View Full Version : Fun Songs

Jan 25, 2008, 3:15 AM
Everyone has their favorite songs, sentimental songs and so on...but what are some of your favorite fun songs? Something that just makes you giggle or smile when you hear it?

This is one of mine from the 80s.


Jan 25, 2008, 3:21 AM
This one is my favorite fun song:

The Proclaimers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3tNylJr7Z4)

Musical declarations of love usually aren't simple, but this one is to the point.:) And the video of those creepy twins....<shiver> Gah.


Jan 25, 2008, 3:25 AM
nice song. Thanks for sharing it with us.:flag2:

Jan 25, 2008, 6:12 AM
Ray Stevens "The Gay Pirate Song",,,,Sorry, can't link to it.:bigrin:

Jan 25, 2008, 6:38 AM
Just found thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fICkC25RI_k

Jan 25, 2008, 6:46 AM
Maria Muldaur


Jan 25, 2008, 6:51 AM
The Streak.....Ray Stevens


Jan 25, 2008, 7:04 AM
I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNHcaIJETZo&feature=related)

you asked LOL

Jan 25, 2008, 7:44 AM
Well...there's this one...


Gotta love Cartoon Network.

Jan 25, 2008, 9:34 AM
There's this classic from Burl Ives from a Disney movie.


My kids love this song and actually have it on their mp3 player.

Jan 25, 2008, 11:30 AM
I loved this song, it is so corny and back in the early 80's I would drive my roomate, and dear friend, Jan nuts by playing this on the stereo on hangover Sunday mornings. If this song didn't get her goat, Jethro Tull Aqualung was always the next song. She got married and moved across the country decades ago. I was talking to her a couple of years ago at our extended family reunion and she said now and then on Sunday mornings, she expects to hear Chicken Train and Aqualung with a wiff of coffee and bacon.


Jan 25, 2008, 12:43 PM
Arana! you sexy thang! You always have the best ideas :) A couple of my favs are some unrequited love songs titled " She Was Only a Moonshiner's Daughter But I Loved Her Still" and "I'm Sorry That I Made You Cry, But at Least Your Face is Cleaner" ..... Aint that romantic??? ;)


Jan 25, 2008, 1:56 PM
I always liked those crazy songs that Ray Stevens did "back in the day"


I don't know who did it originally, but I always liked the song "Nashville Cats"--
The Del McCoury Band does a fun version of that song now---

I am sure there are more I can think of---

I'll get back to ya on that

Jan 25, 2008, 2:38 PM
I always liked those crazy songs that Ray Stevens did "back in the day"


I don't know who did it originally, but I always liked the song "Nashville Cats"--
The Del McCoury Band does a fun version of that song now---

I am sure there are more I can think of---

I'll get back to ya on that

LOL, love Ray Stevens...."Ahab the Arab" heehee

I always have liked They Might Be Giants....here's Istanbul (Not Constantinople)


And, one of my FAVE songs from the 80's, Tommy Tutone, Jenny (867-5309) (partly because of my name LOL - but back then I was just a kid and didn't realize really what the song meant LMAO! I still love the song now, though...)


Jan 25, 2008, 6:20 PM
Or just very silly...(and fun)

Skater Boy
Jan 25, 2008, 6:43 PM
I used to LOVE this one:


But then, I am decidedly Neuro-Atypical. And most of YOU probably will be too, by the end of watching it.

A *must* for Star Trek fans, I think... ;) :bigrin:

Jan 25, 2008, 7:04 PM
A few song that can always make me laugh.




Jan 25, 2008, 7:41 PM
I'm not going to link (if you want to listen them I'm sure you can find them), but here are two that I have in my vinyl collection:

Take the Skinheads Bowling - Camper Van Beethoven

I Wanna Be A Flinstone (Extended Version) - The Screaming Blue Messiahs
The extended version of this includes a long sample of the episode in which Fred meets the Gruesomes for the first time...

"Hi, I'm Guresome."

"Yeah, you kind of are, but knowing it is half the battle."

"You can call me Weirdly."

"I was just about to do that."

Jan 25, 2008, 9:30 PM
Toad, . . . those were actually funny as hell (I thought) thanks for those.

There is a Joe Walsh song that is titled, "ILBT" (for 'I love big tits' -which I had no idea the first time I heard it what it was going to be about), and it caught me totally off gaurd. I found it on YouTube as the sound track to some video. I hope you all take the time to listen to the lyrics, some are funny as hell (again, I thought).


