View Full Version : When do you find that you are bi?

Jan 15, 2008, 9:49 AM
I knew that I'm bi for about 10 years since i'm 18 years old. At the begining, I feel uncomfortable w/ what I am. I thought that the GOD was joking me. I didn't know what to do and got puzzled. I didn't dare to face what i was and did not want others to know this, even my parents.

Now, I recovered this and often explore my bi fantasy with my wife throught interent. Thank God, let me meet my wife.

Men, I wanna know if you ever have the same experience? When do you find yourself are bi?

Jan 15, 2008, 10:00 AM
I knew that I'm bi for about 10 years since i'm 18 years old. At the begining, I feel uncomfortable w/ what I am. I thought that the GOD was joking me. I didn't know what to do and got puzzled. I didn't dare to face what i was and did not want others to know this, even my parents.

Now, I recovered this and often explore my bi fantasy with my wife throught interent. Thank God, let me meet my wife.

Men, I wanna know if you ever have the same experience? When do you find yourself are bi?
I find my self bi all the time. I think about men and women about equally.

Jan 15, 2008, 11:58 AM
When do I find that I'm bi?

In about 4 weeks the blood results should come back if I test positive for bi. :p


Jan 15, 2008, 12:24 PM
I am not bisexual just bicurious, about a year ago i came across some bisexual porn mmf. I thought it was hot. Now i think about guys on and off

Jan 15, 2008, 2:52 PM
i posted this in another of parker's threads that he started...just FYI:

Seems odd to me that parkerbi has posted to every thread in the forum with a link to this site. I don't believe you are allowed to advertise other sites in this manner. I many be wrong....but it just seems rather odd....someone named benmatchrt is doing the same thing and he had the audacity to post in the thread dedicated to our beloved huneypot. I found that terribly offensive. Please...stop flooding us with your advertisements to other sites!!


Jan 15, 2008, 5:38 PM
When do I find that I am bi ? Only on days ending in "Y".

Jan 15, 2008, 5:42 PM
Me, hmm gaud i surpressed my sexual urges as a teenager..

They reared up in my 20's ..... I shunned them away........

Then by the time i hit 30 i began to dabble in the attraction of women. I had my first FFM 3 sum....

Jan 15, 2008, 5:50 PM
You meant to say: when did you found out you were bi? Since I was 7 I noticed I liked my best friend (male) and a girl in my classroom, but at an earlier age about 4 I liked cartoon characters. Fell in love with Ray from the Ghostbusters movie when I saw the movie back in the 80's I think I was 7 or 8.

Jan 15, 2008, 7:03 PM
I became aware of my first attractions (to anyone) when I was about 13. It was towards both men and women, although stronger towards women due to the girls I knew being more attractive than the boys at that time.

When I was about 14, I told my friend when he showed me a porn photo of a woman that I was either straight or bi. He said that bisexuality is worse than homosexuality since he didn't want to have sex with a woman who had previously had sex with a man who has had sex with another man.

I was pretty-much certain that my heterosexual and homosexual attractions were real when I was 16 or 17. My transition from high school to university meant that I was no longer around the girls I had been attracted to for the previous six years or the one guy that I liked. The number of men and women I was attracted to at uni were pretty-much equal that helped me adopt a bi label for myself instead of just my sexuality.

Jan 15, 2008, 9:06 PM
Im pretty sure I knew when I felt that first cock spurting cum in my mouth...Yeah,Im pretty sure that was it...lol.

Jan 15, 2008, 10:46 PM
Kinda hard to pin down an exact date since it seemed to slowly come to the surface over several years.

Several fantasies, coupled with a few early (teen year) experiences, caused me to be curious about bisexuality. After a couple of experiences in my late 30's and early 40's I slowly realized that I am bi.

Jan 15, 2008, 10:46 PM
I have been bisexual my entire life and more sexually aroused by men than women. I have ALWAYS been this way. I have no memory of it being otherwise.


