View Full Version : Re:"Kink Test" Enquiring minds wanna know

Nov 19, 2005, 8:40 AM
Just took the kink test posted and wound up with a collective score of 1173
His : 578 hers: 595
There were a lot of areas we felt that weren't covered that might fall into the realm of "kinky" that were not on the test..so the question is : How do you define kinky? and if you care to share, you're kinkiest fantasy within the guidelines that govern these posts?

You go first I'll lead the way :bigrin: :eek: :bigrin:

Nov 27, 2005, 6:39 AM
Just took the kink test posted and wound up with a collective score of 1173
His : 578 hers: 595
There were a lot of areas we felt that weren't covered that might fall into the realm of "kinky" that were not on the test..so the question is : How do you define kinky? and if you care to share, you're kinkiest fantasy within the guidelines that govern these posts?

You go first I'll lead the way :bigrin: :eek: :bigrin:

I would define kinky as those sexual activities that on a personal level transcend mainstream perspectives of what could be considered normal sexual activities. Kinky would seem to be as personal as sexual preference in that regard. My fantasy of being sandwiched in between a man and a woman at the same time with the uninhibited freedom of sensual exploration seems normal to me and, a fantasy I’m sure that many on this site share as well. I don’t necessarily consider this to be kinky, but those of a more conventional persuasion I’m sure not only would find that behavior kinky but would more than likely find the whole concept of bisexuality kinky as well.
What I find interesting as a male bisexual is how most people of more conventional persuasions have grown to somewhat accept female bisexuality, and in many cases encourage the practice even when the female has little or no interest. This is seen as less and less unusual/kinky where male bisexuality still falls largely into the “Gee that’s kinky!” file. Suck one cock and you are considered a cocksucker for the rest of your life!
I think if you’re imaginative and creative, there is no limit to the enjoyment and pursuit of “Kink.” ..Having sex with my significant other while ten people stand around holding candles while humming the” Battle Hymn of the Republic”. By some may be regarded as kinky….LOL and I’d probably have to agree……but it does sound like fun :bigrin: