View Full Version : Life...Bi... ????

Jan 14, 2008, 6:33 PM
Wat do you thinks th best part of being bisexual for YOU?
not others, you.

for me its just feeling comfortable being w/ girls & guys, like everything. NO Limits!
at least for me.
tell me yours or wat you think...
just plz, dont be harsh

Jan 14, 2008, 9:11 PM
Actually, I'm still trying to figure that out...

Jan 14, 2008, 9:24 PM
I like that fact that my fiance is Bi !!! We share so much together, and him coming out has made our realtionship so much stronger !! And because gay sex m/m did turn me on, now I have the best of both worlds!!!!

Jan 14, 2008, 9:43 PM
If I could ever accept myself for who I am..

.. it would be because I could learn to love and respect the balance of BOTH the masculine AND feminine aspects of all things and not constantly feel shame in having to suppress certain emotions. If I was bi, spiritually, I could love a companion for who they are without regard for what is between their legs.

Of course, those healthy, positive aspects of being bi hinge on the fact that it doesn't drive you nuts because you can't put a label on yourself and make it stick with respect to traditional gender roles in western culture.

Of course, there ARE some people in it just for the sex - maybe they have an easier time..I dunno.

Jan 14, 2008, 11:14 PM
I dare to be what I am.

Jan 15, 2008, 2:24 AM
The only upside to my coming out and admitting I am bisexual was finding I could cry again...that my emotions weren't so constipated from living in denial. As for a REAL upside like my life suddenly became 500 times more interesting or sexual, or any of the hype...yeah, that didn't occur.

No surprise.

Jan 15, 2008, 6:06 AM
Well it should mean that I can date both men and women... Should mean... but it doesnt. Too shy to pick up a woman, and men dont like me...

I'm stuck in a vortex...

Damn anyone wanna date me??

Jan 15, 2008, 7:58 AM
Being Bi , for me as a transsexual woman, makes my life 100% easier. I don't have to argue with folks when they say I am gay or straight.

I don't have to try contemplate what it means for me to be gay or straight.

Plus Bi men and women are less likely than others to get weirded out by my "equipment".

And I can just relax and enjoy a nice looking man or woman.

Jan 15, 2008, 8:17 AM
For me, it's the taboo of being intimate with another guy. I'm certain I could never become emotionally attached to a man....it's all about the sex.

Jan 15, 2008, 9:35 AM
for me, the best part about it is knowing that i'm not cutting my chances of finding a true soul mate by 50%. Sure i have my hubby and i consider him my soul mate, but i believe that a person can have more than one soul mate and it doesn't always have to be someone that you marry. it can be a family memeber, a friend, or a lover too.

Jan 15, 2008, 11:28 AM
I think the best aspect to being bisexual for myself is the humor which comes along at times.

Quite a few years ago I worked with a guy who learned that I'm bisexual. He thought he could pull some harassment and better what other folks thought of him.

We had gotten done with our work one evening, all the 'guys' were just hanging out as we waited on the paperwork to be finished. He looks over at me and says, "you suck cock!"

Without even missing a beat I ask, "what, you jealous or need yours sucked or something?"

He thought I'd take it as a nasty comment, or slur. Instead I just rolled with his confrontation. All the other guys looked at him and shook their heads laughing. "So you're queer?" They asked him.

He went into a bit of good humored rage "Hell no!"

The other guys just laughed. "Well if Ben's half queer he'd know his own kind. No point in denying yourself there honey."

So in all his attempt to harass me and degrade me in any form had flopped due to the humor of the situation. If you can't have a good laugh once in awhile, then life begins to hurt. And I laugh every day, or make an effort to laugh. I'll even laugh at myself. And everybody knows you can't win against a fool that can laugh at themselves.

I mean just consider it a bit, a bisexual guy not being with a man in over fifteen years. Damn, did he join a monastery? Oh, wait that's right priests molest little boys don't they? Something is probably wrong with the guy.

I hear he murders axes and kills cereal. Bet that deters lots of otherwise genuinely romantically interested guys right away. "He's an axe murder and cereal killer. You should be afraid."

Well, that's what I see as the best part of it all, the humor. Better scoot now.

Jan 15, 2008, 10:20 PM
I know that being bisexual is only a part of this... but I think it helps.

