View Full Version : Scary stuff

Nov 20, 2005, 9:27 PM
no post

Nov 20, 2005, 9:38 PM
Ok, I give.....what's the scary part, Greg?

I'm guessing you changed your mind and didn't post anything instead of deleting the thread??? Or is "no post" scary in itself? Maybe your mind went blank and that was scary to you? :eek: Oh you've got my mind wandering now! lol :tong:

Nov 20, 2005, 9:42 PM
Hey greg
is this some way for you to get others thinking of scary stuff?
this sent my mind thinking of all kinds of things, and that in itself is very scary! lol

just my :2cents:
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Nov 20, 2005, 9:44 PM
No it was about a study done in southern us about stats on bi/gay kids.
drugs suicide etc. was to sad to post.
I thought it would be helpfull but after rereading it its to sad to post....

The numbers of drugs and deaths i dont think really have any meaning,concerning bi or gay issues.

As an adolesent you are so alone with your bisexuality.
Now as an adult,finding out half the county is gay or bi those stats mean shit.
So now it just turns into an issue of the general question of our kids well being.
God i wish them well

Nov 20, 2005, 9:44 PM
Hey greg
is this some way for you to get others thinking of scary stuff?
this sent my mind thinking of all kinds of things, and that in itself is very scary! lol

just my :2cents:
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Yes Greg, MIHH thinking is VERY scary! What are you trying to do to us??? :tong:

Nov 20, 2005, 9:51 PM
hey arana
all i can say is...................................... LOL

Nov 20, 2005, 9:55 PM
I suppose we could turn this into a post on what is the thing that scares you the most in the world. For me, it's actually rollercoasters. I'm ****terrified**** of them. It's not the height, it's not the speed, it's the physical feeling of falling. Ugh.

So, what is it that scares you most? Rodents? Snakes? Heights? Deep water? Spiders? etc.

~Last Laugh~ :female:

Nov 20, 2005, 11:29 PM
"I thought it would be helpfull but after rereading it its to sad to post....by Greg"
I'm so sorry Greg. That report must have broke your heart. It is very sad what kids must go thru and everyone feels like they're the only one. :(

"hey arana
all i can say is...................................... LOL...by M.I.H.H."
So now you aren't thinking again??? lol

"So, what is it that scares you most? Rodents? Snakes? Heights? Deep water? Spiders? etc....by Last Laugh"

Nov 21, 2005, 12:14 PM
This thread could use a little humor.

Scary in this order: 1) Clowns, 2) Mimes, 3) Ferrets.

I don't know why ferrets. I've gotten better about ferrets. They can't after all, CHOOSE to be ferrets. They're born cute and furry with gnashing teeth and variable dispositions. They're not inhernetly evil. Clowns and mimes, oh they choose . . . Believe me, they choose . . .

As for those statistics. For them to be viable, one must consider ALL factors when judging the true causes of suicide. Dentists, for instance, have an extremely high suicide rate, one of the highest of any medical profession. Jehovah's Witness have the highest Suicide rate of any religion in the world, even those that consider strategic suicide, such as when one is dying anyway, or when one becomes the guidance system for a bomb, as an 'option.' What other factors were considered when viewing these stats? It's important to know the skew, to work out the bias, and the onyl way to do that is to get the original papers.

Nov 21, 2005, 12:51 PM
Hi Phat

Ferrets are so cute and make great house pets and are very inteligent. Yes some bite this is normally due to lack of proper nip training and not enough stimulating play time. Like many here they also have a rubber fetish, which is very bad for them.

I guess thing I'm most scared of is maggots and slugs the very thought make me feel sick. I guess the other thing is being left on the shelf and being a single smurf for the rest of my life.

Nov 21, 2005, 5:21 PM
:eek: Oh, Smurf, did you lose Smurfette, Papa Smurf and all your smurfy friends??? Did they all leave their mushroom homes?? I know...Gargamell did it!! That would be scary!!

I personally have a fear of ferris wheels! I'm not afraid of heights but for some reason being up there and with someone who rocks the damn thing scares the crap right out of me. Will never go up on one again!! :(

Not too keen on spiders or snakes. They are just scary looking! Although, me in the morning, right out of bed is scary too. :eek:

Nov 21, 2005, 8:59 PM
I'm actually okay with reptiles and rodents. I think it's from conditioning from my dad when I was little. He tried to instill an interest in nature in me when I was a kid. I didn't have any problem picking up spiders and beetles and I had a pet rat (currently have two pet rats now).

Clowns are so creepy, I don't like them at all. Dolls are also a bit creepy too. And I'll never go on a rollercoaster ever again. My boyfriend thinks he can get me on one some day....lol, not happening.

~Last Laugh~ :female:

Nov 21, 2005, 11:26 PM
Ok you guys are wacked.
so go with the flow.
I am afraid of STD'S
nuff said

Nov 22, 2005, 4:10 PM
There are only two things that i fear;

1. Survival

2. Not being able in a time of peril

Apart from that i've faced all of my fears with an inquisitive mind and taken the mystery and ultimately the fear out of them all.