View Full Version : discrimintation

Nov 16, 2007, 12:55 PM
Hey does anyone have any stories about receiving negativity or being discriminated against by the gay/lesbian community because you were bi?

Nov 16, 2007, 1:09 PM
I have a few lesbian friends and i'm always getting asked when i'm going to make up my mine who i want to be with women or men or get called part time lesbian or just visiting, which really really really dose my head in !! they can't understand that i want to be with both !!!

Nov 17, 2007, 2:53 AM
Sure, I have seen male gay prejudice. Male prejudice is well documented.

LOL @ LeeLee and 'the lesbian coven'.
Yeah, I've seen this in a couple ways. Shown in it's basic worst light of NOW or the movie 'Chasing Amy'.
When I had this great time with a guy named Steve who was renting a room from a lesbian couple, some other lesbians who knew me warned the lesbians that 'I might be using the guy to try to get to them'.
Lord have mercy, do some people run blind devotion to their cause of hatred with absolutely no regard for character (or respect for males).

Now, I can understand that when a woman is sexually abused by a man that there is a possibility that she will become lesbian, butch dyke, castrating woman (any combination or permutation). I can understand why there are deep anti male undertones in all these mysandrogist organizations. What fails me is the total collapse of morality in women who proclaim morality.

One of my favorites was one woman who, in spite of her incredible intelligence because of her malignant anger, circumcised her sons; just because of her hatred for men's penises; any damage she could levy upon their male sexuality with permission of society, she actually felt justified. Although this is (by my observation) true of most American women (sorry ladies). Somehow, an American woman will condemn any slight, any sin stemming from a man's sexuality/penis. This includes child (baby) molestation (and rightfully so). The amazing part is every self-rightous fiber in these women changes polarity, so, if it serves the penis-envy/penis animosity common to women, AND social conformity/acceptability American women actually (here is the important part) extend (almost) the same disrespect/ignorance toward the child/child's penis that a rapist extends to a woman/woman's vagina. Suddenly, circumcision of women in Africa and middle east is wrong (even though its popular there) and circumcision of innocent American infant boys is (only because its popular)... even okay? Pretending to be totally blind and ignorant of the universal rules of rape that she (an American woman) would apply to a woman, somehow the conformist (everyone else is doing it) and castrating/penis-hating woman is different than any get-my-rocks-off man, because of her motivation? (OH, THAT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!!!!) LOL
If anyone should be leading, not trailing, the stop-molesting-every-baby-boy train, it should be the anti rape women... the feminists... the Americans... the lesbians... but it's not, they are the worst! How sad. It justifies their own rape... that they should say "NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THAT" then do it themselves to another innocent. Holy shit!
KINDLY DONT INSULT EVERYONE, LEAST OF ALL ME, by responding... some pseudo-medical babble... every couple/few/several decades the logic shifts to popular demand; American male circumcision-a treatment in search of a disease. At least in the 19th century they clearly understood and accepted what they did. They intentionally destroyed sexual feeling of the penis to... prevent and cure homosexuality and insanity. That went on for several decades. Then to prevent and cure all ailments of the human condition. Then to cure and prevent all sexually transmitted diseases (up to the 1940s). Then to cure and prevent cancer of the penis (that started in the 1940s) (how wonderfully noble). And when we learned that the Human Papilo Virus (HPV) was the sole cause of the extremely rare cancer. But wait! (Logic interfering) Women are more than 250 times as likely to get breast cancer. If women were truly seeking to nobly prevent cancer... there should be lines around each block in the world to have their breasts removed. After all, mature adult decisions of mature adult females have no prejudice male/female. Adult women have no more respect for their own (>250 times cancer - breast) flesh than innocent baby's penis flesh. Adult women who circumcised their innocent male babies are TOTALLY AND IMMEDIATELY willing to do the same to their own flesh. After all, only some hideously immoral pervert would harm a baby before herself! I mean himself!!!! LOL
QUICK SOMEONE CHANGE THE SUBJECT!.... AIDS! Circumcising will cure and prevent AIDS! Thats the latest pseudo science/rationalization. Thats SO 2007! I wonder what the 2017 rational will be. Any projections into the future ladies?!? ROFLMAO
LOL Science even stated, in the mid 20th century that the penis of the circumcised male was as sensitive as the uncircumcised... even though now we know it to be about 1/2... with luck, at best... full circle round to the 19th-century-honesty of the destruction! Yes, both the circumcised male and circumcised female can still procreate; minimum criteria passed. Next subject.
Soooo, in the same exact vein, yeah, lets us guys believe the next pseudo-science wave of rational - to disregard and rape women! Let's be just as human and moral as the women-folk. Not quite AS immoral though. Women mapped the moral skies of what rape is and isn't; they spent incredible amounts of time and energy and knew...
Is it even possible for a man to rape his wife? Her marriage implies consent! LOL The same females who will glare... (glare!)... at this question have so little concept of morality, they would rape a male baby on sight, or reccomendation (but for feminine prejudice rational, not masculine sexuality)! I'm dyin' laughin' here!
To bring this thesis full circle round. Yes, I have seen and know the root of lesbian prejudice, and deeper root of feminine evil. I do not blink and will not lie. What is the difference between true feminine evil and true masculine evil?
So, anticipating the evil and scorn of feminism. Cool. C'mon bitch/cunt, hit me with your best shot. But for God's sake, at least respect me enough to hit me with a good one, I get tired and am not challenged by repetitive, boring, feminist, estrogen banter.
To those women who are actually capable of exploring beyond their nature (just like feminists encourage men to), you are welcome ladies! It was an honor to REALLY challenge you morally. This is another rung in the true ladder of morality. I am honored to be climbing with you. Together, we may see, help, and influence, the day after tomorrow, of the real future.

