View Full Version : Bisexual Chat Network

Nov 13, 2007, 12:16 PM
Pre this luffly place startin up..it used 2 b called Bisexual Chat Network.. It wos raised in chat earlier 2 day an orrible thots went through me head....now me used ta hav odd lil chat an a giggle an jus a lil fun in ther from time 2 time... sumtimes in me days of foolishness, Fran chatted all innocent 2 the odd guy.. in private.. bout things like weather an stuff like that. Jus gonna say this... an this goes for alla me best male m8's in ere.... darkeyes did NOT cyba wiv ya.. don give sod wotya sez... me denies it categorically an ne 1 sez owt diff..ther will b malice aforethot!!! They will get not jus Cleave unretired but the new..as yet unspecified torture treatment will show em jus how nasty me can b!!!! So yas ona warnin... zip it..

Nov 13, 2007, 8:44 PM
LOL You tell em, Girlfriend. :D

Nov 13, 2007, 9:57 PM
I would mind my P's and Q's...I would NOT want to feel the wrath of our Frances.


Nov 13, 2007, 11:59 PM
Why do I feel guilty? I don't visit the chatroom...but just to set the record straight. It wasn't me.....but if it was me....I think I'd deny it to be on the safe side rather than on the sorry side.:2cents:


curious married m
Nov 14, 2007, 11:10 AM
I will catagorically support Fran's claims of not cybeing at least with me in the old days of BSN. HEHE, but boy I sure as hell begged daily for a cyber 3some with her and CK. Hey wait, I still do that LOL. But they have become some of my fav and luffliest m8s from across the Pond. The offer is still there Fran & CK :devil: Alas, not holding my breath. Luffs ya, CMM
P.S. And you thought my memory was slipping.

Nov 14, 2007, 11:16 AM
Awwww Goat Face.. hadya sed owt diff....ya wud b holdin ya breath indefinately me luffly ole perv....:bigrin:

But wud dance onya box at the wake..an get sozzed..an keep Barb an Mumsy company an cheer em up... not that they wud need much cheerin up wiv u bolted own!!!

But even tho me orrible 2 ya sumtimes..me wud missya..:tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 14, 2007, 2:16 PM
O, sweet Frances... prithee abjure this wicked Lesbianism! Surely each wench, comely as thou, doth crave the very scent of her fellow man. That thou wouldst bestow upon MANkind your womanly virtues and permit us but a fleeting glimpse of paradise, would we gladly surrender our souls unto purgatory. What sayst thee, Frances? Have the Nymphs of Lesbos claimed you eternally as their own? :tongue: :bigrin:

Nov 14, 2007, 2:24 PM
Sod off! Only smell a man me wonts 2 get is 1 as they nail box down!:bigrin:

Skater Boy
Nov 14, 2007, 2:26 PM
Hark- she doth protest! Nay... I'll not hear it.

Nov 14, 2007, 3:58 PM
...jus a bit diff wenyas x an nailed down inya box 6' unda....:tong:

Nov 14, 2007, 4:04 PM

Skater Boy
Nov 14, 2007, 4:38 PM

Who? The Misandrist, or me? :tong:

I just told her to quit being a dyke and start worshipping phalluses again, like any other decent, rational woman.

To which she politely declined. :bigrin:

Nov 14, 2007, 7:54 PM
Hey my luffly Fran, Well Hell i can't cyber with ANYONEright now,LMAO!!!:bigrin: Im as you say Fran just bein CHEEKY!!! :tong: MAN I MISS Y'ALL!!! :bipride:

Nov 15, 2007, 7:42 AM
Who? The Misandrist, or me? :tong:

I just told her to quit being a dyke and start worshipping phalluses again, like any other decent, rational woman.

To which she politely declined. :bigrin:

Ya knows Skater..me ratha fonda u an ya lil ways... add notha 2 ya list ... readin dictionary... Miss Andrist aint a misandrist!!! Jus cos me don drop me knicks for em, an jus cos me always takin wee outa th sods an hav lotsa giggles at ther expense..don mean me h8s men.. on contrary.. me ratha likes the poor dears.. jus as me luffs women...believe me...me don like em all... on contrary.. sum me wud quite happily (metaphorically speakin) strangle an neva c or hear of gain! O yea.. an kno of quite few who wud wiv relish (an tamata sauce an branston pickle for all me knows)throttle me for real if they cud get way wiv it... tee hee. Neva undastood that bit.. wonda wy wen me is jus a lil angel???

An glad 2 c yas acceptin me a polite lil thing... zif me wud eva do such a thing as b impolite 2 ne 1...:tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 8:42 AM
Oh, an me luffs ya too Fran. I think its unwritten law that whenever a guy comes across a lovely young lezzie (such as yourself), that he attempts to "convert" her, and show her the error of her ways. But obviously I know that you're beyond redemption! :bigrin:

Its just a bit of fun... and I'm sure, deep down, you really do like men. At least on some level. :)

Nov 15, 2007, 9:58 AM
Oh, an me luffs ya too Fran. I think its unwritten law that whenever a guy comes across a lovely young lezzie (such as yourself), that he attempts to "convert" her, and show her the error of her ways. But obviously I know that you're beyond redemption! :bigrin:

Its just a bit of fun... and I'm sure, deep down, you really do like men. At least on some level. :)

Hav found me redemption babes..... tee hee.. me needs 2 b saved gain???:bigrin:

An if me thot it wosnt bitta fun..me ansa wudda been simlar but lil more shirty!!! Keep it up...ya has ta b able 2 keep summat up!! tee hee:tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 10:10 AM
Keep it up...ya has ta b able 2 keep summat up!! tee hee:tong:

Oooooh... that was harsh! :eek: I'll have you know I'm as virile as a Jackrabbit... In the PRIME of my sexual development... blah, blah, blah... :bigrin:

Nov 15, 2007, 11:42 AM
Oooooh... that was harsh! :eek: I'll have you know I'm as virile as a Jackrabbit... In the PRIME of my sexual development... blah, blah, blah... :bigrin:
Yea Yea..heard it all before...end result wos always disappointin...:tong:

Skater Boy
Nov 15, 2007, 11:59 AM
Yea Yea..heard it all before...end result wos always disappointin...:tong:

Ah, but has there ever been ANY "lesser mortal" who could live up to Frances' high expectations? It would seem that the latter is precluded by the former. :tong:

Nov 15, 2007, 1:22 PM
Ah, but has there ever been ANY "lesser mortal" who could live up to Frances' high expectations? It would seem that the latter is precluded by the former. :tong:

Funnily nuff Skater ther wer a few... 1 in particular who wos ratha supa an who happens 2 b reely gud mate a mine nowadays..an is missus is a bootgirl! Bootgirls don pik up ne ole dogs ya knows!!!

But invariably..not 2 many hun sad 2 relate..for u lot ne way! tee hee:bigrin:

Nov 16, 2007, 1:15 AM
The chat name changed, why hasn't the comic hosted here called Choices been updated in months?