View Full Version : I got to get out of this place

Dec 10, 2007, 9:33 PM
I'm pissed off with this site as a result of the infraction. I think I'm going to stay a week or so, say goodbye to a few people and then go.

If I can't drink and brawl in here then there ain't no fun.

Dec 10, 2007, 10:14 PM
I'm pissed off with this site as a result of the infraction. I think I'm going to stay a week or so, say goodbye to a few people and then go.

If I can't drink and brawl in here then there ain't no fun.

Don't take it so hard. Stick around. I've gotten PO'd a few times too. I left for a while and then I came back. I too like to challenge people, because I think some people need to be challenged. I've never had and 'infraction', but I probably deserved one a time or two.

I have felt a little insulted a few times by responses to my posts, and then sometimes my posts are completely ignored. (I don't know why. They are so full of wisdom and insight :tongue:) I just chime in when I feel like I have something to contribute. Once someone told me that my comment was right on the money and that made me feel pretty good.

Some of the people here are a bit hard to take, I think. Some are very blunt. Maybe it's a regional thing. I try not to let it become personal. But then some people are very sweet and understanding, and that makes this site very worthwhile. I just like to read everyone's views.

I find your views interesting and relevant, Sarasvati. I hope you don't leave.


Dec 10, 2007, 10:18 PM
I'm getting out mate - soon as they delete me.

This isn't a place for me now

Dec 10, 2007, 10:42 PM
Can I have your picture? Man that's awesome.

But seriously, I'm new to this site and have found it enlightening, rude, wise, edgy and just plain fun. I hope you'll stick around because I've seen a few of your posts and think you are good to have around.

Dec 10, 2007, 11:11 PM
I'm getting out mate - soon as they delete me.

This isn't a place for me now

Why wait for deletion to get out - leave now!
If it's not a place for you - leave!

Dec 11, 2007, 2:10 AM
I'm pissed off with this site as a result of the infraction. I think I'm going to stay a week or so, say goodbye to a few people and then go.

If I can't drink and brawl in here then there ain't no fun.

For what it's worth, I'd miss having you around. I happen to think the whole thing's a load of bunk. That thread did have a deliberately defensive flavor and all you did was pose a question.

I have no problem with people asserting their independence. Quite the opposite. I merely find it cruel to rip on people who deal with serious neurological conditions and seek out the help that is there.
Medications, Psychotherapy, those things are very helpful. But it takes more than that. You need to get to know some people who are like you, to get a better idea of what you're going through is all about.

Whatever. My opinion really doesn't matter in this instance. I've got a triple diagnosis,(BP I, Asperger's, GAD) so I guess I'm one of those "borderline crazy" people who that thread ripped on. I don't think that's fair at all. I completely blew the life I had grown used to for many years. I had to start back from scratch, on drugs that seriously impaired my mental reasoning. I've done the best i can of keeping myself stable. Of not giving into that intense fire that rages within my brain. I'm one of the lucky ones. My true friends have stood by me with copious amounts of moral support. A good friend of mine is not so lucky. He's schizoaffective- significant psychosis plus a mood disorder. He's one of the most unique, amazing people I know. I'm his only friend. He and I do not go to support groups for anything. Bisexual, Bipolar or otherwise. We have each other's nonjudgemental understanding. He's losing his will to live again. I'm visiting him in the psych unit tomorrow and taking him some books.
People act like bipolar disorder, OCD, major depression, schizophrenia, ADD and what have you are 'all in your head' and you just need to cowboy the fuck up and suck it up. It's not that simple. I know support groups were mentioned in reference to sexuality, but both the LGBT and mentally interesting are oppressed groups trying to assert our basic rights as human beings.

Whether you're queer or crazy, you run the high risk of being thrown away by family and friends.
I am not trying to go on a tangent here or step on anyone's toes.
This is just how I see it. If anyone thinks I'm nuts, well, bully for you. Take a fucking number :rolleyes: Oh, and I'm on my meds, before you try to go there.

Dec 11, 2007, 3:48 AM
For what it's worth, I'd miss having you around. I happen to think the whole thing's a load of bunk. That thread did have a deliberately defensive flavor and all you did was pose a question.

I have no problem with people asserting their independence. Quite the opposite. I merely find it cruel to rip on people who deal with serious neurological conditions and seek out the help that is there.
Medications, Psychotherapy, those things are very helpful. But it takes more than that. You need to get to know some people who are like you, to get a better idea of what you're going through is all about.

Whatever. My opinion really doesn't matter in this instance. I've got a triple diagnosis,(BP I, Asperger's, GAD) so I guess I'm one of those "borderline crazy" people who that thread ripped on. I don't think that's fair at all. I completely blew the life I had grown used to for many years. I had to start back from scratch, on drugs that seriously impaired my mental reasoning. I've done the best i can of keeping myself stable. Of not giving into that intense fire that rages within my brain. I'm one of the lucky ones. My true friends have stood by me with copious amounts of moral support. A good friend of mine is not so lucky. He's schizoaffective- significant psychosis plus a mood disorder. He's one of the most unique, amazing people I know. I'm his only friend. He and I do not go to support groups for anything. Bisexual, Bipolar or otherwise. We have each other's nonjudgemental understanding. He's losing his will to live again. I'm visiting him in the psych unit tomorrow and taking him some books.
People act like bipolar disorder, OCD, major depression, schizophrenia, ADD and what have you are 'all in your head' and you just need to cowboy the fuck up and suck it up. It's not that simple. I know support groups were mentioned in reference to sexuality, but both the LGBT and mentally interesting are oppressed groups trying to assert our basic rights as human beings.

