View Full Version : If you had the power...

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 19, 2007, 12:14 PM
... to change one thing / idea in the world, what would you change?

I would personally change the belief that power makes right.

Nov 19, 2007, 12:32 PM
I would change the attitude that our business interests seem to hold that nature has no other value than it being there to be used for our own ends--that nature has no value unless man is somehow extracting the resources or developing the land.

In the farmland areas near me---they are being rapidly developed for homes, shopping centers and the like--this one real estate firm has all of these signs up saying "Vacant Land For Sale"---yes-there are no structures on many of these fields but they are hardly "vacant"--many of them have been in use as farmland almost since this area was first settled back in 1796--

We have to have an ethic that holds that there is a value to the natural world beyond whatever "utility" it may hold beyond being turned into cities, mines, oil fields, military bases or whatever.

There is this one organization that has begun putting an economic value on the natural world--for one example--the "services" provided to man by nature in the form of wetlands-----wetlands are not "useless swamps" as many have called them in the past---they provide valuable services in holding water---water that instead of running off and flooding and then being useless--is filtered of its pollutants and then goes into the groundwater supply--something that this group places a value of being worth billions--nature provides this "service" for "free" in a manner far superior than what man can do--and when man does it---it costs a great deal of money.

We cannot continue this unabated burning up of this planet's natural resources for a great deal longer without consequence.

We can go extinct--many other species have--and the negative things humankind has done to the planet will heal once we are gone---the planet would probably like to see us gone--but I think we want to stick around for awhile--and have our progeny live decently too----

The way we are going now--we are not going to leave those who follow us a world better than the one we have--it will be much diminshed.

Nov 19, 2007, 12:34 PM
I would change the belief that one race, or culture is better than another. So many people believe this to be true. We are the human race reguardless of color or culture.

Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 12:43 PM
Y'know... futher to another recent thread... perhaps "True Equality" is not such silly thing to wish for.

But personally, I would settle for True Justice, in this world.

Either that or men having the same number of ribs as women, so that we can... :bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 12:50 PM
I would change the employment situation in the country..and have people hired on qualifications ALONE not just looks

Nov 19, 2007, 12:52 PM
Gel has it bout rite... but me wud prob change things so so called sentient beins wud jus think.... don think its 2 much 2 ask...

Nov 19, 2007, 12:52 PM
Y'know... futher to another recent thread... perhaps "True Equality" is not such silly thing to wish for.

But personally, I would settle for True Justice, in this world.

Either that or men having the same number of ribs as women, so that we can... :bigrin:

Well good points there Skater boy... Well i would wish for men to have periods and be able to carry babies. Now that's equality lol..

Nov 19, 2007, 12:55 PM
Y'know... futher to another recent thread... perhaps "True Equality" is not such silly thing to wish for.

But personally, I would settle for True Justice, in this world.

Either that or men having the same number of ribs as women, so that we can... :bigrin:

Them that think it is Skater babes, they jus wanna b betta than sum 1 else!!!

So ya wan rib less?? Wy this Skater?? Fancy bein able 2 go down on yasel??:bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 12:59 PM
Gel has it bout rite... but me wud prob change things so so called sentient beins wud jus think.... don think its 2 much 2 ask...

Well I'd wish for to have a time travel machine, abit like Doctor Who, sit in it and watch the planet called Earth melt away and wait for the next inhabitants, and pray that they dont mess it up like we humans have.


Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 12:59 PM
So ya wan rib less?? Wy this Skater?? Fancy bein able 2 go down on yasel??:bigrin:

Hehe! No comment! :bigrin: (although I'd be willing to bet that most of us guys have at least thought about it once or twice)

Nov 19, 2007, 1:01 PM
Hehe! No comment! :bigrin:

nope..didn expect owt otha babes..tee hee:bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 1:12 PM
... to change one thing / idea in the world, what would you change?

I would personally change the belief that power makes right.

I would change human nature to be more like that of the Bonobo Chimps than the way we are now.

Bonobo Chimps on meeting another tribe, instead of having a war , they have an orgy!

