View Full Version : Miami: How to have a Threesome

Jan 24, 2008, 8:18 AM
How 'bout some advice from those of you who've actually had the experience ... whether you've got positive or negative things to say, I'd like to know. Wife and I are headed to Miami in a couple of weeks and she is actually open to a threesome! Advice? Warnings? Especially interested in how to find an honest and fun guy to join us. :flag2:

Jan 24, 2008, 11:04 AM
Call me the resident cynic (Cynic!) but Miami, while it's fun and LBGT friendly for the most part... ain't someplace where I'd pick someone up as a 3rd. Most of the swinger's clubs are NOT bi-male friendly, whether "selective" or other wise... You could go to the gay standbys of Twist(I think it's called Laundry now, due to the fact that it's a working laundromat on one floor) or any of the clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, which probably is your best bet.

Skip Miami, go to Lauderdale.


Jan 24, 2008, 12:21 PM
i agree with taylormade - swing clubs not the place - i have been to several and have only gotten into that with one couple. male bi sex is frowned upon. that being said i understand there are groups that specify both for bi but i have not been. also i when i went to clubs it was with my gf at the time who was also bi. we only met the one couple who was into it. so we did everything else. if you have a partner finding another guy is the simplest. otherwise try a personals site answer posts or something. or just get lucky. i have been in many 3sums, with my gf or other couples, and it works out best privately. mmf is my favorite.

Jan 24, 2008, 6:11 PM
This is an interesting thread!

I've been thinking of a best-male-friend I had years ago, who I realized only later was bisexual and who happened to love me very much. He happened to have been involved with a lady at the time, and only ever hinted with his affection that he may've desired to be intimate with me.

I mention this to indicate that-at least in my experience-bisexuality is often most readily revealed as a matter of course from close bondings with people you may already know and love. They may be involved or not. As a couple they may be bi, or not. Typically I don't find that many bisexuals are that overtly concerned with sex-their bisexuality is a more often than not an expression of their overall capacity to love others, both socially and intimately, as is the case with myself.

I say all of this to say if you have-or acquire-a good friend who is particularly appreciative of you and at least socially intimate (when you depart he/hugs you gingerly or you may get a firm unexpected kiss on the cheek), there is a good bet that they are bisexual, somewhere in there. I've met many males, just incidentally who were freely sensual with me, not in a sexual way, but in an overtly affectionate way that stated "I like the way you look and feel and who you are-I would love like 'this' more if I knew I could".

I realize I've digressed from the directly answering the subject, however, I only intended to offer another kind of approach.

Jan 24, 2008, 6:25 PM
Call me the resident cynic (Cynic!) but Miami, while it's fun and LBGT friendly for the most part... ain't someplace where I'd pick someone up as a 3rd. Most of the swinger's clubs are NOT bi-male friendly, whether "selective" or other wise... You could go to the gay standbys of Twist(I think it's called Laundry now, due to the fact that it's a working laundromat on one floor) or any of the clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, which probably is your best bet.

Skip Miami, go to Lauderdale.

Yeah thats what our searches are apparently turning up as well. Crap. And here we are for the weekend :( Oh well at least we can go to south beach and people watch, but it just aint the same :(

Jan 24, 2008, 6:42 PM
Well, perhaps I may not be a cynic, but I think if all you want to do is to hook up for some sex for the weekend, then maybe you could look to Craigslist and see what comes up. Or heck, even check the local newspapers and such. Since I, or we, should I say go in for finding a man in that manner I am limited on my advice. Do know that if you want to try and find a perhaps longer lasting friendship, then develope it thru here. We have met many wonderful, caring,honest men here....take a chance. We did and it is working out ever so well.
