View Full Version : Bar Essentials

Nov 17, 2007, 9:10 PM
I am in a situation where I have the opportunity to stock my own bar. Now, I have my favorites:

Baileys and Butterscotch Schnapps - - For Cocksucking Cowboys
Jack Daniels- to put the Cowboy in Cocksucking Cowboys and for Jack and Cokes and General Principle
Godiva Cappuchino and Godiva Original-- For Godiva Nightcaps

Any other items ya'll would like to suggest? I like liquor sweet or strong. Moderately so, though. Fruit liquors are nice. Rums are great too. :)


Nov 17, 2007, 9:26 PM
Woodford Reserve is the smothest, most lovely bourbon. Enough so that I don't mix it with anything. We always have some to warm us back up after caving. Definitely loosens the joints!

Nov 17, 2007, 9:37 PM
You need to also add some Gin, Vodka, and Vermouth to that list. Oh and while you are at it, dont forget the Rye and / or Canadian Whiskey and Scotch.

Nov 17, 2007, 9:37 PM
Vodka. It mixes well with almost everything and most people like it.
There are even flavored vodkas that are good not mixed with anything at all.
Stoli and Hanger make good flavored vodkas.

I love gin but not everyone does. :-\

I also love Saki but that's because I don't like grape wines and Saki doesn't make me flush like red/white grape wine does.

I like rum if it's in combination with other liquors or if I'm already drunk and I can't taste it; but I don't like it on its own since it is too sweet and makes me get flushed and feel sick.

A cowboy cocksucker also called a buttery nipple, is butterscotch schnapps and Bailey's Irish cream.

Good beer. Preferably dark beer, or a well made micro brew ale.

Soda, tonic, sour mix, grenadine, fresh cut limes/lemons/oranges, cranberry and pineapple juice, and ice.

Whiskey, preferably some type of true bourbon, and no nasty So-co.

If you like fruit liquors get some schnapps. :)

Nov 17, 2007, 11:08 PM
Sounds like everyone above has given good advice. My suggestion would me mixers. If you do not have guest all that often do not get large containers. Purchase small six pack cans or bottles of....Ginger Ale, Tonic Water, Soda Water, Bloody Mary Mix, Pine Apple Juice, No Sugar Added Cranberry Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Grapefruit, Orange Juice.

Also condiments..Green Olives, Cocktail Onions, Cherries, Crantinis, Tomtotillo.
Glass Rimmers add a little extra kick...Kosher Salt for Margarita or even colored sugar. Old Bay Seasoning to rim Bloody Mary's, Coco

If you wanted to expand your bar....add....Brandy, Cognac, Sherry, Tequila, Vermouth, Grand Mariner, Cointreau, Frangelio, Sambuca, Southern Comfort and Champagne.

Also equipment. Cork Screws, Cocktail Shakers, Stirirs, Muddlers, Swizzle Sticks, Ice Buckets,Picks for onions or olives , Cocktail napkins and a GREAT Bartenders Guide.

Basic Glassware: Old Fashion Glass, Tall Collins Glass, All Purpose Wine, Champage Flutes, Brandy Snifters, Martini Glass, Margarita Glass, Cordial Glass, Shot Glass, Pilsner Glass.

ALSO good to keep on hand.....ASPARIN, TYLENOL, MOTRIN, Rolaids, Tums, Black Coffee.

Just remember to serve responsibly as your are responsibe. An investment in a cab ride home for a guest or even if they sleep on your couch is wise.


Nov 18, 2007, 12:28 AM
Just wanted to add that Rum & Coke is an ol' standby.

And you know, just do what feels righ toyou, its your bar hell, some folks like a martini so...

I like having the makings for Daiquiri's on hand and maybe some Jack, vodka and fresh lime and lemons. Just because its so handy.

Nov 18, 2007, 12:30 AM
Labong de Sensemillia..for the occasional teatodler/teatoker.


Nov 18, 2007, 4:53 AM
Captain Morgan's Rum

Nov 18, 2007, 6:48 AM
Austrian Rum is lethal.

If you're struggling to get one of your cocksucking Outlaws (willingly of course) in your bed TM then a drop of this will do the rest for you. It takes only 5 minutes to work.

I know from experience as I have been the victim of this trick myself.