Also Bonobo Chimps have a matriarchal society, instead of the patriarchal society of the regular Chimps.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo)

[Bonobo females also engage in female-female genital sex (tribadism) to socially bond with each other, thus forming a female nucleus of Bonobo society. The bonding between females allows them to dominate Bonobo society - although male Bonobos are individually stronger, they cannot stand alone against a united group of females. Adolescent females often leave their native community to join another community. Sexual bonding with other females establishes the new females as members of the group. This migration mixes the Bonobo gene pools, providing genetic diversity.]

Regular chimps have wars, genocide etc..

Nov 19, 2007, 1:17 PM
yea..human beins r the bozobo chimp....stupid an murderous!

Nov 19, 2007, 2:15 PM
I think if given that power, I'd have to abolish the idea of apathy being considered a social norm. If folks would genuinely open up and care about others beyond themselves a bit, I'd wager lots of our common ills would flee to higher ground. Perhaps, if we'd all focus on this, say perchance each of us does something nice for someone without seeking reward each day because you care, we might send those ills packing sooner. Or I may be delusional and off my medications, again. In which case please do ignore my humble suggestion, as I'm certain I've not the foggiest idea what I'm espousing. :)

Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 2:20 PM
Perhaps, if we'd all focus on this, say perchance each of us does something nice for someone without seeking reward each day because you care, we might send those ills packing sooner. Or I may be delusional and off my medications, again. In which case please do ignore my humble suggestion, as I'm certain I've not the foggiest idea what I'm espousing. :)

I agree... the world would probably be a better place. perhaps still not perfect, but probably a lot better.

Nov 19, 2007, 2:34 PM
Well that is a nice idea, I do things like that anyways, but the world is still an ugly place to live in. I care about ppl, as much as possible without being a human doormat.

On a serious note I'd find a cure for Aids/HIV, now that would make thousands of people happy. I wouldn't even want the recognition, just the knowledge that I've made a difference in someones life...

Nov 19, 2007, 2:44 PM
if I had the power, I would make all these man made global warming idiots wake up and realize it's the sun and the world has been warming over the last couple of hundred yrs, which is way before suv's.

Nov 19, 2007, 2:48 PM
if I had the power, I would make all these man made global warming idiots wake up and realize it's the sun and the world has been warming over the last couple of hundred yrs, which is way before suv's.

And Chu dear.. I say this not in English and not Franspeak so you can be absolutely clear... it is inadvisable to call me an idiot..... there is more going on than simply a natural warming of the world...

Nov 19, 2007, 2:54 PM
Darn your quick, Fran, I just posted.
Prove that man is creating global warming. And b.t.w. if you can do it in less than 700 words, junkscience.com will pay you $125,00!

Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 3:00 PM
Well that is a nice idea, I do things like that anyways, but the world is still an ugly place to live in. I care about ppl, as much as possible without being a human doormat.

Yes, but if EVERYONE did it, EVERY day, then no doubt the world would be a better place. By no means perfect, though, I'll admit.

On a serious note I'd find a cure for Aids/HIV, now that would make thousands of people happy. I wouldn't even want the recognition, just the knowledge that I've made a difference in someones life...

Excellent suggestion! Although why stop at HIV/AIDS... if we could cure ALL known illnesses (eg. Cancer, etc) it would touch A LOT of people's lives in a positive way.

Nov 19, 2007, 3:06 PM
Yes, but if EVERYONE did it, EVERY day, then no doubt the world would be a better place. By no means perfect, though, I'll admit.

Excellent suggestion! Although why stop at HIV/AIDS... if we could cure ALL known illnesses (eg. Cancer, etc) it would touch A LOT of people's lives in a positive way.

Yeah that is true Skater Boy very true. At least when I leave this place called Earth, and say bye bye to the people called the Human Race, then I will know I did a good job.

Nov 19, 2007, 3:07 PM
I'd go on a revenge trip, and probably never stop.

Nov 19, 2007, 3:12 PM
Darn your quick, Fran, I just posted.
Prove that man is creating global warming. And b.t.w. if you can do it in less than 700 words, junkscience.com will pay you $125,00!

