View Full Version : calling java and network guru's

Nov 26, 2007, 10:49 PM
here's my delimma; i'd love to go into the chat room here on the site and talk to other members. however i can't seem to make the link. have even checked and rechecked the java RTE etc using the web page diagnostics link so nicely supplied by our gracious hosts. according to it, everything is in order and working just fine.

am currently on another road trip, using the same marriot residence inn as we have have for the past year at this site, using an HP laptop running vista home premium with plenty of ram and power in the proc. all connection is via hotel supplied wifi that isnt all that reliable or bandwidth enabled. and, no, no cat 5 connection is available in the suites.

when i click the chatroom icon, the page rolls over to the start up screen we are all familiar with, i see the threepillows.com ad, and the little blue bar below it telling me i'm loggin in, and i wait,,,,,,and i wait,,,,and i wait.....i've gone as long as 30 minutes to see how long it would take , but at that point, what's the use? the darn thing isnt loading now and probably never will.

regualr IM clients, such as yahoo messenger, or windows live messenger, work just fine. skype, well thats another matter entirely. it chops out so much i might as well be trying to talk to mars via old style HF radio.

anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?? please reach me offline/offsite at my yahoo addy if you do. the long technical stuff, well, lets not clutter the boards here.. but if you're willing to share with everyone, i guess this is as good a place as any..