Though the German lady who plied me with it was the size of a whale she soon made a surprisingly happy Jonah of me.

Skater Boy
Nov 18, 2007, 9:42 AM
Austrian Rum is lethal.

If you're struggling to get one of your cocksucking Outlaws (willingly of course) in your bed TM then a drop of this will do the rest for you. It takes only 5 minutes to work.

I know from experience as I have been the victim of this trick myself.

Though the German lady who plied me with it was the size of a whale she soon made a surprisingly happy Jonah of me.

That it is. I still have a couple of bottles of 80% alcohol Austrium rum tucked away in the cupboard, because I don't dare drink them. It tastes foul, IMO, be we loved it when we were kids.

Nov 18, 2007, 10:34 AM
Jus plenty decent red plonk an cognac wud do me ta!!! Voddie for Naggy of course darent forget er.. an me b happy..owt else me wud hav in wud b jus in case me m8s an me dad appeared for a few... in wich case...ale an plenty of everythin else! Buncha pissheads...

Nov 18, 2007, 11:01 AM
If it is available in your area, Makers Mark (IMHO) puts Jack Daniels in the category of a bar whisky. With 7 Up, of course. And the special edition stuff, usually available this time of year (has a gold wax on top, instead of the red) is 101 proof, and can prove to be somewhat unsafe, in a good way. Be safe, have fun.

Nov 18, 2007, 12:05 PM
Hmmm,,,, all the previous posts have mentioned the absolute essentials [eg: vodka, gin, scotch, bourbon, rum and beer] but other interesting and random stuff you might want to think about including:

- Midori [It's this really nice watermelon liqueur]
- Absinthe [although apparently it isn't allowed to be imported/made in the US]
- Zubrowska/Bison Grass Vodka [REALLY nice type of vodka from poland]
- Tequila
- Southern Comfort
- Malibu [not a big fan of it myself but it is good for cocktails]
- Kopparburg Swedish Pear Cider [really nice]
- Jagermeister

Good luck with the bar. I think the whole thing of having your own small, private bar seems to be catching on in the UK due to the Government's (draconian and fascist) smoking ban driving people [and trade] away from many pubs... :smoke:

Izzfan :flag3:

Nov 18, 2007, 1:42 PM
I have found that Crown Royal is usually appreciated. It is great by itself or mixed.


Nov 18, 2007, 2:38 PM
Absinthe is once again allowed to be sold here in the US but there has been a good substitute-Absente-available for sometime now.

Here is a link to a website on this product: http://www.absente.com/

Here is a story about the return of real Absinthe to NYC earlier this year:


Along with having the basic things like good rums, gin, bourbon/whiskey and mixers---you definitely need to add good quality tequillas-made from 100% Blue Agave--Plata, Reposado and Anejo types--- Anejos aged a few years in a barrel like a good bourbon or whiskey are great for sipping and of course--along with higher end liqueres like Cointreau or Grand Mariner (don't use an el cheapo brand of Triple Sec)--makes for some awesome margeritas --only using fresh limejuice of course--no premix stuff.

Some good mixers and other vital items: Angostura Bitters, Rose's Limejuice and Grenadine, a good brand of both sweet and dry vermouths

Good brandies, Sherries, and Ruby and Tawny Ports

Just some of my suggestions

Nov 18, 2007, 10:20 PM
Very slightly off topic but here goes....

12voltman59, wow...glad to hear that Absinthe is finally legal in the US, you guys can finally enjoy what a few european countries have been enjoying for the past couple of centuries. The important thing about absinthe is to dilute it though, absinthe just tastes better when diluted anyway [sort of a bit like pernod, ricard etc...] but I;ve only ever tried the french varieties of absinthe and not the eastern-european ones.

I tried looking at the 'absente' site and despite the disclaimer that you have to be over the drinking age in your own country [my italics](which being both 19 and living in the UK I am) yet it still won't let you enter if you're under 21 [quite funny really as it redirects you to a load of melodramtic temperence websites]. Although after claiming to be born in the 70s, I was able to get in and I really think that someone should show them that article (about absinthe being legal in the US) as their claims to be the "first and only modern version of the legendary and notorious Absinthe" are completely wrong (also, I'm sure there have been new/'modern' brands of absinthe created outside the US since 1912....bohemian absinthe anyone?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absinthe#Bohemian_style_Absinth apparently this was invented in the 20s) . Maybe they should just cut their losses and sell real absinthe lol?