Jan 15, 2008, 10:53 PM
When I was about 19.
I had always knew I liked guys and thought I was gay. Then I had this threesome with a Bi guy I was dating...and low and behold. Pussy was nice, too!
I kinda came-out in reverse!

Jan 16, 2008, 1:16 AM
When I was about 19.
I had always knew I liked guys and thought I was gay. Then I had this threesome with a Bi guy I was dating...and low and behold. Pussy was nice, too!
I kinda came-out in reverse!
I've read that 35% of bisexuals previously identified as gay or lesbian, so you're in good company. :) (I don't know where they got the figures from but: http://www.bisexualsguide.com/Increase%20Your%20Bi-Q.html)

Jan 16, 2008, 4:35 AM
Well I first had sex with a guy and then with girl. So I also started being gay and then tried str8 sex lol!

Jan 16, 2008, 11:21 AM
I discovered my bisexuality when I was 15.Denial was an unfortunate consequence. Although I am still not out about it, I do have a close friend that "knows about me'.

Straights and gays and not easily convinced of bisexuality; they believe we are just confused, really just wont admit we are gay, or that we are simply promiscious. Yes, this has been said many times about bisexuals, but still very true.

If I had to chooose my sexuality, I would not choose to be this way.However, it is what I am, so be it. Just let me be me. Personally, I could care less about a persons sexual idenity as it relates to everyday life. I'm bi so what? You're gay/ straight, so what? Unfortunately, most of us, gay straight or bi , have the need to compartmentalize people based on a label. For that reason bisexuals are the most distrusted of the lot. We arent easily defined, are percieved many times as conflicted, and therefore ultimately rejected because of our attraction to both sexes. Find a bi partner and stick with them. They are the only ones who can understand.

Jan 17, 2008, 2:32 AM
I've always had thoughts about girls but I never told anyone but I only tell people by hinting around

Jan 17, 2008, 2:58 AM
I was always attracted to women, the way they smelled like, the way they looked - just everything about them and so one time at a Christmas party, I kissed a girl who I knew had a crush on me and that was it. I as certain I liked women from then on.

Jan 17, 2008, 4:27 AM
I fully accepted it when I was 18. On some level I always knew but subconsiously repressed my attractions to women.

Jan 17, 2008, 9:15 AM
suppose 20 years old is where I hit the point of a same sex attraction. Still discovering myself to be honest and dont want to slap down my label until i've tried it. Love women, but have the need to try something with a guy...Get there eventually I guess. The whole experience is not helped by the fact I want my ex g/f back and all that kinda crap lol. fun fun fun.

Jan 31, 2008, 7:36 PM
My case is typical, sad to say and this may not win me any popularity around here but, well, I wasn't a gay basher, I just really despised gays in my heart. I really despised any form of male sexuality that wasn't the strong, secure and dominant straight man. If I think about it, I was fighting my sexuality since about the age of 14 (33 now). I can't say that I found guys to be physically attractive because up until just recently, I haven't. I will say that I enjoyed being close... to both boys and girls as a child and young adult. I hated that. I was the typical boy, breasts and the female form gave me endless, uncontrollable hard-ons to the point of madness. But what I hated is that I was still always curious to experience the contact of another man. It started small but grew.

Then I got married and tried to tell my then wife about my then evolving sexuality. I hinted at it and she without hesitation threatened to walk out. So I made believe like I was joking but I think the damage was done. She wanted no part of that side of me. From that point forward she was constantly suspicious. I couldn't be around FRIENDS, male or female, without being ridden with her suspicion.

I guess there was failure on both our parts. My failure for trying to hide it going forward, and her failure for not really wanting me for me, but me for how she wanted me to be. We stayed married then one day I became seriously ill and she took the opportunity to leave me and we were divorced. We had known each other/been together for 12 years at that point.

