View Full Version : The Dweller of the Void

Jan 20, 2008, 1:53 PM
Cutting to the quick shall we dash into this daring excursion of a tome most exceptionally fictional and quaintly haunting. Indeed I say unto thee oh sacred humble reader, we shall make haste to expunge the trappings of the void we all commonly share. And upon a quest we dare to behoove ourselves to undertake in the benefit of helping one lost within realms of fantasy dark, fabled and deliciously vise ridden.

Simply put, this dweller of the void needs a bit of assistance in the inner workings of something most dubiously wrought of the excessive reaches of their own imagination most exponentially fueled by intellect which never ceases for rest. Dorothy Parker said it best in saying curiosity cures boredom, whilst curiosity hath no cure.

Now unto what the object of curiosity portends.

If you've read this far, congratulations on making it beyond about ninety eight percent of folks. I'm glad you have, it means there are actually readers out there in the world. It also means I'm doing my job as a writer well enough to lure you into keeping on reading. But, let me come to the point.

As you probably noticed, I enjoy the wit and vile of an older more flair driven style of writing. Modern authors lack power in their prose, I think. They lack an ability to stay continuity and run a solid driven story to the end. Mercedes Lackey comes to mind, for her retelling of fairy tales and lack of continuity. My wife read one of her books where a character was give another a certain coloured pouch for use in certain conditions. Later on the character set to give the pouch does give a pouch, but the wrong color.

And I can poke at Dan Brown, too. He uses gerunds atrociously, makes millions. I use one simple gerund and the scorn pours forth from all versions of hells in which I do not believe, even the Great Editors on high admonish me. And they fail to grasp that the manuscript I've brought low before their feet is but a rough draft, seeking nothing more than a few opinions on how it reads for enjoyment's sake. I digress.

The quick of it being back into some research. There was a time, specifically during the Victorian Era, that novels were posted as letters and oft were literary hoaxes or puns disguised thinly as letters from non-existing folks. I'm fairly sure it was something more of a U.K. delight as Charles Dickens being the master literary genius he was coined and created with but a single pen an entire genre and culture of serial novels.

Later it caught on and became know here in the United States as Pulp fiction, with author's works being tossed into hodge podge mixed bags of tales from twenty or so other author's and sold but for a penitence. A shill for this week's installment of The Shadow, Doc Savage, Rebels From Mars and the like. They called it crime writing in the U.K. and if it lacked criminal element, then it was tossed haphazardly into a bin marked Flights o' Fantasy.

At any given there's the punch of the request before you. Any bit of pointers to research or guides on how to write in letter form, serializing a rag of a novel dealing with bisexual themes, romance, comedy (though probably far too droll, morbid for most Editors on High in the United States), action, fantasy ... appreciated, gladly.

Now, I'll be off to dwell within the void more and perhaps write over a pint of tea, and be aware I do call it cupa. ;)

Jan 20, 2008, 3:12 PM
Afraid I don't know much about writing novels in the guise of letters - I'm sure it seems blessid to your heart, but certain parts of the Victorian philosophy deserve to die a grand and painful wheezing death - the impetuousness of standing on the hearts of slaves, and the arrogance of the Titanic spectacle come to mind. We still seem to have lingering trappings of the irreverent attitude of "Manifest Destiny" upon us. Corporations crying out because "it's too expensive" to put sulfur scrubbers on the stacks of coal plants. Thinking that somehow they can still sweep this crap under the rug, so that the children of future generations can choke on the sweet, sticky suffocating blackness of their own greed and indifference.

To put it succinctly -

"Tell you what - you want to burn coal - fine - install a scrubber - too expensive? Then sorry as@#ole - too f'king bad...next time try RENEWABLE energy."

the only bit of true fiction I've written in a long time is thus -

( btw - this text is "NSFW" - although you won't see any illicit graphics on the screen, if you have a suitably perverse imagination ..well.. that's not my fault.. )

Dancing With the Stars

The room was warm and bright, a fire crackled in the enormous hearth. She set the table with china and fine crystal that sparkled in dim light of the candles. She heard the far off doors of the entryway close with a solid thunk as the sound of footsteps echoed across the marble floor.

Her anticipation had been building all day..she ran to him..placed her arms around him and pressed her lips softly against him.. “Hello my love – I missed you so”. she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the great room.

“Dance with me”, she cried to him with a smile. Strings resonated and echoed off the walls of the great room. She pulled him close and then far away as they whirled across the smooth polished inlaid floor. They walked to the balcony, spinning 'round and 'round beneath the stars, his cloak flowing in the wind..her smile gently glowing. He drew her closer as a sweet soft lullaby started to play.

She couldn't recall having anything to drink, but yet she was more drawn to this man, intoxicated with his warm loving presence. She kissed him, tentatively at first..and then more insistently as she found her love returned threefold. They stood there intertwined, It seemed as if time itself had slowed when they embraced.

She slowly walked with him to the staircase and climbed the stairs as they entered the bedchamber. He carried her over the threshold and gently laid her on the bed. It was clear by the pleading look in her eyes that she was smitten for him..she raised up her body to meet his lips.. He slowly nuzzled her breasts and gently unbuttoned her clothes..

She lay before him open, naked and warm, her clothes loosely about her waist. He unbuttoned his shirt..the bare chest warm and inviting..his pants slowly slid from his waist and soon all of the clothing except for his boxers were piled in a heap on the floor.

He sat behind her on the bed..with her legs inside of his..his hot member pressed up against her through the boxers. He held her close, she could feel his warm chest inhale and exhale..his warm breath on her neck..his loving whisper in her ear. “You are my love, I give myself to you”.

She moaned softly as his lips caressed her neck..his hands cupped each breast. She inhaled his scent, basking in the loving energy they both shared, feeling his wet member pressed against her.

She turned toward him, pressed him slowly into the bed and gave him a passionate pleading kiss. Her hands fell across his warm supple body.. She slowly pulled away his boxers to reveal the warm throbbing member underneath.. She massaged his thighs and buttocks..inhaling the sweet musk of his sex.

He reached down between her legs and rubbed up against her sending a spasm of excitement that made her body arch in pleasure. His fingers lovingly brought her closer and closer to ecstasy. It felt so good..she wanted him inside her..her eyes plead with him..stoked his loving cock, massaged his rock hard balls..

He cradled her and gently positioned the soft flesh of her body with his strong nubile hands. The musky sent of her wet sex rose into the air as he parted her thighs. He ran his dick against her and rested her legs against his shoulders. She gasped as he penetrated her..his wet dick slid into her hot tight sex. Soon the gasp was replaced by deep moans of pleasure.

She raised up as if to kiss him..hut it was too far. He rubbed up against her..thrusting deep inside. And caressed her breasts. She whimpered as she fondled his sex. And squeezed his tight ass. Every thrust brought her closer to the edge..her head was spinning now as he drew her close to him..and his dick closer inside.

They held each other in the sweetest embrace..it seemed as though they weren't even in the bedchamber now..held instead lovingly in each other's arms. She felt him tense up..she wanted so bad to feel his warm sex spasm inside of her..she wanted to feel his sweet juice overflow in her..she nuzzled close to him and held him tight..

His dick spasmed over and over inside her warm hot sex, setting off her own chain reaction..she breathing became shallow, her pulse quickened..her puss gripped his hot cock over and over intensifying the pleasure the both of them shared.

They kissed deep and passionately, she whispered gently into his ear - “I love you”. Both of them exhausted, then collapsed into one another on the bed and fell asleep in the passionate love they shared for one another.

Jan 20, 2008, 6:21 PM
The dweller reads the story, reads the diatribe. He sighs, grins. "Damn wenches! Can't live with or without."

As to your story. It reads nicely, though you switch from member to dick. And that isn't really a nit pick from my end. Find a tone, voice and run it until the end. That provides less jarring away from a story.

Here we'll say I want you to read the word apple. I put an apple on the coffee table. Someone walks by and picks up the apple. Unknown to any of us, Morgana le Fay has chosen today as transmutation of fruit day. The person who picked up an apple now sees a pear in their hand. I put another apple on the table, behold it becomes a tangerine!

It might catch a reader's interest if there's 'logic' behind the transformation. Hm, probably the best it was put was by Carl Sagan.

If you want to make an apple pie, you better create a universe capable of producing apples from scratch. -- Or at least something within that vein he said.

I liked the story, but we need resolution, too. They made love and lived happily ever after? Where had he been prior to returning? Is there conflict involved?

Or, have you written as Kafka?

I have a feeling discussion will flow.

Jan 20, 2008, 7:45 PM
And if discussion doesn't flow, then it is probably my error.

I'd like helpful pointers to web sites about writing in the Victorian style. I'm currently reading a new author to me, Calleb Carr. He seems to write in that style, although it isn't verbose as Vern. I'm reading Angel of Darkness.

Presently I'm not working on any writing. I should be, but can't seem to get a story going. Know about what kind of story I'd like to write, and the kind in my mind waiting, clarifying itself. It's just not hitting the page and I thought a different style of prose may help coax it along.

So I asked for a bit of help, discussion. Next time I'll stick to not saying anything. Seems to work out a little better.

Jan 20, 2008, 8:35 PM

As we speak of transformations and other morphographies...

With this perhaps to divine the good of such lycanthropic scenery, to wit but as if to inject some sliver of momentous distraction! Even as to invoke in thee, yea, but for the sparing of a moment with eternity, with my heart driven by the terror of this occult flavoring, aspice with romance-I do offer thee my hand...

Shall we danse?

"And bequeath the prime of this night we pair soft steps upon the cool grass, enwrapped and entwined and spinning wildly, weilding chivalrous bends and dips to the sirenous whine of stars, but whispers of wind from afar we mend the Heavens and Earth with binding flesh and wheezing sinew, tasting our breath, weeping amorous gazes enraged with passion, with hope.

Our love is sweet. And before the fire of dawn wisps away our wrestlings, doth the Moon glance once more, just beyond her Western hip, as she fires one last glance-the slightest smile caressing us with her jaded light."


Stories do not end. They are merely told.

Jan 20, 2008, 11:17 PM
Like wow like this is like way to hard like to get into you know.
Like the bible like has some real cool like old stuff in if you need like some like awsome ideas about like old stuff .

I'm sorry but sometimes the dementia just takes me.

This is a good read.

Jan 21, 2008, 12:14 AM
Well I wouldn't know what "Victorian" style would be long enough to know all about just how to go about getting at it. I don't happen to think it's that serious; and besides, there is always the danger of too much investigation. Say, much like the obsessed detective that after a while, emulates the madness of the killer he is after-getting his man, only that the monster's madness lives on in the persuer of the mad. So there is somethig to be careful of.

I am piecing together (as per the example above) my own tome, oddly enough concerning the exploits of these gods in those earthy persons whom by their human dramas explain such devine incursions; so that we understand
in common jibe what they are doing, even when we are deciphering their droll
prosaic litanies. I will tell you that is hard work, and you must know very well who the people (or whatever it is you are writing about) are.

As for suggestions-I woud say "Doctor Faustus" might be a good place to start. Also you can find collections of H.P. Lovecraft online;and I am sure you have read Edgar Allen Poe.

You don't want to drown the reader in the style itself as much as use it to condition how the reader should feel about what is going on. As in the example above (which counts as sample composition), the reverie of the lovers is set up to introduce and/or invite as many observers.

Another strong suggestion; Don't write about people, practice writing about things people (might) do, and the reactions or effects of natural course. Write about material objects, or nature's affects on material nature.

A burning chair for example.
Now take the same active descriptors and surrender them to your lovers.
Stephen King shewed a knock for this, say, how a dog thinks about a man (Cujo);How a car feels about it's owner (Christine).

The I-Ching may prove helpful as well.

Jan 21, 2008, 12:44 AM
It might catch a reader's interest if there's 'logic' behind the transformation. Hm, probably the best it was put was by Carl Sagan.