Prove that it aint..evidence proves more that it is that it aint..but no doubt ya wud take issue... ah well... luff a gud argy bargy...:bigrin:

Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 3:29 PM
At least when I leave this place called Earth, and say bye bye to the people called the Human Race, then I will know I did a good job.

Well done. Me? Mmm... define "good" and define "job". But I do my best. (Nah, actually I probably don't even do that...) :bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 3:48 PM
I would seriously change the way we currently treat this planet and all creatures who inhabit it.


Nov 19, 2007, 3:56 PM
ah well... luff a gud argy bargy...

Nov 19, 2007, 4:01 PM
With everyone is such an altruistic mood there isnt much left for me to wish for. So I will wish for something personal. To age until I am at my most attractive and then for the aging process to stop. I know it is selfish, but the thought of growing old, ugly and infirm terrifies me.:(

Nov 19, 2007, 6:01 PM
With everyone is such an altruistic mood there isnt much left for me to wish for. So I will wish for something personal. To age until I am at my most attractive and then for the aging process to stop. I know it is selfish, but the thought of growing old, ugly and infirm terrifies me.:(

LOL well I can certainly appreciate that....A 90 year od woman once advised me when I was 22 to never grow old....I've held on to those words of wisdom all these years waiting for someone to come along that I could pass them on to..........."Cesna....Don't ever grow old".

Forever 22

Nov 19, 2007, 6:44 PM
That people would know that life is not fair. That some people will NEVER like you; and that humanity has many born assholes.


Nov 19, 2007, 8:23 PM
My father died doped up on morphine, of cancer of the liver which had spread throughout his body. If I had the power to change anything it would be that we all die with dignity and without pain, and without the need for any drugs which rob us of our ability to say our farewells properly to those we love most.

Nov 20, 2007, 4:29 AM
This is a response to Chulain's posts

--Well--I have no personal expertise or knowledge on the scientific aspects of global warming--I have to trust some people who I know that are working on the issue---I have a few friends via my sister and her husband who are Phd types in appropriate fields relating to the study of climatic and environmental areas--working for the US Federal government and also teaching at various universities in both the US and Europe and they say the facts as they now know them in science is pretty damn clear---global climatic change is taking place and they have no doubt the activities of human kind are playing a very big role in that process.

Sure SUVS-- are not entirely to blame for glolbal warming-- but they do play their part as well---the process of global warming began long ago--- you have to remember--the industrial revolution has been going on for the better part of 200 years now and in the early days it was fueled by wood, crude forms of oils both petroleum based and based on animals like whales----then coal came into play.

We don't think about it now--but at one time in many places in industrialized Europe---basically large swaths of the UK---on what should have been clear days in mid-summer it was almost dark as night thanks to the burning of coal. Many parts of the US were like this too. The former Soviet Union was pretty bad too--I remember hearing a story about this one town in one of the former Soviet Republics where there were huge coke furnaces and steel mills---the air was so dirty in the town--they had to have huge fans with large tunnels that pulled fresh air from upwind of the town so they could fire the furnaces. The air in the town did not have enough fresh air to keep the fires burning. I remember seeing a television report from that place back in the late 1970s or early '80s before the Soviet Union broke up.

The US just signed on to an internationally prepared report (the IPCC Report done by the--Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change--http://www.ipcc.ch/) via the auspices of the UN that agrees that global warming (or climatic change if you please)--is indeed very real and if we don't do something about the situation--in the words of President Bush's science advisor as the best I can recall him saying in a radio interview a few weeks ago---"if we don't do something about global warming--the temperature of the planet will rise to such a degree, it will make the planet uninhabitable."

The IPCC report details what steps need to be done to lessen the global warming situation.

Officials of London are concerned about global climate change to such a degree they are trying to figure out how to handle sea level rise and the threat that poses to the entire London area----in many Pacific island nations--the leaders there are already making contingency plans of actually having to move the populations of their countries to other places on the globe because even if higher sea levels don't swamp their land--they already are having higher tides permeate the rock underlying the land, contaminating the soil with salt therefore making the land no longer able to sustain agriculture and spoiling groundwater.