I like the level of comfort that I'm able to achieve with a group of men. I think the fact that I am attracted to women helps them to see me as one of the guys. I move around a lot and in my current city I only hang out with men. As much as I love women, I'm really enjoying the lack of drama that exists in my current crowd.

Jan 15, 2008, 10:36 PM
Well it should mean that I can date both men and women... Should mean... but it doesnt. Too shy to pick up a woman, and men dont like me...

I'm stuck in a vortex...

Damn anyone wanna date me??

What makes you think men don't like you? I read your profile and I see nothing there that would make men not like you.

Jan 15, 2008, 11:15 PM
Giving the life path I chose, I can think of a lot or less than good things about being bi. But, I have always been bisexual and always will be bisexual. Also, I never get excited about things that I cannot change. Besides, I do not think I would be happy without some mystery about who I am. So, in spite of the contradictions with the rest of my life I am really comfortable and pleased being bisexual. While sex is not the most important part of my life, it sure is fun, because I am doing what I enjoy more than anything else. Oh!! So much fun!!


Jan 15, 2008, 11:33 PM
I am going to again quote James Dean on this one.
(quote) I am not going through life with one hand tied behind my back..

the mage
Jan 16, 2008, 9:39 AM
The best part is that all the people in life who know are the ones who I have the most fun with. A big part of humour is sexual innuendo, being able to suck it up from both side has its advantages...;)

Jan 17, 2008, 10:48 PM
I like being Bi because I get the best of both worlds, and I like the fact that for me, it turns my wife on to watch.

Jan 18, 2008, 6:10 PM
It doubles my chance to meet new and exciting people... I have always been someone that hasn't lived in the boxes that society has designed.

As said above... "Best of both worlds"... my friends are always asking me if I don't admit to myself that I am gay, but I tell them that there is more colors in the world than just black or white. If that was the case, it would be really boring. :bipride:

Jan 18, 2008, 7:22 PM
Just one more thing we share together.:bipride:

Jan 19, 2008, 10:23 PM
Being bi taught me courage, because ever since i was young i always thought that i had to be OUT...so i had to work up the courage to be OUT. And after that, I had to work towards a society where it was safe for everyone to be OUT. So i am a rebel and a warrior.

And i enjoy my Bi partner very much.:bigrin:

Jan 20, 2008, 4:35 AM
It's just another facet of me. . . but bisexuality on a sexual level feels like this....


Up, Down, twist, turn. . .get in line, strap in for safety, and while you know the elements (barrel roll, cork screw, loop,batwing) . . .the ways they can be put together and how you ride it (inverted, steel track, wood?, with water?) means every time can be different - -every night can be a different ride. . .even with the same partner.

Emotionally. . .It's like diving... or on a balance beam once you're in a relationship... but I think I am comfortable with my bisexuality for the challenge it presents.


Jan 20, 2008, 6:58 AM
Being bi taught me courage, because ever since i was young i always thought that i had to be OUT...so i had to work up the courage to be OUT. And after that, I had to work towards a society where it was safe for everyone to be OUT. So i am a rebel and a warrior.

And i enjoy my Bi partner very much.:bigrin:

See lorcan, yes it does take courage, and soul searching to realise that your different and not straight and not gay either. I tried to deny who i am but i cant, it took me all these years to finally realise that its ok for me to be who I am.

Yes its true not everyone is safe being out, which is a shame.

Being single, the problems i faced before hand, is still there, but now i feel ok and comfortable in finding women attractive and falling in love is so much easier.

Ask me that last year and i was heading for a breakdown, because i was going nuts over a fellow co-worker. I was falling for her thick and fast...

But now, if that situation ever happend again, then i'd be honest with myself and her, and tell her to her face ( she asked me if i was gay, i asked her, as well... Then we both blashed sort of, and she asked me if i was bisexual..... at that time i wasnt, so I said no)

At that time, i was a freak in a body fantasising over gay men being in love with each other and having great sex.

I thought i was a gay man inside a womans body...

BUT then other stuff fell into place, I realised that i was pansexual and it's ok to be different and its allright to have emotional feelings towards someone who doesnt fit societies norms.

So my life as a bicurious pansexual will still continue, hoping that i can still have meet men and women so i can date. Besides which, I'm in love with a beautiful ts... life can not get anybetter.

