. It is also emotionally powerful, making me feel uneasy in several parts. Its cinematography is also among the best I've seen.

Most people do not find it easily accessible, however. There were heaps of people that absolutely loved it but those that didn't were a lot more vocal about it. Scorsese considers it the 4th best film of the 1990s. http://bventertainment.go.com/tv/buenavista/ebertandroeper/index2.html?sec=7&subsec=29

A breakdown of the ratings on IMDb too: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120663/ratings

Rotten Tomatoes summed up its reviews: http://au.rottentomatoes.com/m/eyes_wide_shut/#synopsis

Stanley Kubrick's final film is a mature, highly intelligent, thrilling masterpiece of sexual obsession and marital (in)fidelity. Tom Cruise stars as Bill Harford, a doctor who becomes obsessed with a sexual fantasy that his wife, Alice (Nicole Kidman), confesses to him. Although the fantasy (involving a naval officer) occurred only in Alice's mind, Bill can't get it out of his own head; his obsession leads him through a series of potential sexual encounters, each one surrounded by the specter of death. His whole world threatens to unravel as he falls deeper and deeper into a web of mystery, lies, and deceit. Kubrick's film breathes with vivid blues, reds, and blacks, the threat of illicit sex and death lurking around every corner. Cruise and Kidman, who are married in real life, are utterly convincing as a happy couple suddenly forced to reexamine their faith in each other. Sidney Pollack, Todd Field, Julienne Davis, Marie Richardson, and Vinessa Shaw sparkle in minor roles. Based on the novella TRAUMNOVELLE by Arthur Schnitzler, EYES WIDE SHUT is a brilliant examination of the psychological nature of sex and marriage, of faith and faithlessness, of obsession and desire. Kubrick said that his last film (he died shortly before the film opened) was "my best film ever;" while that is debatable, there is no doubting that the film is a splendid finale to a glorious career.
It has a "Certified Fresh" tag.

A really, really long running and respected show The Movie Show (Australia) had both reviewers giving it 5 stars out of 5, with voters on their site giving it an average of 4. (I don't think the page is available anymore). I don't know of any other instances that they've both done that, although Dancer in the Dark or something had one giving 5 stars and the other 0!

A lot of the early negative reactions were because it wasn't what people expected. It wasn't an sensational erotic thriller like the press hyped it up to be (the press had no idea what it was going to be since it was all secret and they made heaps up and ran with rumours as if it was a fact). They called it the sexiest movie ever even though they hadn't seen it (and it wasn't even finished yet!). People who took their partners and expected an aphrodisiac definitely didn't get what they wanted. It's the opposite, if anything.

One thing's for sure: it requires your attention when you watch it. Have no distractions, let yourself feel what it makes you feel and keep on thinking because it won't explicitly tell you more than a fraction of what it has to offer. Reading analyses on the Internet of it afterwards would almost definitely be worthwhile to see what other people make of it.

It's also a comedy in a strange way too. Cruise's character is really arrogant. :)

It's particularly good for a bisexual audience, I think, since it's a defensible interpretation that the main character has bisexual feelings if the movie is a look into his mind (there's a lot of evidence that it is a look into his unconscious, preconscious and conscious minds). I won't spoil why I think it's the case but it should be clear enough. If anyone wants to know, please PM me. :)

Jan 26, 2008, 5:57 PM
That was great Taylor--I am so glad you found that video and shared the link to it--

My God--did he nail Tom's bonkerness!!!

In the last week of so--I have been doing tons of online research about Scientology---my god--I thought people like Fred Phelps were fucked up---

Are all of these Hollywood, entertainment types fucking crazy or what??? Go Google "Celebrity members of Scientology" or something of that sort--the lists that come up are incredible---

This nut job, whacked out sham religion, set up the "Celebrity Centre" in one of the Hollywood area's landmark hotels and targeted those coming up in the entertainment industry---

A lot of the talk on the net is that Scientology gets their hooks in people via their "auditing sessions" shit---and in the things that are revealed---the person admits that he or she is gay/bi or whatever and according to Scientology--you have to control that to get to "clear"

They say that many of the actors and actresses like Tom Cruise and John Travolta did expose that they were gay and that is why they remain involved with Scientology. They are basically victims of extortion because they do threaten to expose that they are gay and it is also said that many of the celeb marriages were set up to give gay and lesbian actors cover.

I find it somewhat disconcerting that Scientology was able to take over the town of Clearwater, Florida and that in the US--in spite of the fact that Scientologists bugged, raided and stole documents from federal government agencies like the FBI and the IRS--our courts declaired them a religion and allowed them to continue operating---in many countries--Scientology is banned---I wished we would sure as hell do that here!!!

The IRS needs to get tough---one again remove their tax exempt status as a religion and start to take the steps necessary to dismantle this "religion."

That Scientology has as a major aspect of its existence the concept that those who oppose the "faith" are "SPs" or Suppressive Persons and are therefore automatically open to be "fair game" which under that policy, states that any means necessary to destroy a person is perfectly fine and is the duty of all Scientologists who come in contact with the SP to engage in fair game.

I say that with all that Scientology has done---with some tweaks of the USA PATRIOT ACT---I am sure a smart attorney could find a way to declare Scientology a "Clear and Present Danger to the National Security of the United States" and therefore--use things like declaring people "enemy combatants"; use rendition and make top people in this faith cool their heals in places like the detention camps in GITMO and elsewhere!!!

The Justice Department should at least go after Scientology using the same tools they have used to dismantle and gut the Mob--the RICO Act has some good tools---because I think lots of crimes that Scientology has committed very much could be prosecuted using RICO----maybe once we get a new president and he or she gets the FUBAR situation of Iraq and our tanking economy on better ground----they can use the bully pulpit to go after Scientology---it does need to be wiped out!!!

I have to say-Jerry O'Connell does have some big, brassy cojones for taking on not only Tom Cruise but the rest of Scientology since they do have such a widespread degree of influence in his line of work.

Way to go Jerry--just get ready to have Scientology's security arm to come after you---they are a nasty crowd to have to deal with!!!!

I am sure that Jerry has now been declared an SP that needs to be dealt with!!!