Nov 17, 2007, 1:54 PM

that was a very very interesting read and i never really thought about it that way i know i and "cut" and so is my son i was because my father was german and it was a religous thing back in the day i have friends who arnt and a few of them have had some medical problems due to mainly they arnt very clean apparently when my son was born i had to really give it some thought and in the end went with circumsion it is easyer for a child to clean themselves i know me personally im glad i was but i also knw grown men who have hd it done in there late 20's and it was very unpleasnt for them but after reading all that i kinda feel like a ass cause well who is to say my child wanted his penis mutilated cause well basicly thats what it is no dif than if i had had a prince albert or a ampalang put in when he was born damn i feel bad now lol being hes 10 i dont think this is a father son conversation hes old enough for just yet lmao can you emagine what my ex would say when he got off the phone with me lmao but you did bring up a very interesting point

i wish i had had someone shed some light 10 years ago

Nov 18, 2007, 10:22 PM
Whew! I had a few (vodka and orange juice) screwdrivers. Man, what an angry rant! Whew! I was pissed... didn't mess up my info and logic though; even though I took the original topic of the thread and ran with it to another end.
Sorry to insult or hurt you, my sole goal when I get into full 'rant' mode is to challenge the infidels; there's no use just hurting people.
It really does take a shock to get through to American women, though.
If they come back with 'cancer', easy back-at-cha is "assuming you wouldn't do anything to an innocent child that you wouldn't do to yourself, why don't you lop off those cancer-trap breasts (at greater-than-250 times the cancer rate)? C'mon woman, practice what you preach!"
For the clean argument, simple, when was the last time you called your kids in from the backyard, saw their hands dirty and cut off their hands?
It comes down to having respect for the male penis.
Is violation of the penis as tantramount as violation of a vagina? Morally, of course. But, American women will typically dive into the nearest pool of neurotic denial... '1 does not equal 1', 'that's not the same'... blah blah blah.
Women are just as evil as men, the evil simply runs through other channels. The huge difficulty for men on this issue, and this is a big one, is:
1. The inability of men to divorce their ego long enough to be open, analytical, and opinion/morally steadfast about the male penis/foreskin.
Typically any man who stands against male mutilation MUST be gay (and thusly socially outcast and disregarded). This relates directly to a father's overtly stopping/taking a stand against baby rape by the mother.
2. In the scalpel happy/foreskin hating environment of the usa, any adult male trouble with a foreskin (infections, etc) would be 'treated' with amputation. Seldom (read 'never) do 'doctors' advise that sensitivity plummets to -on a good day - half... worse on bad days. (refer to #1 on men -circumcised as adults - admitting their sexual feeling has been partially/mostly destroyed). Although it IS true for some men with really problematic foreskin trouble (<2% according to European figures) may enjoy sex more (because the horrible problems are no more) after being circumcised.
3. The inability of most men to face the hideously ugly reality of feminine evil, as it relates directly to the one woman most men NEED to believe and trust totally/implicitly - mother. Rational -"I need the unconditional love of my mother, surely mine could NOT have done something evil to me, therefore this CANNOT be evil... therefore the damage CANNOT be that much... etc.
I'm again tremendously hard on women on this issue, not nearly so much men, why?