Re-insurnace companies---the companies that insure the insurance companies-- are very much concerned about global warming and climatic changes since they have to bear the financial burdens thanks to what the changing climate brings due to storms, droughts, flooding and all of the other related aspects of global warming.

From what I am told--the big bulk of the scientifc community in nearly every discipline possible is coming around to the realization--"Houston--we have a problem!"

There are a few holdouts they say--those scientists who are philosophically inclinded to not believe that global warming is real for whatever reason---I just saw a program in which a scientist--who untill very recently adamnatly held that global warming was bunk---he said he now has come around and says without hesitation--global warming is very real and man --with his massive discharges of CO2 gasses thanks mostly to burning fossil fuels---is largely responsible for the problem.

I wish I could put things better in scientific terms to try to win that money from "junkscience" --sounds like a good name for them. They are pretty much behind the curve and most likely one of those industry formed groups that get formed to attack various industries.

Sorta like those "scientific groups" that were started by the tobacco companies way back when to try to say that smoking was not harmful--even good for us!!

I go with the side that says global warming is real and a "clear and present danger" just like I am on the side of science that shows that evolution is for real and "intelligent design" is as the Car Talk guys like to say--"Is BBBBBOOOOOGGGUSSSSS!!!"

From what I have read in different science magazines and see on the numerous documentary shows----it may already be too late to do anything about global warming--that the increase in temperatures and the pace of the warming has passed "the tipping point" and is going to be a self-reinforcing loop system that feeds on itself and we may already well on the way to ensuring our extinction along with that of most of the life on this planet---about the only things to survive will be some insects and maybe rats.

Even if global warming is not going to wipe us out as a species--its effects are going to be dramatic and it those effects are going to put into play---things like massive movements of refugee peoples, threaten water sources, destroy coastal cities and nations---and have great impacts on our ability to grow crops and animals for agricultural purposes.

The world is not going to be a nice place in the future if we don't die out and we don't decide to actually do something about the situation--it will be a Hobbsian world in which life is "nasty, brutish and short."

Well--you can believe that global warming is so much hooey-but then you can also believe the Earth is flat and if even if you do believe that it's round--then you are then free to believe the sun revolves around the Earth and Earth is the center of the universe--you can also believe "the jury is still out on evolution" too----but that don't make it so.

I think that all aspects of our society: government, business and the population needs to do something about global warming--but I am afraid that most of us have the "head in the sand" syndrome so nothing substantive will be done--and we will gut ourselves---

It is sort like the final scene in that great movie "Dr. Strangelove ... Or How I Came to Love the Bomb" where old Slim Pickens jumps on the nuke as it leaves the bay of the bomber and he rides it like a rodeo rider to oblivion---

Out of greed, ignorance, stupidity, stubborness, refusal to change our ways or whatever---we are not going to to anything about global warming---at least until it is way the hell too little, too late to make much difference.

We are pretty well screwed----

As far as the sun warming is concerned--I don't know about that---it could be that the changes in the compositon of the atmosphere has to do with that---the scientists do know that the level of harmful elements in the atmosphere are increasing thanks to studying ice core samples.

And even if the sun temperature is increasing--OK --we can't do diddly about that--that is a natural process--but if we know that we are exacerbating the situation by our actions--then it is our responsibilty as the dominant species on this planet to reduce our negative impact on the planet----we cannot simply go on like everything is hunky-dory-with the notion that "fuck it--we might as well get rich while we kill ourselves!!!"

the mage
Nov 20, 2007, 8:10 AM
... to change one thing / idea in the world, what would you change?

I would personally change the belief that power makes right.

I would eliminate our fear of death.

Not our awareness of it, as that is conscience itself, but the fear of losing it.
That fear alone causes religion and all its evil to exist.

Lisa (va)
Nov 20, 2007, 10:46 AM
I would change folks to believe in accepting folks as they are and repect them as the indiduals they are/


hugs n kisses

Skater Boy
Nov 20, 2007, 11:15 AM
I've changed my mind...