Whether you're queer or crazy, you run the high risk of being thrown away by family and friends.
I am not trying to go on a tangent here or step on anyone's toes.
This is just how I see it. If anyone thinks I'm nuts, well, bully for you. Take a fucking number :rolleyes: Oh, and I'm on my meds, before you try to go there.

Crazy! Be proud, the world needs more crazy people... I need them to block out the other voices in my head! lol

Dec 11, 2007, 7:22 AM
I could be really off base, and missing something. But I think what Vit was trying to say is that some victim advocates try and make you believe your a victim because of something that happened to a person. Maybe some people would have needed that kind of support but she didn't. To be made seek out assistance is kind of wacky to me. Almost like a money maker I dunno. She wasn't flaming the people who suffer from mental illness or those who have gone through something tramatic. Someone tried to beat the crap out of her, she prevailed, and then was made to seek help. When she obviously didn't feel she needed it. You can't convince someone they are a victim when they don't feel like they are one. Again, this is what I got out of her thread.

Dec 11, 2007, 7:57 AM
Awww diddums S... The ref dishes out lil yellow card an so ya not gonna play ne more?

Will b honest wivya ya, seems 2 me 2 b act of big babba.. can c wy V got lil hot unda colla, but wudnta been summat me did cos argument an battlin spica life ... wenya contribute 2 a public forum ya gorra take rough wiv the smooth.. hav enjoyed our lil exchanges an lotsa ya otha cotribs an will miss ya but peeps dus hav ther own sensitivities an ya has gorra undastand that... summa urs r showin through by way ya reactin ova ya grievance... an so ya needs ta grow lil thicka skin wen ya gets ya knuckles wrapped... nowt rong wiv appealin 2 the wider audience for wotya c as justice..peeps do that all the time in life.. but yas beginnin 2 show a petulance wich aint becummin. Callin Mumsy a moron in anotha linked thread in facta lil more than petulance.... don deny that jus ocasionally me gets het up an hits out an lets things get personal.. but at least wen me dus it tries an justifies it wile still stikkin 2 factsa the case an argue reasonably coherently (sed try ere..didn say always succeeded)... tempa an awful thing an don excuse it... aint any excuse for petulance eitha..

If ya dus decide 2 move on ya will b missed S..me will ne way... not jus cossa ya lil crush.. still havent had time 2 wade through everythin ere 2 make a final comment...mite b unnecessary by time me dus... dunno yet.. but chill babes an take time 2 think it through.. mayb in cold lita day ya will find mayb ya cudda dun summat betta cant say bout that eitha.. but walkin off pitch an not playin ne more cosya had lil bollokkin, wetha ya feel it justified or not aint act of a grown up.. we hav enuff babbas in ere as it is..don need ne more...

Dec 11, 2007, 5:34 PM
stick around one day this site will host a in person social then u can resolve all this one way or another.

Dec 11, 2007, 10:18 PM
Dear One......

If you leave, I shall be heartbroken. No one seems to have the exact slant on things that you do. I know that some things are meant tongue in cheek, and others get a tad much. But this is the way of the world. Whatever shall I do when you will not be there to answer my comments on two of the most popular threads. I was really hoping that I could see your crush on DE continue.

Please do not leave.....take some time to simmer down. If no one else will chat with you...(lots love you here) I shall be honored.


PS....I tried to send you a PM but the system would not let me.

Dec 12, 2007, 12:32 AM
Stick around and collect some more infractions. We need people with that talent. Otherwise, one could fall asleep reading about one person giving virtual hugs and kisses to another. Feel free to call me an asshole whether I deserve it or not, even if it is only because you had a bad day. I like some confrontation in my life. I can both give and take attacks and respect others that can as well. I usually try to be diplomatic, but if I cross the border, I will not lose sleep over counter attacks or infraction penalties. Only those who are ALWAYS belligerent, crude and never witty and intelligent should leave or be kicked out. What is the different between saying “People let us not all be wimps” and “People you are all wimps”. In the first, I include myself, so that is diplomatic and inspirational. In the second, I leave me out, so that is insulting. In both cases I called everyone a wimp. Why should we expect everybody to contemplate wording so carefully all of the time. Just a stupid policy!!!


Dec 12, 2007, 12:34 AM
Fight ya bastards.........I hate peace :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Dec 13, 2007, 9:26 PM
Well...I just composed a hell of a long post for this thread...and when I went to submit it...I was told I was not logged in....Hmmmm.......can't recapture the moment of it now........strangely enough the little symbol in the middle of my screen said I was logged in...yet when I went back to Home.....I was not...........and it was all about the freedom of speech.....Oh well