View Full Version : Anal Douching in the shower?

Jan 13, 2008, 2:27 PM
So.....I'm a clean freak. Started doing this around the same time I decided to finally have anal sex performed on me.

We have the shower heads that have the hose and a shower head attached. The shower head unscrews easily. It is a great way to "clean" yourself out, and down the drain. At first it feels weird to feel your colon and intestine expanding from the water. Have to go gentle at first so you don't get cramping. Like I said, I've been doing it for several years now. I do it usually 5-6 times a weeknow....weather I'm planning on having anal sex or not. It just feels great, and I'm thikning it probably might even be healthy...getting the extra "gunk" outta there. LOL. And feels awesome with the water massaging the prostate too. :bigrin:

Just kinda wondering how many other people do this or have tried it.....or after reading this are gonna try it.....LOL.


Jan 13, 2008, 2:47 PM
This may be kind of gross to share but.....

I ruptured a disc in my back in April and have been off and on pain meds when it kicks up. The pain meds can tend to bind you up, and trying to push it out aggrivates the situation. I was introduced to anal douching by a physcian who just happens to love anal play. For me this seemed to solve many issues. It cleans you for any number of reasons, is easy and makes anal sex so much more enjoyable. It was one of the few positive aspects of hurting my back.

That's my story.


Jan 13, 2008, 2:57 PM
There are many who say that cleansing out the intestinal track is vital to getting rid of all of the toxins, metals, chemicals, etc we are exposed to in this world of ours--99.999 percent of which is man made nasty stuff----so according to those who hold this view---everyone should regularly cleanse themselves---it does keep ya regular and feels good too.

Jan 13, 2008, 7:26 PM
My dad's a natural medicine doctor and says if you're a healthy person doing an enema every 7 days is good unless told by a doctor.

In my case I do this enema when I'm sick. Remember that our health issues most of them come from our stomach, what we eat.:2cents:

I agree in doing an anal douche before sex makes you cleaner and you feel much more pleasure.

Jan 13, 2008, 7:36 PM
I would add that we should be careful to dinstinguish between douching the rectum and cleansing the colon-While the one removes, for lack of better term 'ready' fecal matter, the other can be quite a complicated affair requiring several applications and may uses herb to strip the lower colon of mucous. I did this years ago and removed what looked like a snake's skin just about half the length of my colon. The sooner this matter is removed, completely, at least once in your life, you will have possibly removed such matter as would have been so thoroughly absorbed into your bloodstream that may've contributed to any disease state likely to kill you somewhere down the road.

Jan 13, 2008, 7:42 PM
so instead of using an anal douche try an enema with warm water and a lemon or lime squeeze

Jan 13, 2008, 11:16 PM
Some good responses so far.
My question is; does anyone have a solution for "leaking" afterwards?


Jan 13, 2008, 11:34 PM
Between dishes and douches, I'm always in hot water

Jan 14, 2008, 1:02 AM
I would add that we should be careful to dinstinguish between douching the rectum and cleansing the colon-While the one removes, for lack of better term 'ready' fecal matter, the other can be quite a complicated affair requiring several applications and may uses herb to strip the lower colon of mucous. I did this years ago and removed what looked like a snake's skin just about half the length of my colon. The sooner this matter is removed, completely, at least once in your life, you will have possibly removed such matter as would have been so thoroughly absorbed into your bloodstream that may've contributed to any disease state likely to kill you somewhere down the road.

:eek: That does not sound good at all, or like a healthy thing to have done!

What if you took out all of the good mucous lining, part of your colon, and removed all of the good bacteria from your lower digestive tract?

The colon is self cleaning so there's no need to have even done any of what you did.

If you're getting fisted elbow deep, handballed, or taking BIG toys like a horse dildo, or getting something like a colonoscopy done, that's the only time you should actually clean yourself out all the way like that.

Most people can't take a fist/forearm, hand, or big toys in their anus or don't get a colonoscopy done all the time, so it's pointless.

You should NOT clean your colon and anus out like that with a douche/sure shot for just regular anal sex with a cock/toy/finger, and you shouldn't be doing it weekly or multiple times a week and it causes more problems than it solves.

There is no need for enemas or douches. In fact an enema or douche can cause more problems than they solve and have been implicated in the increased transmission of STIs including HIV. Also it can fuck up your electrolytes, and some people get addicted to it and need to use an enema/douche just to take a normal regular bowel movement. It should only be used if you're constipated and a laxitive does not work for you.

If you have regular bowel movements, everything works fine in regard to your anus/lower digestive tract, you eat lots of fiber, drink enough fluids, eat yogurt, void yourself before sex, and wash on the outside of your anus with soap and water like you should you'll be fine for sex.

If you like anal sex really "dirty" don't do any of that as some people are into having anal sex like that when feces aren't voided from the bowels.

