View Full Version : Where are all the interesting bi men? (Present company excepted, of course.)

Nov 9, 2007, 7:06 PM
I am happily married man and I have been with exactly one guy my entire life and it was a long time ago. But I get the itch to enjoy another guy every so often and I would like to scratch it but if I go out to the personals all I find are guys who have no other interests than sex. And I know I'm weird this way, but I'm looking for someone like myfriend. When we started having sex it just seemed like a natural extension of our relationship. We had girlfriends and all but being together was something that was part of us.
I know I'm setting my expectations to high, but I would like to meet a guy who is into guys things, movies with gratutious explosions and violence, sports, backpacking, scuba diving and adventure. But is also interested in esoteric things, politics, philosophy, literature. Shit like that.
And granted that I cannot get out to pride events and things like that,
I guess my question is where do I find guys like me?

Or am I really asking too much?

Nov 9, 2007, 7:15 PM
Start by filling out your profile. There are guys out there that are looking for a friends with benefits kind of thing, but if they know little to nothing about you, they will just gloss right past you and carry on looking elsewhere.

Also, there are guys out there that don't want to be involved with guys who are married or in committed relationships if the spouse doesn't know that they are out playing.
You need to let folks know what your situation is with that. Does she know? Does she not know? If she knows, does she approve? Does she participate as well?

Those are the kinds of things that people are looking to find out. If you want more than just a casual sex and nothing else, then a blank profile is the way to go, but, as you have stated, you want more, then fill out that profile and let folks know what the plan is and what you are about.

It may not help a lot, but it certainly can't hurt.

Nov 9, 2007, 11:24 PM
naw, you're not asking too much.. it's hard to find tho, since most of the time all you get is gym rat 'roid ragers who scream at you via IM's " hey, i got a 10 inch dick!! you're queer, wanna fuck?" what it should immediately tell yo is that they have a mind the size of a walnut.. gee, no wonder they are called dinosaurs around here in the sex positive community..

seriously, do fill in your profile.. it helps the ones who you are really looking for find you.. also, find a sex positive group locally and join.. yahoo groups, adult groups should give you a listing of local ones. usually , if it has it's stuff together, you'll find someone there that shares your desires. i know that's hard to do in the area you are in becuase of the bible thumpers, and the laws in texas being as archaic as they are, but if you look, it's there.

from personal experience, bi men seem to be too varied in their preferences tastes and ideals to pin them down as this or that.. some just want to hit it and quit it and move on, ..some just want to be banged and dumped..some are happily married, bi and seeking a 3rd for their marriage, and then there's guys like you and me who are looking for something different.. basically a relationship of common interests, because when we love someone, it's becuase of who they are, not what they are. gender is not an issue.

short version, keep looking, he's out there somewhere..