If you want to make an apple pie, you better create a universe capable of producing apples from scratch. -- Or at least something within that vein he said.
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."

There are variations of that floating around. I'll try to find which one he said at the beginning of one of the episodes of Cosmos (somewhere in the middle of the series) to see his exact phrasing on that.

Jan 21, 2008, 2:51 AM
clean up:

"And bequeath the prime of this night in pairs, soft steps upon the cool linen grass, enwrapped and entwined and spinning wildly, wielding chivalrous swords, bent and bowing dips to the sirenous whine of stars; but whispers of wind from afar do we all mend the Heavens and Earth with bindings of flesh and wheezing sinew, tasting our breath, weeping amorous gazes. Yelps and howls enraged with passion, with hope.


Our love is distant, resonant. Sweet.

And before the fires of dawn, wisp away our wrestling, doth the Moon, falling just beyond her Western hip, feign one last glance-the slightest smile caressing us with her jaded light, welcoming the mourne."

So I now have a beginning of something.

Jan 21, 2008, 5:09 AM
Void's initial post reminds me a bit more of Edgar Allen Poe's style... under caffeinated influence.

Jan 21, 2008, 8:48 AM

As we speak of transformations and other morphographies...

With this perhaps to divine the good of such lycanthropic scenery, to wit but as if to inject some sliver of momentous distraction! Even as to invoke in thee, yea, but for the sparing of a moment with eternity, with my heart driven by the terror of this occult flavoring, aspice with romance-I do offer thee my hand...

Shall we danse?

"And bequeath the prime of this night we pair soft steps upon the cool grass, enwrapped and entwined and spinning wildly, weilding chivalrous bends and dips to the sirenous whine of stars, but whispers of wind from afar we mend the Heavens and Earth with binding flesh and wheezing sinew, tasting our breath, weeping amorous gazes enraged with passion, with hope.

Our love is sweet. And before the fire of dawn wisps away our wrestlings, doth the Moon glance once more, just beyond her Western hip, as she fires one last glance-the slightest smile caressing us with her jaded light."


Stories do not end. They are merely told.

Hmm, well - that does sound better than my version - perhaps a bit sweeter to the ear. I suppose I've become a bit crass and lazy in my old age, I'm an amateur at this sort of thing you know. I can write very eloquent, passionate emotional appeals - but I haven't the patience to formulate the entire structure of the universe.

Thank goodness we have one that already comes preassembled - but I'm having a little bit of trouble stuffing it into the trunk of the car. <grins>

Really <voice straining with the effort> shouldn't be a problem since it's supposedly made up of mostly empty particles <looks up and smiles politely while he gives it another shove>, but this is such a strange place.. Oh damn, <in an irritated voice> now look - I've gone and scratched the bumper. :)

<Gives up and looks around for the carton labeled "flat-pack universe, some assembly may be required">

<from out of nowhere, a rudely shaped turnip suddenly appears on the coffee table>

Jan 21, 2008, 6:35 PM
"Caffeinated Poe?"

That is an interesting turn of phrase, in compliment form, I think. Shall read Malestrom and Cask again. Library didn't have any Christopher Rice or Poppy Z. Brite. Can get them via interlibrary loan, didn't feel up to it this week. Angel of Darkness has disquieted and sated the 'need to read something' beast.

Ben mentally swims along.

Jan 21, 2008, 11:07 PM
Hmm, well - that does sound better than my version - perhaps a bit sweeter to the ear. I suppose I've become a bit crass and lazy in my old age, I'm an amateur at this sort of thing you know. I can write very eloquent, passionate emotional appeals - but I haven't the patience to formulate the entire structure of the universe.

Thank goodness we have one that already comes preassembled - but I'm having a little bit of trouble stuffing it into the trunk of the car. <grins>

Really <voice straining with the effort> shouldn't be a problem since it's supposedly made up of mostly empty particles <looks up and smiles politely while he gives it another shove>, but this is such a strange place.. Oh damn, <in an irritated voice> now look - I've gone and scratched the bumper. :)

<Gives up and looks around for the carton labeled "flat-pack universe, some assembly may be required">

<from out of nowhere, a rudely shaped turnip suddenly appears on the coffee table>

I put the turnip under the coffee table (GOD using Bigregory as my voice on earth)

Jan 24, 2008, 4:36 AM
It was a gamble to reach outward. Experience was gained here. Experience proves that gambling, hoping do not provide much in return.

Find myself the more isolated, but yet now with proof. Grateful I am to the site. Thanks for revealing what I knew.

It seems all anyone visiting here is interested in, is shallow entertainment. Guess that's fine for some. My name isn't some.

Enjoy and best wishes.

Jan 24, 2008, 6:58 AM
Ben - you have more friends here than you may be aware. And those who truely concider themselves as one of yours, myself being of no exception.

You sound so dispondent, yet I see no real reason to be.
Exactly what is it that you seek.

You have a gift, a gift that few have and many would cherish to have.

My friend, and I do not use that term lightly, you have my email addy.
Feel free to write me anytime.


Jan 24, 2008, 2:11 PM
read Jacequiline Carey you'll understand what i'm getting at when you do.

Jan 24, 2008, 5:22 PM
It seems all anyone visiting here is interested in, is shallow entertainment. Guess that's fine for some. My name isn't some.

Enjoy and best wishes.

The reason I am playing with your post is because laughing is the only way I've survived all of these years. Growing up people made it perfectly well known to the benefit of their own ego that I was less than human and would never amount to anything.

I've proved them wrong ten times over but even now if I wasn't laughing you might see the real look on my face - the STRAIGHT people where I live write letters to editor and ask why gay people need a "pride parade" - they really just don't know what it's like.

Thank goodness for all of the friends I've met on this board - including you - they may not be perfect, but without their encouragement I would not have had the courage to start to trust people again.

Please take heart, and keep reaching out my friend. Consider that the type of question you originally asked is a very intellectual one - the people who would respond to it in the way you want are perhaps rather reserved about where and when they post - but I have seen some serious attempt by a few to honestly answer your question..

Jan 24, 2008, 5:38 PM
"Caffeinated Poe?"

That is an interesting turn of phrase, in compliment form, I think. Shall read Malestrom and Cask again. Library didn't have any Christopher Rice or Poppy Z. Brite. Can get them via interlibrary loan, didn't feel up to it this week. Angel of Darkness has disquieted and sated the 'need to read something' beast.

Ben mentally swims along.

As I do recall--with Mr. Poe--caffeine would have been the least offensive of substances he partook----like Laudanum---he was pretty much ate up by that foul substance--like many of his contemporaries---


Jan 24, 2008, 5:39 PM
I'm confused about what's going on here.

Elian can you help me 'get' then-What void is so distant about? After all, there is specification that 'victorian' writing does not-or should not-include, eroticism; but then there was never any assumption-atleast on my part-that we were talking about 'victorian eroticism' anyway. I only posted something along those lines in what I thought was the kind of style be referred to.

But aside of that, I admit feeling a bit jaded-I mean to say, I think it unfair to encapsulate anyone's character as limited to "shallow entertainment" since their responses did not meet some expectation. After all, we are all different, and have diverse perspectives. I honestly thought I was offering somehting perhaps, that void_dweller might've found useful, inasmuch as writing style goes.

I'm not sure what I am missing here-But void, I sincerly apologize if I have not approached the subject with enough forethought.


Jan 24, 2008, 9:54 PM
A very wise person once told me that in terms of healing and forgiveness "Pain comes out as anger" - I think it's a very true statement.

Jan 24, 2008, 11:13 PM
I do have to agree that we do seem to lack something in our writing abilities, considering how much "education" we are supposed to be getting or have gotten---

It really hit home at how poor we moderns are with words---when I watched one of my favorite programs to have ever been broadast on television--Ken Burns' documentary, "The Civil War."

For those of you may never have seen the program or forgot the details of the program if you did happen to view it--among the ways that Burns and his people brought that tumutous event to life--they often had some great actors reading the correspondence shared during wartime--very often from those fighting those horrendous and bloody battles.

Many of those writers were uneducated by our modern standards---farmboys trained to read and write only having used the bible as their guide--(perhaps one good thing about the "Good Book")----they wrote incredible letters---writing which leaves us well in the dust.

We certainly do seem to have lost our way with words--even at time that words fill the airwaves and the Internet 24/7/365....

Jan 25, 2008, 12:13 AM
I do have to agree that we do seem to lack something in our writing abilities, considering how much "education" we are supposed to be getting or have gotten---

It really hit home at how poor we moderns are with words---when I watched one of my favorite programs to have ever been broadast on television--Ken Burns' documentary, "The Civil War."

For those of you may never have seen the program or forgot the details of the program if you did happen to view it--among the ways that Burns and his people brought that tumutous event to life--they often had some great actors reading the correspondence shared during wartime--very often from those fighting those horrendous and bloody battles.

Many of those writers were uneducated by our modern standards---farmboys trained to read and write only having used the bible as their guide--(perhaps one good thing about the "Good Book")----they wrote incredible letters---writing which leaves us well in the dust.

We certainly do seem to have lost our way with words--even at time that words fill the airwaves and the Internet 24/7/365....

Interesting that you point this out. As a pre-teen and teen I was particularly drawn to reading of occult grimoires, gothic tales [H.P. Lovecraft] and occult psychology. So I read a lot of Colin Wilson, Frazier, Stekal, Poe, Mathers and Crowely. I just have always had a thing for "old dusty books" anyway, and I suppose all that stuff just stuck with me.

Jan 25, 2008, 2:07 AM
I'm confused about what's going on here.

Elian can you help me 'get' then-What void is so distant about? After all, there is specification that 'victorian' writing does not-or should not-include, eroticism; but then there was never any assumption-atleast on my part-that we were talking about 'victorian eroticism' anyway. I only posted something along those lines in what I thought was the kind of style be referred to.

But aside of that, I admit feeling a bit jaded-I mean to say, I think it unfair to encapsulate anyone's character as limited to "shallow entertainment" since their responses did not meet some expectation. After all, we are all different, and have diverse perspectives. I honestly thought I was offering somehting perhaps, that void_dweller might've found useful, inasmuch as writing style goes.

I'm not sure what I am missing here-But void, I sincerly apologize if I have not approached the subject with enough forethought.


Apologies. The statement about shallow entertainment refers to another issue. Victorian erotica was subtle. Often unless you were within the circle of the knowing, you didn't pick it up. Using Poe and Joseph Addison for an example here as it's one that resonates presently. Both writers enjoyed writing ciphers into their works. Addison had written one within a work, in Latin. Poe obviously managed to read it. The work that was hidden within another work, was a short poem.

It touched on a scene where a gentleman named Charles made a forward advance to a lady on a picnic outing. That was Addison's original ciphered poem. Poe wove a cipher into many of tales. But, he wrote one especially for Addison. Addison had of course been dead for quite some time prior, so Poe was granting a tribute, compliment. He wrote a completion for the poem, similar to the style of haiku and tanka. One could possibly read theirs, adding further to it, even.

Someone has recently attempted a feat akin to this. Although this author, Margret Attwood, has written a novel within a novel. It is entitled Blind Assassin. Unlike Huxely, Attwood can, and does use supremely well thought out and well written transition in her writing. Huxely kept losing me because there was no transition, you just went from point a to point b without any movement. It's probably otherwise known as talking heads. And it does tend to jar a reader. Yet, all the critics applaud and toss accolades to Huxely.

My statement of shallow entertainment comes from frustration with myself. No matter how I try, it seems there's always some form of miscommunication. I do my best to no avail. And then I see other folks enjoying a chat, engaging in cyber sex, and having the proverbial 'grand old' time whilst I'm left confounded for having asked something I thought clear.

Help, I ^need web site addresses of web sites that research Victorian serial novels, and or Victorian literary hoaxes pawned off as letters. Got any of those?