How many usa women consider middle eastern women (who insist upon the circumcision and virtue thereof) as molesters of their little girls? The same holds true for men in Western culture who support circumcision of their boys.
The REAL falling apart... my REAL pet peave is USA feminist women, who speak with authority regarding morality of rape to the degree of a nuance, especially NOW (National Organization of Women). How can these women say -rightly in more severe cases- all the way down to hair splitting nuances what defines rape, then SUDDENLY abandon all these definitions when it comes to feminine power and desire to damage/destroy male sexuality... routine male circumcision? It is clearly a total abandonment of morality, for the purist feminist cause. "We expect total moral treatment by the male sex." but zero expectation for morality OF women..."We expect morality, but offer none."
If NOW (when it had exceeded its charter and deplored female circumcision of other nations in the early 1990s - Whats-her-name Ireland) had taken the cause - when explicitly asked by press/media - against sexually immoral treatment of baby males by women, male circumcision would have disappeared virtually overnight. And it would have even been within the charter of NOW (unlike the middle east female circumcision issue), as most usa women determine the currently legal request for routine male circumcision.
Another big hurdle... to even the legality of this rape... is the Jewish segment of legal and medical fields of the western civilation. How can a good Jewish man (of a legal or medical position) defy his faith and renounce this (right of each parent) 'covenant with God' as (illegal) 'baby rape'? A clear conflict of interest. (And lord-have-mercy kindly don't catagorize this as anti zionist crap, I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood and some of my best friends are Jewish. I'm just saying expecting the (large) faithful Jewish portion of these fields to go along with morality vice religion is a clear conflict of interest.
Probably the last medical hurdle is (human nature) tradition and doctor God-ego. "We've always done it this way, how could we possibly be the baby-molesters for hire?" A similar argument took over two entire generations of medical doctors to simply... wash their hands. "To imply that gentlemen must wash their hands before surgery is to say that their hands were dirty to begin with, and that is heresy." Yes, it took three generations from the discovery in the 19th century that surgeons routinely transferrer infection with their unwashed hands and tools - until it became commonplace majority rule for a doctor to wash his hands before surgery in the 20th. It must be quite a blow to a doctor's ego to come to terms that he personally recommended and molested for hire ... many innocent babies. So, rather than face that, (enter neurotic denial) circumcision MUST be moral!!!
Try to change THAT many people on BOTH sides of the equation in neurotic denial... and thus we still have socially promoted baby rape to this very day! :)
Please help stop the molestation; and promote the very, very rare morality of "doing to others as you would have them do to you"; as opposed to "what's hot, what's pop, how will I conform?" - morality.

Nov 19, 2007, 7:03 AM
Whew, ranting and repeating myself. Sorry for ranting everyone, I just get so angry about this...

Nov 19, 2007, 7:31 AM
Circumcision is not something done as routine here to little boys. The medical profession frown on it as medically unnecessary and it is considered cruel. It is done usually only if there is medical need and is actively discouraged.. (I am unable to say whether it is still done by Jewish or other faiths for religious reasons, although I think it probably is) I am surprised that a german man would have his child circumscised for I belive it is not routinely dome in Germany either, just as it is not within most of the EU.