If you do happen to encounter some small amount of fecal matter or santorum, big deal. It's an ass, get used to it. This is all the more reason that you should be using a condom.

I've never barebacked but friends of mine who have aren't into douching or anything at all and they don't encounter fecal matter or santorum.

Jan 14, 2008, 1:10 AM
Nothing like a good enema.
But to many can be bad as your body needs the good bacteria in there to keep it working right.clean water is very important.... very...
There are lots of sites around with great info on safe enemas.Look them up.
A super clean enema in the shower will take some time and may leave you as the earlier post said dripping.The way to fix that is to find a way after the shower to to give yourself another one with salt added to it.
the salt will allow your body to absorb the water left over.One tsp. per litre is fine.That said you will still want to wait an hour or two to dry out(This last part is more for getting ready for anal sex)..;)

Jan 14, 2008, 2:36 AM
You're just a plain ole freak, Turbo *grins*. Good to see ya, honey. TM says hi.

Jan 14, 2008, 5:01 AM
I did mean to include colon cleansing as part of what I had said in my post---health food stores generally have plenty of good products for that purpose and they usually also have people who can direct you to some of the better products.

Jan 14, 2008, 7:25 AM
I think these things look quite ok, if you plan using the often. You just attach them to the shower and never have to remove them. You might have some explaining to do though when you get your mother to visit and she wants to use the shower.


Jan 14, 2008, 4:35 PM
You're just a plain ole freak, Turbo *grins*. Good to see ya, honey. TM says hi.

Hey back at ya both! :bigrin:

Jan 14, 2008, 4:37 PM
So this is going how I figured it would.....some agreeing that it might be healthy, some saying its cleaning you out of "good" bacteria.

I haven't noticed any il-affects....

Jan 14, 2008, 5:02 PM
So this is going how I figured it would.....some agreeing that it might be healthy, some saying its cleaning you out of "good" bacteria.

I haven't noticed any il-affects....

As far as I know, the "good" bacteria are not in the last part of your bowel system. The "good" bacteria help you digest food and are therefore in your stomach and the colon system immediately after it (I don't know the medical terms in English). Cleaning out your ass with water wont do a damn thing about that.

Jan 16, 2008, 2:02 AM
Is there any DIY out there who has made up something to use for cleaning out the lower part of ass. Something no one else would know what it's for. Just wondering.:eek:

the mage
Jan 16, 2008, 9:32 AM
If you live in a city with treated water you are shoving chlorine and assorted chemicals up your butt. Chlorine...bleach.....not good up your butt.
Destroys all the chemical balance and puts you at greater risk.

You should use only distilled water in your body, with your chosen additives carefully mixed in. Then you are being much healthier.

Jan 16, 2008, 4:09 PM
True, mage. But 'douching' is less advantagous for the vagina than it is the anus and should not be over done there, at least. The primary danger I am aware of with regard enemas is 'forcing' the bowels to move-Some people have enema fetishes and for which enemas are more than hygienic practice.
But otherwise I do agree that distilled water should be used and if not available, 'tap' water should be boiled and strained thoroughly. What is interesting though is that even douching with plain water will return healthy bacteia to you anyway, which it is obviously not completely free of...

Jan 17, 2008, 12:34 AM
If you live in a city with treated water you are shoving chlorine and assorted chemicals up your butt. Chlorine...bleach.....not good up your butt.
Destroys all the chemical balance and puts you at greater risk.

You should use only distilled water in your body, with your chosen additives carefully mixed in. Then you are being much healthier.

Oh come on. You drink that water too, and you wash yourself with it. There's no harm in using normal tapwater. What's next? A tinfoil hat? :P

Jan 17, 2008, 6:31 AM
one danger from tap water or non saline water is the imbalance. the body fluids have a degree of saline. if this is diluted it can cause "water intoxication" and other serious problems so when anal douching keep that in mind:2cents:

the mage
Jan 17, 2008, 10:00 AM
Hey I'm just passing on advice from health info I've read, do as you please...
Healthier options allow you to play safer longer...
As to Chlorine, well its used to kill the live stuff in the water, it does affect your system, even in small amounts but that is balanced against its benefit. Chlorine up your ass is not good for you in any measure.
Personally I use city water filtered thru Britas' for drinking and that kind of personal use. It is a simple safer option.

Jan 17, 2008, 1:37 PM
I agree using only purified water for enemas. I use a liter of water and squeeze the juice of one key lime :bigrin: An enema every 7 days is god enough to keep your instestines clean of stuck feces LOL:bigrin: and great for losing weight and feeling good.;)

Jan 17, 2008, 2:55 PM
I use the hose in the shower as well.. not very often but maybe 2 times a month..feels good gets everything out.
And when i do I usely play with toys the night following, and I Like Big toys..:)
I dont just do it for a finger. I like to Feel my Asshole open, and i dont want anything dirty coming out..
My 2 cents:2cents:

Jan 17, 2008, 4:25 PM
I have the very device shown in the picture . I use it when I expect an anal encounter . Warm water enema to get nice and clean for him .