Her whole family was like that. Marriage means nothing to them. For better or worse means that if your partner changes over time (and they will), you stay committed and partner with them in their change and in that, you become closer. I don't mean sexually, I mean that you make the best of things together.

Her feelings toward my sexuality only gave me a more fierce determination to fight my sexuality. It was to the point where I couldn't be within 5 foot proximity of another guy for fear of being scene as "sexually interested" in him. It was ridiculous. I had always been fighting my sexuality and that's my fault, but to be rejected by someone you love for it, made me abhor it.

So when she left I began having hookup after hookup with guy after girl after guy after girl. I thought I was sexually liberated but in truth, I was only privately. I couldn't even admit to myself that I am bisexual. I couldn't accept it and I didn't even see that I couldn't accept it. I carried the phobia until at one point I found myself with an unbelievable, painful, hatred for being around other men. That same hatred had also separated me from forming close non-sexual friendships with other men. Divorced, I had also become isolated from other people.

At that point I just accepted that no one cares if I am bisexual as long as I don't run around screaming "Hey guess what world! I am bisexual!". I am out only to some close friends and they did not laugh or ostracize me (and I was surprised as hell). I still catch myself with the foolish notion that gays and bisexuals are 'weak' in their desire, but I'm working on that. That's a product of my own insecurity about who I am. That's not society's fault, it's mine.

I wasn't born bi, I was just born with a high sex drive. Yes I can remember the dual attraction always being there, but that's just the "horny gene". Some people express it differently.

A good question would be, "When did you accept you are bi?". Me at the age of 32.

Jan 31, 2008, 11:52 PM
When I was 14 and a guy I knew gave me blow job. I got hard and came. I guess that means I like guys, too.

Feb 1, 2008, 11:23 AM
I think I knew when I was about 17, but wasn't sure... when I was growing up, there was only gay or straight... I dated women and was both physically and emotionally attracted to them, but I found myself checking out teammates in the shower from time to time. It was in college that I found out that we could be attracted to men and women... once I realized that, I started to act on my sexuality. Interesting enough, I found that my roommate was also a closet bisexual. Since then, I have met a lot of guys that are bisexual, but many of my ex-g/f's either were not cool with it or I never told them.

My two best friends know now... and that is about all that I care to know.. they always wondered about my sexuality because they saw me hitting on women and men at bars... so it was pretty obvious.

Feb 1, 2008, 2:25 PM
I guess both questions are of interest : when did you figure it out, and when did you accept it?

I guess I was late bloomer in my interest in guys--High School. I can vividly recall , however about the same tiem having a small crush on my best girl-friend... and taking teh chance to do some mild experimentation (no sex.. just exploration) . I convince dmysel fthat it wa sjust curiosity about what others look like. We didnt have BI- Dang, you barely had gay and lesbian when /where I grew up.

I suppressed. After many years , and a few but abusive relationships- I met my hubby. It was magic, there was just soemthing about him. I married him at 28, after 3 years of living together. When I was 30, and preggers with our first (and unfortunately only) child... he rented a bi porn movie for us. HMM?!
That night we came out, to each other! He's had alil experience, and me none. Its been 11 years and we've not had others, tho we wish to find each other someone. We're pretty secure ,even when we talk about polyamoury.

Marrying( pick partnership name of your choosing) another bisexual is the way to go. FINDING that other- I hope you have the luck I did, if you want it.


Feb 1, 2008, 2:40 PM
i found out when i was 14 i was playing strip poker and i looked at the guys as much as the girls.I had the feelings for a couple years but i think that is what sealed the deal:grouphug:

Feb 1, 2008, 2:54 PM
I find that I am Bi when Im at work and standing next to certain male officers and one Sgt. in particular. They smell so handsome , look good in their uniforms and I wanna screw right in the office lol Other than that I prefer chicks :bigrin:

Feb 1, 2008, 9:21 PM
I don't remember when it officially occurred to me that I was attracted to women in general. Though I think the first time I recall being attracted to a specific girl was in eighth grade. In fact I think she was the younger sister of a boy I liked. But every time I passed her in the hall I couldn't help thinking how beautiful she was and getting a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. From then on, throughout high school, I remember having to force myself not to look at the other girls in the locker room, there was just a constant fleeting thought in the back of my head, what if I'm a lesbian?