Female circumcision is a much more serious and grievous attack on the body, involving as it does the removal of all the pleasure making genitalia and not simply a small part of it. It is also done at a much older age for females. I do not think believe that male circumcision is the right thing to do under any save the most serious medical conditions and then never unless it is absolutely necessary. It should never be done as a matter of course to small babies. Female circumcision should never be done for any reason unless there is a life threatening condition involved.

Nov 19, 2007, 11:20 AM
Well said.
About the only part I'd have any disagreement is "a much more serious and grievous attack on the body" is not entirely true. It IS a more serious and grievous attack on sexual enjoyment (more essential nerves for orgasm are not necessary for female reproduction). But more biomass (in grams), blood vessels, and more nerve endings are missing in adult males due to circumcision than females. Plus not all means of orgasm is destroyed in females; the uterus, and cervix are still in full feeling capacity. An old girlfriend of mine in college orgasmed exclusively from cervical stimulation (she got bored if I stimulated her clitoris with finger or tongue). Either my finger or penis on her cervix and she would moan, thrash, and scream (and orgasm). Certainly not all women are built the same... but a circumcised woman can probably orgasm if she makes up her mind to.
Then there's the 'my pain is way worse than your pain' argument.
Pain is pain.
But our difference in opinion is small.
Every man and woman is fully entitled to all feeling and sensitivity their bodies develop to offer them. Many cultures do not believe this.
Circumcision for men or women is/was designed to destroy as much feeling as possible while still allowing reproduction. 99.9% of all circumcisions are wrong and evil.
Neither men or women should be forcibly circumcised - except children for immediate - and no alternative available - medical emergency. I agree with you. We either regard each others bodies (including genitalia) as sacred, or we're hypocrites (My genitals are sacred but yours aren't).

Nov 19, 2007, 12:13 PM
Read folks an learn... its shite... an those that dus it on peeps who aint old enuff 2 decide for themselves shud b given real hassle an very long jail sentences!


Nov 19, 2007, 1:17 PM
The idea of that makes me physically sick. I love my clitoris thanks... Just about one part of me, oh and my eyes... weird person that i am.

Male circumision is a different reasons altogether and men do it for health reasons and religious. Which I can understand.

A female no no no no no and it should be sanctioned under the UN as abuse, ugh did anyone read the article of how a husband cuts a woman down there on their wedding night...

Nov 19, 2007, 1:48 PM
David Reimer (August 22, 1965 – May 4, 2004) was a Canadian man who was born as a healthy boy, but was sexually reassigned and raised as female after his penis was inadvertently destroyed during circumcision. Psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful, as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer never identified as female, and that he began living as male at age 14. Reimer later went public with his story to discourage similar medical practices. He committed suicide at the age of 38.

I stand firmly against male circumcision.

Genital mutilation of any kind is only excusable for a medically necessary treatment.

Routinely intersex babies are given a "designated" sex/gender. And was/is often done without consulting the parents. This is criminal behavior in my opinion.

What makes our Drs think that they know what is better for us?

People have been living for years without circumcision, hasn't caused any deaths thus far.

I hear a lot about how some women like the look better, frankly how would you like to be told that you genitals would look better if they had been cut?

Nov 19, 2007, 5:10 PM
Well my mum is the BIGGEST person to discriminate agenst Bi, gay and lesbians. she thinks were discussting and there is something really wrong with us. i been bi for about 7 years and she has only started accpeting my for who i am now.

Nov 19, 2007, 6:08 PM
I've had a few gay people who kept refering to me as gay, even though I said I am bisexual, but I would put that down to them not really knowing other bisexuals. They didn't know any different, so I wouldnt call it any real form of discrimination.

I think its even possible to receive negativity from other Bisexuals because of what you do or don't do with your life.