That was pretty much the query. It would be nice there were possibly further discussion, beyond writing, but I'm not too bothered either way. If it happens, it does, if not it doesn't. There's no expectation. I enjoyed your bit, yet shall refrain from comment further. It seems in my compassionate desire to be friendly, reasonably civil, a touch helpful, I overlook the gift presented. So, no further comments except I enjoyed it.

"Come on Ben, what did you really think?"

"I thought I think too much, now I know it."

Perhaps, I need break through social autism. Seems I keep running headlong into dead ends with solid brick walls as I attempt to 'join in' with a 'fellowship' or group of friends.

Well, spoken my part for now.

Volty, "Morphine and chocolate are no substitute for my art." - 4 Non-Blonds

Poe was also quite pickled by booze alongside the heroin or morphine. He rode many a dragon, though and left our world a bit more askew to perchance a darker vision of itself in the looking glass. Life is but a dream.

A simple note here. Forgive my grammar in posting. Oft, am posting whilst under the influence of exhaustion or a mind full of various literary devices and structures / counter structures, philosophies, psychological exercises --- being human. I could, and possibly ought to be more precise in grammar. Yet, this forum appears informal.

"Relax Ben."



Jan 25, 2008, 2:38 AM
"Ah-Ha! There! Now I've gotten it!"

"Oh? And this time?"

"Indeed. You try too hard to miss me."

"Damn Nationalists! Fie on pecker's pond! I'll be duped again!"

"chivalrous scoundrel!"

"You are wonderful. I love you."

Jan 25, 2008, 3:31 AM

Oh no. You've done it now. Unhand that sense of humor, back away slowly. Do not try to pick it up again. I am authorized to use sober force if needed.

Thank you for that. Someone who shall remain Ben (void) nameless has been wound tighter than piano wire. I'm amazed too.

And she looked out upon the lake,
golden webs woven to cross the chasm.
Darkness beguiling tales most fake,
Lenore gone in death's adamant spasm.

Jan 25, 2008, 8:02 AM

Oh no. You've done it now. Unhand that sense of humor, back away slowly. Do not try to pick it up again. I am authorized to use sober force if needed.

Thank you for that. Someone who shall remain Ben (void) nameless has been wound tighter than piano wire. I'm amazed too.

And she looked out upon the lake,
golden webs woven to cross the chasm.
Darkness beguiling tales most fake,
Lenore gone in death's adamant spasm.

Tickled teal, smells laughter coming on.
Roaring afire, lost in Canterbury winter.
Echoes softly Milo's only grievance.
Sire? His skirt's asoil?
"Well-No, I don't suppose I should mind pissing here."

Jan 25, 2008, 4:30 PM
most Victorian writers wrote from the viewpoint of one of their characters, didn't they?

Mayhaps you could also should the need arise and the brain less strain.

Jan 26, 2008, 5:32 PM
most Victorian writers wrote from the viewpoint of one of their characters, didn't they?

Mayhaps you could also should the need arise and the brain less strain.

Perhaps I shall do that, or not. However, I shall find ample time now to write and devote to other pursuits. This time will come from severing myself from visiting the bisexual site here.

I'm tired of trying to explain something which hopefully would appear obvious. Folks keep telling me to lighten up, to cheer up, change my attitude etc. That's fine and well if a few relevant factors apply.

1. I'm suicidal

2. I am not happy with anything in life.

3. I actually have an attitude that is one of despair, argumentation, rage, hate.

Let me address why these three factors do not apply.

I'm suicidal is out the window. First of all, I have quite a few people off the internet who cherish and relish me with love. In that love there is no room given me for such an asinine thought. Quitting or taking my own life is never an option allowed in my thoughts aside from a bit of a joke. I have a morbid sense of humor, yes. Life has granted me experiences that taught me to laugh at it. For example, never let three year olds overhear you making derogatory comments about others, it happens to be repeated in the most embarrassing fashions. And there are plenty of other examples I could list. My brother crashing his truck two miles from home, walking with blood streaming down his face. His words at the time were priceless as now. "Think I spilled my brain on the dash. I have better sense than to walk away from a wreck."

But, that's all the experiences that will be listed. If you genuinely are interested in more, well guess you'll just have to hope I have Yahoo messenger on, or feel like reading e-mail, and desire to share these anecdotes. There's no reason to place more here, it is a public forum and I like to respect that. Other folks may not give a tinker's damn about such things. They may, too but I'm unaware of it. Hey, talk to me, engage me in conversation, ask to hear more about me.

I'm not happy with anything in life is pretty damn idiotic an assumption. obviously having been married to my wife for eight years, I'd think it safe to say I'm happily married. That implies I must be happy with the time I enjoy with my wife. Also I'm pretty about who I am, what I am. You don't just wake up one day and say to yourself in the mirror, "oh I'll visit a public website for bisexual folks and announce I'm a bisexual guy." That takes knowing yourself, being self assured, confident, happy and secure with yourself as a person. So, the whole concept of me being totally unhappy with life vanish.

I have an attitude might apply, but not for the reason or reasons you may think. If you kick a dog enough, it'll eventually bite you. I truly do not chat or visit this web site with any attitude in particular, if any at all. I work in the public sector and have made an effort to learn, and am still learning to a deftness, that it is best to approach people without an attitude. This is something akin to the Zen state of no mind. I sum up it quite easily as "If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

And that's how I come to this web. There's no attitude or argument in me.

I'm here in the hope that people will actually converse with me. I'd especially like it if those people were guys, had more than a passing interest, but I can talk with ladies and cut up with either gender for good clean honest fun. I'll let the ladies go after good clean honest fun, because obviously having one lady is plenty for me. Now, a guy I may want to invite out for dinner, a nice romantic evening / night.

Before a date is given, though. I'd like to be friends first. That's my general rule of thumb. Friends first, sex second. And to me sex is part of love. I don't separate the two.

Yet, here I am severing links to the site. Why?

No one bothers to get to know anyone else. There's cliques here as in life. It's to be expected and is par for the course, of course. But, the cliques alienate folks. Some go off and talk sports, riding bikes, rebuilding cars, watching television. Which is all and good. I'm not saying anyone shouldn't discuss these things. But some folks just 'get into' those things. And then of course the chatter gives way to sexual discussion. That's fine too, to a point.
Some would rather talk about such matters privately, or not at all.

And as much as the cliques alienate. Total strangers do the same. "Hi, horny? Want to dirty chat? Care to jack off while we do?" See my point about love and sex. I don't split them up. I need to know a person before I'll share their bed. My wife needs to know them, too. Now, that isn't saying I won't or don't cyber. I do, but I'd prefer to have at least talked a bit with the person prior to cybering. My wife and I allow one another to cyber, within reason. If the relationship looks as though it may become serious, then we all need to meet.

But, I'm not to that point with anyone here. No one is engaging me. Nor am I engaging anyone. There is simply nothing to attract interest from either end. I've put a bit forward here in the forums in hopes to perhaps generate interest. I will chat with most folks if so engaged by them. I do contribute a in chat on my own. The conversation moves too quickly though, folks switch the subject, I get lost. Then everyone says I'm crazy, or upset, or manic depressive, suicidal and all this other tripe for me simply trying to join a damn conversation. So, I don't join, don't contribute and then get called all this tripe anyway when I do up and finally say anything at all.

No winning or losing, nor any common ground. Why should I bother when no one else does? It's just simpler to say I'm crazy or some other bullshit, right?
Fine, whatever. I'm done. I'll check on this thread from time to time, but don't expect much if anything from me. I've tried and not tried. Neither way suits anyone here. I'll go please myself and enjoy the extra time. Maybe I'll find a guy locally who sparks my interest and i his. You never know. I figure the chances are the same as here.

And to address something else. Some folks socialize in bars. I'm not fond of bars. This is as close to a bar as I'll let myself come. At least in bars, though you get body language, and there may be a better chance of meeting folks, but I met my wife through a chat similar to this one. I know a relationship can be forged online. So, I do have hope. Maybe it isn't me that needs the hope, though?

Jan 27, 2008, 5:10 AM
Perhaps I shall do that, or not. However, I shall find ample time now to write and devote to other pursuits. This time will come from severing myself from visiting the bisexual site here.

So, I do have hope. Maybe it isn't me that needs the hope, though?

The rest of the post referred to is irrelevant to the following response to it.


My dear dear friend. Let me first with the utmost human sincerity offer you all the -otherwise patronizing- warmth and compassion from my own soul that I may hope you'd accept, and in advance an apology to anyone else who, by the time they have gotten "it", benumbed by the un-sweetened flavor of what forward is pronounced-I ask of you as well, even for your own sake to forgive me-

And then lay in your ASS with some good ol' fashioned sound advice and tough love.

I don't know what has motivated such seething dismissive critique in this last post of yours, nor from what quarter of the bowels of whatever intrasocial mish-moshing has compelled you sir, to flip off such diatribe.

Void I like you, I think you're a cool person, and in fact a bit brilliant in spite of yourself. I am old enough to keep the baby and the toll booth open, and I personally think that partiality in an online community is not possible. It may make good science fiction and action/drama, but it is just not possible or practical to manufacture organized hooliganism in a universe as anonymous and transient as the World Wide Web.

Yes I have thought about that thoruoghly-And in the end I still disagree; SO, I swipe my palms and stamp the mud off my shoes and move on with what I've got. If someone wants to get butt-fucked in Macy's window, great spectacle. But I've seen more lasting kisses passing Starbucks on a rainy day. Thank you.

What you say-whatever you are saying-is all fine and well. It's truth lies with whom it will. But when you come to the table with expectations that is where I draw the line. I am not responsible for what is in your head, nor has anyone control over your need to be understood. Perhaps it is a good thing we can't read each other's minds. In that case I'd pull your card more often-and before the fact at that!

So with all the tough love I can summon, I say to you sir, get off the pity-pot. I love carrots, but the blinders, I'm sorry just do not fit well on this big head of mine.Your ideas should only be obvious to you, and regardless who or what you are putting together in your own mind should never distract you so that you willfully forget you haven't heard the baby yowling in a while.

You are doing neither yourself, nor me, nor this site, nor anyone else here any dishonor by condemning us all with your absence. Anyone can be full of shit, but I seriously doubt that folks here are as shitty as you've made them out to be, and even then, that you of all people be elected forum boon.

If your hiatus away from the boards of this bi-commune dock serve you better to devote to your literary activities, then I wish you all the success in the world and see you at the publishing party. But do not go away saying you were chased away by unappeal and ignorance of your specific interests-your common ground.

What a lousy disservice you've perpetrated with that bullshit. I was beginning to enjoy and learn in this little thread. And you had to go muck it all up.

You want to leave the Temple-then GO!
And do not return until you have repented the World with all you've learned here!

Jan 27, 2008, 9:50 AM
I appreciate the tough love. It would have been more appreciated earlier. You may disagree that folks can in fact locate and create relationships using the internet. Does that mean it doesn't happen?

I think it does happen and with plenty of frequency to be of consideration. Can folks use the internet to form lasting relationships? I think it is possible. There are many who agree with this view, as there are many who disagree.

Meanwhile, relationships are sparked and formed using the internet or not. The internet is a common ground for people to communicate with other people. Communication fosters the origins of relationships, be they simple business partnerships, cliques of like minded folks binding together in order to keep abreast of a subject, or intimate relations.

As a friend asked me last me last night. "So, basically you're leaving because you can't find what you're looking for here?"

That's probably the biggest reason I'm leaving, yes. Another part of that is being tired of getting called anything but a happy camper for simply pointing out that other folks are in fact meeting and creating relationships here, but not I. The retort which wafts into my mind is, "if other folks are doing it, and I've done it before, why can't I do it, now, too?"

It's been suggested my approach is off, or I need to wait, or I'm manic depressive, that I have to offer something.

