View Full Version : How do you meet someone???

Nov 17, 2007, 1:11 AM
I am a bi-sexualy woman, I am trying to get out of my closet completely...I am new to Toronto and I have no idea how the heck you get out and meet people. I want the total "L-Word" life! lol..anyone have tips/advice??;):flag3:

The Barefoot Contess
Nov 17, 2007, 1:13 AM
Craigslist... if you are willing to go through all the crap, pretty much like going out and meeting people :tong:

Nov 17, 2007, 3:31 AM
I usually walk up to people smile, and say "Hi! I'm __my first name__ how are you doing? What's your name?", and then I get to know them through the art of conversation, asking them about themselves, and by reading their body language.

Trading mobile phone numbers and email addresses can sometimes be done but I usually wait until I get to know the person before doing this, unless it's someone who I met randomly who I know that I probably won't see again.

Don't expect being bisexual to be like those silly shows like 'The L Word' or 'Queer as Folk', they're poor representations, soap operas full of drama, something for entertainment only, and should be taken with a grain of salt.

I have met a few people who I've dated and had relationships with online via dating sites (I don't do Craigslist it's too anonymous, full of tweakers/cokeheads/whores, and just plain sketchy people who I don't want to have sex with/date/or have a relationship with); but I've also met such people in public places and I do far better meeting people this way instead of online.

I've also met my fair share of nutcases and desperate people online and I've even taken one or two on a blind date or what they thought was a blind date when we were just meeting in public for coffee/tea.

the mage
Nov 17, 2007, 8:17 AM
Well you need to go to the bars on Church St to start.

You can go to the Pink Palace.

You can join, "Out and Out" the LGBT social group.

Just get off the computer and go where the people who actually get out to meet are hanging out.

Nov 17, 2007, 4:01 PM
Well you need to go to the bars on Church St to start.

You can go to the Pink Palace.

You can join, "Out and Out" the LGBT social group.

Just get off the computer and go where the people who actually get out to meet are hanging out.

lol I just think its cute there are bars on "Church" st.... :)

Nov 17, 2007, 8:12 PM
I am a bi-sexualy woman, I am trying to get out of my closet completely...I am new to Toronto and I have no idea how the heck you get out and meet people. I want the total "L-Word" life! lol..anyone have tips/advice??;):flag3:

There are many socials and other bisexual happenings in the Toronto area. You may want to check out www.biwot.org or www.torontobinet.org for more info. Both of them have a calendar function that shows what is happening. They also have links to local email lists for discussion or announcements.