View Full Version : Differences between how men & women seduce?

Nov 17, 2005, 9:44 AM
Hi All,

My turn to ask a question of the group. I was having a conversation with my wife last night and the topic of seducing like a "man" vs. a "woman" came up. To be honest I was a bit confused by the point she was trying to make. To me seduction is seduction and not a function of one's sex, but instead of one's personality and sexual style. How do the rest of you look at this? Do you see notable differences between how men and women approach seduction? If so what are they?


Nov 17, 2005, 12:06 PM
I think you have started a very interesting topic here. In my "opinion"....for whatever it's worth these days....there is a difference between not so much the sedcution but the style. Most men tend to be a little more aggresive in their "technique" than women.....The few (and I stress few) experiences I've had being seduced by a woman, they tend to be more flirty and circumspect in their approach. Men on the other hand I think tend to be more open and aggressive when they are trying to seduce someone.

Nov 17, 2005, 12:28 PM
Do you mean other than the obvious opening moves of gift giving; a year's subscription to "Popular Mechanic's", a case of beer and a 1/2" drive socket set vs. a dozen roses, a bottle of White Zinfandel and a gold necklace? Just teasing and poking fun at the preconceived social norms.

I would think that you're pretty much right on the money. I'm sure than there are subtle nuances that can be noted between the two, but I believe, generally speaking, that the most important factors to consider would be their personalities, life styles and individual tastes.

Nov 17, 2005, 3:40 PM
Great thread...and very thought provoking...

While I agree with the views stated so far, I also believe a lot of seduction techniques are only successful if they happen to match the preferences of said "seductee". Personally, I find a good sense of humor and a willingness to be one's self much more attractive than the overtly sexual one that I categorize as the "Hey, Baby" approach. As for the flip side, many men find highly flirtatious women offputting...as opposed to a more subtle approach. I guess it depends on whatever floats your boat...the key being to have the ability to assess your target and take it from there. But this is coming from woman who has been married for 25 years...so you may want to take my two cents worth and dust it off just a bit...LOL!!


Lisa (va)
Nov 17, 2005, 6:17 PM
Almost a two part question: as the suducer or suducee.

As for as myself, if I find myself interested in someone, I will simply just talk with them. If there is any interest after the initial conversation I usually would try to turn tails and be the seducee. This approach is regardless of gender.

On the other end, there is a decided difference between men and women as far as seduction goes. (most) Men tend to be more direct than most women, although there are always exceptions. Women, for the most part, 'play' from a different level, much more emotional or sensual.

But regardless, we love who we love, and reagardless of who is doing the seducing, it only works when the other wants to be seduced.


hugs n kisses

Nov 17, 2005, 6:38 PM
I take it you are talking about sexual seduction. When a woman has seduced me for sex she has been very direct and to the point. But isn't that natural. Somewhat more romantic but still very direct in what she wants. Some are more apt to hint around waiting for you to pickup on her wanting you where you will then make the first move, even though you really didn't.

As far as a woman asking me out for a date I have found that a woman who will do that is sure of themselves and therefore more aggressive.

As for me I am terribly shy and the majority of my sexual experiences have been where the woman seduced me. I do, however, consider my self to be romantic when pursuing a woman.

Nov 17, 2005, 11:36 PM
I'm not sure why...but I've never been able to master the art of seduction..at least not overtly...Although I'm fairly extraverted in every other aspect of my life when it come to being seductive with someone I don't know...It scares the beegeebees out of me..I've been fortunate that from about 15 I've always had friends/lovers without that phobia..and all I had to do was to return the advances. Kind of like, I don't go looking for trouble ..trouble just seems to find me..Now I just hide behind flirtatious Emails :bigrin:


Nov 18, 2005, 12:21 AM
I've never really been able to seduce a woman, at least not on purpose. Guys are simple beings, anyone can tell if we are turned on and receptive to flirting, either our dicks get hard, or we tell you they are. But (in my experience) women aren't wired like that (at least not any of the ones I've met) Maybe I'm just "girl-stupid" or something like that. When it comes to guy, you ask them if they wanna fuck and you'll not find it hard to get an answer... women dont seem to be that way..... Just My opinion.... :flag1:

Nov 19, 2005, 12:03 PM
It's always been my logic that to understand human nature you must go back to the roots.. So I enjoy studying human primitive instincts for that reason..

In the animal kingdom, the dominant alpha-males will put in the effort to attract the attention of would-be mates.. In turn the females will seek out the most dominant of males to father their offspring.

In human terms this same rule applies.. Confident men will display seductive techniques to attract their would-be mates and females still seek out the "right" male to potentially father their offspring.. This leaves the majority of beta-males in the shadows so-to-speak giving them little option but to pounce (excuse the reference) on whatever they can.

The alpha-male's seduction tactics are merely actions of his own confidence, not strictly efforts of attraction. The female's survival instincts kick in when an alpha-male is present whereby she decides "yes" or "no".. (This can be a conscious or subconscious decision). If the alpha-male takes her fancy then the female's instinctive-automatic-radiance-generator (:)) turns on in the direction of the male.. In all her feminine beauty she directs her radiance his way in hopes that he will be receptive..

Hope this gives a little insight..