Nov 19, 2007, 6:11 PM
I've had a few gay people who kept refering to me as gay, even though I said I am bisexual. I would put that down to them not really knowing other bisexuals, so it woild be unfair to call it discrimination.

I think its even possible to receive negativity from other Bisexuals because of what you do or don't do with your life.

Nov 19, 2007, 6:17 PM
I've had a few gay people who kept refering to me as gay, even though I said I am bisexual. I would put that down to them not really knowing other bisexuals, so it woild be unfair to call it discrimination.

I think its even possible to receive negativity from other Bisexuals because of what you do or don't do with your life.

Yeah I really don't care if people think I'm homosexual.

Even other bisexuals will think this and even people on this site have posted about it; but I think that's because not even bisexuals understand bisexuality at times.

Nov 19, 2007, 7:32 PM
Yes, I have seen loads of prejudice against me from the gay and lesbian communities...hell, I have been deluged with their stereotypes of us so many times I don't even flinch.

Pride Festivals are a particular chore now, because someone decided to make them Gay and Lesbian Pride here in California and the GLBT heading is dropped entirely for some very odd reason, which in itself seems a slap at excluding us in a larger sense.

As I may have said too many times before, when I was thought gay on a dating site for gay men I was accepted and actively sought. When the website was advanced enough to include Bisexual in their selection of orientations on the profile pages the attention I had enjoyed VANISHED.

And that's just some of what I could tell you.

the mage
Nov 20, 2007, 8:58 AM
Well said.
About the only part I'd have any disagreement is "a much more serious and grievous attack on the body" is not entirely true. It IS a more serious and grievous attack on sexual enjoyment (more essential nerves for orgasm are not necessary for female reproduction). But more biomass (in grams), blood vessels, and more nerve endings are missing in adult males due to circumcision than females. Plus not all means of orgasm is destroyed in females; the uterus, and cervix are still in full feeling capacity. An old girlfriend of mine in college orgasmed exclusively from cervical stimulation (she got bored if I stimulated her clitoris with finger or tongue). Either my finger or penis on her cervix and she would moan, thrash, and scream (and orgasm). Certainly not all women are built the same... but a circumcised woman can probably orgasm if she makes up her mind to.
Then there's the 'my pain is way worse than your pain' argument.
Pain is pain.
But our difference in opinion is small.
Every man and woman is fully entitled to all feeling and sensitivity their bodies develop to offer them. Many cultures do not believe this.
Circumcision for men or women is/was designed to destroy as much feeling as possible while still allowing reproduction. 99.9% of all circumcisions are wrong and evil.
Neither men or women should be forcibly circumcised - except children for immediate - and no alternative available - medical emergency. I agree with you. We either regard each others bodies (including genitalia) as sacred, or we're hypocrites (My genitals are sacred but yours aren't).

.....................the basic flaw in the rant is that female "circumcision" involves what would be the male equivalent of removing the entire penis.

Please do not do nuts on overstatement either. Circumcision does in fact reduce the possibility of HIV transmission but only from F to m in vaginal sex (ONLY) and the rate of reduction is about 40% . surely never touted as a cure but its a small piece of knowledge and that all adds up.

Nov 20, 2007, 10:11 AM
.....................the basic flaw in the rant is that female "circumcision" involves what would be the male equivalent of removing the entire penis.

Please do not do nuts on overstatement either. Circumcision does in fact reduce the possibility of HIV transmission but only from F to m in vaginal sex (ONLY) and the rate of reduction is about 40&#37; . surely never touted as a cure but its a small piece of knowledge and that all adds up.

Interestin fact that aint universally accepted Magie.. it is claimed in sum quarters that it reduces chances of HIV infection. It is disputed in othas.. in ne case its spurious argument an wiv due respect bollox... preventative medicine 1 thing..preventative surgery summat else altogetha.... cos wotya sayin is if we all had bits that cud get summat wich wud kill us hav em lopped off.. jeez if we did that we wud look rite stupid if we wud look owt at all....