Jan 25, 2008, 11:27 PM
I don't do country music, but my hubby does. And Dolly is just an awesome lady and a local hero here.

Women will appreciate this one more then men-


Jan 25, 2008, 11:35 PM
The Dead Milkmen- Bitchin' Camaro :bigrin:

Jan 26, 2008, 12:26 AM
Two of my favorites are "I Wanna Get in Your Pants" - The Cramps, and......

The second one makes me convulse in laughter every time I hear it. I found a version on YouTube and it's funny, but I think the original studio recording is the best version. Nevertheless, check this out. Fart humor NEVER goes out of style !


Jan 26, 2008, 12:27 AM
D'oh ! The song is "Constipation Blues" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins (re: my last post)

Jan 26, 2008, 10:56 PM
I have a song on my mp3, about Dolly Parton's tits. Can't remember who sings it.:bigrin:

Jan 27, 2008, 12:35 AM
Almost forgot.
Rod - Hey Jack, what's happenin'?
Joe - Oh, I don't know.
Rod - Well, rumor around town says you think you might be heading down to the shore.
Joe - Uh, yeah, I think I'm goin' down to the shore.
Rod - Whatcha gonna do down there?
Joe - Uh, I don't know, play some video games, buy some Def Leppard t-shirts.
Rod - Hey, don't forget to get your Motley Crue t-shirt, y'know, all proceeds go to get their lead singer out of jail.
Joe - Uh huh.
Rod - Hey, you gonna check out the Sandbar while you're there?
Joe - Uh, what's the Sandbar?
Rod - Oh, it's this place that lets sixteen year-old kids drink.
Joe - Oh, cool.
Rod - Y'know who's gonna be there?
Joe - Uh, who?
Rod - My favorite cover band, Crystal Shit.
Joe - Oh.
Rod - Yeah, they do a Doors show, you'd be really impressed, in fact, it goes a little like this:

Love me two times baby
Love me twice today
Love me two times girl
Cause I got AIDS
Love me two times baby, once for tomorrow, once cause I got AIDS

Joe - Wow, Pretty good Jim Morrison impersonation there.
Rod - Yeah, I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take us to court.
Joe - Uh, what's the court?
Rod - Never mind that,
Joe - Oh, you mean like the People's Court?
Rod - Well, that's another story; the important thing here is you gotta ask me how I'm gonna get down to the shore.
Joe - Uh, how you gonna get down to the shore?
Rod - Funny you should ask, I've got a car now.
Joe - Oh wow, how'd you get a car?
Rod - Oh my parents drove it up here from the Bahamas.
Joe - You're kidding!
Rod - I must be, the Bahamas are islands, okay, the important thing now, is that you ask me what kind of car I have.
Joe - Uh, what kinda car do ya' got?
Rod - I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO!

I ran over my neighbors
Now it's in all the papers.
My folks bought me a BITCHIN CAMARO with no insurance to match;
So if you happen to run me down, please don't leave a scratch.
I ran over some old lady one night at the county fair;
And I didn't get arrested, because my dad's the mayor.
Doughnuts on your lawn
Tony Orlando and Dawn
When I drive past the kids, they all spit and cuss,
Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO and they have to ride the bus.
So you'd better get out of my way, when I run through your yard;
Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO;
And an Exxon credit card.
Hey, man where ya headed?
I drive on unleaded.

:bigrin: fuckin' classic :bigrin:

meteast chick
Jan 27, 2008, 1:22 AM
Here's 3 that immediately came to mind:

Operator Please "A Song About Ping Pong"

The Darkness "I Believe in a Thing Called Love"

And...the ultimate...
Avenue Q "The Internet is for Porn" and yeah, I have tickets to see the production in February!!!

Jan 27, 2008, 1:38 AM
The Moose Song

When I was a young man I used to like girls, I play with their bodies and fondle their curls,
‘Til my girlfriend ran off with a salesman named Bruce, You’ll never be treated that way by a moose.