Just my :2cents:

Izzfan :flag3:

Nov 18, 2007, 10:58 PM
Well, I think that there was one thing that I forgot to include in a well stocked bar......FRIENDS to enjoy it with. When are the invitations going in the mail? One of the nice things about having a bar is that it is a place where your friends can gather and enjoy YOUR company.

When we entertain, which is so so often, I like to have out....
Cheese, crackers and fruit
Salted and sweet nuts,sesame encrusted cashews(Trader Joes are great)
Olives and pates

Never let a guest come to your home and drink with out giving them some food.


Several people from this site have been to our home and I like to think that we are nice hosts.

Nov 18, 2007, 11:32 PM
Glasses to drink out of, a fridge, and ice as some people also enjoy beer over ice.

Nov 18, 2007, 11:40 PM
storm troopers jager and 100 proof pepperment snaps
oj and cheap brandy it tasts awsome
chianti im wasted on it now
ummmmmm tekilla rose very chilled

Nov 18, 2007, 11:41 PM
I am asking about this because... I will be moving out of my house in January, to accept an internship with a major corporation. I will be provided housing. I've specified a "over 21" apartment. It's already semi-furnished, so, I'm gonna go a step further and..furnish a bar. :D


Nov 18, 2007, 11:53 PM
If you're one who likes DARK rum, as I do, try to find some Gosling's.

Nov 19, 2007, 1:24 AM
Labong de Sensemillia..for the occasional teatodler/teatoker.




Nov 19, 2007, 1:13 PM
Smirnoff makes some great flavoured vodkas, highly recommend those. (As well as some plain vodka.) And some good tequila. I also recommend Appleton Estates rum, IMO way better than Capt Morgan. :)

Nov 19, 2007, 1:24 PM
Not that i drink much mind, but a good beer or larger would go down well. For the English ppl, i used to drink Newcastle Brown Ale... Yes I know not really a feminine drink... If it helps i only like if i have to drink Wine...

So hmm you forgote to add some non alcholic drinks...

Oh and hmm a screaming orgasm.
What about sex on the beach?

Skater Boy
Nov 19, 2007, 1:29 PM
I am asking about this because... I will be moving out of my house in January, to accept an internship with a major corporation. I will be provided housing.

Thats awesome, heather! Congrats! :)

Nov 19, 2007, 2:34 PM
Taylor, congrats!!! u go girl.

dirty matrtini
boodles gin, vermouth, olive juice
shaker and ice.
like all great martinis......shaken and NEVER stirred

Nov 19, 2007, 2:56 PM
Oh and hmm a screaming orgasm.
What about sex on the beach?Triff.. tillya gets sand in ya knickers an puss.... not so then babes...

Nov 19, 2007, 6:38 PM
I am asking about this because... I will be moving out of my house in January, to accept an internship with a major corporation. I will be provided housing. I've specified a "over 21" apartment. It's already semi-furnished, so, I'm gonna go a step further and..furnish a bar. :D



Make sure you're allowed to put a bar in and that you'll be staying there for awhile.

What's an "over 21" apt?

Nov 19, 2007, 6:46 PM

Make sure you're allowed to put a bar in and that you'll be staying there for awhile.

What's an "over 21" apt?

I'm probably not going to have the actual piece of furniture put in, DD. I'm there till August. :p

Meaning it's an apartment that is okay to have alcohol in.


Nov 19, 2007, 7:21 PM
Congratulations Taylor. What a wonderful start. Best of luck in your new job.

Nov 19, 2007, 9:04 PM
Absinthe is once again allowed to be sold here in the US but there has been a good substitute-Absente-available for sometime now.

Here is a link to a website on this product: http://www.absente.com/

Here is a story about the return of real Absinthe to NYC earlier this year:


I am thinking about having an Absinthe Setup at my place. I've been "Absinthe Curious" longer than I was bi curious. I would like it more to be a cryptic centerpiece to it all , with all the spoons/sugar/matches(though the matches aren't true absinthania) in one place... in the center of the table or on a stand.