Now babes lemme tellya this... been through breast cancer..its scary an its shit... scares the fuk outa me it mite happen gain.. had me breast sorted cosmetically by surgery an thats shit..after care is shit..chemo is shit... but if ya think me gonna lop of me tits jus cos me mite get cancer ther gain yas notha think cummin... undastand wy peeps do it..ther choice..aint mine..but thats the point..THEIR CHOICE..circumcision aint the choice in mos cases in the US the choica the snipped... lil mite strapped down on summat that looks like a dinner tray me had at school an is lil willie is mutilated... if e wants wen e is old enuff 2 get imself cut..is affair..not is mums or is dads..an certainly not the biz of the quacks who cos they make nice bucks, an loads of em outa it 2 pressure an fabricate 2 parents wots best for ther kids.... ther choice..their informed choice wen they old enuff 2 make it!!!

Sed it 1ce before....odd how in Europe wer we have wot americans call socialised medicine it jus aint dun... not as routine but wen required on medical grounds. Far as me c's ova in US its dun cos it brings on loadsa dollars.. not cos its needed.... dunno wot state a play is in Canada wer they hav a health service.

Circumcision..male or female..an female is far far more traumatic an extensive, an is usually dun at a much olda age than infancy an rite up 2 adolescence. Ne surgery of this kind is appallin, barbaric an those that force ther kids 2 endure the mutilation of ther genitals shud pay the ferryman is price!

Nov 21, 2007, 2:21 AM
Ya know, Darkeyes ya flop back and forth sometimes, but yer final stand against circumcision is outstanding. I truly meant it when I said you're the 5th moral woman I've ever met.
Every woman I've met (except for 5 including Darkeyes) lacks the total understanding of morality.
Morality only includes the golden rule, "do ye unto others as ye would have done to yourself". Most women think it is to conform to the 'hip' and 'pop' of their culture. Then some foolish folks come in and say:
"Male circumision is a different reasons altogether and men do it for health reasons and religious. Which I can understand."
is so far out... there are health, religious... all sorts of reasons for female circumcision. Their cultures justify female circumcision just as neurotically needfully ours justifies male circumcision. Don't you understand this about 'them', don't you understand this about 'you'...? Can you only protest middle east wars because it's 'pop' to hate Bush in California.usa? What's wrong with everyone? It's somehow okay to mutilate every easily accessable part of sexual feeling in one gender (preserving the capability for reproduction) but not the other?!? For religious reasons?!? Are ye daft!?!?
Okay. Heath reasons for male or female circumcision are TOTALLY INVALID. Everyone agree? If not, I'll take you on point for point... just present it like a scientist, not a spaz. C'mon ya child molesting supporters, I dare ya!
Also, religious reasons are not valid. Would you like a shot? Try this! Wasn't it Abraham? Wasn't Abraham hearing voices? Voices that told him to kill his newborn son? Don't we give people like that lithium today, don't we know EXACTLY what that is?... When we hear voices that tell us to kill? We call that... Psychotic/schizophrenia, right? Isn't that the exact medical term? So then whose penis does he carve up as a sacrifice to God? His own? That would be a sacrifice! As an adult to circumcise yourself! Hell, that would be quite a demonstration for man or woman! I DEVOTE MYSELF TO GOD SO MUCH I NOW, AS AN ADULT WITH KNOWLEDGE, CIRCUMCISE MYSELF! Yes, that would be very impressive. But HELL NO, Abraham cut off someone else's penis part!... Just like the 'pagan' culture tradition carried at the time of killing the firstborn as a 'sacrifice to God'.
Presuming God exists, (as I firmly believe), HE must have said "Damn! These people (assholes) simply HAVE to harm others believing it is a sacrifice to me!... OK Abraham, just cut off his foreskin... that way you'll be satisfied as a human that you have done serious harm to another (innocent) as a pretense of a sacrifice to me (God). This is our covenant forever (to keep you idiot bastard humans from justifying killing your newborn).
To me (bluebiyou), this is the obvious message of the bible (torah). That it had a message to the stupid adult (5 year old in the head) of "sexually mutilate your sons to satisfy yourself!
That it had a message to those capable of rational thought "Mutilate the penises of innocent babies so you don't do worse and kill them as sacrifice to me!"