I've offered and seen it ignored, trampled, or somehow turned into something completely different. To give an example of that, I spoke with someone awhile. We had discussed lots of things, gotten to know one another well, there was talk of perhaps moving the relationship to a more serious level. Great, right? Well, you may think so. I did too. But, the very next time we spoke the other person felt it best they not limit themselves.

Now, here's the kicker. This person and I spoke candidly. Right up front they knew I don't get jealous, I don't claim exclusives. So how can they limit themselves? I'm just asking for common courtesy, as I'm married. There's no desire to carry a disease home to my wife, or to another man who is a lover.
There's no desire of malcontent in either direction. Hell, the guy could possibly enjoy time with my wife if they decided they wanted to do that.

As long as everyone involved is relatively safe, courtesy of one another, open and honest there isn't a problem. You might think that as well as I. But, for whatever reason the person I was talking to feared being loved, and loving back. There is an even flow of give and take with me. I enjoy both with equal vigor. Simply put, I'm a moderate.

There's no right or wrong here, no jealousy, only love. But, it won't be appreciated by a guy found on this site. I'm unable to find such a guy, one who can live and enjoy being loved, and loving back.

Now, call me what you will but other folks are seen to be doing it, finding relationships. I'm not jealous, just asking if they are doing it, why can't I?
And you bring up expectations, I have few to none. Sorry but, I've not lowered myself to being Macy's whore in the window. No, I won't go fuck any guy who happens along and then be in another's bed the next night. That's just not for me.

Other folks may enjoy casual sex. I have enjoyed a bit of it as well. But, it isn't what I'm here on the site to find. That might be taken as an expectation, and probably is one. Apologies for being human, and liking romance, companionship and the entailments of a happy loving relationship. If we took a poll, I'd guess we'd find lots of folks sharing these faults. We'd also find those who don't. Guess what? That's fine. I'm not saying it isn't, nor asking anyone to wear blinders.

Relationships begin with "hello" and a bit of conversation, two folks get to know one another. And I've tried saying hellos to quite a few. We speak at length with candor, and then it goes awry. That's par for course with me. I'm aware not everyone matches up with everyone else. I accept that as a common fact. But, you might think out of all those hellos you'd find some who come pretty close if not matching.

I look around and see other folks striking matches. But, not I, not here.
So, I'll be on my way. I'm not attempting nor intending anyone dishonor or regret. I'm just moving along because the site does not promise to be a magic wand. I really don't expect it to be either, but there is some magic here, other folks are enjoying it. Hm, maybe Richard Bach is correct. "Learn what the magician knows and it's no longer magic."

Apologies for being disillusioned with the site, but life has shown me better and worse. I'm off to search elsewhere. May poke in at times, but really not 'into' here much anymore. I've made plenty of friends here and am grateful of each of them, but I've also met folks who enjoy stirring a pot of shit. I'm not grateful to the stirring folks. Everyone has enough drama in their own lives without others attempting, sadly failing to cause more.

"Get over yourself for two seconds, and tell me is he cute?"

I think that line is quite beautiful. And that's how I feel about drama. Toss it aside and live out loud, live, love, laugh and let live. Fare thee well my friends.

Jan 27, 2008, 11:03 AM
Except I still don't see how Victorian composition jives with the direction you have veered the thread. That is what I am shaking you about.

Life is FULL of drama my friend. But somewhere you seem to have forgotten how to pick your poison and choose your battles. What have you lost?
There is nothing profound about being annoyed or disappointed or turned down or disrespected. There is no need to Mutually Assure Distance [M.A.D.] on account of a bit of pocket lint.

Here's that card again...(loudly plucking the pip, and ever so slightly smiling)

"Ah-Ha! There! Now I've gotten it!"

"Oh? And this time?"

"Indeed. You try too hard to miss me."

"Damn Nationalists! Fie on pecker's pond! I'll be duped again!"

"chivalrous scoundrel!"

"You are wonderful. I love you."

Jan 27, 2008, 11:36 AM
As we age life has great potential for becoming progressively boring.
Let's face it, we kill plants and animals, eat them, use them, shit them out in a chemical energy exchange.
Not much new happening, just new folks doing it.
Some folks try to escape this bottomless pit of meaninglessness with drugs, etc. These people usually come to an early end of their own making.
..."Dweller of the Void"... sounds like you're looking downward in the bottomless pit. The bottomless pit of meaninglessness also has another angle. Look up. There is also infinite meaning above us that we can and often do rise to. Seek it and you will find it.
Life is mostly what each one of us makes it.
I think if we accept the mundane... mediocrity of life, we can start there, turn it around to make each day a new challenge.
I have clung to my childhood hopes and happiness; nurtured it and spread it because I believe it.
If there is any meaning to life, it certainly can't be realized by ending it early.
I had one love in my life that lasted two years; two years of heaven and hell that made all the rest of life worth it. Now I just want to help and love others.
But that's how I feel.
I like what Mother Theresa said in response to the question 'How can you love the whole world?':
"You love the whole world one person at a time."

Jan 27, 2008, 1:53 PM
Except I still don't see how Victorian composition jives with the direction you have veered the thread. That is what I am shaking you about.

Life is FULL of drama my friend. But somewhere you seem to have forgotten how to pick your poison and choose your battles. What have you lost?
There is nothing profound about being annoyed or disappointed or turned down or disrespected. There is no need to Mutually Assure Distance [M.A.D.] on account of a bit of pocket lint.

Here's that card again...(loudly plucking the pip, and ever so slightly smiling)

"Ah-Ha! There! Now I've gotten it!"

"Oh? And this time?"

"Indeed. You try too hard to miss me."

"Damn Nationalists! Fie on pecker's pond! I'll be duped again!"

"chivalrous scoundrel!"

"You are wonderful. I love you."

Picking battles sounds quite discouraging. Guess when all have is the fight, then it stays no matter what it wears. Putting it down to a choice in battles though does jar a person. Thanks for letting me read the card again.

Ben pulls one from his pocket and slides it across the sea.


"And your love returned." The lamps dim as the evening brings wraiths.

"It is a settled matter then?" He asks, watching a face in pancake make-up contort itself.

The play upon the stage comments on the lives that are wished to be had. It is a play filled with comedy for those who think and tragedy for those who feel. He puts the playbill down. "It may be. Shall we retire to more secluded trappings during intermission?"

Noting the playbill's distinct mention of a player's list he grins. "If we do you must not be smitten by the actor. He didn't catch my eye, you did."

He looks with flushed cheeks at the playbill. "Oh. Sometimes it is better to attend balls, other times require more closeness. I have no interest in the actor beyond a play to soothe life's atrocities. This lends to our quiet moments. Suppose you'll dare to say that quite forward."

The curtain flutters and settles drawn across the stage. "Intermission love, where do you fancy?" A spark dances in his eyes.

A soft melody drifts to them, deep clarinet tones echo. "You'd have me anywhere, that I'm quite sure. Let us escape to the orchestra pit."

Jan 27, 2008, 2:11 PM
As we age life has great potential for becoming progressively boring.
Let's face it, we kill plants and animals, eat them, use them, shit them out in a chemical energy exchange.
Not much new happening, just new folks doing it.
Some folks try to escape this bottomless pit of meaninglessness with drugs, etc. These people usually come to an early end of their own making.
..."Dweller of the Void"... sounds like you're looking downward in the bottomless pit. The bottomless pit of meaninglessness also has another angle. Look up. There is also infinite meaning above us that we can and often do rise to. Seek it and you will find it.
Life is mostly what each one of us makes it.
I think if we accept the mundane... mediocrity of life, we can start there, turn it around to make each day a new challenge.
I have clung to my childhood hopes and happiness; nurtured it and spread it because I believe it.
If there is any meaning to life, it certainly can't be realized by ending it early.
I had one love in my life that lasted two years; two years of heaven and hell that made all the rest of life worth it. Now I just want to help and love others.
But that's how I feel.
I like what Mother Theresa said in response to the question 'How can you love the whole world?':
"You love the whole world one person at a time."

When I look up there are stars promising another sea. When I look down, the abyss does not end. And a voice calls out saying, "there are plenty more whence that one came."

Each of us is a smaller version of the larger whole. Not much else can draw fear out of me. That does because I've seen hints of the darkest points.

But, there are indeed stars glowing on Earth. I'm reminded of lyrics from a more recent Iron Maiden tune. "Out of the silent planet come the seeds of creation, out of the silent planet the demons of destruction", Steve Harris often frightens with deft turns of phrase.

There's no turning a new phrase here. Life and creation are one view of the same cosmic entity that harbors Death and destruction. And Harris attended Oxford with a degree of success. No wonder he can string the verse together so deftly.

I think it is this acceptance of both states which is otherwise ignored, that Victorians captured, which is a lure for me. That and the Victorians were so damn coy appearing in regards to romance as to cause you to think it a scandal just to say hello.

"If you seek to change your world, change yourself first."

If I keep changing then nothing remains of me. Is the world any different then? It comes back to a dream about a butterfly. Oh, damn. Sorry. I better not dwell in that. :)

Jan 27, 2008, 7:05 PM
Damn Void. You have clear capacity for depth and height in meaning of life, just no wind to fill your sails!
Just remember, when we're children, we sail upon the highest cloud... simply upon our absolute faith. It's that elusive faith that fills my sails.
When I plummeted down the deep chasm of meaninglessness and depression, I expected the result to be a final suicidal SPLAT when I hit bottom. The funny thing is I fell and fell and fell, and never hit bottom. No final glorious release blaze of glory. Then I wondered what the difference was. Why I could soar as high as heaven when I fell in love and descend into hell at other times. The other person did not give me anything when I fell in love, I gave the power and the permission to myself.
So now, with faith in God and myself; nurturing 'inner child' and building myself up by nurturing my honest self image, my integrity; by doing all of this (and loving others by forward-hindsight) my sails are usually full of an honest wind.

Void, you're one incredible dude! (This is meant as a complement!)

1. forward-hindsight - to look forward in time to how I would look back at this time... Did I love all I could? Did I do all I could?

Feb 9, 2008, 5:10 AM
Void-Don't take it out on the rest of us because you ask for advice and then when it is advice that you don't wanna hear you pull a bitch fit and get all sad and mopey and mentally masturbate and write huge long posts that nobody but yourself cares about or wants to read.

We as a site have given up trying to help you and it's all up to you to change since we can't make you change.

Also if you're not gonna change don't post threads asking for advice on how to be a better person or how you can try to make yourself more outgoing and friendly when you yourself don't want to make any personal changes.

I read posts of yours before I joined this site and honestly they're a lot better suited for a blog/journal, or for therapy or something like that than they are here.

You'll write asking for advice about a problem or how you can become a better person, and people like CSRKate and others, do give it to you and you just ignore them and don't follow it and then complain about how things aren't getting any better for yourself.

Feb 9, 2008, 7:12 AM
Void-Don't take it out on the rest of us because you ask for advice and then when it is advice that you don't wanna hear you pull a bitch fit and get all sad and mopey and mentally masturbate and write huge long posts that nobody but yourself cares about or wants to read.

We as a site have given up trying to help you and it's all up to you to change since we can't make you change.

Also if you're not gonna change don't post threads asking for advice on how to be a better person or how you can try to make yourself more outgoing and friendly when you yourself don't want to make any personal changes.

I read posts of yours before I joined this site and honestly they're a lot better suited for a blog/journal, or for therapy or something like that than they are here.

You'll write asking for advice about a problem or how you can become a better person, and people like CSRKate and others, do give it to you and you just ignore them and don't follow it and then complain about how things aren't getting any better for yourself.

Who appointed you as the mouthpeice for the rest of us here at the site. You speak for NO ONE HERE except yourself. And I know damn good and well you don't speak for Kate, myself or anyone else. Podnah, you are beginning to go where you shouldn't

STFUA - IMHO, Ben has as much right to be here and post what and how he feels as anyone -
You see VBScript, we (and I use 'we' with exclusitivity) are and have developed a kindred family here on this site and very much feel at home in giving, taking, rejecting or even dismantling and reassembling that advise and veering direction given by our freinds. Yes, although it at times gets to be a bit frustrating, we persavere our pursuits, for we are truely friends and family.
Something that you obviously lack either of - except maybe your alter - FuppedDuck.
You have proven yourself to be a flame thrower and rable-rouser.
I for one rebuke thee.