I would make all women born with THREE breasts; change the custom of shaking hands as a greeting to having oral sex; abolish the concept of "work" so that no-one ever has to struggle to make a living; and perhaps for everything that potentially has harmful consequences, I would turn them into beneficial ones.

Sounds like an ideal world to me... :bigrin:

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 20, 2007, 11:27 AM
change the custom of shaking hands as a greeting to having oral sex

Well, in Spain it is customary to give each other two kisses when you are introduced to someone (this does not work if two men are being introduced) :tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 20, 2007, 1:57 PM
Well, in Spain it is customary to give each other two kisses when you are introduced to someone (this does not work if two men are being introduced) :tong:

Yeah, its similar elsewhere on the European continent... places like Italy and France have similar customs, although I think they sometimes extend them to male greetings too. But from what I understand, Spain is still a pretty homophobic country, so that might explain why such intimate male contact is frowned upon.

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 20, 2007, 2:07 PM
Hhhmm, I would not say homophobic. There is still a strong culture of masculinuity, and of the idea of the "macho" ("I am a "real" man, so I don't touch other men and I only fuck women and I have the right to say rude "compliments" to women as I pass by them"), but we are getting better in terms of accepting homosexuality. Not that a country's laws are a measure of the people's beliefs, but we've had gay marriage (with adoption rights) for a couple of years now :cool:

Nov 21, 2007, 10:23 AM
If I could change one thing...???? Difficult one, there are lots of things I'd like to change (some of which people have mentioned such as not ageing etc...) - what would I change???? To be honest if I had the power to change the world, I don't know whether I would use it for good or for evil but that aside... I guess I would severely limit the role of Governments, authority and religions [not abolish them entirely though...I;m not an anarchist] and just let people get on with their lives without loads of pointless laws, political correctness (a foolish and oppressive ideology albeit which started out with good intentions which is embraced by the Governments of the UK, New Zealand and to a lesser degree America) ,religious edicts/fundamentalism and other bullshit like that... a minimum of state and religious interfering with everyday life would probably make the world a lot more of a free and tolerant place.

Izzfan :flag3:

[ps: seeing as there is a bit of a debate... I might as well give my (rather cynical) :2cents: about these "global warming" theories. The climate is certainly changing but this isn't necessarily due to human action, I mean the Ice Age wasn't caused by dinosaurs driving cars, the fact that the Romans could grow grapes in Britain centuries before the car was invented etc...

Also, if I'm going to be honest - most modern environmentalists really annoy me with their paranoid apocalyptic scaremongering. Also, when they try to make people feel guilty about living their everyday lives - sort of "you used a plane...oh the horror!" and the whole "carbon offsetting" thing I mean what a complete and utter con - I pity those who are gullible enough to waste their money on such a scam. Also, environmentalism/"global warming" is a great excuse for politicians to increase taxes, place further restictions of the lives of ordinary people etc....

To be honest, if these environmentalists really cared about the environment they would leave the UK and it's citizens alone and go after corporations in America and China.

Also, its only in recent years that all this envirorubbish has been taken seriously.... I don't know what tirggered this sudden interest in all things ecological but hopefully it will fade into obscurity like any other trend/ moral panic.]

Nov 21, 2007, 12:24 PM
To be honest, if these environmentalists really cared about the environment they would leave the UK and it's citizens alone and go after corporations in America and China.

Also, its only in recent years that all this envirorubbish has been taken seriously.... I don't know what tirggered this sudden interest in all things ecological but hopefully it will fade into obscurity like any other trend/ moral panic.]
Cud giveya long lecture on this izzie but won... jus concentrate on the last things ya sed.

To be able 2 go afta the big corporations, not only of the US an China..ya needs 2 convince govts...2 convince govts ya needs 2 convince the people... until ya dus that yas a voice in the wilderness!!!! Unity of action an awareness is all thats gonna convince govts an corporations the world ova..... an we won go away.. an we won leave yas alone..an we gonna keep on atyas till eitha ya waken up 2 the reality or we all choke 2 death or r poisoned by our own excess shite!

