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Jan 22, 2008, 9:43 PM

For shame... Heath Ledger dead at 28 years.

He helped revolutionize (make aware?) the bi/gay cowboy mystique for many...in even a tasty sort of way...


Is there anyone else a little bent about actors and actresses biting the dust with pills and heroin and other shit? Wasting their lives? Their talent? Scaring the sh*t out of the rest of us while we drink our coffee in the morning... forcing us to spew it all over our monitors in shock?

I mean damn... Lane Staley(sp.. i admit it... I could never spell his name) from Alice in Chains, River Phoenix, dOOd from Sublime, Chris Farley, ...you wouldve thought they wouldve learned their lessons from the likes of John Belushi and Marilyn Monroe...


pop another pill Hollywood. Go ahead.. I dare you...

and in Mary-Kate Olsen's ( you remember... that kinda 'adorable' in a '90s way kid that said 'dude' alot to an 'awww' track in Full House...) apartment to boot....

And naturally every Human-Forsaken newscast was all over the fact that he was found in the nude surrounded by pills and open bottles and stuff...


That was one of the very LAST things I expected to see on my screen today...

You dont hear of anyone found dead in Willie's bus surrounded by a pound of weed, Boone's Farm, and boxes of Ho-Ho's do ya?


Jan 22, 2008, 9:52 PM
Yes Vitt. We were talking about htis in chat tonight. Very sad, but ya know the sleep aid Ambian is very powerful, and they are saying it Might have caused him to have a seisure(sp) or heart attack even. We may never know.
Its a shame that he'll be remembered most for being in "That queer Cowboy" movie, when he was in Several, and was not only talented, but Hot too. :}

Jan 22, 2008, 9:55 PM
I know Vitt is such a terrible tragedy.. Like you said why do people take chances with that shit/.. He had so much to give to the world. Not to mention seeing his daughter grow up!! I will never understand things like this. Such a damn waste!.

Jan 22, 2008, 10:13 PM
It sucks that Heath died, R.I.P.

The queer cowboy homoerotic fetish has been around for decades, it's nothing new, and cowboys have always been a homoerotic/homosocial sex symbol.

People cope with fame, stress, and pressure in various ways. Drugs/drug abuse (includes alcohol and pot) being one of them.

Yeah pot won't kill you but abusing it like crazy or smoking it daily like George Michael does to the point where he's smoked so much he passed out in a parked car, or being a total fried and washed out musician like Willie Nelson isn't a good thing.

Also while the pot itself might not be bad if you eat it or vaporize it the smoke from it is really bad for your respitory system and causes cancer.

Jan 22, 2008, 10:16 PM
Oh! It hurts me to hear about a young person dying.
I am 60 yrs old and treasure both the good and not so good times I have experienced and he will never have the same opportunity as me.


Jan 22, 2008, 11:35 PM
Talk about another young talent hard and fast on the road to oblivion:

I saw a video of Amy Winehouse in the past few days smoking some crack and doing some other partying--she looks horrible--the typical wasted junkie chick--which is too bad since she has talent.

As far as rehab is concerned---she better "go, go, go!!!!" and damn soon or she is gonna be dead--I bet that the obit writers have already got most of their copy ready on her death---its only a matter of time if she doesn't say "yes--I will go to rehab!!!"

Jan 22, 2008, 11:39 PM
and in Mary-Kate Olsen's ( you remember... that kinda 'adorable' in a '90s way kid that said 'dude' alot to an 'awww' track in Full House...) apartment to boot....

That's been refuted.
http://wcbstv.com/watercooler/heath.ledger.dead.2.635530.html (Ctrl+F "Olsen")

Jan 23, 2008, 5:48 AM
It sucks that Heath died, R.I.P.

Also while the pot itself might not be bad if you eat it ........

Want another brownie man? This shit is good man. <in his best Tommy Chong voice) :stoned:


Jan 23, 2008, 6:00 AM
I am truely saddened by the death of this acclaimed actor.
And I was so loking forward to seeing his portrayal of The Joker in the next Batman movie The Dark Knight.


Jan 23, 2008, 7:28 AM
The filming of him for The Dark Knight had finished. He'll still be in it.

Jan 23, 2008, 7:32 AM
I am truely saddened by the death of this acclaimed actor.
And I was so loking forward to seeing his portrayal of The Joker in the next Batman movie The Dark Knight.


You will get to see it , from what I heard this morning on talk radio he was done filming. Also heard that he was quoted to have said that he had a really hard time with the role, as it was some kind of dark psychotic murdering role for him. Throughout filming apparently he was unable to sleep , hence the Ambien pills. Such a young guy , and a passionate actor, I can't imagine this was done on purpose. I'll miss his beautiful Camelot face

Jan 23, 2008, 3:58 PM
For me its sad hearing the news of Heath's passing.

I've been a fan of his since he became well known. Brokeback Mountain is for me such a breakthrough because it hit main stream cinema and it actuarly forced gay sex on the big screen...

Even I, at that time i thought i was liberal minded was like oooo, damn that was weird but soo good lol....

Its sad that a talented actor who's a few years younger than me, having to suffer in such a painfull way. My friend told me that Heath's parents wasn't informed, that they had to watch it on the news.... How bad and how wrong is that?

Not to mention seeing his body being carted away.

What disrespectful actions is that?

Jan 23, 2008, 7:53 PM
Until we know what really happened, then in truth all we can say is We loved you Heath, and certainly we're gonna miss you. Thanks to you the world was given a taste of the reality of love being genderless. We're gonna miss you so much! We hardly had a chance to really know you and I swear i could never get bored watching your handsome smiles from any movie or TV series you were in.

We're sorry you're gone and left us with only memories.