Feb 9, 2008, 3:02 PM

While I thank you for the back up, there may be some truth in what has been said. Presently, I am in the process of altering a few things on this end. I am also refraining from long posts and discussing any personal issues. Apologies to friends, as this means I am distancing from everyone. Hope everyone has a good one. Again, thanks.

Skater Boy
Feb 9, 2008, 4:31 PM

While I thank you for the back up, there may be some truth in what has been said. Presently, I am in the process of altering a few things on this end. I am also refraining from long posts and discussing any personal issues. Apologies to friends, as this means I am distancing from everyone. Hope everyone has a good one. Again, thanks.

Like the prime mystagogue your piece you say,
The first to lead true neophytes astray;
But in reverse: into the Void you send me
That greater power and cunning may attend me.

[Sorry, I know, poetry hour was LAST week. But anyway... I don't particularly mind your posts, VD. I don't claim to fully UNDERSTAND all of them, but thats just my because of my limited intellect. I'd much rather ponder the some of the self-indulgent and sophistic subject matter contained therein, than read YET ANOTHER thread about "cum eating" or a flame-war over some dumb article that could just as easily be ignored. By all means censor yourself, if you feel the need. But I really don't think your posting habits are that much of a burden on this community. At least not compared to the agitator that Dogwood responded to ("Sic 'em!") :2cents:]

Feb 9, 2008, 5:40 PM
Who appointed you as the mouthpeice for the rest of us here at the site. You speak for NO ONE HERE except yourself. And I know damn good and well you don't speak for Kate, myself or anyone else. Podnah, you are beginning to go where you shouldn't

STFUA - IMHO, Ben has as much right to be here and post what and how he feels as anyone -
You see VBScript, we (and I use 'we' with exclusitivity) are and have developed a kindred family here on this site and very much feel at home in giving, taking, rejecting or even dismantling and reassembling that advise and veering direction given by our freinds. Yes, although it at times gets to be a bit frustrating, we persavere our pursuits, for we are truely friends and family.
Something that you obviously lack either of - except maybe your alter - FuppedDuck.
You have proven yourself to be a flame thrower and rable-rouser.
I for one rebuke thee.



Whatever. I have no idea what you're talking about and I just joined this site yesterday.

If I had known it was this much of a cult, a huge clique, or you had to post positive happy things all the time it should have been explained in the site rules but it's not.

Feb 9, 2008, 5:54 PM
That's part of why I'm withdrawing, Skater. If amongst friends, one feels a need to censor themselves, then one must consider everything. It is for the best that I stay at a distance. No one gets hurt that way.

On a lighter note, work today was pleasant. The stock manager took over ordering my aisle. Our grocer manager was ordering far too much product.
I had six cart loads Thursday, most of which got put on back-stock. I think due to absorbing the back-stock cost, hours were cut.

I'll soon be looking to find work that grants me 40+ hours a week, and benefits after 90 days. Ends aren't meeting at home with only working
30 or less hours a week. Doubt they'll meet if I'm forced to go into Harrisonburg for work.

Going to Harrisonburg would entail more upkeep on the car, gas expense. These would absorb anything above the $7 per hour I'm currently making in Timberville. So, it is a bit of a Catch 22 to go to Harrisonburg for better work. But, we'll manage. We always do.

Damn, my apologies for length and discussion of personal issues. Hopefully, stating facts as pertain to a person's mode of living isn't seen as acting gloomy. If it is seen as such, please understand that isn't the intention, nor is the intention to seek pity. Thank you for reading, hopefully understanding.

Feb 9, 2008, 6:35 PM
Void-Don't take it out on the rest of us because you ask for advice and then when it is advice that you don't wanna hear you pull a bitch fit and get all sad and mopey and mentally masturbate and write huge long posts that nobody but yourself cares about or wants to read.

We as a site have given up trying to help you and it's all up to you to change since we can't make you change.

Also if you're not gonna change don't post threads asking for advice on how to be a better person or how you can try to make yourself more outgoing and friendly when you yourself don't want to make any personal changes.

I read posts of yours before I joined this site and honestly they're a lot better suited for a blog/journal, or for therapy or something like that than they are here.

You'll write asking for advice about a problem or how you can become a better person, and people like CSRKate and others, do give it to you and you just ignore them and don't follow it and then complain about how things aren't getting any better for yourself.

1. I didn't realize people visiting the site don't read novels, short stories or other literature. Apologies for asking about something I have an interest in and thought others might. I thought such activity was welcomed on the site. I shall no longer attempt engaging in discussion of interests here. You have kindly expressed such is not welcome. Thank you for speaking for Drew.

2. Sometimes one can not due to circumstances beyond their control alter their lives, or personalities in accord with the helpful advice and suggestions of others. As these external circumstances are indeed beyond one's capacity to alter, so too the altering of their lives. This is not an excuse, but statement of fact. Simply put, there are times I can only say "would if could".
And this gets tedious quickly, not only for others, but for me as well.

For the record csrkate's advice was simply not to give up hope and to wait. I continue to wait with hope. That gets tedious as well, but presently it's all that's available. Unless of course, some gentleman comes along and sweeps me off my feet in a dashing romance of epic proportions. If you're out there and reading, I'll be around waiting.

3. I do not think I need therapy. I may need what every human being on earth needs, though. We all need friends to share hopes and sorrows with in order to bear this madness that is life. I have few friends. There are quite a few good reasons for having few friends. I am not an easy person to get to know, nor easy to 'put up' with at times.

I'm well aware of that and am working toward more temperance inwardly. This is something I can alter, and am making the effort. Another reason I have few friends is because I love deeply and love is a duel edge blade. Love is my strength and weakness. And I don't love at a glance so to speak. That I won't change, because a few people depend on my loving them.

I don't want or need a blog either. I can never commit to a journal in any fashion. Funny bit here. I carry around a piece of paper in my wallet bearing my address for reference. I don't write myself letters, you see? :)

Again, I thank you for enlightenment and being Drew's voice. With that I'll bid everyone peace and be off to play some Empire Earth a bit.

Feb 9, 2008, 8:13 PM
Whatever. I have no idea what you're talking about and I just joined this site yesterday.

If I had known it was this much of a cult, a huge clique, or you had to post positive happy things all the time it should have been explained in the site rules but it's not.

Well did you bother to read the rules of the site?? See rule #2 for posting.
If you want to criticize an idea, topic or point of view, fine. Go ahead.
But you don't come in here and start criticizing or "flaming" individuals.
If you have just "joined this site yesterday" (your words) then who the hell are you to come into a thread and start bitching at someone you don't even know of have not had contact with over the past years + ???
You don't run this show and if you want to be treated like a member of this site instead of an outside troublemaker, then you best bite your tongue, blend in before opening your mouth.


Feb 10, 2008, 12:10 AM

I understand your point of view and can appreciate it. Thank you.

That noted I must also resist following suit with you. We are here as individuals and welcomed no matter what. The idea of exclusion is a terrible one.

It is and idea not wished on any by myself. Because I understand what it's like to be excluded. I think many of us can understand that idea.

If we as an intelligent race of creatures do not begin to include one another, then it is too late. VBScript is entitled to write about what they see here, good, bad, ugly or pretty. I may or may not agree.

Disagreeing is fine, too. Frankly, they presented a few valid points I thought. Your points are equally valid. We are left with a draw.

Wars never create winners because everyone loses someone or something. This isn't war but the analogy is still valid for a simple argument, which is of course a microcosm of war and life. An act of exclusion only requires an equal an opposite act of inclusion.

Perhaps, VBScript will go to a group inclusively plotting to blow up supermarkets because we've excluded them here. I know that is an exaggerated worst case example, but it serves to illustrate a point. We are no longer able as a race to use terms such as us or them.

And I am not saying there is carte blanch for hedonism. Yes, we need respect and compassion. We as a race need boundaries. The space between one another is there for us to grow.

No one is better or worse than anyone else. Look to the mass graves of the innocent as well as the killers to understand. Both of these cliques share the common misfortune of being dead and buried. Does anyone care to know which is which?

Victory ensures the spoils of history to the victor, sure. What I am saying is let us all be victors in forging tomorrow's history. Let us all be at peace. There can be no exclusion, despite our best efforts to exclude. We're all human after all.

I understand all this because of facing it a great deal in living. One experience with a fellow who is a black male that follows the Muslim path taught me a great deal. First, I enjoy covert romance. It also conveyed that what I see now of people is truly atrocious.

Muslims are all evil if you follow a certain train of current fear mongering thought. Sorry, I know far better. Muslims are quite peace loving, caring and loving people. We can't toss a whole barrel of apples overboard due to a few rotten ones. That's plain lunacy of the level of the rotten apples.

If there is any 'they' then it is those who seek to divide and conquer. And these are the ones yelling for exclusion. "Death to all fanatics!"

A similar decree was issued during the Inquisitions. Someone in a village was suspect of being pagan or witch, the Church merely put the whole village to blazing with the placation that God would sort his own. None of us here are God, even if such a being exists.

We've no right to judge or exclude. So, yes I understand your perspective Dog. I also understand that of VBScript's. My view is for everyone to be together and pardon the Bill and Ted reference but, be excellent to one another.

I think we can do that, too. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think it. And hey, families do bicker, but we are still a family.

Feb 10, 2008, 12:24 AM
How are ya?!
For me, it's not just the fact you're a looney.
Tons of looneys in this world.
It's the fact you're such an elequent and graceful looney that I love ya!
You know, dude, you could REALLY rock if you wrote some poetry in iambic or triambic meter. You clearly have the gift. You have patience, creativity, vocabulary, and clearly the capability for morose, even morbid (morose/morbid provides contrast for meaning of life).
Iambic meter from 'The Raven'
ONCE uPON a MIDnight DREAry WHILE i PONdered WEAK and WEAry (emphasis every other sylable).
triambic meter (the only poem I've ever known in triambic) from 'Anabel Lee'
for NO one can EVer disEVer my SOUL from the SOUL of the BEAUtiful ANabel LEE (empahsis on every third sylable - like a waltz - ONE two three ONE two three...).
Shakespere wrote all his plays in iambic meter. If you read his works, every few/several lines follow splendidly, but... meaning/brevity and expediancy demand that the cadence be interrupted every few/several lines.
I think you can do the 'descent into maelstrom', but can you do the reverse?
Can you write of being lost in a sea (metaphore for life and emotion) but instead of riding a whirlpool funnel down to the depths and darkness of earth/soul/death, can you create a rising whirlpool vortex that when you reach the spinning center, you're whisked into heaven/life/pure love? Can you do that in triambic meter?
I know few people besides myself who could attempt such a thing, and pull it off very well. I don't mean to be arrogant, but only a few have this gift... I think FalconAngel would have a good shot. You clearly are the most talanted in this area.
Please! Try it! Take your time! A month or two... or three...
Triambic meter, inverted/ascention malestrom.
I DARE ya and challenge ya motherf****r! :)

Feb 10, 2008, 12:39 AM
Me a looney? "Never!" More likely I'm a Goony.