So, in finality, I'll go toe to toe with ANY idiot that says it's okay to molest/mutilate/circumcise innocent children male or female... of any culture at any point in history.... By the way... wasn't the point of Hippocrates 'do no harm'? Oh, sorry, just another of the many, many medical proofs that all circumcision is wrong (even usa where it's so 'pop').

Nov 21, 2007, 2:41 AM
An Darkeyes, I'd jump in front of a bullet fer ya, I love and respect ya so much. But stop sayin' how female circumcision is so much worse than male. The case of 'my pain is worse than your pain' doesn't hold a lot of water in a true moral court. Yer a far more moral lass by far than the rest of the herd... ye may have no idea how far ahead you are... but there's a few more steps for you still to make. Male and female circumcision are pretty much the same, trust me. They're both incredibly painful, inflicted on innocents, and fully intended to be permanently damaging to sexual feeling. It could even be argued that a 11 year old girl could run away/fight off this 100 times easier and better than a 1 day old lad... so therefore there is more a choice of adult acceptance as the 11 year old girl has more potential concept of what's going on, therefore her implying her adult acceptance....
Which is a terrible argument, a horrible argument, but you have to admit true. Stop equivocating. Evil is evil. Circumcising a girl is just as bad as a boy and vice versa. Molesting children is equally wrong (even if it is 'hot', 'pop', and legal in usa).

Nov 21, 2007, 8:50 AM
Flop back an forth Blue??? FLOP BACK AN FORTH??? Sumtimes... makes for triff sex... tee hee

Seriously, wile me dus think that yas brill on this Blue, dus actually take issue wivya on the seriousness of female ova male circumcision.. in the case of males it is normally dun unda strict medical rules..this aint always the case of the female... because of the international condemnation of female circumcison, it is often dun like back street abortions..an by worse butchers than eva a back street abortionists wer.. an with often very similar consequences..the death of the person "operated" on. The amount of genitalia removed wicheva kinda circumcision is undataken is so much more also.. after care is so much the less.

Wetha its male or female howeva, the principle is the same... its appallin.. an shud b stamped out for ne who r not old enuff 2 make an informed choice.. an those that r actively involved in allowin it 2 or makin it happen shud b punished 2 the full extent of the law. Don give a sod wot the xcuse is..ther is only 1.... pressin medical need...

Hav a m8 who wos flown home 2 Nigeria wen she wos goin into er adolescence 2 c er aunties an uncs... a nice holiday home it wos called... afta few days she wos wipped away from er family an forcibly circumcised.. she almost died from the experience.. wen she got back 2 UK from er "hol" she ended up bein sorted an treated by the NHS ere for the absolute botch up an mutilatation wich had been dun 2 er.

Er case an othas causes me sum probs.. dus we continue 2 oppose it an condemn it knowin it happens, how it happens an wot it dus 2 girls? Or do we encourage an allow it 2 continue an hav it dun for woteva reason unda strictiest medical supervision? Ansa 2 it is simple... no we bloody don.. we hunt down the arseholes that did it..an we hit em wiv full force of the law.. an we expose em for the butchers they r... 1a the probs of bannin it, wich most of the world has dun..is it goin undaground.. wich it has dun.. but that shudn deter us or allow our countries 2 becum active accomplices in this barbaric an evil practice... like ne crime...it shud b punishable an seriously punishable as much as the law allows, an if a child dies all involved shud b charged not wiv culpable homicide, but the maximum the law allows...murder....

A crime against humanity is a crime.. an in the circumcision of children, who r not old enuff 2 make the decision for themselves is indeed a fukkin crime!

Nov 21, 2007, 10:36 AM
Until now like many I knew virtually nothing of female circumcision, and what I did know was full of misunderstandings, but since it was raised I have read a little more and find it even more horrifying than I had previously believed. I am just glad I live in a society which does not allow it, and also which does not allow little boys to be circumcised as a matter of course.