Jan 20, 2008, 7:53 AM
Well as far as i am concerned,in my current situation. Besides the occasional male partners i get to be with. This site has been the best thing about being bisexual. I REALLY felt alone until i found this wonderful site. It has been a blessing to me,in so many ways. I have made so many friends,or at least to me they are my friends. Y'all have made life so much more pleasant. And like Mrs F, I have found one person that i have been a really close friend to,:). She has helped me open up so much more. I feel i can talk to her about anything!! Well sorry for rambling,butt that is my :2cents:..Thanks for reading...

Lisa (va)
Jan 20, 2008, 5:15 PM
Well for me I see being bisexual as more of a way of thinking and believing than the sexual acts associated with being bi, thus for me the best part of being bi is accepting other folks for who they are.


hugs n kisses

Jan 20, 2008, 6:46 PM
Wat do you thinks th best part of being bisexual for YOU?
not others, you.

for me its just feeling comfortable being w/ girls & guys, like everything. NO Limits!
at least for me.
tell me yours or wat you think...
just plz, dont be harsh

It's the same thing for me. Being able to enjoy the full spectrum of sexual experience.

Jan 21, 2008, 1:43 AM
Good question.

For me, it just balances out my symmetry fetish. Now, I can look at either men OR women and objectify them as a delicious dish that I'd like to eat. :eek:


Seriously. I find that the reflection of myself that I am able to more plainly see as a result of finding men attractive is very encouraging. I feel more balanced as I can more fully determine what it is about another Spirit that I find attractive, seeing as their gender no longer restricts those observations.

I find that I can more easily love ALL people, because I know I subconsciously evaluate anyone as a potential partner. The act of being ABLE to consider anyone as a potential partner has opened completely new thoughts for me in HOW I love people and WHAT I find attractive or unattractive.

hmmm that sounds like I said the same thing twice, but not really.

But yeah. I guess another way of saying it is, in learning to appreciate aspects of men, I more fully learn to appreciate aspects of myself. Learning to love myself more fully has in turn allowed me to love others even more.

make sense?

Ack....it's way past my bedtime. Hopefully that made sense.

Night all


Jan 21, 2008, 4:32 PM
Plus Bi men and women are less likely than others to get weirded out by my "equipment".

And I can just relax and enjoy a nice looking man or woman.

I couldn't agree more! bisexuals don't have this black and white/yes and no/ positive and negative approach to sex.... so if you have a "bisexual" array of body parts, it isn't so "weird"


Jan 21, 2008, 4:34 PM
I do want to add, however, that I absolutely hate the cliche that transgendered people "have the best of both worlds"

For me I am female and not that sort of ambivalent "both worldly" woman....

my pet peeve...


Jan 22, 2008, 4:02 PM
FOr me it is being able to be open with both sexes, feeling confortable in all situations.

Jan 22, 2008, 8:19 PM
Wow what a loaded question. Being Bi has been a journey for me. The only person i'm truly out to is my wife. I told her early in our relationship and it was so awesome to tell someone. I had already gone through the confusion of figuring out that I was bi by then I just needed that special person to confide in and was lucky enough to find her.
For me being bi and accepting it has helped me to be the extremely accepting person that I am. I hold no predjudices. Period. I think hiding the person I am for so long was a contributing factor in my disgust for bigotry of any kind. Being Bi is an ongoing experience of new experiences for me.
Two weeks ago my wife and I went out dancing at a club in Toronto called "Guvernment" This club is open to all kinds of lifestyles, a great place to go if you like to watch girls making out with eachother. I have been going to this place since June and I love it cause I feel I can be more open there. This particular time that we went ended up being a very liberating experience for me. We always meet and talk to people at this club, it's the way it seems to be there. Comfortable. We met another couple early in the night. Later when we went out onto the patio to smoke a joint the male in the couple had asked me jokingly if I was gay. Just an off the cuff remark. As he asked me, my wife was just joining us and said "no he's bi, and so am I" This never even phased me. Normally in the past I would have felt butterflies in my stomach or something, maybe some anxiety, anything. This time, it just fely Normal. In thinking about it later and discussing it with her (she doesn't even remember saying it) I have to say it felt really good, it felt really me and free and i really liked that. I enjoyed just being me...bisexual and me it was so awesome I look forward to feeling like that again and again...

Jan 23, 2008, 1:03 AM
I am still trying to discover a lot of things about myself and being bi. So I cannot really answer this question right now, but I have enjoyed many of the responses.