View Full Version : Some new photos

Nov 18, 2007, 3:16 PM
I am bound to get some "nastygram" emails for posting up photos again---I seem to get them from those who are not regulars on here---and of course have no profile info and such--so IMHO---they don't have any right to bitch--for the rest of ya-I hope you like a brief selection of the many photos I took while on my recent trip down to Los Cabos, Mexico:

Photos of sunrise and sunset--all taken from the balcony of the condo I stayed while down there--sunrise is in the Sea of Cortez and sunet is in the Pacific Ocean




The building my unit was in--the second floor portion closet to the position I took the photo


Rough surf down on the beach--no swimming here I am afraid


The Hotel California--in the town of Todos Santos--purportedly-this Hotel California was the inspiration for the famous song done by The Eagles


An old man on the streets of Todos Santos


Some of the many yachts, sportsfishing boats and smaller boats that call Cabos San Lucas home --Cabos is home to one of the biggest sportfishing tournaments in the world--they just finished up a leg of the sportfishing series and one boat alone won about two million US dollars in prize money


"El Arco"--or the Arch at the entrance of the harbor of Cabos San Lucas--the rock formation marks the boundary between the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean-taken as the sun was about to set


Photo taken from one section of the resort I stayed--the Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort


The resort taken from the beach


Nov 18, 2007, 4:30 PM
Oh, how beautiful! :bigrin: Those were very refreshing pictures. Thanks for sharing them Volt.

Nov 18, 2007, 11:06 PM
I am bound to get some "nastygram" emails for posting up photos again---I seem to get them from those who are not regulars on here---and of course have no profile info and such--so IMHO---they don't have any right to bitch--for the rest of ya-I hope you like a brief selection of the many photos I took while on my recent trip down to Los Cabos, Mexico:

Photos of sunrise and sunset--all taken from the balcony of the condo I stayed while down there--sunrise is in the Sea of Cortez and sunet is in the Pacific Ocean




The building my unit was in--the second floor portion closet to the position I took the photo


Rough surf down on the beach--no swimming here I am afraid


The Hotel California--in the town of Todos Santos--purportedly-this Hotel California was the inspiration for the famous song done by The Eagles


An old man on the streets of Todos Santos


Some of the many yachts, sportsfishing boats and smaller boats that call Cabos San Lucas home --Cabos is home to one of the biggest sportfishing tournaments in the world--they just finished up a leg of the sportfishing series and one boat alone won about two million US dollars in prize money


"El Arco"--or the Arch at the entrance of the harbor of Cabos San Lucas--the rock formation marks the boundary between the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean-taken as the sun was about to set


Photo taken from one section of the resort I stayed--the Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort


The resort taken from the beach



Nov 18, 2007, 11:47 PM
I always enjoy looking at your pictures.

Thank you for the new ones!

Nov 19, 2007, 12:31 AM
Pic number three is FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Nice pics. They are all nice but #3 is the winner IMHO.

Nov 19, 2007, 12:39 AM
i think your pics are awesome hun :) BF ( 31cho) and i were marveling at them earlier... beautiful sunset pictures :) use those for postcards or even a full blow up pic on a wall or something of that nature ?

never mind the bullocks :) send more pics:)

Nov 19, 2007, 12:48 AM
Nice pics.
How about taking some of the photographer and posting them?

Nov 19, 2007, 4:51 AM
Awsome pics! Thanks for sharing, please post more!

Nov 19, 2007, 6:47 AM
OMG, I can't believe ya posted pics with no nakedness!!! LOL You should be banned from this site!! LOL

No, this pics are really nice and I enjoyed looking at them. I just couldn't resist not blasting ya!! LOL

Nov 19, 2007, 7:24 AM
No compaint here I thik they are GREAT:)

Nov 19, 2007, 7:36 AM
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!


Nov 19, 2007, 10:18 AM
Thanks guys---I had some emails about some past photos from some trolls telling me "this is a sex site-not an art site--post photos like that someplace else!" or something of that nature---

Glad everyone likes them--of course--what is not to like about those photos?---it is hard to take a bad photo down there with all of the naturally saturated colors, the natural and man-made scenery down there.

We have had threads start of people posting photos--I really would like to see that continue---see the places people travel and the things that interest them---

This site is not just about sex--it is a community--and as such should reflect more than just people's sexual side.

It might get a bit testy at times--but I do like the threads that get posted like the one Qchamp has about the flag that seems to keep going on--the only problem with threads like that--people sometimes get into making personal attacks--we should be able to get into political and religious discussions without personal attacks--but I guess that is one aspect about those discussions that just can't be gotten around--people come to hold such deep and closely held views about things of that nature---it becomes impossible to seperate such attachment and merely stating one's views---

As far as my photography is concerned--since I now have amassed a nice body of work--- I am going to start making prints of my best ones for both display and sale purposes.