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Now when I’m in mood of a really good lay, I go to my closet and get me some hay,
I go to my window and spread it around,
‘Cause Moose always comes when there’s hay on the ground!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Now gorillas are all right for Saturday night, Lions and tigers, they puts up a fight,
But it’s just not the same when you slams their caboose,
As the feeling you get when you’re humping a Moose!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

So when I’m all hot, upset and uptight, I jump in my car, to the zoo I take fight
Now animals all, with respect and renown, The moose for it being the best screw in town

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Now I’ve done it with all sorts of beasties with hair,
Hell, I’d make it with snakes if their fangs were not there,
I’ve done it with walrus, a duck and a goose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Now fish are too slimmy and slip all around, And some say camels are heaven abound
But I’ll stick to my ways, and not to dismay, And call on my moose friend to jump me today

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

I went to the desert a Moose for to find, I only found camels, I near lost my mind,
For camel reminds me of Moose just a bit, But Moose always swallow and camels just spit!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Now that I’m older, and advanced in my years, I’ll look back on my life, and shed me no tears,
As I sit in my chair with my glass of Matuse, playing hide the salami with my friend the Moose!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

So, went off to heaven, my soul soared away. I’ll show up at those gate, with a bail of fresh hay,
and they’re bound to inquire, as to my grin, so I’ll wined up in hell humping Moose’s again!

Chorus: So it’s Moose, Moose, I like a Moose, I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose,
I’ve had many lovers, my morals are loose, But I’ve never had anything quite like a Moose!

Jan 27, 2008, 7:37 AM
Well I'm gonna try
and here's the song I'm gonna sing at yer show..."



Wynonie Harris:

[1]Quiet Whiskey
[2]You Kept on sittin on It


Ape Call - Nervous Norvous


Bicycle Seat - Max Splodge

Poor Boy - Howlin Wolf


Up in Smoke- Cheech n Chong


Hits From the Bhong - Cypress Hill


And let's not forget about THIS!


Jan 27, 2008, 9:08 AM
Well one of my favorite is by a Canadian Rufus Wainright its called O what a world and it has a real catchy tune.
And then of course theres its raining men which is one of my favorites too.

Jan 27, 2008, 11:17 AM
Two of my favorites are "I Wanna Get in Your Pants" - The Cramps, and......

The second one makes me convulse in laughter every time I hear it. I found a version on YouTube and it's funny, but I think the original studio recording is the best version. Nevertheless, check this out. Fart humor NEVER goes out of style !


This is hilarious; thanks for sharing!

Jan 27, 2008, 11:40 AM
Weird Al Yankovic - Pet Names For Genitalia lyrics

mutton dagger, old blind bob
hanging johnny, fishing rod,
tallywhacker, pocket rocket
one eyed trouser trout

ding dong, ankle spanker
pork sword, engine cranker
hairy hotdog, davy crocket
let them all hang out

Pet Names for Genitalia
You know the girls think of 'em
and you got to love 'em
Pet Names for Genitalia
theres always something silly
about little willy

wang, wozzle, weenie, whacker
pecker, petey , kidney cracker
heat seeking moisture missile
giggle stick, love whistle
tube steak, uncle dick
this is getting really sick
I'm not through, theres one more
purple helmet warrior

Pet Names for Genitalia
You know the girls think of 'em
and you got to love 'em
Pet Names for Genitalia
theres always something silly
about little willy

Pet Names for Genitalia
You know the girls think of 'em
and you got to love 'em
Pet Names for Genitalia

Jan 27, 2008, 11:43 AM
Weird Al Yankovic - Pet Names For Genitalia lyrics

mutton dagger, old blind bob
hanging johnny, fishing rod,
tallywhacker, pocket rocket
one eyed trouser trout

ding dong, ankle spanker
pork sword, engine cranker
hairy hotdog, davy crocket
let them all hang out

Pet Names for Genitalia
You know the girls think of 'em
and you got to love 'em
Pet Names for Genitalia
theres always something silly
about little willy

wang, wozzle, weenie, whacker
pecker, petey , kidney cracker
heat seeking moisture missile
giggle stick, love whistle
tube steak, uncle dick
this is getting really sick
I'm not through, theres one more
purple helmet warrior


you always amaze me...
where do you find these things!!! LOL


Jan 27, 2008, 4:17 PM
Everyone knows the song "gin and juice" by snoop dogg (ok, most people anyways) but what i bet you didn;t know was that someone made a COUNTRY version of the song. A band called the Gourds. And its marvelous, makes me think of home, lol. (Born and raised on a farm...in a small farm community) when i hear the sang it makes me laugh and I picture my friends back home from highschool.


the video is kinda dumb, but you get to hear the whole song

Jan 27, 2008, 4:59 PM
you always amaze me...
where do you find these things!!! LOL


Just another part of my misspent youth honey :)

Jan 27, 2008, 5:06 PM
here's one that i like, Big Butter Jesus, by Heywood Banks, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq01UYiMyHg
and i go drive by it quite often.... and of course, Rodney Carrington's Show'Em to Me, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XOah-Ia53U is a classic.