As to your challenge -- it's on bitch.:bigrin::tong: It may take me a while. I must reread a few tales and settle into study, then work toward meeting the challenge. But, I shall dare. And thank you. :)

Feb 10, 2008, 2:00 AM
My current (no pun intended) thoughts on structure.
Alright. An inverted maelstrom.
In Poe's story, the begining was quite innocent/accidental entry. As the descent progressed, the narrator was clearly a passenger on this voyage - that the natural progression was to ride the huge concentric circles closer and tighter - that there is a very powerful (but not totally irresistable) force behind this progression. To make observations along the way about which things made their way down quicker and which more slowly - meaning and properties of the vortex. Indeed there was narrative/separational observations about changes of the vortex itself. All the time there was a selfish desire and effort to not be so far progressed toward the center. The ending of Poe's tale ended with escape from the vortex, to return to the rest of humanity a visably changed man.
I think the nature/principles of my 'inverted vortex' shall be love/compassion.
So, for myself, the inversion should also include:
accidental/innocent entry
inevitible progression
fighting progression for selfish reasons
observations of who/what makes these progressions more slowly or more quickly.
my own progression and battle
the waxing and waning of this particular vortex
ending of either narrow escape or slipping up the vortex into the light and presense of God/Love/happiness. I'm leaning toward escape right now - greater potential for more complete story/narrative for the reader.
Brainstorming a bit for triambic freeverse...

For uPON my reVEALing my SOUL to the WORLD...
each CIRcle grew HARDer and TIGHTer it WOUND...
for THOSE whom i LOVE lay so FARTher out STILL...
in REACHing to HELP all the ONES i imPLORE...
yet FARther i GO up the VORtex...

I'll have to probably come up with a metaphore for 'vortex'...

ooooh, I can see this is going to involve lots of prepositional phrases... so therefore I should avoid preposions like the plague, lest the poem be too loaded... just an exercise in prepositions... too much of any one thing biases/spoils a poem... variety in sentance structure is essential, here... avoid using any word twice or more... except two or three essential words... like 'love'...

Void, now that you see how my mind works on this... I give a 50/50 chance your mind works along similar channels/lines/progressions...
But I thought I'd share this with you to show I'm quite serious about this challenge and that I care! :)
You motherfu***r! :)
Ha! C'mon! Let's have a fun competition! Right here in the sand box! :)
Don't let me rush or pressure you... you have every right to go about this in your own style, method, and time! I just think this will be so goddamned fun!!!!!
So, let's keep this challenge loving, light, loving, caring, loving, forgiving, loving, yet very challenging, serious, and fun!!! ...and so upon this foundation I say:

VOID! you imPER ative ASShole up NORTH!
i CHALlenge you NOW to a MATCH of the WITS.
creATE some new VERSE to comPETE with my OWN
or you SUCK on my BALLS and just GNAW on my TITS!

(Virginia is farther north than I, therefore, even though you're in a 'southern state', you're 'up north' from me!)

Feb 10, 2008, 2:51 AM
Here you go. As a bit of added fun I followed an example by Hughes Mearns. See _Antigonish (http://www.hycyber.com/VERSE/antigonish.html)_
His was in tetrameter and only four lines. You asked for iambic trimeter, you get three lines.

The Grail

A challenge nears.
I'm forced to face it now.
I know I can do it.

Benjamin Badgley
Sunday 10/February/2008

Feb 10, 2008, 3:26 AM
Well if you put it that way, sucking on balls really isn't a horrible price for losing. :) And, I was born in Floriduh so you've got a gray coat here too, albiet one who can only see gray. Never much cared for the idea of anyone being inferior or superior. We all bleed the same.

I think soon the bed shall lull with siren call. The Grail is a starting point, written before you suggested not using a word twice. I hadn't read that post of yours until after The Grail was written. I may revise, germinate as slumber alights.

The First Step

In the abyss, darkness.
Angels fighting for souls.
Love's embrace sweet by far.

Benjamin Badgley
Sunday 10/February/2008

Or, I may while away a sparse moment and turn out another following the _Antigonish_ example, before lurching off to bed. You're right, this is fun. If I'm not getting at what you're looking for please say so. :)

Feb 10, 2008, 4:00 AM
Well if you put it that way, sucking on balls really isn't a horrible price for losing. :) And, I was born in Floriduh so you've got a gray coat here too, albiet one who can only see gray. Never much cared for the idea of anyone being inferior or superior. We all bleed the same.

I think soon the bed shall lull with siren call. The Grail is a starting point, written before you suggested not using a word twice. I hadn't read that post of yours until after The Grail was written. I may revise, germinate as slumber alights.

The First Step

In the abyss, darkness.
Angels fighting for souls.
Love's embrace sweet by far.

Benjamin Badgley
Sunday 10/February/2008

Or, I may while away a sparse moment and turn out another following the _Antigonish_ example, before lurching off to bed. You're right, this is fun. If I'm not getting at what you're looking for please say so. :)

ugh. Get yourself a free blog and write there from now on.

Feb 10, 2008, 10:46 AM

This is freely accessible website. Anyone may post in it's forums or read from them. They have to choose to do so. You keep choosing to read a thread I post in, specifically my posts.

I'm not putting a gun to your head to force you to read my posts. You can choose not to read them. As you choose to read them, may I ask why you do? If they are such an annoyance why not stop reading them? You have that choice.

While I can be polite and civil. It seems to me you're being a bit of something people call a troll. If you didn't want to read my posts, you wouldn't. Apparently you do keep reading them. This to me seems to represent stupidity. I don't read what I don't want to read. It's a matter of personal choice.

If you want to continue being trollish, please do. I'll simply set you to ignore mode as you've nothing to contribute obviously. I can read your comments without responding, or not read them. Coming here and suggesting someone you don't know 'get off this site and get a free blog to post on', is rather 'out of the way', don't you think?

But fear not you'll not impose upon me by commenting in such a way. I'll just ignore you. That is the path of least resistance. Why did I bother attempting to include you again? Why did I stand up for your right to be here from Dog, again? I'm really not sure now.

Have a good one anyway. I'll leave you with your choice still. I have my own, too. Run it slow.

Feb 10, 2008, 11:21 AM
Void - I read, and then re-read your reply to my original post - then further down, questioning yourself about your defense. And the answer to much of the problem is to do the prudent thing. Initialte or engage the "IGGY" toggle.

It is slowly becoming obvious that the keepers of the key have left the doors wide open and the inhabitants of the villiage left to fall victim of the ogarous trolls and throwers of flame.


<blows a kiss on the cheek to Void>

Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 11:26 AM
It is slowly becoming obvious that the keepers of the key have left the doors wide open and the inhabitants of the villiage left to fall victim of the ogarous trolls and throwers of flame.

Drew has now banned Fried Duck and the VBScript- thank you, Drew! Although I'm a little disappointed that he didn't delete some of FriedDuck's more controversial posts. Anyway, lets hope thats the last of them...

Feb 10, 2008, 11:29 AM
Drew has now banned Fried Duck and the VBScript- thank you, Drew! Although I'm a little disappointed that he didn't delete some of FriedDuck's more controversial posts. Anyway, lets hope thats the last of them...

Keeps fingers crossed

Thanks Skater


Feb 10, 2008, 12:04 PM
:grouphug: & :love:

Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 12:23 PM
On a lighter note, work today was pleasant. The stock manager took over ordering my aisle. Our grocer manager was ordering far too much product.
I had six cart loads Thursday, most of which got put on back-stock. I think due to absorbing the back-stock cost, hours were cut.

I'll soon be looking to find work that grants me 40+ hours a week, and benefits after 90 days.

Void, judging from what you said, it sounds as though you currently work in a supermarket or grocery store. If I may be so bold as to say so, this seems like a waste of your (obviously capable) intellect. So, IMHO, a change of career might be just what you need... :2cents:

Feb 10, 2008, 6:34 PM
You are correct. I work in a supermarket. It has been a step up from fast food places, although the similarities are many. After 15-20 years in fast food or other restaurants people start asking when you'll open a house yourself.

It never occurs to these people you don't make enough as crew to save to open your own. I probably could manage a restaurant well enough. But, if it were not my own then money goes elsewhere.

The same could possibly be said of a supermarket. I work at places like this to know how to do everything but the paperwork. Allow a week to get it and I'd probably be doing the papers, too.

I appreciate the suggestion of a career change. This is one of those would if could times. I'm looking for other options presently, yes. However, finding those is difficult.

And while I may be pretty smart, it'd be dumb to attempt something major alone. If there was a mentor to walk me through the red tape, starting up and such, it might be something to consider. I've looked into different ventures but lack the desired level of comfort or ease to leap into them.

Math is kryptonite.

Skater Boy
Feb 10, 2008, 6:48 PM
Hrmm. Sounds like you need to speak to either a "careers advisor" or a "small business advisor". Either that, or take some night classes in setting up your own business. Well, its really not something that I (personally) can advise you on, but perhaps there are some other members here who are more knowledgeable on the subject. Or failing that, you could do some independent research on what guidance and assistance might be available to suit your needs in your local area.

Either way, you just seem too clever to work for Wal-Mart. But obviously I realize that it takes more than intelligence to get where you wanna go...

Anyways, good luck!

Dec 1, 2011, 12:14 AM
Embers - Humble Conversation
by Benjamin K. Badgley
December 01, 2011

Spring graced with endless toil for nought
It was Summer, dreams made eyes bleary
Empty the days of Autumn for the weary
Cold moments of solitude Winter wrought

Spring led the way for a revolt which bloomed as a lotus. This
flower, is something new. Deep into still waters of the wells of
time do it's roots anchor. Petals reach into the heavens and
pluck down a star.

Summer let the flower continue growing. Rains pouring down and
knaves dashing serfs. Vines pulling away walls, creating shoots
for more flowers. Streams coming into the well, feeding life
which changes.

Autumn, the bloom fades but flower remains. Roots in new wells,
seeds upon the winds. Each new day bringing more comfort for
life as it changes. Quietly bits of petals enclose upon the
bud. Beauty radiant in being new.

Winter sees flower wilted. No regret. Life will find it again
and be anew in Spring. There will be more lotus, and flowers
will overtake the world. Rest now, live on morrow's wake.

Dec 1, 2011, 10:27 AM
A very wise person once told me that in terms of healing and forgiveness "Pain comes out as anger" - I think it's a very true statement.

And the USMC believes " Pain is weakness leaving the body.":2cents:

Dec 1, 2011, 11:09 AM
A very wise person once told me that in terms of healing and forgiveness "Pain comes out as anger" - I think it's a very true statement.

And the USMC believes " Pain is weakness leaving the body.":2cents:

Can agree a bit with both views, and another. Been reading _Loving Kindness_, a book elian sent. Come to formulate, "pain is a death of a desire manifesting into anger, which can be vented". The book suggests viewing emotions with remorse, not guilt. The former setting one free to forgive, the later binding one to transient emotions and suffering.

Someone has been right all along, and I have been obstinate to not seeing the radiance of a star. Will try doing better.

Dec 1, 2011, 12:08 PM
And the USMC believes " Pain is weakness leaving the body.":2cents:

well.. ya can believe that 1 ifya like Pepper... personally me has far 2 many marbles 2 take that as read..;)

Dec 1, 2011, 12:16 PM
Can agree a bit with both views, and another. Been reading _Loving Kindness_, a book elian sent. Come to formulate, "pain is a death of a desire manifesting into anger, which can be vented". The book suggests viewing emotions with remorse, not guilt. The former setting one free to forgive, the later binding one to transient emotions and suffering.

Someone has been right all along, and I have been obstinate to not seeing the radiance of a star. Will try doing better.

I'm flattered that you think of me that way, and I hold you in high esteem too honey but believe me, I'm no angel. I am lucky that I stumbled onto that book while I was bored fixing computers at the church and decided to check out the Mindfulness Mediation bookshelves. The book also is not perfect, but it helped me to start to break out of an endless cycle of self-loathing..

Don't try to "do better" - just try to "do you" and honestly. If you're like me, then you have a lot of potential but very little encouragement growing up..I had a handful of people who believed in me, helped me and pushed me to be more that what I thought I could. Not to say that you have a family or good friends that don't care about you either..we care lots but growing up and living can be a struggle all on its own..I know what I'm about to say is "bold" but don't hold it against people for mistreating you..at least not for what is in the past..love PEOPLE to the extent that you can..

