View Full Version : Dwellism / Void's Ripple Into Religion

Jan 25, 2008, 3:14 AM
First, let me open a circle here for everyone. There we go. Now, in this circle understand there is freedom of expression. This circle however eats folks who get unruly, disrespectful of others. I can not alter the circle, nor can any of us entering it. We all live here together, for better or worse.

What I strive to do is make the best of the situation at hand. Presently, I seek to clarify a bit on my beliefs, or lack of beliefs as may be perceived. This is being presented as a gesture with the intention of gratitude and compassion. I do not seek to convert anyone or sell anything.

I want to address the major religions believing in gods, or God as the case may be. Within lots of journeys unto the internet I've read numerous arguments for and against gods, and goddesses. One of my favorites and sort of a litmus test for personal application is the Invisible Purple Unicorn argument.

Here it is in a simplified form.

I believe in invisible purple unicorns. You can not disprove their existence to me.

And then another party attempts to disprove. Simple logic can ask, "if they're invisible, how do you know they're purple?"

Simple logic can reply back, "they're only invisible to infidels."

What the logic stumbles over if it indeed dares to address it all is the statement of absolute opinion. "It's my opinion that x equals y, can you prove otherwise?" Of course, you can not disprove opinion, that is a fallacious argument. Each of us may see things differently.

Further reading off the internet led me to Carlos Castanada. Yes, he wrote works of fiction, but it was through fiction I think he reveals a great Truth.

The protagonist or hero of the story is Carlos. He learns about sorcery or loving the earth from a sage named Don Juan. Don tells him that we all share a common world, where so much is agreed on. We agree on gravity holding us to the Earth. Yet, Don also slyly mentions there are even other worlds here on our Earth. He illustrates this by asking Carlos who he is and what he does.

Carlos says he's a reporter or researcher of anthropology. Don laughs. "But, what are you to your mother?" Carlos answers he's her son. Don smiles, "then Carlos you are not a reporter but a son. You tell people you are this or that, but you aren't either one are you? You lie bad. Decide which is your world."

Now, we'll leave Castanada. Anyone desiring to read him may. I was illustrating that we each create our own worlds. In these worlds our sight grants us visions we each desire. Lots of difficulty arises in matching our visions against our shared world. Fortunately, we're all from the same family, human.

With different visions, we need different methods to explain our different lives. Some turn to gods. Alright, you may now grasp the "oh shit" handle.

I do not turn to gods or a God. Nor do I posit being Atheist. Though, I do think organized religion needs to banish itself from our shared world. That is my opinion. You possibly share a similar opinion, or not. Do not be offended if i care not one iota either way.

Now, to my belief. I believe that we each need to understand our dreams can indeed be realities. This requires persistence and hope, a dash of imagination. Oddly, I still retain hope despite all the blood and death wrought in the name of any god, human beings as gods included. There I'll offend Buddhists as well. I may now enjoy a Heathen's spiritual nirvana in peace.

There you are, for what it may or may not be worth, my belief expressed clear. The circle now tells me to pass the talking stick to the next poster. And I am not here to be disrespectful, or to 'bash' anyone. You can even speak out against the inhuman treatment lavished on toasters, s'all good as long you don't hit someone else with a sledge hammer. You do that, the circle eats you.

And about that circle, I'm not within it. Figured though most would comprehend the sanctuary offered. It's called creating a common ground and making use of it to communicate. We'll see how it goes, I may do it again.

Oh, well here you are next poster. Have this talking stick before I bludgeon an eye. Ben sits singing lowly, "thumb in my eye, thumb in my eye but I don't cry!" He then goes quieter still and listens to others.

Jan 25, 2008, 8:12 AM
:::Takes the stick:::. Sorry about your eye Ben…..good thing it wasn’t a pair of scissors.. One of my favorite verses that does come from the bible was "Seek and ye shall find"....I went looking...and I found what works for me.…and it sure as hell wasn’t in the bible…Carlos was a whiner...at least in the beginning...and it took a while for him to overcome his fears...it took me a long while to overcome mine as well.... but as an inter-spatial explorer of sorts…you won’t get far until the truth at any cost is better than the alternative.. I never really understood faith without investigation…

”What do you do with a people who believe Dreams are a reality and that reality is but a Dream”

....This was a posed by a Jesuit priest when referring to the indigenous people to this land many years ago…well we all know how that story played out….as for those of us that find comfort and stability in the concept of realities….like most other things that matter in my life… I tend to be like the chameleon and blend into the environment and remain undetectable….voice little on the subject except to those it would have a need to know…

I value privacy and can hardly explain what it’s taken a lifetime to understand… .Aho!

:::passes the talking stick back to Ben::: Thanks…like you’ve, I’ve said nothing…and if anybody ever asks… I’ll deny I was ever here.


Jan 25, 2008, 8:28 AM
my hubby loves carlos haha.

As for the topic, i am pagan and i love my gods and goddessess' and i don't really argue with people one way or another because i don't really care...so i don't have much of an opinion i guess...

Jan 25, 2008, 1:32 PM
I think a new way to word our kind is floaters. Once we were called shadows. Then it was realized shadows get frightening, but are not accountable. At least that seems what a lot of folks think out there in the general public. Truth to be told we are highly accountable. Our accounts though are usually given over to ourselves. We are the only ones to fairly account.

Out of the double wording, "I account to myself each breath."

I think most folks do this, too. Although if they involve the use of gods, it gives them an easy way to justify anything. One of the key expressions that causes me, or once caused seething rage in me was "it's X's will." Now, it doesn't bother so much as I understand some need to follow.

And no opinion is an opinion called indifferent. I was apathetic and indifferent to the needs of others. I didn't care that I didn't care. But, I'm not indifferent at least not in a negative sense, now. Some might see me and say I'm cold, without compassion. They could be friend or enemy and see the same.

I am not these things they say. They say them anyway regardless. I offer no defense, because what they say without knowing is akin to five blind men describing an elephant.

Excuse me now, I must vanish again. Work to do today and a tug from the circle beckons the passing of the talking stick. Ben puts the talking stick in the center of the circle and then vanishes.

Jan 25, 2008, 7:15 PM
Damn Void!
...such whacking off with words! You must be multiorgasmic! :eek:
But be careful, YOU'LL GO BLIND! (because God hates us masturbators - just ask Fred Phelps)

Jan 25, 2008, 11:09 PM
Damn Void!
...such whacking off with words! You must be multiorgasmic! :eek:
But be careful, YOU'LL GO BLIND! (because God hates us masturbators - just ask Fred Phelps)

"Is that so Fred?" :upside:

Jan 26, 2008, 12:10 AM
”What do you do with a people who believe Dreams are a reality and that reality is but a Dream”


oh, i love that quote!!

and thanx for reminding me that i need to catch up on my carlos readings!! havent had one of his books in hand in a very very long time....