I think I was first aware of bisexuality either towards the end of high school or the beginning of college, but I remember a friend telling me he was bi. Throughout my first three years of college it was a thought in the back of my head that gradually came closer and closer to the front, and by my fourth year I had finally admitted it to myself but had not told a soul. If sexuality came up in conversation, I kept my mouth shut. Not that I was ever ashamed of it by any means, it was just...a new discovery about myself and I was nervous.

In my fifth year (last year) I was in a new school and that was where I finally said aloud for the first time that I am bisexual, to a school counselor. For the next hour I was literally shaking...mostly with relief I guess. Finally I started mentioning to my friends there in conversation that I'm bi, and became more and more comfortable with the fact.

In the Spring semester I started going to my school's Pride Alliance meetings, and then I went to a party where there were several people from that group, including a lesbian who at one point came up to me (drunk) and started making out with me. And it just felt...right, kissing a girl, I don't know how else to explain it. So I guess that's what locked it in for me, knowing for sure that I'm bisexual, because lord knows I still love men :P

Now, just about all of my friends know, including my closest friends, and my sister. It's very comforting to see an attractive woman and being able to just say out loud "she's hot!" without causing alarm to my friends :P The next step would be telling my parents and brother, but I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

Feb 1, 2008, 11:24 PM
I was 5 when I remember first being attracted to a male and I was about 8 or 9 when I started being attracted to females. Of course, I had to suppress those feelings for females because the way I was raised, it was immoral. Which I terribly regret, I shouldn't have strayed away from my desires, just because of that. I am still not "out" to my family because of that reason. So to answer your question, I would say just whenever you find yourself thinking of both sexes sexually.

Feb 2, 2008, 3:24 AM
well i never thought of myself as bi or gay until recently, i had a friend online who eventually told me he was gay and we chatted and stuff eventually it led to talk about sex and i was shocked when he told me he was gay but not angry as i grew to like him as a friend. we chatted and one day he wanted to call and say hi, i kind of knew where he was going with this but for some reason didnt want to stop there.

we talked on the phone and then it let to sex chat but not phone sex, that came later....it was odd but i felt like i was free of something in the back of my mind i couldnt get rid of....now i dont speak to him anymore because ive moved away and moved back now i cant find him....a shame but now i wish he was my first gay experience....am i bi....yes as i love women and their bodies....but i am interested in men very much and as yet dont know where it will lead me!.

Feb 6, 2008, 3:06 AM
I was right out of the Army in 1984. 22 yrs old and horny. Up to that point, I considered myself hetero. Earlier in my youth, I did get excited by a shemale pictorial in HUSTLER and thought nothing of it.

After locating to Wash DC, I discovered the city's Gay/Bi otherworld. DC is a very kinky city:)

I met up with a Transvestite one evening. I was excited, nervous and terrified all at once. We chatted. My dick could not get any harder. We went around a building. I grabbed her stiff cock. She wanted to suck me off first but I was just too far gone in the moment.

I never sucked a cock in my life (Always loved to perform oral on the ladies) but it just came naturally to me. I couldn't get enough. I loved the hardness filling my mouth. I loved the taste of her pre-cum. I sucked her cock until she exploded all over my mouth and chin.

It was an euphoric moment for me. Later in the day I was freaked out in a good way! I kept saying to myself "I'm a part time fag!"

I had a southern upbringing and this was just taboo.

I didn't care. I loved sucking cock and fucking tight shemale ass.

This when I knew I was no longer 100% heterosexual.