Nov 19, 2007, 10:04 PM
If you're one who likes DARK rum, as I do, try to find some Gosling's.

I agree, Gosling "Black Seal" Rum is relatively inexpensive with a unique Dark Rum taste. You can get it in either 40 % or 75 % alcohol content. The 75% is too strong to drink straight or on the rocks. Either is a great mix. Try mixing 1/3 Gosling Rum with 2/3 Raynal VSOP brandy with a very small pinch of ground cloves "served on the rocks" for a real nice drink with a touch of spice flavor. Also. there is a Gosling Dark Rum that is good but not great. Also, check out Appleton Estate varieties of good(inexpensive) to great (expensive) Rum. If you can get it (a wine store in Washington DC can ship it) , "Cockspur VSOR (Barbados)" is very good dark rum that you can enjoy on the rocks and not super expensive.

In addition, rather than Jack Danials, I highly recommend "Elijah Craig" 12 yr old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Wiskey (47% alcohol), it is really good and not super expensive.


Nov 19, 2007, 10:25 PM
There was a good article yesterday (Sunday) in the Las Vegas Review Journal about stocking a home bar - here's the link: http://www.lvrj.com/living/11542621.html

Congratulations to you, TaylorMade, BTW! Have fun with your new digs and job!!!

Nov 19, 2007, 10:32 PM
I dont' think I saw anyone mention Kaluha...a great after dinner drink by itself or mixed with coffee; and don't forget about the black or white Russians....or my favorite...Kaluaha & Cream (I like to call it chocolate milk, mmm mmm good)


Nov 20, 2007, 9:18 AM
If this has been mentioned, my apologies.
Wild Turkey 101! Why the hell not? Beats the shit out of Jack any day.
Jameson and Irish Mist for shillealaghs.
Polish Potato Vodka for those who scoff at the hairspray taste of Russian Vodka.
Really, It's a thousand times better.
For the Scotch enthusiasts: Macallan, Lagavulin or Oban should suit a fan of single malts. As far as blends, Dewars is a safe bet.
If you feel like being ridiculous, Irish Carbombs are always a hit (drink it FAST)
One pint Guinness, half (or a whole if you're a lush) a shot of Jameson and Baileys. Drink it fast, though. The Baileys has a tendency to settle quickly.
Bacardi 151 if you feel like making rum-balls :cool:
Have a little Cuervo, Orange Juice and Grenadine on hand if you have someone who wants the buzz without the taste. Tequila Sunrise, anyone?
Ever have a Surfer on Acid? Jager, Pinapple Juice and Coconut Rum. Fun Stuff.

I could go on, but I think I'm done.

Nov 20, 2007, 2:32 PM
Get some Yukon Jack and mix it with pineapple juice, a bit of lime juice, and you have a snake bite.

Hard cider (strongbow is the best, I also like woodchuck as it's cheaper as it's not imported) mixed with half a Guinness is also called a snake bite.

Also get some Bass ale or Harp ale and mix that with Guinness.

You can also mix Guinness with the Vermont microbrew beer Magic Hat #9.

Mixing Guinness with Boddington's bitter tastes good too; but both are fine on their own.

I don't mind those Bacardi/Smirnoff drinks like Bacardi O or Smirnoff black, or Mike's Hard Lemonade but make sure you get the brand names as I once had some heh Jeb's hard lemonade at a new year's eve party (I guess the host thought that since it was cheaper it would just be like Mike's hard lemonade?) and I didn't even drink half of the bottle.

Jaeger is good too but I like it in shots on its own, not everyone does though.

Nov 20, 2007, 2:41 PM
Here's a shot that I've had before that actually does taste like chocolate cake if you do it right.

3/4 oz vodka
1/4 oz Frangelico hazelnut liqueur
1 slice lemon
powdered sugar

Pour 3/4 oz of vodka and 1/4 oz frangelico into a shot glass. Cover the slice of lemon with powdered sugar.

Bite on the lemon with powdered sugar on it and hold the juice in your mouth. Then take the shot while the lemon juice is still in your mouth. You now have a chocolate cake shot.

meteast chick
Nov 21, 2007, 12:48 AM
A hardy congratulations!!!

