View Full Version : Bad Jobs..

Nov 18, 2005, 1:03 PM
Hi yall, The other day at work we were all talkin bout what was our worst jobs we ever had.There were some weird and discusting jobs mentiond. So i though id start a new thread.What to anyone here was the worst job for whatever reason that you have had? Iknow a lot of yall have interesting occupations now,but i got to thiniking bout this so thought id ask. Weve had the hobby and cooking threads just another way to find out a little more bout each other. My worst job was in high school,it was taking a shove,and shoveling manuer at a flower shop here in sherman. Everytime i pass that damm place i want to burn it down,lol. Just thought it would be an interesting question. Have a good one yall.

Lisa (va)
Nov 18, 2005, 1:20 PM
Does doing chores count as a job - always thought of ways (unsucessfully) to get out of doing my chores.

Only had 3 jobs.
1. waitress at a place called S&S cafeteria
2. CNA at a nursing home
3. LPN (geriatrics) doing private duty at an assisted living facility

If I had to choose the worst, it would be the CNA, I really hate nursing homes and it can be quite depressing seeing folks 'left to pasture' and have no family with them. That plus I was going to school as well.

hugs n kisses

Nov 18, 2005, 2:08 PM
Hi Lisa, Yes to me chores do count,lol. Because as a kid we dint want tobe doing them anyway,lol. Tex.

Nov 18, 2005, 2:31 PM
lets see...what have i done for work??

1. worked at my families business when i was in high school. did embroidery work w/my mom. one day she fired me! lol how many of ya'll have been fired by your mom???

2. worked at walmart...some times i got to be the cart lady/greeter at the front door. sometimes ppl would look at me and say "i thought they only let old ppl do this job"

3. worked at a daycare for about a month or two...i was in teh infant room. i loooooved the babies...but it was so tiring. and coming home smelling like spitup and sour milk wasn't fun at all.

so i havn't realy had any bad jobs. thats why i had to post b/4 too many ppl posted bad ones on here...then mine would seem even more boring then it already does!

Nov 18, 2005, 3:56 PM
As a teen, I worked in the kitchen at a large summer camp for families...they kept pigs and some other livestock, so any scrap food was kept for the pigs. This meant as dishwashers, we scraped all the leftover food into large 55 gallon garbage cans until they were full. We then stored them in a small room off the loading dock, and every few days someone would come with a truck and take them away. Usually in that time 4-5 full garbage cans would accumulate and they would sit and slowly rot, attract flys, stink up the place, etc. We then had to clean the cans and room when emptied.

I quickly learned why they call it "slopping the pigs"...


Nov 18, 2005, 4:47 PM
Kimba here..I'd have to say that the two worst jobs I've ever had were:

1. Working in the inspections division of my home town. It wasn't that I had to do the inspections it was the fact that no one listened to you. A contractor could call and one person take the call, place the order and then wait. Lots of times the contractor would call back and try to place it again and I'd sit there and say over and over..I'd made that order this morning..and you'd be ignored.

2. Working in the classified section for a newspaper. Dealing with the hateful and rude people who called in, getted called every name in the book and all we could do was sit there and take it was bad enough but when you had people in the workplace who talked trash about you and wore the shortest outfits possible to entice the head advertising manager so he'd see things her way was sucky.

(Later I read that the advertising manager's wife developed that infection where her skin just decayed and necrotized and the chick wearing the short dresses..her hubby left her...ahhh I love words "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you")

Nov 18, 2005, 4:54 PM
1st:Working for Rath meat packing company, Waterloo,Ia on the kill floor. My job was to pullout this tiny piece of "sweet meat" from deep inside the intestines of a pig. I was told it was used in some form of penicillian. gross huh?

2nd: Working at a chemical plant, NewOrleans,La, Using a squeegy pushing unrefined and liquidfied tallow/animal fat inside of very hot river barges, train cars and storage containers.

3rd: Installing lighting and sound into Discotechs throughout the U.S. during the 70's. The travel was great but the music wasn't my cup of tea. We would bring some Rock to test the systems out. A little "Led" for the head and Santana sounded alot better than "Boogie Nights" on the sound system.

4th: At the youthful age of 14, my first job. Cleaning the deepfat fryers at Aurher Treachers Fish and Chips. $1.00 and hr, 3hrs a night, 3 nights a week. The salary wasn't all the great but it was money in the pocket. But hey, gas was only 35-45 cents a gallon. Shame that I wasn't driving yet but everthing else was cheaper too. I believe mimimum wage was $1.75 at the time, thats if you worked a 40 hr week. Life was so much simpiliar then.

Nov 18, 2005, 6:54 PM
I worked at a place called LaLa Imports. They carried alot of those decorated straw plant holders and velvet pictures of Matadors, naked women and Elvis Presley. The job started at 6:00 AM till we got done. We usually worked till about 6 to 7 PM. The OT was good, but it consisted of unloading a train box-car per day. The boxes contained these plant holders that were no more than 25-30 lbs. each. But we had to load them into a pup-truck to the roof, then go unload it at the warehouse on to wooden pallets. Then we pallet-jacked it inside and started stacking them six stacks high and four skids high. Then back to the box-car to repeat the process. If you have never unloaded a box-car by hand before, you just have no idea how much crap it can hold. At the end of the day, we were covered in fiber-glass (don't really know where it came from unless it was the boxes themselves), our arms were black with grime and sweat, and if you reached up to scratch your head, you were in for a cramp from hell right in the crook of your arm...but it paid good for a summer job but will not go back to unloading box-cars if I can avoid it.
Hope I didn't bore anyone... :tongue: :paw: :paw:

Nov 18, 2005, 8:40 PM
well, chores as a kid sucked, especially weeding out the previous owners garden stuff when mom and dad bought the house .. to this day i cant stand asparagus or horseradish..in between my last 3 school years, ; summer help caretaker /gravedigger at the local cemetary [ actually it paid good money] and bricklayers tender/hod on a construction crew that built a tall office building in washington d.c.

as an adult, hand cleaning the historic cotton warehouse in temple texas for a temp agency. every square inch had to be washed down with murphy's oil soap while a member of the texas historical society stood back and watched.. a year later they tore the place down. what a waste of time and money..

saddest job? i was a partner with 6 other guys in a private security agency in san antonio a few years back.. we were handed a contract by the state and county to go to a certain home and video tape and still photograph the living conditions there [ absolute squalor and filth] then deliver it to the courthouse.. thats when we found out that the place belonged to abusive grandparents who had legal custody of their grandkids and were physically, mentally and sexually abusing and neglecting them.. just to get the income from both the father and the state, which they blew immediately on booze, gambling and drugs.. thankfully the court took control and placed the children in decent foster care as a whole family unit

Nov 19, 2005, 10:55 AM
Bad jobs....

I had basically one job that really sucked! I was in my first yr. of college and did a work study to help pay for my education. I was working at the college's Speech and Hearing Center as a secretary, custodian, a whatever they needed type thing. I worked for 2 nuns, as it was a Catholic school. These nuns were the lazyest women I had ever met. They mainly worked with children who had problems with hearing and speech but they did on tuesday's of every week get these two older men. One had been in a motorcycle accident and had head trauma. Lost his speech and being able to identify objects. I worked with him..showing him cards with pictures of things and he would have to tell me what the picture was. He was nice and I enjoyed that. But with him came a man who was mentally retarted. He was in his 50's and had the mental capacity of a 4 yr. old. It was really sad. You could not understand him when he talked at all. I never worked with him but had to watch him until his ride came back to get him. One day he was in the bathroom for a LONG time. I wondered what the heck he was doing in there. Then he came out and asked me for toilet paper. It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out that's what he wanted. After he left, one of the nuns went in and checked the bathroom and there was shit all over the walls, floor, sink, toliet and guess who had to clean it all up???? Yeah, ME! :eek: After that disgusting, gagging every 5 seconds job. I quit! It wasn't paying enough of my bill at school for me to stay there for that!!

Nov 21, 2005, 11:57 AM
Working for Manhatten Bagel was my worst job.

Nov 22, 2005, 12:32 AM
todays job
im in the cold lake working on a boathouse.

canada eh

Nov 22, 2005, 4:03 PM
Hi, without a doubt the worst job I've ever had was picking fly shit out of pepper at the local pepper mill. :banghead:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Nov 24, 2005, 10:30 AM
Never eating pepper again.......

Anyway, My worst job was at a petstore when I was 15-16.
I was an aquarium Tech there. Every Tuesday we got new shippmentsa of live fish in from god-knows-where. Anyway, no one relises it but when a pet store gets fish about 1/2 of them are dead. They are in bags that have been filled with oxygen, and sometimes it runs out, and just being shipped it gets hot or is too stressful. Well someone has to go "Fish" the dead stinky fish out of that bag. Not pleasent. Then every morning I had tyo go from tank to tank, (About 150 of them), and pull all the dead fish out fo the tanks. The more expensive fish always lived well, but the feeder fish tank was the worst.
Then, there was gettign the fish for the custumer. We had pihranas and electric eels. Ever stick yoru hand in a tank with them before? Not fun.
And then there was gettign crickets and meal worms for people.......ugh...

I have had other "Dirty jobs", mucking stalls for horses, donkeys and goats, Vet tech at a humnase society where Parvo was a huge problem and cleaning up sick from dogs all day, retail hell jobs, but by far that petstore job was awful.

-RC :yikes2:

Nov 24, 2005, 8:35 PM
My worst job wasn't anything gross or disgusting....it was just physically demanding to the point that at the end of the day you just wanted to lay down and die. That job was raking blueberries. Now for those of you who don't know....raking blueberries means being bent over all day in a field. Sometimes it would be hot and humid.....other times raining.....and late in the season could be downright cold.....

Nov 25, 2005, 4:45 AM
I think the worst job i have ever had was, as a nut roaster(hehehe)....8hrs a day standing ova an oven of about 400C, the oil and salt gets everywhere, the combination of the oil and salt can eat away the carpet in ur car(i learnt that the hard way), after working there i cant eat nuts anymore, the smell just makes me sick.

Nov 25, 2005, 10:12 AM
Wow, lots of interesting and disgusting jobs you all have worked..lol

My worst job was working in a nursing home as a CNA, and we had one resident in particular that would clean herself out and throw the shit across the room. Her fingernails always had dried, old shit under them, and when we tried to clean her up she'd fight us, scratch, bite and kick. <shivers at the memory>

Apr 8, 2015, 1:20 PM
Bump it up!

Apr 8, 2015, 2:31 PM
Hi yall, The other day at work we were all talkin bout what was our worst jobs we ever had.There were some weird and discusting jobs mentiond. So i though id start a new thread.What to anyone here was the worst job for whatever reason that you have had? Iknow a lot of yall have interesting occupations now,but i got to thiniking bout this so thought id ask. Weve had the hobby and cooking threads just another way to find out a little more bout each other. My worst job was in high school,it was taking a shove,and shoveling manuer at a flower shop here in sherman. Everytime i pass that damm place i want to burn it down,lol. Just thought it would be an interesting question. Have a good one yall....worst job I ever had was unloading trucks in Walgreen distribution center...