For the record, I was just at the Oregon State Aquarium and there's plenty of life in the abyss too..neat stuff with tentacles and suckers 'n stuff..some of it very beautiful..

These pro pics are much better than the ones my camera took - I suppressed the flash indoors and a lot of mine didn't come out..


Anything worth pursuing is often not easy but mixed in with the suffering there is love and beauty too.

The only thing this place is missing is a piano..


While I was stuck in the airport for 8 hours I read Steinbeck's "Cannery Row (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannery_Row_%28novel%29)" - I've only read that and "Tortilla Flat" so far but I love the way he develops his characters - makes you want to keep turning the page at the end to see what happened next..

Dec 1, 2011, 12:46 PM
For the record, I was just at the Oregon State Aquarium and there's plenty of life in the abyss too..neat stuff with tentacles and suckers 'n stuff..some of it very beautiful..

Remind me not 2 go ther Elian, wen me nips ova 2 Seattle on me hols next year..had quite enuff experience wiv things wiv tentacles and suckers in me time... an abyss me didnt find that beautiful... tee hee:tong:;) Yea yea.. me knows. Seattle isnt Oregon but its close innit? ok.. is on the same continent..:rolleyes:

Dec 1, 2011, 2:38 PM
Remind me not 2 go ther Elian, wen me nips ova 2 Seattle on me hols next year..had quite enuff experience wiv things wiv tentacles and suckers in me time... an abyss me didnt find that beautiful... tee hee:tong:;) Yea yea.. me knows. Seattle isnt Oregon but its close innit? ok.. is on the same continent..:rolleyes:

Yes Fran, it's about three hours away across the border in Washington State I was part way stuck in the Seattle airport trying to get home :)

They actually have some very beautiful things in the Oregon aquarium, don't worry - the octopus is actually quite shy/reclusive. They even have one tank where you can (gently) feel up the sea critters - pretty neat. They also had big long horizontal air filled glass tubes to walk through with water all around. I could've sat in there all day watching sharks, rays and big schools of fish swim by..about as close as you can get to scuba diving without getting wet. I do hope you get to go to either Seattle or Oregon - the Pacific Northwest part of the country is absolutely beautiful. Just mind that now is their rainy season, but we still managed to have a few days of sun and it was grand to see my mom for Thanksgiving.

Dec 1, 2011, 3:31 PM
Yes Fran, it's about three hours away across the border in Washington State I was part way stuck in the Seattle airport trying to get home :)

They actually have some very beautiful things in the Oregon aquarium, don't worry - the octopus is actually quite shy/reclusive. They even have one tank where you can (gently) feel up the sea critters - pretty neat. They also had big long horizontal air filled glass tubes to walk through with water all around. I could've sat in there all day watching sharks, rays and big schools of fish swim by..about as close as you can get to scuba diving without getting wet. I do hope you get to go to either Seattle or Oregon - the Pacific Northwest part of the country is absolutely beautiful. Just mind that now is their rainy season, but we still managed to have a few days of sun and it was grand to see my mom for Thanksgiving.

We have sea life centres just the same Elian.. the kids luff 'em espesh the 1s wiv the submerged walkways.. not 2 bothered bout feelin' the sea beasties up ver much.. me own complaint wos allus 'bout them wiv tentacles havin the cheek 2 think they cud feel me up:eek:.. ther distant ancestors mita been sea creatures but they sure as hell wer gud ole fashioned 2 legged descendants.. an unwanted non sea crittur suckers r a bit much 2 take an all..:(

...an had better get 2 Seattle.. since thats wer me m8 lives an she is our board an lodgin'.. she does tell me Oregon is stunnin' an that books an documentaries an stuff dont do it justice an so thats gud enuff for me...we mite just tootle down an hav lil look c for a bit:).

..lastly but not leastly.. huh.. if think we r goin ne wer for ther rainy season u hav notha think cummin.. wenya live in Scotland babes.. rain is the last thing ya eva wonna c on ya hols.. so we goin in July.. an will not b pleased if Oregon chucks it down wile we r ther!!!

Dec 1, 2011, 8:24 PM
well.. ya can believe that 1 ifya like Pepper... personally me has far 2 many marbles 2 take that as read..;)

I said Marines believe that. It's a slogan some employ to create a certain mindset,much like using a positive affirmation,which,by the way, is considered to be several hundred times stronger than a negative thought. When the fitness craze hit our country during the 70's, "no pain,no gain" was a catchphrase of that movement and which actually originated with Benjamin Franklin. And then there's the classic quote by Nietzsche, "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." Personally, I believe pain is the body's warning system that something is wrong, and also,managing, enduring, overcoming it, does develop inner strength. Your abundant marbles got in the way and obscured your comprehension of my simple comment.:shades:

Dec 1, 2011, 8:36 PM
Can agree a bit with both views, and another. Been reading _Loving Kindness_, a book elian sent. Come to formulate, "pain is a death of a desire manifesting into anger, which can be vented". The book suggests viewing emotions with remorse, not guilt. The former setting one free to forgive, the later binding one to transient emotions and suffering.

Someone has been right all along, and I have been obstinate to not seeing the radiance of a star. Will try doing better.

I believe that an open and discerning mind is an intelligent one.:)

Dec 2, 2011, 12:42 AM
I believe that an open and discerning mind is an intelligent one.:)

:cutelaugh If you can find a mind here please do not let me know. Positive motivation techniques can be quite humorous at times. When in boot for the Navy, a CC found out my dad is a leatherneck. "Get it right, you, son of a Marine!" And that became something of a slur. I would keep on doing PT, even if there was pain. "Stop, you're making the rest of us work harder. Damn, son of a Marine!" *chuckles* One day I told him, he had explained on day 0, sailors never surrender. I was fortunate to have escaped the office alive. *lol*

Dec 2, 2011, 1:04 AM
To be honest, I find your arguments intelligent and intriguing whenever you comment on a thread.
In fact, if I see your name on a thread, I will read it. Whether I agree or disagree, you always make me think.
I know some of the void you are in, being manic depressive/bipolar (or whatever the hell they call it today) myself. I have been to the absolute bottom. I have been to the absolute top. And i know the demons in between.
The bastards are creative and ... sometimes beautiful. Sometimes creative. Sometimes earth shattering.
To be honest, i never thought i would survive past age 25.
Somehow, i have managed to survive that and now I nervously stare double that in the face.
If you left, this site truly would have a void.
Just to let you know, you are appreciated.


Dec 2, 2011, 9:06 AM
To be honest, I find your arguments intelligent and intriguing whenever you comment on a thread. In fact, if I see your name on a thread, I will read it. Whether I agree or disagree, you always make me think. I know some of the void you are in, being manic depressive/bipolar (or whatever the hell they call it today) myself. I have been to the absolute bottom. I have been to the absolute top. And i know the demons in between.
The bastards are creative and ... sometimes beautiful. Sometimes creative. Sometimes earth shattering. To be honest, i never thought i would survive past age 25. Somehow, i have managed to survive that and now I nervously stare double that in the face. If you left, this site truly would have a void.
Just to let you know, you are appreciated.


Wow. I did not realize people still thought. Had to update my ignore count last night. Someone was being a jerk in chat. It was pointed out to them. No apology was given, nor did being jerk stop, they tried justifying their correctness. "I'm xxx so ..." And that led me to say so what, as in "okay, I can ignore you now." It may be age which has crept in on me. Am starting to have far less patience with stupidity, jerks.

Nice to know there are good people too. As for making people think in my posts, that is something borrowed from Jim Morrison. He supposedly got it from film studies. It is called confrontational media / cinema. Would rather people step back and maul things over for themselves instead of following the eddies into shore, crashing on to the rocks.

Sometimes this can offend people. I am often really direct, obstinate, unconventional. You're correct the 'bastards' of emotion can be positive and negative. One needs to love their extremes because it is this which ends up defining balance. Speak of that a great deal, balance. I am probably a Jedi sage in disguise. Balance is a rough furrow to break in ground, especially calloused emotionally passionate ground.

It truly becomes alchemy if you consider. One transmutes the human led into gold. My feet remain in clay, though. Merely a child of dust here, as I feel we all are, ultimately. Rather be following love and light. Used to wander the darkness. Often could not understand Plato.

Allegory of a Cave is a piece by him in Republic Six, I believe. It speaks of one chained in a cave set free to leave. The darkness makes them blind. Upon leaving the cave, the light makes them blind. Sort of a catch 22, damned to do, damned to not. *chuckles* At least out here in light, there are plenty of good friends. :)

Dec 2, 2011, 4:17 PM
There be a certain number of men who do not take rejection well in chat - They come on really strong and then if rebuked (even politely) they somehow act as though it is your fault that you don't just grab their *CUTE FUZZY KITTENS* and be falling all over yourself to cream your *FLUFFY BUNNIES* between their *BRIGHT YELLOW SUNFLOWERS*.

Dec 2, 2011, 7:00 PM
Ah, but he was not flirting with anyone. Rather making absolute generalizations about people. When his assertions were challenged his excuse was "I'm a man, so .."

Sorry, does not excuse abject stupidity for me. But enough of it. Not worth discussing really. Some will be what they will be.

Dec 2, 2011, 10:13 PM
Like wow like this is like way to hard like to get into you know.
Like the bible like has some real cool like old stuff in if you need like some like awsome ideas about like old stuff .

I'm sorry but sometimes the dementia just takes me.

This is a good read.

The Bible remains as the alltime bestseller as well as the oft most shoplifted book! Good writing involves the writer's neverending struggle to separate his ego from his writing ( see how clever I am with my use of words ),obey the acronym KISS, ( Keep It Simple Stupid ), and achieve his primary goal to inform & entertain.:cool:

Dec 3, 2011, 2:52 AM
Ben.....if I may be so bold, as to address you thus, in public.....I just love the way you use the English language and make it a pleasant experience...the reading of the words. You illuminate the mind. truly, you are a writer and very gifted.


Dec 3, 2011, 9:11 AM
Ben.....if I may be so bold, as to address you thus, in public.....I just love the way you use the English language and make it a pleasant experience...the reading of the words. You illuminate the mind. truly, you are a writer and very gifted.


Ack! Well love, if I had no ego, now I do. Please no more compliments. Starting to think my writing is terrible. That is how my mind works, hear praise, wonder what I can improve.

And no, not going to be egotistical. Too much of a jolly lark for that. Rather stay in the shades, write and let others dally over spreading it far and wide, if they desire. Not for me to impose.

Speaking of the craft, do plan on doing some today. Not sure exactly what. Will probably add a least a tidbit here later on. Need to actually start being a little more productive. Also going to withdraw a little. A bit anxious over the sixth approaching. Go for testing and talking with advisor for college, then.

A little quiet inner time is nice.

Dec 3, 2011, 1:14 PM
Ack! Well love, if I had no ego, now I do. Please no more compliments. Starting to think my writing is terrible. That is how my mind works, hear praise, wonder what I can improve.

And no, not going to be egotistical. Too much of a jolly lark for that. Rather stay in the shades, write and let others dally over spreading it far and wide, if they desire. Not for me to impose.

Speaking of the craft, do plan on doing some today. Not sure exactly what. Will probably add a least a tidbit here later on. Need to actually start being a little more productive. Also going to withdraw a little. A bit anxious over the sixth approaching. Go for testing and talking with advisor for college, then.

A little quiet inner time is nice.

Not terrible; you do have ability, a flair, but it also comes across as self-absorbed, grandiose. Try to show the reader some respect & drop the condescending attitude; the average reader does not like to be talked down to.:cool:

Dec 3, 2011, 1:46 PM
Cutting to the quick shall we dash into this daring excursion of a tome most exceptionally fictional and quaintly haunting. Indeed I say unto thee oh sacred humble reader, we shall make haste to expunge the trappings of the void we all commonly share. And upon a quest we dare to behoove ourselves to undertake in the benefit of helping one lost within realms of fantasy dark, fabled and deliciously vise ridden.

Simply put, this dweller of the void needs a bit of assistance in the inner workings of something most dubiously wrought of the excessive reaches of their own imagination most exponentially fueled by intellect which never ceases for rest. Dorothy Parker said it best in saying curiosity cures boredom, whilst curiosity hath no cure.

Now unto what the object of curiosity portends.

If you've read this far, congratulations on making it beyond about ninety eight percent of folks. I'm glad you have, it means there are actually readers out there in the world. It also means I'm doing my job as a writer well enough to lure you into keeping on reading. But, let me come to the point.

As you probably noticed, I enjoy the wit and vile of an older more flair driven style of writing. Modern authors lack power in their prose, I think. They lack an ability to stay continuity and run a solid driven story to the end. Mercedes Lackey comes to mind, for her retelling of fairy tales and lack of continuity. My wife read one of her books where a character was give another a certain coloured pouch for use in certain conditions. Later on the character set to give the pouch does give a pouch, but the wrong color.

And I can poke at Dan Brown, too. He uses gerunds atrociously, makes millions. I use one simple gerund and the scorn pours forth from all versions of hells in which I do not believe, even the Great Editors on high admonish me. And they fail to grasp that the manuscript I've brought low before their feet is but a rough draft, seeking nothing more than a few opinions on how it reads for enjoyment's sake. I digress.

The quick of it being back into some research. There was a time, specifically during the Victorian Era, that novels were posted as letters and oft were literary hoaxes or puns disguised thinly as letters from non-existing folks. I'm fairly sure it was something more of a U.K. delight as Charles Dickens being the master literary genius he was coined and created with but a single pen an entire genre and culture of serial novels.

Later it caught on and became know here in the United States as Pulp fiction, with author's works being tossed into hodge podge mixed bags of tales from twenty or so other author's and sold but for a penitence. A shill for this week's installment of The Shadow, Doc Savage, Rebels From Mars and the like. They called it crime writing in the U.K. and if it lacked criminal element, then it was tossed haphazardly into a bin marked Flights o' Fantasy.

At any given there's the punch of the request before you. Any bit of pointers to research or guides on how to write in letter form, serializing a rag of a novel dealing with bisexual themes, romance, comedy (though probably far too droll, morbid for most Editors on High in the United States), action, fantasy ... appreciated, gladly.

Now, I'll be off to dwell within the void more and perhaps write over a pint of tea, and be aware I do call it cupa. ;)

Dan Brown makes millions because he culminates the writer's quest; he informs & entertains. And he did that so brilliantly with his uncanny talent for blurring the line between fact & fiction that he became controversial. Instead of trying to be a literary critic, why don't you read William Zinsser's ON WRITING WELL, a timeless classic for all aspiring writers? By the way, used to listen to the Dark Shadow episodes on my grandmother's radio & absorbed Doc Savage novels like a sponge as a teenager.:shades:

Dec 3, 2011, 3:51 PM
Not terrible; you do have ability, a flair, but it also comes across as self-absorbed, grandiose. Try to show the reader some respect & drop the condescending attitude; the average reader does not like to be talked down to.:cool:
Dan Brown makes millions because he culminates the writer's quest; he informs & entertains.
why don't you read William Zinsser's ON WRITING WELL, a timeless classic for all aspiring writers?

Brown did not entertain all readers. He also does in fact break some grammatical rules. I liked reading Elements of Style and Grammar For You And Me. Everyone learns their own respective ways.

Appreciate your comments. Am sure they will prove of value.

Dec 3, 2011, 7:19 PM
Brown did not entertain all readers. He also does in fact break some grammatical rules. I liked reading Elements of Style and Grammar For You And Me. Everyone learns their own respective ways.

Appreciate your comments. Am sure they will prove of value.

Of course not! What writer does? Either plain human error or taking creative liberties; he's a published millionaire; he can get away with it. True; learning is relative. Glad you were able to accept my comments as constructive criticism; likewise, you've challenged & stimulated me & I've also learned. As Steinbeck said, "The story goes on and leaves the writer behind, for no story is ever done.":compuser:

Dec 3, 2011, 10:29 PM
are u trying to distract urself....? i know this dance well


Cutting to the quick shall we dash into this daring excursion of a tome most exceptionally fictional and quaintly haunting. Indeed I say unto thee oh sacred humble reader, we shall make haste to expunge the trappings of the void we all commonly share. And upon a quest we dare to behoove ourselves to undertake in the benefit of helping one lost within realms of fantasy dark, fabled and deliciously vise ridden.

Simply put, this dweller of the void needs a bit of assistance in the inner workings of something most dubiously wrought of the excessive reaches of their own imagination most exponentially fueled by intellect which never ceases for rest. Dorothy Parker said it best in saying curiosity cures boredom, whilst curiosity hath no cure.

Now unto what the object of curiosity portends.

If you've read this far, congratulations on making it beyond about ninety eight percent of folks. I'm glad you have, it means there are actually readers out there in the world. It also means I'm doing my job as a writer well enough to lure you into keeping on reading. But, let me come to the point.

As you probably noticed, I enjoy the wit and vile of an older more flair driven style of writing. Modern authors lack power in their prose, I think. They lack an ability to stay continuity and run a solid driven story to the end. Mercedes Lackey comes to mind, for her retelling of fairy tales and lack of continuity. My wife read one of her books where a character was give another a certain coloured pouch for use in certain conditions. Later on the character set to give the pouch does give a pouch, but the wrong color.

And I can poke at Dan Brown, too. He uses gerunds atrociously, makes millions. I use one simple gerund and the scorn pours forth from all versions of hells in which I do not believe, even the Great Editors on high admonish me. And they fail to grasp that the manuscript I've brought low before their feet is but a rough draft, seeking nothing more than a few opinions on how it reads for enjoyment's sake. I digress.

The quick of it being back into some research. There was a time, specifically during the Victorian Era, that novels were posted as letters and oft were literary hoaxes or puns disguised thinly as letters from non-existing folks. I'm fairly sure it was something more of a U.K. delight as Charles Dickens being the master literary genius he was coined and created with but a single pen an entire genre and culture of serial novels.

Later it caught on and became know here in the United States as Pulp fiction, with author's works being tossed into hodge podge mixed bags of tales from twenty or so other author's and sold but for a penitence. A shill for this week's installment of The Shadow, Doc Savage, Rebels From Mars and the like. They called it crime writing in the U.K. and if it lacked criminal element, then it was tossed haphazardly into a bin marked Flights o' Fantasy.

At any given there's the punch of the request before you. Any bit of pointers to research or guides on how to write in letter form, serializing a rag of a novel dealing with bisexual themes, romance, comedy (though probably far too droll, morbid for most Editors on High in the United States), action, fantasy ... appreciated, gladly.

Now, I'll be off to dwell within the void more and perhaps write over a pint of tea, and be aware I do call it cupa. ;)

Dec 4, 2011, 9:39 AM
are u trying to distract urself....? i know this dance well


Yes, at times distraction does serve a good purpose. Do take your point, however, distraction not always serving a good purpose.

Sometimes it is difficult to focus. There is much worthy of fleeting interest, even in choices as to what to write. Ensnaring the muse and then being motivated inside often becomes the Hero's Journey in and of itself. One gets weary having to mind oneself. On top of this the world does not grace us with a vacuum. Life, she often dawdles in and rallies the troops into ghastly inane campaigns, "you must go to town", "you need to do x, then y, or was it z".

Speaking of which need to feed the dogs, fetch in wood pellets.

Dec 4, 2011, 12:14 PM
Yes, at times distraction does serve a good purpose. Do take your point, however, distraction not always serving a good purpose.

Sometimes it is difficult to focus. There is much worthy of fleeting interest, even in choices as to what to write. Ensnaring the muse and then being motivated inside often becomes the Hero's Journey in and of itself. One gets weary having to mind oneself. On top of this the world does not grace us with a vacuum. Life, she often dawdles in and rallies the troops into ghastly inane campaigns, "you must go to town", "you need to do x, then y, or was it z".

Speaking of which need to feed the dogs, fetch in wood pellets.

This reminds me of the concept of detached awareness which I enjoy,lounging on my front porch with my legs propped on the bannister,when a kind of synergistic merging of the unconscious & conscious minds occurs; a pleasant state of mind.

Dec 4, 2011, 12:31 PM
Cutting to the quick shall we dash into this daring excursion of a tome most exceptionally fictional and quaintly haunting. Indeed I say unto thee oh sacred humble reader, we shall make haste to expunge the trappings of the void we all commonly share. And upon a quest we dare to behoove ourselves to undertake in the benefit of helping one lost within realms of fantasy dark, fabled and deliciously vise ridden.

"Simply put, this dweller of the void needs a bit of assistance in the inner workings of something most dubiously wrought of the excessive reaches of their own imagination most exponentially fueled by intellect which never ceases for rest. Dorothy Parker said it best in saying curiosity cures boredom, whilst curiosity hath no cure."


It does bother me when the NEWSPAPER improperly uses grammar. But in novels I find that grammatical errors add "flavor" to writing..this post for example is loaded with such "mistakes"..

I loved the top sentence a lot more when I thought you were talking about having a group orgy on the set of a David Bowie music video..hasn't it been scientifically proven that sex cures boredom? ..and yes, much to my dismay I always seem to feel ..curious..

After carefully considering your description of pulp fiction it sounds to me like you need about 19 more writers who love writing erotic fiction for relatively little profit.

The consolation is that sex does indeed sell and even one penny of profit might add up in the long run.

Curiously I am reminded more of the British tabloids when I think of "pulp fiction".

Remember, the typical human mind can only remember about seven things at once, 'm glad that they have the directions for starting the car printed on the shifter.. "Adjust spark, retard timing, give it a good crank.."

Dec 10, 2011, 5:48 PM
For someone special:


THE murmur of a bee

A witchcraft yieldeth me.

If any ask me why,

'T were easier to die

Than tell.

The red upon the hill

Taketh away my will;

If anybody sneer,

Take care, for God is here,

That's all.

The breaking of the day

Addeth to my degree;

If any ask me how,

Artist, who drew me so,

Must tell!

Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower?

But I could never sell.

If you would like to borrow

Until the daffodil

Unties her yellow bonnet

Beneath the village door,

Until the bees, from clover rows

Their hock and sherry draw,

Why, I will lend until just then,

But not an hour more!

The pedigree of honey

Does not concern the bee;

A clover, any time, to him

Is aristocracy.

Dec 10, 2011, 6:10 PM
For someone special:

"Take care, for God is here" Void? I thought u were an atheist.:confused:

Dec 10, 2011, 10:16 PM
Belief or lack of belief does not exclude being able to appreciate beautiful prose, or conviction. Really, because I'm not of any one faith, I'm to be a xenophobic troglodyte benighted to that? *grins*

Dec 10, 2011, 10:38 PM
Just do it like Steven King Or add a Hobbit....

Dec 10, 2011, 10:48 PM
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi :)

Dec 11, 2011, 4:51 AM
Belief or lack of belief does not exclude being able to appreciate beautiful prose, or conviction. Really, because I'm not of any one faith, I'm to be a xenophobic troglodyte benighted to that? *grins*

And at times I find atheists intelligent & amusing.:bigrin:

Dec 11, 2011, 9:40 AM
Void smiles. Said with levity, "I'll be your Huckleberry." We're playful and humorous at times as well, despite our best efforts to not be. :tongue:;):wiggle2::cutelaugh:wacko:

The poem I posted above obviously was not mine. Yesterday was the birthday of Emily Dickinson. I was reading some of her works. This one caught my eye for revealing universality. Bees don't care where the nectar hails from, it all is made to honey the same.

Emily Dickinson was also known to be reclusive. She was introverted and had friends via letters. Also she was rather prolific in her writing. Many others, far wiser, have said her scribbles held high merit. I can see why and thought it a nice gesture to pay homage yesterday.