For your age hun...I recommend the following: all non-refrigerated unopened

Jack Daniels
Jaegermeister (everybody likes a Jaegerbomb!)
Everclear (mmm...Everclear Jello Shots...)
Sour Mix (if you like that sort of thing)
stock some just for shots: Apple and Watermelon Pucker, Rootbeer and Peppermint Schnapps for example
Margarita Mix
Tequila (for the margaritas you may want some salt for the glass rims dear)
Rum and Gin (for Long Island Iced Teas with the Vodka and Tequila)

oh yeah and stock plenty of Jello from the boxes in your pantry and OJ from Concentrate in the freezer!

www.thewebtender.com is a great place for ingredients and drink ideas!
Happy Drinking!

yours truly,

Nov 21, 2007, 10:02 AM
Hi, a few random points and questions....

Firstly, ignore my previous post about the 'Absente' site... When I last looked at it for some reason I failed to see the country select menu and didn't notice that it was set to US rather than UK.... a real D'oh! moment

Diamond Dog, I was always under the impression that a 'snakebite' was a 50:50 mix of cider (the alcoholic sort) and lager (rather than stout/bitter) sometimes, but not always, with a small amount of blackcurrant cordial/squash added as well. Apparently, it is notorious for getting people pissed quickly (due to its rather sweet taste or something) and sometimes violent and quite a few pubs in the UK refuse to serve snakebite for this reason.

As for the whole thing of 'over 21' apartments in the US... I find the idea quite funny, I mean how the hell would they enforce it? Having 'beer detectives' sneaking around and spying on people's rooms lol...

Taylormade, if I remeber rightly.... matches are only necessary for the preparation of bohemian (easter european) 'absinth' ...you're supposed to melt a sugar cube into it or something. However, to prepare traditional parisian (green) absinthe, matches are not necessary - you're supposed to dilute it by dripping water through a sugar cube. If you already know all this then I apologise for stating the obvious. Absinthe is a very nice drink though.

As for mixers - apart from the obvious tonic water, ginger beer, orange juice and lemonade.... it might be a good idea to have pinapple juice because you can improvise a reasonably ok pina colada by mixing malibu and pinapple juice [not as good as the real thing but easier to make].

Two things I would reccomend NOT getting for the bar would be alcopops and "aftershock".... they would kind of ruin the sophisticated atmosphere [and also, aftershock tastes vile...lol]. Although if you do want to use alcopops then there are a couple of interesting cocktails that can be made from them:
- A 'fat frog': equal parts blue alcopop, orange alcopop and lemon alcopop... it goes a sort of green colour and tastes interesting
- a 'cheeky vimto'... if I remeber rightly, you have to mix port and blue alcopop (I can never tell what flavour the blue ones are) in the right proportions and it tastes just like vimto [I don't know what proportions of each you're supposed to use.... it's worth researching though].

Izzfan :flag3:

Skater Boy
Nov 21, 2007, 10:10 AM
Two things I would reccomend NOT getting for the bar would be alcopops and "aftershock".... they would kind of ruin the sophisticated atmosphere [and also, aftershock tastes vile...lol]

I have to agree- Aftershock is rank! I made the mistake of buying a bottle once, and had ONE shot, then threw the rest away. Its also a bit naff, IMO.

Alcopops are kinda similar. although I have been known to drink the odd Bacardi Breezer every once in a while...

Nov 21, 2007, 4:06 PM
I have to agree- Aftershock is rank! I made the mistake of buying a bottle once, and had ONE shot, then threw the rest away. Its also a bit naff, IMO.

Alcopops are kinda similar. although I have been known to drink the odd Bacardi Breezer every once in a while...

Ahh Alcopops, lol, I remember when they made an impact. Society or the media blaming the alchopops on the drunken youth... Bacardi Breezer's are nice though, I also like WKD. Smirnoff Ice is nice too..:tongue:

Skater Boy
Nov 21, 2007, 4:35 PM
Ahh Alcopops, lol, I remember when they made an impact. Society or the media blaming the alchopops on the drunken youth... Bacardi Breezer's are nice though, I also like WKD. Smirnoff Ice is nice too..:tongue:

Its kinda true though... when we were young we used to buy alcoholic lemonade just to get drunk on it. But I guess even adults still buy alcoholic drinks just to get drunk sometimes, so its a matter of whether marketing alcohol at a younger social group is morally acceptable. The Capitalists among us argued that no laws were being broken, so the regulations were then toughened up to make things more difficult for them manufacturers.

