View Full Version : Be Careful Folks!

Nov 12, 2007, 7:45 PM
Saw this on Postsecret (http://www.postsecret.blogspot.com/)On Sunday:


People please, if you aren't out to your families and don't want them to know, be careful with your email accounts.

just my :2cents:

Nov 12, 2007, 7:56 PM
Far b it for me 2 make lita this..but 1.. wud neva go inta an email account that wosnt mine an 2. look at an email that wosnt intended for me wivout permission... an 3 if me wos daft enuff 2 spy on me dads emails..jeez... wot wud me do for bankin then??? An me mite b daft but me not stupid! An go inta me mums?? Christ... wudn live past the study door!

Nov 12, 2007, 8:03 PM
Far b it for me 2 make lita this..but 1.. wud neva go inta an email account that wosnt mine an 2. look at an email that wosnt intended for me wivout permission... an 3 if me wos daft enuff 2 spy on me dads emails..jeez... wot wud me do for bankin then??? An me mite b daft but me not stupid! An go inta me mums?? Christ... wudn live past the study door!

Well yes and you are an adult, not a child Fran & you know better. Obviously whoever wrote this isn't as responsible or smart as you.

Skater Boy
Nov 12, 2007, 8:07 PM
Well, if you're bisexual, your children have to find out sooner or later. Better to sit 'em down and give 'em a talk about the birds and the bees (or the birds and the the birds, stroke, bees and the bees) rather than let 'em find out this way. IMO it all depends on how old the child is. But after a certain age, I'd really expect the general concept of my sexuality to be common knowledge to them.

That said, I do understand that not everyone has the luxury of being so forthcoming, so I guess if you're gonna keep secrets, make damn sure that you don't get found out.

Nov 12, 2007, 10:14 PM
I saw that on Postsecret, too. I am betting a lot of bi men who've seen it are wondering if it's their child who sent in that secret..

Nov 12, 2007, 11:00 PM
omg that was a interesting conversation with my mother i was raised very country and married a bi woman and me and her are very open about this we are looking to bring a woman into our relationship ie her being equal part wich is cool but my souther babtist mom didnt know untile i made a comment about how id love to me the dallas cowboy cheerleader guy who evals the new girls (typical guy comment) my mom peels the hide from my bones i keep telling her mom let it go its not a big deal shes blowing it all out of whack im like JUST LET IT GO FOR GODS SAKE she is freaking out at this point so out side we go she is like i have never seen you act this way im like mom you dont know just let it drop she is like no when i was mairred to your sisters dad he used to say so and so was hot and id feel like trash im mom shes bi mother was like what i said shes bi mom she likes girls and boys mom said oh i said yea i told ya to let it go ever heard of that long silent ocword moment yea lmao but after that she was cool with it but now the whole family knows not that we care just didnt really want everyone to findout that way lmao but everyone treats her and me good and if they didnt i tell them to piss off lol

Nov 13, 2007, 4:39 AM
I saw that on Postsecret, too. I am betting a lot of bi men who've seen it are wondering if it's their child who sent in that secret..

If that's the man's family in the picture or he recognizes the photograph he'll know that his child or one of his children knows about him.

We don't know anything about this guy or his family, they could be divorced and who is to say that the child won't confront the dad about his sexuality, tell other people, or that the dad won't come out to the child/rest of the family?

There are just too many variables and unknowns and does any of it even matter?

liquidcandycain-You don't want to know the discussions I've had with my mom about homo sex/bisexuality. :cool:

Nov 13, 2007, 5:09 AM
Well yes and you are an adult, not a child Fran & you know better. Obviously whoever wrote this isn't as responsible or smart as you.

Wen me wos lil Marie.. fore the days we had a PC at home... me bro opened up the days post an had a gud neb... its the 1st time me eva saw me dad seriously go ova the top wiv ne of us... we had been raised that the post is for those 2 whom its addied..an no 1 else. Afta the ole goat calmed down e gathered us round and explained 2 us that summat addressed 2 sum 1 else is simply nun of our biz..

Wen Daddy Technophobe finally entered the computer age, me wos bout 13 an jus as wiv the daily post.. e made it clear that ne email on our ID is for us alone..an the same rules apply. An so it has been..even tho all of us did give me mum an dad jus a lil 2 tear ther hair out bout.

Me knows lotsa kids r a nosey buncha ratbags.. an they will always go wer they shudn an do wot they will no matta wot parents say.. its the way of the world.. but for all me ratha less than savoury traits...openin otha peeps mail... wetha they cum through the letta box or on the net...aint eva been 1...

Toldya..me's an angel...:tong:

Nov 14, 2007, 12:04 AM
If you don't want to see naked women, don't pick up a 'Playboy'.
If you don't want to expand your world, don't delve into other peoples (including parents) personal lives.
Sure, it was a shock for the child... but burned hand teaches best. Trust, honor, loyalty, and dignity on the child's part would have prevented this child from being shocked, not the father's behavior.
If the snooping little bitch/bastard hadn't been sneaking, s/he would not have to leave her/his world of comfy absolutes.
Most of us begin our multidimentional lives in our teens... as soon as we learn there are no absolutes (save perhaps God).

Plus, liquidcandycain... it's fine for you... to string together random/successive thoughts and text abbreviations, to even punch random keys if it makes you feel better. You don't HAVE to communicate... but if you want to communicate, I'd suggest using fuller sentences and punctuation.

Nov 14, 2007, 12:15 AM
Most of us begin our multidimentional lives in our teens... as soon as we learn there are no absolutes (save perhaps God).

absolutely and Thanks!

your friend