An it aint sudden... its been goin on for decades.. peeps have been shoutin an writin papers an warnin bout it since the 60s at least.. an prob much earlier than that. Its jus that its gettin more pressin, an we havta do summat bout it fore its 2 late.

An 1 final point..even if it wos proved that everythin is down 2 natural forces...an doubt that is the case... we havta gerrup off our arse an deal wiv it...cos woteva shit is happenein..an it is happenin..that aint in dispute... we havta know wot it is fore we can deal wiv it. Ther r huge environmetal changes goin on, an ther gonna b reel crap happenin ova next century or so... already is now... read the signs.. don iggie em cos thats wot 2 many r doin now.

Don bury ya head in the sand... look around ya... we in deep doo dah an if we don do summat we won b around long 2 enjoy very much! Woteva is causin it has 2 b dealt wiv, b it natural, humanity or a mixture of both as seems likely, an ther r things that can b dun...mus b dun... or we r dun.... an so is every otha livin thing on this world of ours!

Nov 21, 2007, 12:54 PM
If I had the power.......I would make it a capital crime for a judge to violate their oath of office.

With all of the corrupt judges in office now, violating the public trust, they need a serious shake up to get them straightened out.

Nov 21, 2007, 2:57 PM
Used ta hang peeps ere for stealin silk hankies... kill off a lotta peeps ova ur way who do lotsa not nice things... don stop it happnin... dus bring a whole new dimension 2 the expression "Hanging Judges" tho"! tee hee. Not that it wud stop the sods from bein bent! Mite teach em 2 b more careful an the system to close ranks even more than it dus..otha than that.. not much wud change cept mayb a lotta dead judges an sum promotion opportunities...

Nov 21, 2007, 3:15 PM
I have no idea what I'd do.

Skater Boy
Nov 21, 2007, 3:28 PM
I have no idea what I'd do.

Thats probably a healthy thing. It might suggest that you're so immersed in living a fulfilled life that you haven't stopped to waste time philosophizing about impossible and imaginary scenarios, like the rest of us.

Well done for being a Realist. :)

Nov 22, 2007, 12:00 AM
I would change the religious view on people and how religions feel about people like you and me and the next person thats either gay les. bi. or trans.

Nov 22, 2007, 12:45 AM
I would change the ony thing I can and that is myself for the better. I would take better care of my health(am working on that) and become more educated to improve my abilities and knowledge.(working on that too) Then teach and assist children with autism and children with other special needs and their families.

Good thread!

Nov 22, 2007, 12:58 AM
I would change the way that most of the news stations are cnn,msnbc,etc, so that they tell us the news news that is actually new and true instead of pushing their own ideas on everyone.

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 22, 2007, 8:53 AM
Thats probably a healthy thing. It might suggest that you're so immersed in living a fulfilled life that you haven't stopped to waste time philosophizing about impossible and imaginary scenarios, like the rest of us.

Well done for being a Realist. :)

"Only a firm adherence to one's higher ideals will keep those ideals within the realm of possibility" (W.E.B Du Bois) ;)

Skater Boy
Nov 22, 2007, 9:46 AM
"Only a firm adherence to one's higher ideals will keep those ideals within the realm of possibility" (W.E.B Du Bois) ;)


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Nov 22, 2007, 9:56 AM

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 22, 2007, 10:01 AM

If you remove that from the quote, I like it better :rolleyes:

This is not addressed at you, patinador, it is just a general thought of mine: the biggest success of right-wing conservatives is having convinced people that an individual’s effort will never make a difference. I think that every little thing we do to improve society is a step forward, and whether or not it matters in “the grand scheme of things” (whatever that means) or becomes part of History (whatever that means) is of little significance.

Skater Boy
Nov 22, 2007, 10:04 AM

Ya, y'know... that guy with the long white beard who lives up in the clouds?

Oh hell... keep forgetting that you're a non-believer!

Maybe for YOU it should be:

DADDY, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Failing that, I guess we'll all just have to grant ourselves these characteristics.

Nov 22, 2007, 10:09 AM
Me goes along wiv that babes..tee hee

Skater Boy
Nov 22, 2007, 11:19 AM
if I had the power, I would make all these man made global warming idiots wake up and realize it's the sun and the world has been warming over the last couple of hundred yrs, which is way before suv's.