Nov 21, 2007, 5:50 PM
Its kinda true though... when we were young we used to buy alcoholic lemonade just to get drunk on it. But I guess even adults still buy alcoholic drinks just to get drunk sometimes, so its a matter of whether marketing alcohol at a younger social group is morally acceptable. The Capitalists among us argued that no laws were being broken, so the regulations were then toughened up to make things more difficult for them manufacturers.

Hmmm well good question, no its not morally acceptable, but its financially rewarding is it not? I'm sure back in the day there was still under age drinkers... funny that and yet in the persons own house a teenager can and legally allowed to drink...

Malibu hmmmmmmmmm

Skater Boy
Nov 21, 2007, 6:06 PM
I just realised that I haven't yet given a serious answer to Heather's question.

personally, I would stock the mini-bar full of red wine. I'd go for stuff like Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Nuits-Saint-Georges, Rioja... etc. I *might* even go as far as to keep a couple of bottles of something white, just in case it was a really hot day, or someone was stopping by who happened to like whites.

Spirits... not a big fan of them, tbh. Might stock some tequila for slammers, some Absynthe for novelty value, and a couple of easy-driking liqeurs like... hmm... Baileys, Cointreau or Ammaretto. But I rarely drink to get drunk, so it would be purely a social thing.

Perhaps a couple of cases of beer for those who like... say Corona, Sol, San Miguel, Bud... maybe even some Stella.

There... that'd do me. :tongue:

Nov 21, 2007, 7:25 PM
Hi, a few random points and questions....

Firstly, ignore my previous post about the 'Absente' site... When I last looked at it for some reason I failed to see the country select menu and didn't notice that it was set to US rather than UK.... a real D'oh! moment

Diamond Dog, I was always under the impression that a 'snakebite' was a 50:50 mix of cider (the alcoholic sort) and lager (rather than stout/bitter) sometimes, but not always, with a small amount of blackcurrant cordial/squash added as well. Apparently, it is notorious for getting people pissed quickly (due to its rather sweet taste or something) and sometimes violent and quite a few pubs in the UK refuse to serve snakebite for this reason.

As for the whole thing of 'over 21' apartments in the US... I find the idea quite funny, I mean how the hell would they enforce it? Having 'beer detectives' sneaking around and spying on people's rooms lol...

Taylormade, if I remeber rightly.... matches are only necessary for the preparation of bohemian (easter european) 'absinth' ...you're supposed to melt a sugar cube into it or something. However, to prepare traditional parisian (green) absinthe, matches are not necessary - you're supposed to dilute it by dripping water through a sugar cube. If you already know all this then I apologise for stating the obvious. Absinthe is a very nice drink though.

Izzfan :flag3:

I don't really want non-absinthe Absinthe (that's what Absente is, from what I can tell- - could be wrong tho). I may get a bottle of Alandia (German), and a Spanish Absinthe to keep it in balance. I did already know... I wasn't sure if I could do it to any non-French Absinthe, or just Czech absinthe.

The "over 21" thing comes because... erm, I'm living on company property. That's how they'll know. When it comes to religion I follow the rules because I believe in 'em; in this case, I follow the rules because of the consequences.


Nov 22, 2007, 1:04 AM
a nice set of decanters might be nice, too. But that may need to be after the actual spirits are stocked. have fun!

Nov 22, 2007, 11:37 AM
Probably the most important thing is to just know what your circle of friends drinks, and focus on that. Dozens of bottles of "cool" things that never get opened are a waste.

For me, I have several different groups of friends:

The Beer, and only Beer, folks
The Vodka folks
The Irish Whiskey folks
The Bourbon folks

Nov 22, 2007, 1:58 PM
The Irish Whiskey folks
The Bourbon folks
Actually, I'm both :bigrin:

Nov 25, 2007, 2:19 AM
first of all i hate you because i want to have my own bar but i would say that you have to have the ingredients to make an F-16. they are 1/3 shot hazelnut liqour, 1/3 shot Irish Cream, and 1/3 coffe liqour. If you have them I will CUM!!!