View Full Version : Careful! Your bike may press charges.

Nov 15, 2007, 5:43 AM

What do people think? His room was locked, there were no other people involved and the bike did not complain. Please help. I'm not well versed in the law I don't understand how he committed an offence here. I don't use sextoys myself but shouldn't they be in the same category as a bicycle?


Nov 15, 2007, 6:22 AM
I am no legal expert and am quite sure the law has acted in a stupid and crass way with this man. If he appeals I am quite sure he will get his name expunged from the sex register, and probably he will have the probation period cut. If it is as straight forward as the article suggests then his sentence should be quashed.

However, if as a result of his discovery by the cleaners he began to act in a provocative sexual manner toward them in some way this may explain the 'aggravated' part of the charge, the case going to court and in some way the sentence. Without all the details Im not sure I can be any more helpful.

Nov 15, 2007, 6:34 AM
I just wonder where is the sexual freedom.
Ok, i will take my car in the centre of the town and i'll try to make love with my adorable Renault Laguna in some way and we'll see what will happens.
I always wanted to make love with car, not only in car.

Nov 15, 2007, 7:05 AM
Hearda mountain bikes but this is ridiculous!!! :bigrin:

the mage
Nov 15, 2007, 8:57 AM
Here the cleaners would have been arrested not the guy playin with himself.
Freedom of sexual expression in your own home is protected here, I guess it is not there.

Nov 15, 2007, 9:45 AM
Is meant ta b ere long as no 1 gettin hurt or abused within termsa the law.. same in US babes.... so don give me the wonderful land of free bit ere... reckon cleaners, boss, fuzz, Procurator an Sherriff not only ovastepped the mark but unless as Vikki sez ther summat we not been told then ne appeal wud b granted an that lot told wot arseholes they had mada themsels....

An it wos a hostel... cleaners knocked an got no ansa..so 2 clean up they let emselves in wiv ther pass key... that not how it wud work ova ur way Magie?? Don c owt arrestable bout it.. same wud go for a hotel or motel....

Nov 15, 2007, 10:59 AM
OH come on, there has to be more to it that just using the bike? Right?

I mean embarassing maybe, but probation? Was he making too much noise?

What did he do that was against the law?

Nov 15, 2007, 11:41 AM
Probation is bad enuff mMarie... but thats not the shite e in..its fact e been put on sex offenders register... THAT can b shite... for shaggina bike??? Or worse.. w wos simulatin a shaggin!!

Jeez... an no funnies bout me proclivities an bikes guys eitha..me mite get miffed!!

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 12:11 PM
The article states:

"Stewart had denied the offence, claiming it was caused by a misunderstanding after he had too much to drink."

haha, thats some misunderstanding! What was he drinking?! And can I have some? :bigrin:

Anyway, if a dude wants to fuck a bicycle in the privacy of his own accommodation, then let him, I say. As long as the bicycle was over 16 years old, then its all legal as far as I'm concerned! :cool:

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 12:46 PM
Ok, i will take my car in the centre of the town and i'll try to make love with my adorable Renault Laguna in some way and we'll see what will happens.
I always wanted to make love with car, not only in car.

Oh, and Dagni... please feel free to post some photos of that while you're at it... admittedly the Maclaren F1 would've been more my type, but I'll gladly settle for you and the Renault. :bigrin:

Nov 15, 2007, 1:45 PM
Huh!! Knobs!! Will stik 2 the lil VW Golf Estate..dus the job an besides..get ne betta car an me will only wreck it!!

shameless agitator
Nov 15, 2007, 3:01 PM
What a crock of shit! This man has done nothing wrong. Does this mean now that I can get arrested for using a dildo? Would it have been a problem if he was shagging a blow up doll??

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 3:17 PM
Huh!! Knobs!! Will stik 2 the lil VW Golf Estate..dus the job an besides..get ne betta car an me will only wreck it!!

Wow... Frances Elliot straddled atop a VW Golf Estate... my mouth is watering just at the thought... :tong:

Tell yer what Frances... if you wear your "thigh-high" boots and some Agent Provocateur lingerie, we can take a few piccies and then use them as a Lesbian recruitment campaign... "Lesbianism Needs You!" :cool:

Nov 15, 2007, 4:25 PM
a Lesbian recruitment campaign... "Lesbianism Needs You!" :cool:

Where do I sign up?


Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 4:44 PM
Where do I sign up?

Yeah, I have been known to have that effect on women! ;) So we may not even need a pin-up poster-girl...

Nov 15, 2007, 4:57 PM
Yeah, I have been known to have that effect on women! ;) So we may not even need a pin-up poster-girl...

Now wait! Does that mean I have to give up men? 'Cause I'm not ready to do that...

Nov 15, 2007, 5:14 PM
Well there must be more to that then what we are to be believed.

For a start to be put on the sex offenders register must mean some form of deviant behaviour. It might have something to do with an old scotish law.


For thoese who cant be bothered to read it, basically in that forum, it came to light that the man was caught in the act in a public place, so that would make it an luid? sex act.



So my warning is becareful where you park your bike LOL.....

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 5:32 PM
Now wait! Does that mean I have to give up men? 'Cause I'm not ready to do that...

Oh I dunno... I think most "Lesbians" secretly like men too, they just PRETEND that they don't when there's a man about... :tong: So ya... I think Fran would forgive you if you were to "talk the talk, but not walk the walk", so to speak... :bigrin:

Man, I'm such weirdo... :stoned:

Nov 15, 2007, 5:55 PM
Ah but Skater Boy, that's what we love about you. ;) "Normal" is so bloody boring.