Chulainn, some food for thought REGARDLESS of whether Climate Change is man-made or natural:


Nov 22, 2007, 11:34 AM
Chulainn, some food for thought REGARDLESS of whether Climate Change is man-made or natural:


U tell im tiger.. c wot Chu sez wen e cant breathe is poisoned an is bits fall off.... soz Chu babes.. we gonna hang round till ya waken up .. told Izzie earlier in this thread..wetha its man made or natural the poop is hittin the fan..an wetha its man made or natural ther r things we can do 2 alleviate at least the worst of it.. an sun aint hottin up that much hun....long time fore that happens sufficiently 2 snuff out this lil blue green paradise of ours!

Jeez Skater..stop it..no more agreements! Not even an approximation of 1..ty..me wud neva live it down if it happens twice!!! An me may havta kill ya!:tong:

Nov 22, 2007, 11:41 AM
... to change one thing / idea in the world, what would you change?...

The whole notion that violence is more acceptable in [movies|tv|games|etc] than sexual expression!

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 22, 2007, 11:43 AM
The whole notion that violence is more acceptable in [movies|tv|games|etc] than sexual expression!

Right on.

Nov 22, 2007, 2:57 PM
An end to the intolerant liberal strangle hold on education from K1 thru graduate school and the Clinton News Network. :)

Nov 22, 2007, 4:08 PM
An end to the intolerant liberal strangle hold on education from K1 thru graduate school and the Clinton News Network. :)
s'ok Slocum..mayb ya shud set up an ANP an do it yasel.. cud shut NBC ABC an ne otha alternative media serviceya don like..take ova the universities colleges an schools an burn all the books ya don like, sack the academics ya don like an put in ya nice pet place men an teach ya kids an yung peeps wotya like...

Not quite sure ya has grasped this democracy caper yet.. rule of the people by the people for the people...funny ole thing demcoracy innit.. of course 1ce yas won power ya mite havta send yasel off 2 the gas chambers cosa ya membership ere but no 1 sed beina politician wos an easy life...

Nov 22, 2007, 8:45 PM
Lighten up Dark Eyes.

For you edification, my college professor in American History lectured as follows:

Monday: "
The Revolutionary War, A Colonial View."

"The Revolutionary War, A British View."

His arguments for each side were impassioned and logical

Friday was a test in which we were required to state our views as to the merits and demerits of each viewpoint. The same exercise was employed with respect to the Civil War, WW1,The New Deal, WW2, etc. At the conclusion of the year, he required us to vote as to whether he was a Republican or a Democrat. The vote was approximately split, 13 to 12, probably based on family background. But a least we heard the other side of the arguments. My view of the function of a university is to teach young people how to think, not what to think.

Kindly suggest that if you believe that children should be indoctinated to your Socialist viewpoint, you may well be simply the opposite of the Moral Majority in the USA. Personally I find both viewpoints repugnant, but would defend your right to your viewpoint with arms if necessary.:bigrin:

As to my sexuality, never denied it nor advertised it. Figured it was my business. Never had a problem. Sex in a public bathroom with someone I didn't even know was not my choice.(Prefer a shower and clean sheets)

Off subject in a separate posting, you derided the effort of US contribution to WW2. Something to the effect that America provided only munitions and supplies. Granted Britain suffered more KIA and Wounded (357,116 KIA, 369,267 Wounded and 92,700 Civilians KIA) than the US (291,557KIA, 676,846 Wounded in Action and 6,000 civilian KIA) (world-war-2-info/casualties.) Let it suffice to say that Brits and American troops fought side by side and bravely. To a man they rejoiced to see either flag hoisted above an enemy stronghold.

I wish you well personally, but not politically.
That same professor would no longer be welcome, just as conservative speakers are no longer welcome.