Nov 25, 2007, 1:00 PM
Voltie, you're a Very bad Boy, go to my room! You shall recieve a severe tongue lashing shortly...lol
Seriously tho Sweetie, they Are beautiful shots. :}

Nov 25, 2007, 8:33 PM

The photos are beautiful as always, especially the sunset ones. I echo the sentiments of those before me in welcoming your photos, and those of others too. Next time...invite me along and I shall be more than happy to carry your camera and take photos of YOU.


Nov 25, 2007, 8:42 PM
I marking this thread for when it januaray and -40 below. It will keep me woarm.

Aug 14, 2009, 5:25 PM
Stunning photos! Beautiful work.

Aug 14, 2009, 11:24 PM
Hey Voltman, them thair are some mighty pretty photo's you got there!! So post all you like, OK? And if anybody starts a bitichin at ya for it, :mad: then copy and paste their private message and their username in a forum thread, and let everbody at this site just have at em, OK? That should shut them up. And if they get too bitchy, then we can let Bret 5668 give them some classes on "anger management" :rolleyes:

I agree with you Volty about this site being a social or a community type of site where we should be able to talk (or type) about anything we want to!!! To me, if anybody at this site is into strictly sex only, they are at the wrong site. Cause odd as it may sound, some people are into other things too, and sometimes that includes sex. :2cents:

Anyway, back to the pics. Voltman that camera (or you or both) can produce some super clear, sharp pics. Such as that pic that you took of the cactus lookin plant. You can see the point on some of the stickers on that plant. Now thats a sharp pic to me. And none of the pictures have a fuzzy fore or back ground. Me just guessing that you got at least a high school education in picture taking, HUH? :cool: So keep up the good picture taking, and send us all you want to, OK?

Oh well, gotta go, type at ya later! Your friend, :doggie: .........:bipride:

Aug 15, 2009, 1:04 AM
hey Voltie - damn good shot ya did there - I guess I'm gonna have to break out the camera again - lol
Good job man

Doggie :doggie:

Aug 15, 2009, 1:42 AM
Volty-honey, Unless Drew has a problem with you posting them, then dont dont let someone worry you about it.
Your photos are Marvelous and if some folks dont like them, tell them to kiss your rosie-red. Post on Sugar. I for one love them!

Aug 15, 2009, 10:29 AM
Bravo, Bravo........very nice photos. Try editing the "old man" photo to black & white and it will be stunning.
Thanks for sharing.

Aug 15, 2009, 10:49 AM
Hey volty, cool pics. Thanx. And don't worry about the trolls, keep the pics coming.:cool:

Aug 15, 2009, 10:54 AM
They were great pics. Shows that you have talent and a good eye and to the little nasty trolls that have a problem like Bette Midler says" Fuckem if they can't take a joke" but in this case Fuckem if they can't enjoy the pics:2cents:

Shhhhh 47/F/usa
Aug 15, 2009, 5:56 PM
Wonderful volty! I could feel the power in the shot of the beach and waves. Some of those shots are stunning.

Aug 15, 2009, 8:05 PM
Real good stuff here, Volt... You have an eye for good photography... :paw::paw:

Aug 16, 2009, 6:55 AM
Thanks for the nice comments--they give me the "warm, fuzzies!" :bigrin::bigrin:

M. Wolfe
Aug 16, 2009, 7:13 AM
Here is a batch of photos I took of the sunrise at the beginning of the year.

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1522/picture003oe0.th.jpg (http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture003oe0.jpg)

http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/2773/picture006wa1.th.jpg (http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture006wa1.jpg)

http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/598/picture005nh3.th.jpg (http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture005nh3.jpg)

Aug 16, 2009, 7:17 AM
Awesome photos--they are very dramatic with the intensity of the color and the detail of the clouds---they have both a sense of peacefulness and being menacing at the same time.

Great photos!!!

M. Wolfe
Aug 16, 2009, 7:24 AM
Awesome photos--they are very dramatic with the intensity of the color and the detail of the clouds---they have both a sense of peacefulness and being menacing at the same time.

Great photos!!!

The first one was the best one obviously and I used it as a wallpaper for sometime. The colours didn't look like that at the time but when I snapped it, the camera automatically adjusted everything and without manipulation on my part I got what you see as the end product.

Aug 16, 2009, 9:44 AM
Here is a batch of photos I took of the sunrise at the beginning of the year.

beautiful example of the rule of thirds Wolfe.

M. Wolfe
Aug 16, 2009, 11:26 AM
beautiful example of the rule of thirds Wolfe.

IT was good for point and click.

Aug 16, 2009, 11:43 AM
u bet... my grabshots are less than stellar LOL... I DO know better :rolleyes:

Volty is an inspiration though and I should just bite the bullet and get myself a DSLR then "F.8 and be there". I am lacking motivation: it's too hot !

Aug 17, 2009, 3:27 PM
I have not visited this site regularly for a few weeks. So, I am glad I did not miss seeing your new batch of photos. Wow!

Aug 17, 2009, 3:41 PM
Great pics. What kind of camera did you use?

roy m cox
Aug 18, 2009, 1:02 AM
wow i love photos like thous very nice hope you'll post more think ill do the same "and i don't care what trolls say " keep up the good photos :cool::cool::cool::cool:
