View Full Version : Jody Foster sorta outs herself

Dec 16, 2007, 3:44 PM
Check this out folks:


I know we have discussed this topic before--but what does everyone feel about the issue that if one is in the public eye and are GLBT--you have a "responsibility" to come out and be some sort of 'role model' or some such thing???

Dec 16, 2007, 5:51 PM
Who gives a damn what her sexuality is. She is an actress, and a good one at that. Her sexuality should be a private affair, just as her private life should. Why do people need role models among the famous...........don't people know enough role models of their own...in their own peivate lives...whether those role models be straight, gay or bisexual.

The Barefoot Contess
Dec 16, 2007, 5:52 PM
I don't think celebrities have to come out any more than any regular person has to. It is part of their private lives, and I don't think it is anyone's business. I do think that if they do come out, their action will have a stronger impact and possibly a good influence on homosexual/bisexual/transgender people who might be afraid of coming out themselves, but on the other hand the action may be interpreted as an obligation: if you are homo/bi/trans, you have to come out, and with that I disagree 100%. In the end, coming out is an individual choice that should remain a choice.

Dec 16, 2007, 6:04 PM
I should have pointed out--click on the link and watch the video-especially the last part where the two ladies discuss what Foster said.

Dec 16, 2007, 6:20 PM
I just feel its her business.

Just when asked a jillion times, dont lie about it :tong:

David Bowie claims to be "try sexual".

I like that one.:rolleyes:

Besides, I've known Jodie Foster was lesbian(or at LEAST bi) for AEONS. I mean jeez, remember that one movie she was in as a child where there were generations of males in her family that were police officers or detectives and her name in the movie was Michael? I recall plenty of times as a child saying to my parents "Thats a BOY!! Cant be a girl". Hell, even when she was on Saturday Night Live I swore up and down she was a dOOd. (I kinda giggled when she was playing Mel Gibson's love interest in Maverick... I aksed my then husband "Who is she foolin?" Besides, KT Oslin looks pretty good in lipstick...see the Ms Chatterlain(sp) video)

Had what people term "Gaydar" for a long time. Not much suprises me.

People dont have to do the "responsible" thing and "come out" just because they are in the public eye. They dont have to come out of the closet because the public dictates so. That's the papparazzi's job.:cool:

Long Duck Dong
Dec 16, 2007, 7:15 PM
I have always had the opinion that society feels that if you are in the public eye, you give up all rights to a life....and that you must eat, breath, live and shit in a manner that society deems suitable

public life is public life, private life is private life and movies are movies..... let them be different and let us show how we respect the rights of others to have a private life, rather than tell actors and actresses that they have to share their private lives with the public... when we are saying that we have the right to keep our private affairs private

I respect jodie foster as a actress and a damm good one.......regardless if she is lesbian / bi.......and in my eyes, its good that she has a *private * life, cos I perfer to see she judged by her ability to act.... and not whom she is close to or intimate with

Fire Lotus
Dec 16, 2007, 8:57 PM
Besides, KT Oslin looks pretty good in lipstick...see the Ms Chatterlain(sp) video)

Not to nitpick, but Miss Chatelaine was done by k.d. lang. She was poking fun at a Canadian fashion magazine.

Dec 16, 2007, 9:43 PM
dont tell travis.

Dec 16, 2007, 10:32 PM
Not to nitpick, but Miss Chatelaine was done by k.d. lang. She was poking fun at a Canadian fashion magazine.

oops :tong: i always got those two corn fuzzled... must be the initials

if you see her tell i said sorry :cool:

Dec 16, 2007, 11:21 PM
Celebrities, like her seem to live in a fish bowl. So, she is out, even if she does not want to be out. However, as far as I am concerned, she has every right to deny it, even if she is gay. I believe that we do not have a right to “officially” know her orientation without being “officially” informed by her and only because she wants us to know. Is that what she did?


Dec 17, 2007, 9:10 AM
I love Jody Foster. I think she is a brilliant actress. I read in an interview with her once that she doesn't talk about her personal life for a number of reasons, one of which is because she doesn't want to become tabloid fodder, and one of the other major reasons is because she wants to protect her kids. She goes to awards shows with her director or producer or other cast members, she is not out and she is still one of the best actresses out there. I don't think she has any responsibility to us (her audience) beyond entertainment. That's what she gets paid for, right?

Dec 17, 2007, 11:02 AM
Gud luk 2 Jodie an co... er life an so let er lead it..

Dec 17, 2007, 11:23 AM
I am glad that everyone feels she or any other celeb does not have to "be out and proud."

To me that notion that is held by the arbiters of "gaydom" about the necessity of being out is total crap---people have the right to live their own lives on their own terms whether they are celebs or not.

meteast chick
Dec 17, 2007, 11:23 AM
I have loads of respect for any person to be able to come out, but even more so for those in the public eye, Jodie Foster amongst them. Frankly, they have way more to lose than most of us do. Their very livelihood can sometimes hang on it. Ellen suffered...for a second. Portia would still and does still get heterosexual roles...because she's hot. Jodie has nothing to worry about. Besides, Jodie is like Rosie O'Donnell. Like we were all surprised or something???

luv and kisses,

Dec 17, 2007, 12:23 PM

Dec 18, 2007, 10:41 PM
Oh great. One more reason she will never sleep with me. My life sucks.