Nov 22, 2007, 9:18 PM
Wish no man or woman, no living thing harm. Politically like u certainly.. fascism an nazism..cant an won be lite on..much much 2 serious... essentialy am a lite hearted person..but has pasions..an 1a them is a lothing of the extreme right an the dangers they pose... happend bfore..mite happen gain...not summat me feels me can b lite on.... an personally? wish u naught but gud in ya life...an that it treats ya kind as it shud us all. But won keep quiet an allow peeps like u an the rest of humanity sleepwalk inta anotha nazi holocaust.

An on pointa deridin US effort in ww2..me didn actually ifya read wot me sed again...sed that by time the tools started 2 flow accross teh atlantic an the US gave Britain the tools 2 fite Germany, the threat of invasion had passed.. US contribution till then had been minimal. Britain saved itself essentiallyIt wos afta that threat had passed an well into 1941 when american supplies started 2 flood inta the UK an well into 1942 afta Pearl Harbour that American forces personnel got ova ere in large numbas. Also sed, if ya read the post properly...that the Flounder actually did down the US contribution by statin that the US saved Britain. I sed it did much much more than that, an its efforts wer substantially the reason that as much as the world that wos free as it wos by the end of the war. Me did not deride American efforts at all..me knows the reality of jus how much they did do, not jus in the far east an Pacific but in Europe. An sed as much.

It wos not intended as derision an am sorry if it sounded that way, but merely as a correction of a historical innacuracy. An here me owns up 2 me own forgetfulness.. cos me forgot jus how much the US did contribute not jus in military supplies but in food an medicine wile the Battle of the Atlantic wos at its height particularly in 1941 prior to entering the war. It may well b...that without that contribution Britain mit wella been starved inta submission an for that error..me apologises 2 both Flounder an yasel an ne otha american who mite been miffed by wot me sed.

Nov 23, 2007, 12:03 AM
Namaste Everybody!

if i had the power to change the world it would be to bring all of your ideas to fruition - some great ideas have been posted so far - especially the long one posted early about some men only looking at land as being as valuable as what they can take from it - that is going to come back and bite us on the ass so badly

my idea for the change i want to see is not complete yet but it's end result would be an end to the water crisis - everyday over a billion people will not be able to find clean drinking water - i recently found out that in 2000 (or was it 1999) that the UN passed a resolution that resulted in companies being able to sell water to whole communities, etc (if need be i can find the Village Voice article that accurately described it but i remember being justifiably appalled at it) - if we keep going the way we are going now clean water will be the new oil: hard to find and a catalyst for WWIV


Nov 23, 2007, 8:16 AM
Chelle hun...ya lil post in many ways is the most important post in this whole thread... drinkin water is gonna paly a huge part in the future of this planet an of humanity ova the next century..already is now an its gonna becum more an more at a premium in many partsa the planet.. an if ne 1 thinks ya statement bout it becummin the new oil is a fancy...they betta think gain..cosyas rite..such is our reliance on oil..it is very much a possibility that it will b the reason a world war is fought, an certainly will b the reason many lil an large more localised conflicts break out.

Any who doubt that environamental change is real shud jus look at rainfall accross the planet..patterns r changin an many areas r becummin more dry....wy else has ther been so much famine in parts of the world?

But water, unlike oil is a renewable resource (tho oil is a potentially renewable resource ifya think bout it..only take 50 million years or so but it can b dun), an there r ways of providin enuff for all our needs... but so far ther has neither been the research or the commitment 2 tryin 2 do so.. thing is such is the state of play now..we jus cant wait.

Nov 23, 2007, 6:43 PM
Sorry if this sounds simple but i would remove hatred and intolerance so my wee boy could grow up in a better place

Nov 24, 2007, 6:57 AM
me an all punkie babes.... an make sure we gerra decent world cup draw 2 moz!!!!

Nov 24, 2007, 5:43 PM
me an all punkie babes.... an make sure we gerra decent world cup draw 2 moz!!!!

And a Hearts supporter knows just what about football precisely?:rolleyes:

Nov 24, 2007, 7:01 PM
Vikki!!!!! Yas not a Hibee r ya?? Ya sad tart!:tong:

Dec 12, 2007, 1:09 AM
I would make a truely free country where the basic law was, if you hurt someone...don't do it!