Jan 24, 2008, 7:45 PM
Definitely a subject I know well here.:bigrin: I give my man enemas often and I never use tap water. Here in NJ especially in this area, the water is treated with a load of chlorine which would not be good used in an enema. The walls of the anus are extremely thin, thus letting toxins and minerals alike become absorbed at a high rate. I use distilled water heated in a sterilized pot and add 2 tablespoons of Mediterranean sea salt. (I have a 2qt enema bag) The salt is absorbed into the body replenishing electrolytes.

I have known and seen enema play in a fetish sense where the enema bag was filled with diluted wine and the recipient actually got a buzz because of the absorption into the blood steam. I do not suggest this be done by anyone that is not a skilled professional because it can and has lead to blood alcohol poisoning.

Alas, too much anal douching will cause dehydration unless you replenish the system.

A good website to find information is enematips.com

Jan 24, 2008, 11:08 PM
I have known and seen enema play in a fetish sense where the enema bag was filled with diluted wine and the recipient actually got a buzz because of the absorption into the blood steam. I do not suggest this be done by anyone that is not a skilled professional because it can and has lead to blood alcohol poisoning.
Definitely dangerous. Here's a source:

Jan 24, 2008, 11:11 PM
Oh come on. You drink that water too, and you wash yourself with it. There's no harm in using normal tapwater. What's next? A tinfoil hat? :P

Gets tinfoil hat LOL


Jan 30, 2015, 3:20 AM
Stumbled upon this post and found it pretty informative and practical, thanks!


Jan 30, 2015, 6:44 PM
Yup... discovered this accidentally when showering with my hand-held shower head thing. One setting, applied firmly to my opening... and I felt that amazing filling sensation. Instant woody. Confident clearing of the way... yes.

Jan 31, 2015, 7:03 PM
I just got myself one of those shower units but I am thinking that maybe those are not so good--the biggest negative thing with them is that you can cause either too much or too little salts and water in your blood using the treated water---it is suggested that you use not only either sea, table or epsom salt, but liquids like apple cider or some lemon in the water. Guess I am going to see if I can find an enema water bottle set at the local Walgreens.

Feb 1, 2015, 5:14 PM
I have an small buttplug type attachment for my shower hose that i use when ever I anticapate anal play and lately couple times a week!

Feb 1, 2015, 5:22 PM
I just got myself one of those shower units but I am thinking that maybe those are not so good--the biggest negative thing with them is that you can cause either too much or too little salts and water in your blood using the treated water---it is suggested that you use not only either sea, table or epsom salt, but liquids like apple cider or some lemon in the water. Guess I am going to see if I can find an enema water bottle set at the local Walgreens.
What do friends and family members say when they go into your bathroom and see your shower/enema thing in there?

Enemas are not needed before anal sex with a woman or man, unless the person eats a poor diet and can't void their anal cavity before sex. From what friends of ours who are into fisting tell us that they require people who they fist anally to use an enema before being fisted.

Feb 1, 2015, 5:43 PM
I would love to get summers eve and use that while I am in the shower

Feb 2, 2015, 12:48 PM
What do friends and family members say when they go into your bathroom and see your shower/enema thing in there
Enemas are not needed before anal sex with a woman or man, unless the person eats a poor diet and can't void their anal cavity before sex. From what friends of ours who are into fisting tell us that they require people who they fist anally to use an enema before being fisted.

You replace the nozzle with the hand held shower head, daah!

Your so full of crap ( pun intended) it doesn't hurt to flush your lower anal cavity with plan old tap water before anal sex.It makes for a much cleaner experience. As far as a thorogh enema with vinegar and such I understand that it isn't healthy because you kill good bacteria.

Feb 2, 2015, 1:35 PM
You replace the nozzle with the hand held shower head, daah!

Your so full of crap ( pun intended) it doesn't hurt to flush your lower anal cavity with plan old tap water before anal sex.It makes for a much cleaner experience. As far as a thorogh enema with vinegar and such I understand that it isn't healthy because you kill good bacteria.
Nope I'm not because I eat a healthy diet unlike lots of people who don't who need enemas or to put water up their ass.

I'm not the one who suggested using salt water, apple cider, or lemon water LOL. I've heard of people putting coffee up their ass too. Really though, if someone eats a healthy diet, and their digestive system works fine then an putting water into an ass before anal sex is not needed. But tap water is fine.

Feb 9, 2015, 9:47 AM
Love the term "douching" when talking about cleaning out my sex hole. And I like to clean myself out before I play with toys or get fucked. Helps me feel feminine to have my hole clean like a pussy.