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 5:58 PM
Ah but Skater Boy, that's what we love about you. ;) "Normal" is so bloody boring.

Aaaaw!!! Why thanks... how sweet! :)

Nov 15, 2007, 7:31 PM
Sorry, but the guy is just weird.

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 7:45 PM
Sorry, but the guy is just weird.

Why, thankyou buddy- I'll take that as a compliment, coming from someone who likes to dress up in medieval attire on a regular basis. I do like to think of myself as a non-conformist, defiantly counter-hegemonic... ah, who am I kiddin'...

I'm just plain ol' weird. :bigrin:

Nov 15, 2007, 7:53 PM
Why, thankyou buddy- I'll take that as a compliment, coming from someone who likes to dress up in medieval attire on a regular basis. I do like to think of myself as a non-conformist, defiantly counter-hegemonic... ah, who am I kiddin'...

I'm just plain ol' weird. :bigrin:

Weird or Not, I likes ya Skater!

Sweet , funny, crazy, smart, weird(?) Skater Boy...

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 7:56 PM
Weird or Not, I likes ya Skater!

Sweet , funny, crazy, smart, weird(?) Skater Boy...

Hey, TWO compliments from TWO different people in ONE day! It must be Christmas or something!

Anyway, thanks Marie! Needless to say, the feeling is mutual! :)

Nov 15, 2007, 8:06 PM
Hey Skater, what if YOU'RE normal and everyone ELSE is weird, ya ever think of that? (That's what I tell myself all the time...:rolleyes:...sometimes I even believe myself LOL):cool:

Nov 15, 2007, 9:10 PM
Why, thankyou buddy- I'll take that as a compliment, coming from someone who likes to dress up in medieval attire on a regular basis. I do like to think of myself as a non-conformist, defiantly counter-hegemonic... ah, who am I kiddin'...

I'm just plain ol' weird. :bigrin:

Sweetie, I think he was talking about the guy who was fucking a bike. Maybe not, but then maybe you are a touch paranoid?

Gee, we're talking about your "normalcy" on a thread about a guy fucking a bike. Hmmm... ;)

Nov 16, 2007, 4:45 AM
Sweetie, I think he was talking about the guy who was fucking a bike. Maybe not, but then maybe you are a touch paranoid?

Gee, we're talking about your "normalcy" on a thread about a guy fucking a bike. Hmmm... ;)

Mayb not quite so paranoid asya think HE babes... in days gone by..spesh round time me wos 17 or 18...bike wos a description moren 1 guy used bout me.... only eva 1ce... cos me took off me chain an wrapped it round ther eds an rammed me handle bars up ther jacksey!!!!! (metaphorically speakin.. simply means they got a gobful of Fran verbals):tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 16, 2007, 9:05 AM
Sweetie, I think he was talking about the guy who was fucking a bike. Maybe not, but then maybe you are a touch paranoid?

Gee, we're talking about your "normalcy" on a thread about a guy fucking a bike. Hmmm... ;)

Oh, good point! I think it was more a case of mistaken context than paranoia, but I'll confess to both.

Jenn, if thats the case, then there's an awful lot of weird people around who think that they're normal. But I do acknowledge the possibility.

And no, whilst Darkeyes may have been (affectionately) labeled as a bike in her time, I have yet to earn that title.

Nov 16, 2007, 10:08 PM
This does seem as if there should not have been any kind of charges filed in this incident--the guy was in a room and did have some expectation of privacy---those housekeepers should have just said "oh so sorry sir" turned around, shut and locked the door and left the room, had their giggle about it and that would be that!!!---he was doing what he was doing in private---we seem to have lost all sense of perspective these days----

Based upon the charges this man faced---nearly anyone could, if caught at a particular point by someone else in the sexual act either solo or in tandem---could face similar sorts of charges.

My response to this story is based on issues of personal freedoms and also tying up the resources of the police, the prosecutors, the court and probation in such a non case---damn what a fucking major waste of the taxpayers' dimes!!!!

If the guy was in a blanking park or some such--then yeah--he was a dumb ass that deserves whatever negative consequences might ensue--but in his own place or a motel room--one does have an expectation of privacy.

His actions could not do any harm to the bike and if he had used the bike, in private, as an instrument to get off and that is somehow probited--- using that legal logic----you can't use one of those fake vaginas, a dildo or even your hand to get yourself off either for God's sake----

Holy shit--- we have lost all frreaking perspective!!!

I am saying "we" because these days--the same damn stupid shit could happen here in the States as well.

I am going by the story as posted in the thread--it says he was in his room at the boarding house or whatever it was----he was living there according to the account in the report---a person is under no obligation to answer one's door if someone knocks or rings and even though he was staying in a place that provided cleaning services---he should still have an expectation of privacy-- as long as he was not having sex with a child or a corpse or something of that nature--as an adult, he should not even have to defend himself in this instance----the maids, the management of the establishment, the police and everyone else involved in prosecuting this man--based on the facts as presented in the report--- in my view were wrong and should face some sort of sanction for violating this man's privacy----

The one thing is--there does have to be far more to the story than was presented in that posting----I would certainly think that has to be the case----if not and the facts are as the report states---then what happened to this guy might have been the law----but it sure as hell was not just!